How to deal with class instances in Jena? - instance

In an ontology, suppose we have a class named "function" it has two instances "func1" and "func2" and suppose that the class has a data property "d".
My first problem is: how can I create individuals corresponding to either "func1" or "func2" ?
My second problem is : In the inference, with Jena rules, I want to check if individuals created for "func1" have "d" greater than some value and if individuals created for "func2" have "d" greater than another value.
I already know how to work with classes, properties and individuals but when I got to the part having instances I got stuck.

It appears that Jena Library has no support for instances, which means that you can't use getInstance() and create individuals for that instance.
Instead of having instances func1 and func2, you can make them as subclasses for the class function. This way, you can use getOntClass() and createIndividual() or getIndividual() as usual.


Spring Data Neo4j Cypher get entity type or class name

In my SDN 4 project I have a following Cypher query(a part of query):
for example I can get id of entity with a following Cypher function id(entity)
How to get entity name or class name ?
Use the labels function
match (entity)<-[:COMMENTED_ON]-(comg:CommentGroup) return id(entity), labels(entity)
For each row returned, you'll get the Neo4j id and array of labels.
Assuming your NodeEntity class labels match at least one of these labels, you can then iterate and load the appropriate class instance yourself.
Generally speaking you shouldn't need to do this however.
If (entity) is polymorphic, SDN/OGM will hydrate the correct objects for you. It pretty much does under the hood what I described above, but it also handles matching on interfaces, subclasses, etc.

What is the meaning of "Equivalent To" in Protege?

I am studying OWL and I am trying to build an Ontology using Protege.
I found an option called Equivalent To in Protege.
What is that option for please? Is it for dividing the space of instances? or is it to set the Object properties that a class can have?
Equivalent to applies to class expressions, object properties and data properties.
Equivalence in class expressions
In class expressions, equivalence means that two classes have the same individuals in any interpretation (i.e., the two classes are alternate names, or equivalent definitions, for the same set of individuals).
Equivalence in data and object properties
For object and data properties, asserting that two properties are equivalent means that their domains and ranges apply to both properties, and that every assertion using one property can be rewritten as using the other.
For example, suppose I declare a hasOwner object property and an ownedBy as equivalent, then: MyCar hasOwner Me implies MyCar ownedBy Me.

OWLAPI not returning annotations and instances

In OWLAPI I have a problem with ontology imported through owl:imports statement. The problem is that instances of class and class annotations included in imported ontology are not retrieved and returned.
Lets say I have ontology Rooms and ontology Buildings.
In ontology Rooms I have then following statement which is supposed to load Buildings ontology into Rooms ontology.
<owl:Ontology rdf:about="">
<owl:imports rdf:resource=""/>
Then in OWLAPI I load ontology Rooms (which should automatically contain Buildings)
manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager()
roomsOntology = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(IRI.create(""))
reasoner =
factory = manager.getOWLDataFactory()
After that retrieving a class from Buildings ontology still works as expected:
buildingClass = factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(""))
When I want to get instances of class Building (definitions of these instances are included in imported Buildings ontology), then it returns nothing:
instances = buildingClass.getIndividuals(roomsOntology)
Variable 'instances' is empty now.
Same problem is with class annotations if a definition of such a class is included in Buildings ontology.
I'm able to make it work when:
I move instances definitions directly to Rooms ontology (this is not possible in production since I will have 2 separated ontologies anyway)
I use function of Reasoner class (reasoner.getInstances(buildingClass, true) returns instances from both ontologies)
I pass imported ontology to getIndividuals function instead of main (Rooms) ontology (buildingClass.getIndividuals(manager.getImports(roomsOntology)))
Workaround no. 1 is not possible to make for me (it was only for testing purposes). No. 2 and 3 do not work when I need to retrieve annotations, because there is not possible to pass multiple ontologies to OWLClass.getAnnotations function and also Reasoner has no function to get annotations.
Anyway I thought that everything should work without these workarounds since all ontologies, including imported ones, are loaded at the beginning with manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument function.
The issue is that owlClass.getIndividuals(OWLOntology) does not include the imports closure. If you wish to include the imports closure, you need to use another method:
Set<OWLIndividual> getIndividuals(Set<OWLOntology> ontologies);
The set of ontologies can be any set; to use the imports closure, use
Note that this will return, in all cases, only the individuals asserted to be long to the class. If inference is needed, you will need to use a reasoner, as you mentioned.

