delete redis keys when clearing cache - redis

project configuration : symfony 5.
I configured my cache to use redis, in config\packages\cache.yml like this
prefix_seed: myAppPrefix_
app: cache.adapter.redis
system: cache.adapter.filesystem
default_redis_provider: '%env(REDIS_URL)%'
When i run php bin/console cache:clear --env=dev, redis keys are not deleted and they are not expired.
The cache:clear command is not supposed to remove or make the keys expired ?
I can i delete all my keys, matching my App prefix ?
Thanks for your help

I don't find any references confirming that cache:clear is supposed to clear redis keys linked to my configuration.
Finaly, i created a command (injecting "AdapterInterface") to clean them with that code :
public function __construct(AdapterInterface $cache)
$this->cache= $cache;
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
Be careful, on windows it doesn't works because redis version is empty in RedisTrait:356


How to provide an HttpClient to ktor server from the outside to facilitate mocking external services?

I am trying to provide an HttpClient from the outside to my ktor server so that I can mock external services and write tests, however I get this exception when I run my test:
Please make sure that you use unique name for the plugin and don't install it twice. Conflicting application plugin is already installed with the same key as `Compression`
io.ktor.server.application.DuplicatePluginException: Please make sure that you use unique name for the plugin and don't install it twice. Conflicting application plugin is already installed with the same key as `Compression`
at app//io.ktor.server.application.ApplicationPluginKt.install(ApplicationPlugin.kt:112)
at app//com.example.plugins.HTTPKt.configureHTTP(HTTP.kt:13)
at app//com.example.ApplicationKt.module(Application.kt:14)
at app//com.example.ApplicationTest$expected to work$1$1.invoke(ApplicationTest.kt:39)
at app//com.example.ApplicationTest$expected to work$1$1.invoke(ApplicationTest.kt:38)
and thats a bit unexpected to me because I am not applying the Compression plugin twice as far as I can tell. If I run the server normally and manually call my endpoint with curl then it works as expected. What am I doing wrong?
I added a runnable sample project here with a failing test.
sample project
official ktor-documentation-sample project.
The problem is that you have the application.conf file and by default, the testApplication function tries to load modules which are enumerated there. Since you also explicitly load them in the application {} block the DuplicatePluginException occurs. To solve your problem you can explicitly load an empty configuration instead of the default one:
// ...
application {
environment {
config = MapApplicationConfig()
// ...

How to run tflint rules all at one for a specific provider?

I installed the tflint plugin but when I run tflint on the root module I get nothing. When I specify a rule with --enable-rule then I get some warnings. How can I run the ruleset of azure or aws all at once?
when it comes to azure you can install the plugin by adding a config to .tflint.hcl and running tflint --init:
plugin "azurerm" {
enabled = true
version = "0.14.0"
source = ""
If you want to add a new rule to this ruleset, you can use the generator
$ go run ./rules/generator
You can find the list of rules available for the tflint-ruleset-azurerm Here

Failing authentication test, using Laravel, phpunit and Homestead

So, I'm trying to test the register and login features on a Laravel 5.8 project, running on Homestead.
My problem is that I can't get the tests (for login and for register) to pass the assertAuthenticated() and assertAuthenticatedAs() functions.
I created the login feature using php artisan make:auth and didn't changed a lot, just created a "username" field to use instead of email.
When I test things like assertStatus(), $this->get(url), everything works fine but when I add the line $this->assertAuthenticatedAs($user) for example, the test crashes.
This is my actual passing function:
public function test_login_valid_user()
$user = factory(User::class)->create();
$response = $this->post('/login', [
'username' => $user->username,
'password' => 'secret'
If I add the line $this->assertAuthenticatedAs($user) at the end, I get the following error:
There was 1 failure:
1) Tests\Feature\Auth\LoginTest::test_login_valid_user
The current user is not authenticated.
Failed asserting that null is not null.
The same is happening on my register test, after the user is registered, when I try to check $this->assertAuthenticated() I get the same error.
So, I thought about session problems related to Vagrant/Homestead, but I just started to use them and couldn't find any hint about it. And I'm very new to PHPUnit and testing in general, I'm just starting to understand how it works.
The problem is connected with caches.
First of all file phpunit.xml must be read because you need: <server name="APP_ENV" value="testing"/>
Before your tests use command
php artisan config:clear
After that your dump(config('app.env')); will be testing (not local).
Then all works.
I'd been experiencing same problem. For unit tests CSRF token verification should be disabled, but only if you are running under APP_ENV=testing. I though phpunit.xml was overriding my "local" config so it was set to "testing". It was not, because PhpStorm was not reading this file.
If you are using PHPStorm don't forget to check path to default config file - phpunit.xml. (Settings -> Languages&Frameworks -> PHP -> Test frameworks)

Laravel 5: Why Class 'App\Console\Commands\SSH' not found?

