Admob banner works in expo but not testflight - react-native

I have an admob banner in my react native app which works perfectly in the expo client and ios simulator, but on testflight the ad doesn't load and I get this error
Error Code=1 "Request Error: No ad to show." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDeion=Request Error: No ad to show.}
Here's the code for the admob banner
import { AdMobBanner } from "expo-ads-admob";
When I use google's demo adUnitId ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2934735716 the ad loads on testflight, but not with my own adUnitId. According to other stackoverflow questions, if this is the case, the add should work on testFlight after 4 days once google has approved the ad. However, it's been nearly 2 weeks and it still isn't working. Any advice is much appreciated.

I think you need to billing your account and check the adUnitID again.

There are 2 similar IDs for Admob, googleMobileAdsAppId and adUnitID.
googleMobileAdsAppId is like 'ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~xxxxxxxxxx'
which should be in app.json file.
adUnitID is like 'ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx' which should be inside
Do you refer to the right ID?


How to test react native in app review in dev?

I'm using this package react-native-store-review for requesting an in-app review. but neither any modal shows up nor I see an error when I call requestReview().
onPress={() => {
if (StoreReview.isAvailable) {
text="Write your review"
The app has been put in the google play internal test track
and my Gmail is added as a tester
and I've downloaded the app from google play
and I have not reviewed the app before
but nothing shows up when requestReview() and only the 'available' appears in the dev mood.
I also tried this package react-native-in-app-review but it makes the app crashes in android, so any other package suggestion or solution would be great too.
The solution is putting the app in the Internal test track.

Unknown error getting products react-native-iap

I have days trying to implement in app purchase in React Native without success. I was trying using In-app purchases from Expo and right now with react-native-iap and I'm facing this error:
error code: E_UNKNOWN. error message: UNKNOWN_ERROR
Subscription file
Apple Connect Info
App.tsx file:
This bug occurs on ios Simulator, after hours and hours of search and no solutions, what you need to do is Running the app on real device.
connect ios device to your computer and run it on the real device and you will see your in-app products
You cannot test in app purchase in simulator.
There is way to test in app purchase in simulator
Using StoreKit we can test in app purchase in simulator please look at this

Dose react native firebase admob support Native type?

I follow this tutorial finish Admob Banner
Admob has four types : Banner Interstitial Rewarded Native
But I can't find Native type in react-native-firebase.
Where can I find it ?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
react-native-firebase for admob is an open issue on github. You can find more info here:
You can use google admob, I used it in one of my application, it works fine. You can see following link:

Google AdMob for react native

After installing ad mob (installed from this) and link it to my react native project, my app crash.
What is the best way to add google ad mob with the latest react native version?
P.s. can you show me all of the steps to get a working admob application?
Do what that link said you to do.
Then just complete another small step
node-module/react-native-admob/android/build.gradle file replace the line
compile ''
with the following line
compile ''

Admob No ads to show

I’m using react-native-admob package for show ads. This package working properly in android. But iOS version mostly my ads doesn’t showing. Someone can help me ?