Trello REST API: Delete Custom Field item from a Card - api

How do I delete a Custom Field item from a card, using Trello REST API?
The documentation only mentions updating, not removing an already set value.
The closest I'll get, is setting an empty value, like this:
"value": {
"text": ""
When I'll then fetch the card in JSON format (card url + .json at the end), it's still shows up among other customFieldItems, with an empty value.
If I manually clear the value using Trello in the browser, the custom field item is removed from the card, and no longer shows up in the json format.
How can I achieve the same thing, but using the REST API ?

According to the documentation, this can be done by setting an empty string for value.
i.e. instead of
"value": {
"text": ""
you want to send a request with
"value": ""
It took me a while to figure this out because the documentation is kind of confusing and has empty strings for everything else as well, but this one particular empty string is useful.


How do i update a nested value via. the API?

How do i update a nested value via. the API? i want to update my custom field custom_product_fields_magento_product_id
Request path: /api/product/f9529c4f40e94fa6ae7439f97090cc9e
Request type: PATCH
"translated.customFields.custom_product_fields_magento_product_id" : "123"
Where am i going wrong? i can easily update product values that arent nested, like "productNumber" : "value"
You can use
"customFields": {
The value will be automatically saved to translation, the language of which is specified in the request header or in the default language.

Google Vision Text Detection returns too much unnecesary data

When using Google Vision to run text detection on a menu, the response from their API is way too large and returns way too much data that I don't need. I just want the text from the menu, not all the coordinates that come with the response. I can't find anything about narrowing down the response in any documentation i've read. Does someone know how to specify what fields get returned in the response?
Heres my request:
"requests": [
"image": {
"content": "...base64-encoded-image-content..."
"features": [
I figured it out. I could not find any documentation on how to do this, I had to just guess for like half an hour. If someone knows of any documentation on this let me know.
Anyway you can use the "fields" parameter to narrow down the response like so:
This will only return the menu text from the Google Vision text detection API

Setting custom field values on a card with the Trello API

I am trying to use the new Custom Fields methods of the Trello API to set the value of a custom field on a card.
I've created a custom field of type number. When I make a GET request for the custom field by it's id, it returns this custom field object:
"name":"Test Number Field",
Then when I create a new card in the Trello UI (but do not type in a value in the Test Number Field box) and then GET that card using the customFieldItems=true (as documented here), it returns this card object (irrelevant fields removed):
"id": "5ab56e6b62abac194d9xxxxx",
"name": "test1",
"customFieldItems": []
Note that since I did not type anything into the Test Number Field box in the UI, the customFieldItems property contains an empty array.
Then if I type in the number 1 in the Test Number Field box in the UI and GET the card again, it returns this (irrelevant fields removed):
"id": "5ab56e6b62abac194d9xxxxx",
"name": "test1",
"id": "5ab570c5b43ed17b2dxxxxx",
"value": {
"number": "1"
"idCustomField": "5ab13cdb8acaabe5764xxxxx",
"idModel": "5ab56e6b62abac194d9xxxxx",
"modelType": "card"
I want to be able to set the value of this custom field via API.
When I go to the API documentation for "Setting, updating, and removing the value for a Custom Field on a card," (here) I plug in the following information:
Query Auth
key: (our valid/working Trello API key)
token: (our valid/working Trello API token)
idCard: (ID of the card that the Custom Field value should be set/updated for) 5ab56e6b62abac194d9xxxxx
idCustomField (ID of the Custom Field on the card.): 5ab570c5b43ed17b2dxxxxx
idCustomField (ID of the Custom Field to which the item belongs.): 5ab13cdb8acaabe576xxxxx
modelType (This should always be card.): card
value (An object containing the key and value to set for the card's Custom Field value. The key used to set the value should match the type of Custom Field defined.): {"number": 2}
When I click Try It, I get the response: 400 Bad Request "Invalid custom field item value."
I've tried the following things:
Switching the two idCustomField values (it's confusing that both the path parameter and query parameter have the same name, implying that they are meant to accept the same value, but then they have different descriptions, and the descriptions are vague/confusing).
Setting both idCustomField values to the same thing (for both of the possible IDs)
Setting the value to 2, {"number": "2"}, {number: 2}, {number: "2"} and more.
No matter what I try, I always get "Invalid custom field item value." This behaves the same way whether the card has a value in the custom field or not.
I'm pretty sure that the idCustomField in the path params is being accepted, because when I change one character, it gives me this error instead: "invalid value for idCustomField".
So I don't know if the "Invalid custom field item value." is referring to the query param idCustomField* or the value.
I also don't know if it makes a difference whether or not the card has an existing value in the custom field, but I want to be able to set the value of this custom field regardless of whether or not it currently has a value in the field.
The live example (using XMLHttpRequest) on the Trello documentation page is wrong. You should use the next example using fetch.
var url = "{idCard}/customField/{idCustomField}/item?token={yourToken}&key={yourKey}";
var data = {value: { number: "42" }};
fetch(url, { body: JSON.stringify(data), method: 'PUT', headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'}})
.then((resp) => resp.json())
.then((data) => console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)))
.catch((err) => console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 2)))
This example works. And after trying this, I modified the XMLHttpRequest version and it worked too.
var data = null;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
data = {value: { number: "3" }}; //added
var json = JSON.stringify(data); //added"PUT", '{idCard}/customField/{idCustomField}/item?key={yourkey}&token={yourtoken}');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type','application/json'); //added
xhr.send(json); //modified
The point is that you should 1) set the request Content-type header to application/json and 2) pass the value via JSON object body.
I tried to edit the live example on the documentation but I it was not possible. I hope they will fix it soon.