I'm following instructions on
in order to use SSH to perform SFTP download from a private server.
I've done so far:
$> composer require laravelcollective/remote
added in config app :
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
'SSH' => Collective\Remote\RemoteFacade::class,
published it:
$> php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Collective\Remote\RemoteServiceProvider"
Then I also run a composer update
But still in my console command if I test it like:
$contents = SSH::into('production')->getString('/hi.txt');
I get the error in my question.
When a service provider is defined like above, the class is globally accessible? Or still I need to put the directive use Path/to/Class ?
If so, since the Alias ahas a different name from the real classname, how should I specify the use path directive?
use Collective\Remote\RemoteServiceProvider
use Collective\Remote\RemoteServiceProvider
What am I missing?... I've tested other preconfigured services that comes with laravel 5.2 fresh install (i.e. Redis) and they seems to be found without any additional use directive in class.....
Just use it as global class \SSH and it will work.
$contents = \SSH::into('production')->getString('/hi.txt');

Using prestashop app from script located outside prestashop folder

I would like to use the prestashop app from a php script (external_script.php) located outside prestashop folder but still on the same server.
I could do that with Magento using :
require_once external_folder/magento/app/Mage.php;
I've tried to include prestashop/config/ and prestashop/init.php but it redirects external_script.php to prestashop index.php
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Add the following 2 lines at the start of your PHP script and then you can use all the classes and functions of PrestaShop:
Also, include the main class file whose functions you want to call in the external script, it must be some of your module's file. For example:
After adding the above codes to include required files you can simply create objects of the class file you want to call and use its code. For example:
$xObj = new Xyzmodule();
Hope this helps.
Magento is a well structured Zend project and it's easy to bootstrap the app to use it outside HTTP front controller, PrestaShop is another story it's really a big mess of spaghetti code, to bootstrap the app really depends os PS version and in some cases on installed modules that changes core behaviour.
To start you can first include the config/ file that is on PS root dir, this will init the PS classloader and a bunch of configuration defines, if you use another autoloader and a old version on PS (<1.6) you need to workaround it, this is a simple bootstrap code that allow make any PS call:
// Load PS config and autoloader
define ('PS_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../ps-wtf');
require_once PS_DIR .'/config/';
// I use this to load compoper dependencies
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
// Call old __autoload() if present, required for PrestaShop old versions
if (function_exists('__autoload')) {
spl_autoload_register(function ($className) {
// Init Shop context, required some operation will fail without it
// adust accordly to multistore PS >= 1.6
// Init PS context, some modules require that this context was initialized and with correct data
// some core function fired in the admin require at least a employee
define ('PS_DEFAULT_EMPLOYEE', 1);
$psContext = Context::getContext();
if (!$psContext->employee) {
$psContext->employee = new Employee(PS_DEFAULT_EMPLOYEE);
// You can make any API call
$cat = new Category();
$cat->name = [
1 => 'New',
2 => 'Nuevo',
$cat->id_parent = 1;
echo $cat->id;
Some PS functionality depends on correct initialization of some core classes (Yes it's crazy), you can take a look at ControllerCore and FrontControllerCore to see what is happening in the normal PS request flow.
I hope that this can help.
The way prestashop is designed won't let you do this kind of thing easily.
I think your best bet is to use their web service API :
There is a PHP client library for this :
You can also use curl, but be warned : they use a lot of different tokens on differents pages, this is quite annoying.
Here is some bash code to log yourself in, grab some tokens and upload an import file. You can adapt it to PHP curl and do anything else you want :
r=$(curl -k -c cookies -b cookies -s --request POST -d "ajax=1&token=&controller=AdminLogin&submitLogin=1&passwd=[YOU_PASSWORD_URL_ENCODED]&email=[YOUR_EMAIl_URL_ENCODED]" 'https://[YOUR_PRESTASHOP_HOST_OR_LOCALHOST]/[YOUR_PRESTASHOP_ADMIN_DIR]/index.php')
token=$(echo $r | sed -n 's/.*token=\([0-9a-zA-Z]*\).*/\1/gp')
admin_token=$(curl -k -c cookies -b cookies 'https://[YOUR_PRESTASHOP_HOST_OR_LOCALHOST]/[YOUR_PRESTASHOP_ADMIN_DIR]/index.php?controller=AdminDashboard&token='"$token" | sed -n '0,/.*?_token=\([-_0-9a-zA-Z]*\).*/s/.*?_token=\([-_0-9a-zA-Z]*\).*/\1/p')
brand_file_name=$(curl -k -c cookies -b cookies -F 'file=#local_path_of_a_file.xlsx' 'https://[YOUR_PRESTASHOP_HOST_OR_LOCALHOST]/[YOUR_PRESTASHOP_ADMIN_DIR]/index.php/configure/advanced/import/file/upload?_token='"$admin_token" | sed -nE 's/.*"name":"([^"]*).*/\1/gp')