I have report in below format
To resolve #Multivalue error, I have tried below variables to resolve the error but it doesn't get fixed
2: Sum(Amt)ForEach(Period)
Year is dynamic - YTD/MTD/QTD
I'm trying to basically subtract time to get the time difference in SSRS to take out total working hours. However, I'm getting error "An unexpected error occurred while compiling expressions. Native compiler return value: '[BC30025] Property missing 'End Property'.'." from the available solutions in here or over the internet.
I tried to use lookup as well: =Lookup(Fields!Date.Value & Fields!Employee_Name.Value, Fields!Date.Value & Fields!Name_or_title.Value, Fields!Check_Out_Time.Value, "DataSet2") - (Fields!Check_In_Time.Value) which shows error as enter image description here
Can someone guide me how to get time difference from two different datasets please? I'm new to SSRSSQL
I'm working on a custom TFS Build workflow based on the code found in two blogs:
When I implement the VB.Net code within my XAML workflow, I'm currently getting the following errors on build runtime:
The build process failed validation. Details:
Validation Error: The private implementation of activity '1:
DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Compiler
error(s) encountered processing expression "TFSService".
Value of type
cannot be converted to 'System.Type'.
Validation Error: The private implementation of activity '1:
DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Compiler
error(s) encountered processing expression "TFS.GetService(Of
End of expression expected.
I've traced the error down to this section of code (Simplified from XAML):
TFS=Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollectionFactory(New Uri("MyTeamsTFSServer"))
TFSService = TFS.GetService(Of VersionControlServer)()
I've tried changing the type of TFSService from both Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.VersionControlServer and System.Type without success.
From what I can tell the error is occurring in the "Of VersionControlServer".
Has anyone ever encountered this? And if so how did you resolve it?
Turns out the issue was the URL I was using, I made a typo when I was entering it in. Yay for descriptive error messages...
I found this while I was checking my authentication using the two methods:
My code blew out when I was running the Authenticate() method.
I wrote a UDF that returns a string and here is a sample code:
split data into purchased IF ((boolean) (myudf(param)), failed OTHERWISE;
As an example, here is the example of that my udf returns:
split data into purchased IF ((boolean) (retcode == 'SUCCESS')), failed OTHERWISE;
Unfortunately. I get the following error:
Apache Pig: ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 1200: can't look backwards more than one token in this stream
I also tried this:
split data into purchased IF ((boolean) '(retcode == 'SUCCESS')'), failed OTHERWISE;
I get this error:
2015-06-19 10:10:48,330 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 1200: <line 11, column 85> Syntax error, unexpected symbol at or near '250.00'
I also tried this:
split data into purchased IF ((boolean) '(retcode == \'SUCCESS\')'), failed OTHERWISE;
I don't get any error, but the I don't get the expected result back.
Any help with this would be great.
That error is thrown because ANTLR can't parse correctly that sentence. Pig should give you a different error showing what is the problem, like it generally does, but it seems the parsing rules for the SPLIT sentence don't take into account what happens when you try to cast the condition.
The problem here is solved simply by removing that cast to boolean:
split data into purchased IF (retcode == 'SUCCESS'), failed OTHERWISE;
That will work.
Why does the cast make it fail? That I don't know. I guess that casting the output of an expression counts as two different expressions, since it has to resolve the inner expression to apply the cast afterwards, and the syntax rule for the split operator does not allow this. 0% sure though.
Good day!
I get this error:
SQL STATE 37000 [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax Error
or Access Violation, when trying to run an embedded SQL statement on
I am using MsSQL Server 2008 and PowerBuilder 10.5, the OS is Windows 7. I was able to determine one of the queries that is causing the problem:
SELECT top 1 CONVERT(DATETIME,:ls_datetime)
into :ldtme_datetime
from employee_information
if SQLCA.SQLCODE = -1 then
return -1
end if
I was able to come up with a solution to this by just using the datetime() function of PowerBuilder. But there are other parts of the program that is causing this and I am having a hard time in identifying which part of the program causes this. I find this very weird because I am running the same scripts here in my dev-pc with no problems at all, but when trying to run the program on my client's workstation I am getting this error. I haven't found any differences in the workstation and my dev-pc. I also tried following the instructions here, but the problem still occurs.
UPDATE: I was able to identify the other script that is causing the problem:
// f_datediff
// Computes the time difference (in number of minutes) between adtme_datefrom and adtme_dateto
decimal ld_time_diff
SELECT top 1 DATEDIFF(MINUTE,:adtme_datefrom,:adtme_dateto)
into :ld_time_diff
if SQLCA.SQLCODE = -1 then
return -1
end if
return ld_time_diff
Seems like passing datetime variables causes the error above. Other scripts are working fine.
Create a transaction user object inherited trom transaction.
Put logic in the sqlpreview of your object to capture and log the sql statement being sent to the db.
Instantiate it, connect to the db, and use it in your embedded sql.
Assuming the user gets the error you can then check what was being sent to the db and go from there.
The error in your first statement should be the second parameter to CONVERT function.
It's type is not a string, it's type is an valid expression
So I would expect that your
would evaluate to
CONVERT(DATETIME, 'ls_datetime')
but it should be
The error in your second statement could be that you're providing an wrong datetime format.
So please check if your error still occurs when you use this function
with the correct datetime format you're using
I have a crystal report which is having a data source from sql server .I am always getting this error when we want to show the report.I have seen the connection too.No Problem with that connection.
error :
Unknown Query Engine Error
Failed to open a rowset.
Error in File C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\student{ED5C2412-C7A1-4E1D-8093-1EFDA02340ABD}.rpt:
Unknown Query Engine Error
Can any one help me ?
In extension to this Question I found a problem was caused by one column of the table in the report when i remove that fields it is working fine.When the report is migrated from access to sql server source it is converted using cross join.Does this raised from table linking only ?
I'm sure if this is relevant but try the solution given in this link . The solution suggests you add this line to your config file :
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true"><supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/></startup>