Karate- How can I pass a param as a key? - karate

I have the following case and need to use firstKeyStr as a key, my code now is seeing "#firstKeyStr" as the key not the one stored in it
Given path '/api/v1/sites'
When method get
Then status 200
And match response.success == true
And match response.data == "#object"
* def keys = karate.keysOf(response.data)
* def firstKeyStr = keys[0]
And match response.data."#firstKeyStr" == "#object"
Json Response Body
"success": true,
"data": {
"5ef34d0ca5a3c56ae14d2a23": {
"devices": [
"groups": [
"users": [],
"triggers": [],
"alerts": [
"name": "test",
"country": "US",
I'm looking for a way to pass this dynamic key (5ef34d0ca5a3c56ae14d2a23) in this line (And match response.data."#firstKeyStr" == "#object")

Since you are new to stack overflow, please read the following to best get help:
As Peter said, your JSON is not well formed and the order of keys is not guaranteed (unless you have just a single key). The following code should get you going.
Sample Code:
Feature: firstKey
Scenario: firstKey
* def resp =
"success": true,
"data": {
"5ef34d0ca5a3c56ae14d2a23": {
"devices": [
"groups": [
"users": [],
"triggers": [],
"alerts": [
"name": "test",
"country": "US"
And match resp.data == "#object"
* def keys = karate.keysOf(resp.data)
* def firstKeyStr = keys[0]
* print firstKeyStr
* print (resp.data[firstKeyStr])
And match (resp.data[firstKeyStr]) == "#object"

Use round brackets so that JS is used instead of JsonPath:
* def response = { data: { a: 1, b: 2 } }
* def keys = karate.keysOf(response.data)
* def first = keys[0]
* match (response.data[first]) == 1


Karate - How change key name in JSON

I have the following JSON. I want to change the keyName 'freeDelivery' to 'isFreeDelivery' but I can't figure out how to do it.
"result": [
"deliverySlots": [
"id": "2DNN",
"date": "2022-04-05",
"freeDelivery": false,
"label": "All day delivery 08:30am to 5pm",
"price": "£5.00",
"fullSlotId": "2DNN"
"id": "2DPM",
"date": "2022-04-05",
"freeDelivery": false,
"label": "Afternoon 12pm to 5pm",
"price": "£10.00",
"fullSlotId": "2DPM"
"deliverySlots": [
"id": "2DNN",
"date": "2022-04-06",
"freeDelivery": false,
"label": "All day delivery 08:30am to 5pm",
"price": "£5.00",
"fullSlotId": "2DNN"
"id": "2DPM",
"date": "2022-04-06",
"freeDelivery": false,
"label": "Afternoon 12pm to 5pm",
"price": "£10.00",
"fullSlotId": "2DPM"
I've looked at the following pages but still can't figure out how to do it. Do I have to do a transorm or is there an easier way?
Here you go:
* def payload = { before: 'foo' }
* remove payload.before
* payload.after = 'bar'
* match payload == { after: 'bar' }
Instead of remove this will also work (using pure JS):
* eval delete payload.before
EDIT: after seeing the comments, I would treat this as a JSON transform.
* def payload = { before: 'foo' }
* def fun = function(x){ var res = {}; res.after = x.before; return res }
* def result = fun(payload)
* match result == { after: 'foo' }
I'm sure now you'll want to "retain" all the existing data. Fine, here you go:
* def payload = { before: 'foo' }
* def fun = function(x){ var res = x; res.after = x.before; delete res.before; return res }
* def result = fun(payload)
* match result == { after: 'foo' }
And you already know that you can run a transform on all array elements like this:
* def result = karate.map(someArray, fun)
Please note that you can create 2 or 3 transforms - and "nest" them.

Karate: Traverse thru a complex JSON to find a match

I am hitting an API end point and getting something like below.
"emp": {
"id": "123",
"firstNm": "test",
"lastNm": "last",
"dob": "200-01-01",
"gender": {
"code": "F",
"name": "Female",
"description": "Female"
"test1": [
"tes2": "F50045A3B994FB2BDF4E3D3FC906F592",
"t2": "a23",
"test3": {
"code": "432",
"ind": [
I want to match the elements in the array
"ind": [
I have tried the below:
Feature: test
* url BaseUrl
* configure headers = read('classpath:headers.js')
Scenario Outline: test
Given path '/path'
And param id = <id>
When method get
Then status 200
* def json = response
* def has = {ind:['#string'] }
* def indicator = { ind: '#[] has' }
* match json.member == '#[] indicator'
| id |
| '1234' |
But observed the below exception:
expected: '#[] ind', reason: not an array or list
Can someone please help?
I am not really following your logic since indicators is not in the json response or defined variable but to get to the ind array the path is emp.test1[0].ind
if you want to match that the array has ABC and BCD you would do the following
* match response.emp.test1[0].ind == ['ABC', 'BCD']

Getting JSON key as a text

Trying to get the json key text within karate feature script.
HI, I am new to karate and going through all the documentation of karate..
When I am getting GET response as show below in the code, I am not sure what all keys a response will have. So whenever in the response there is key text is domain_name , then I want to retrieve domain_code
Here you go. Read the docs if any part is not clear, starting with JsonPath:
* def response =
"status": "SUCCESS",
"totalCount": 1,
"statusCode": "OK",
"ResultData": {
"data": [
{"domain_code": "X3", "domain_name": "BMW" },
{"domain_code": "Q5", "domain_name": "AUDI" },
{"domain_code": "G450", "domain_name": "LEXUS" }
* def data = get[0] response..data[?(#.domain_name)]
* def keys = karate.keysOf(data)
* keys.remove('domain_name')
* print keys[0]

Extract data from json array in Karate

In the below JSON response, I need to extract the 'cid' for the record that has the 'nationalityDecription' as 'USA'. By using this query as a reference, I used the below loc in the karate feature file, but 1st line itself fails with syntax error(tried different combinations). For now, I'm using the custom javascript as a workaround which is working fine. I need help to check if i'm missing anything in syntax. Thanks
"header": {
"Id": "12345678",
"timeStamp": "2018-09-17T10:09:812.000"
"dataRecords": [
"cid": "31H678",
"cidMeta": "00",
"nationalityDecription": "CHINA"
"cid": "31S421",
"cidMeta": "01",
"nationalityDecription": "USA"
Feature file:
* def record= $response.dataRecords[?(#.nationalityDecription=='USA')]
* def cid = record.cid
* def response = { "header": { "Id": "12345678", "timeStamp": "2018-09-17T10:09:812.000" }, "dataRecords": [ { "cid": "31H678", "cidMeta": "00", "nationalityDecription": "CHINA" }, { "cid": "31S421", "cidMeta": "01", "nationalityDecription": "USA" } ] }
* def cid = get[0] response.dataRecords[?(#.nationalityDecription=='USA')].cid
* match cid == '31S421'

How to access a particular set of keys in array of Json values which i get as response?

For a particular API , I get a response which is similar to the following .
{ "name":"Ford", "model":"Mustang" },
{ "name":"BMW", "model": "320" },
{ "name":"Fiat", "model": "500" }
I want to store the values for the key 'name' in a separate variable .
Please read the documentation on using JsonPath carefully: https://github.com/intuit/karate#get
Here is an example which works with your data:
* def response =
{ "name":"Ford", "model":"Mustang" },
{ "name":"BMW", "model": "320" },
{ "name":"Fiat", "model": "500" }
* def names = $[*].name
* match names == ['Ford', 'BMW', 'Fiat']