Whats is methodLists attribute of the structure objc_class for?

Looking inside the runtime.h, I found the definition of the structure objc_class.
Among various members, We have this :-
struct objc_method_list **methodLists
We definitely need to know what all methods a class has,
But a list of methods should be fine, but why do we have "lists" ?
Why not just one list ?
Also, can anyone specify that, Are methods inherited from superclass part of that list or we get to them via superclass pointer that points to parent class's structure.
Here is my detail investigation into struct objc_method_list **methodLists :
And in short, methodLists stores SEL-IMP mapping of the instance methods by default. In this situation, it has only one list.
As the name 'methodLists' suggests, it can contain more than one list. If you add a category to a class, the runtime system will insert one more list into methodLists, which points to the method-list of the category.
I tried to answer this question several months ago, but at that time SO discard my answer due to network problem. Now I meet it again :)
The purpose is explained in objc-class.m, as linked by Georg:
cls->methodLists may be in one of three forms:
NULL: The class has no methods.
non-NULL, with CLS_NO_METHOD_ARRAY set: cls->methodLists points
to a single method list, which is the class's only method list.
non-NULL, with CLS_NO_METHOD_ARRAY clear: cls->methodLists points to
an array of method list pointers. The end of the array's block
is set to -1. If the actual number of method lists is smaller
than that, the rest of the array is NULL.
Attaching categories and adding and removing classes may change
the form of the class list. In addition, individual method lists
may be reallocated when fixed up.
Classes are initially read as #1 or #2. If a category is attached
or other methods added, the class is changed to #3. Once in form #3,
the class is never downgraded to #1 or #2, even if methods are removed.
Classes added with objc_addClass are initially either #1 or #3.
The short answer is therefore "because of categories." When a category is injected, rather than try to combine its method list with the one existing list, a new entry is simply added to methodLists, and set to the list coming from the category. This probably makes category injection faster, since it avoids (potential) large reallocations and copying.

What is an instance of a field called?

This might be an odd question, but it has actually caused me some headache.
In Object oriented programming, there are accepted names for key concepts. In our model, we have classes with methods and fields. Now, going to the data world:
An instance of a class is called an object.
An instance of a field is called... what?
A value? Isn't the term value a little broad for this? I have been offered "property" as well, but isn't property also part of the model and not the data?
(This is not purely academic, I am actually coding these concepts.)
Updated: Let me take an example. I have a class "Person" with a field "age". If I create 20 Person instances, each such instance is called an object. So far so good. But let's say I take Person "Igor", and set his age to 20. What is the storage location that contains the number 20 now called? Is it a field, or a value, or something else?
Another update: A quote from Pavel Feldman in this related question describes in different words what I tried to describe above:
"I'd say that in class-based OOP field belongs to class and does not have a value. It is so when you look at reflection in c# or java - class has fields, field has type, name, etc. And you can get value of the field from object. You declare field once, in class. You have many objects with same fields but different values."
A field can't be instantiated. A field can only contain a value. The value can be either a primitive/native type or a reference/pointer to an object instance.
As per your update: if the object represents a real world entitiy, then it's often called property. With a "real world entity" I mean something personal/human, e.g. Person, Product, Order, Car, etc. If the object does not represent something personal/human, e.g. List, String, Map, then it's more often called field. That's just what I've observed as far.
Agree with BalusC. However I think what you are asking is what to call the field of an instantiated object. Remember that an object contains both state (data) and operations (methods) you could refer to an object field as state
A field is a field weather you talk about it in the context of a class, or in the context of an object.
class C {
int i; // i is a field
obj = new C();
obj.i = 7; // obj.i is a field
As opposed to parameter vs argument there is no distinction in terminology for "instantiated" an "uninstantiated" fields.
An instance of a class is an object, a class may contain fields that point to other instantiated objects (or a null pointer). It makes no sense to say an instance of a field, but rather you might talk about the object to which a particular field points to, which may be different for different instances. Or you may talk about the type of a field (which class it belongs to)
Isn't the answer basically that we have no name for values of fields of an instance of a class (or object)?
It's like giving a name to the value returned by a method of an instance of a class...
I guess "state" is the best answer anyway as suggested "BalusC".