WooCommerce REST API Custom Fields

Is it possible to access custom fields for orders, products, customers via WooCommerce REST API? If not natively, then what plugins or workarounds or hacks are out there that work? Thanks!
Answering my own question:
It is possible using the following: (using v3 legacy API)
To send custom fields back to the server:
(For Orders)
"order_meta": {
"key": "value"
To retrieve custom fields from server use this filter with your end point:[meta]=true
This works for Products as well.
As mentioned in the comment after WooCommerce creates an order via the API it will fire woocommerce_api_create_order hook, you can make use of it.
Add the following code to your theme's functions.php file
add_action( 'woocommerce_api_create_order', 'my_woocommerce_api_create_order', 10, 2);
function my_woocommerce_api_create_order( $order_id, $data ) {
// $data contains the data was posted, add code to extract the required
// fields and process it as required
Similarly look at the code in plugins/woocommerce/includes/api/*.php files, find the suitable action or filter hook for the end point and use it.
URL: https:///wp-json/wc/v3/orders/1234
"status": "completed",
"meta_data": [{
"key": "is_web_server_handled",
"value": "1"

how do we read a csv file and display the same in dojo?

i want to write a dojo code where upon a button click i want to read a .csv file and display the .csv file in a datagrid using Dojo. Can anyone please help me with this?
Your best try is to retrieve the data using the dojo/request/xhr module, with it you can retrieve an external CSV file. For example:
require(["dojo/request/xhr"], function(xhr) {
xhr.get("myfile.csv", {
handleAs: "text"
}).then(function(data) {
// Use data
Well, now you have the data as a string in your data parameter, what you now need to do is parse that string. The easiest way is to split your string on each enter, for example:
var lines = data.split(/\r?\n/);
The \r is optional (depends on the system you're using), but now you have each line seperated in an array element in lines. The next step is to retrieve each seperate value, for example by doing:
require(["dojo/_base/array"], function(array) {
/** Rest of code */
array.forEach(lines, function(line) {
var cells = line.split(',');
Then you have your data splitted by each comma. The next step is that you have to change it to a format that the dojox/grid/DataGrid can read. This means that you will probably convert the first line of your CSV content to your headers (if they contain headers) and the rest of the data to objects (in stead of arrays of strings).
You can get the first line with:
var headers = lines[0].split(',');
And the rest of the data with:
var otherData = lines.splice(1);
Now you should carefully read the documentation #MiBrock gave you, and with it you can transform the simple array of strings to the correct format.
The headers should become an array of objects like this:
[{ name: "display name", field: "field name" }, { /** other objects */ }]
I did that by doing:, function(header) {
return {
field: header,
name: header
This will actually convert [ "a", "b" ] to:
[{ field: "a", name: "a" }, { field: "b", name: "b" }]
Now you need to convert all other lines to objects containing a field with name a and a field with name b, you can do that using:, function(line) {
var cells = line.split(','), obj = {};
array.forEach(cells, function(cell, idx) {
obj[headers[idx]] = cell;
return obj:
This will actually retrieve the fieldname by retrieving the corresponding header value and output it as a single object.
Now you can put it in a grid, look at #MiBrock's answer for more details about how to do that. The final result would look a bit like this JSFiddle.
Note: Next time you encounter a problem you can't solve, handle the parts you actually can solve first and then ask a question about the other parts. I mean, it's hard to believe that you can actually not solve any of this by yourself. You should try and learn it by yourself first.
The dojo-smore project includes a CSV object store that loads data from CSV into an in-memory store which can then be used with any component that supports object stores, like dgrid. You shouldn’t try to do it yourself, like Dimitri M suggested, and you shouldn’t use the dojox grids, which are deprecated.
You can use to read a CSV store and use it in a data grid.
Have a look here :
and here:
This should help you to start with your Programming.
If you need further help, show us what you have tried to solve the Problem by posting your code and we'll be glad to help you.
Regards, Miriam