match tables with intermediate mapping table (fuzzy joins with similar strings) - sql

I'm using BigQuery.
I have two simple tables with "bad" data quality from our systems. One represents revenue and the other production rows for bus journeys.
I need to match every journey to a revenue transaction but I only have a set of fields and no key and I don't really know how to do this matching.
This is a sample of the data:
Year, Agreement, Station_origin, Station_destination, Product
2020, 123123, London, Manchester, Qwerty
Year, Agreement, Station_origin, Station_destination, Product
2020, 123123, Kings Cross, Piccadilly Gardens, Qwer
2020, 123123, Kings Cross, Victoria Station, Qwert
2020, 123123, London, Manchester, Qwerty
Every station has a maximum of 9 alternative names and these are stored in a "station" table.
Station Name, Station Name 2, Station Name 3,...
London, Kings Cross, Euston,...
Manchester, Piccadilly Gardens, Victoria Station,...
I would like to test matching or joining the tables first with the original fields. This will generate some matches but there are many journeys that are not matched. For the unmatched revenue rows, I would like to change the product name (shorten it to two letters and possibly get many matches from production table) and then station names by first change the station_origin and then station_destination. When using a shorter product name I could possibly get many matches but I want the row from the production table with the most common product.
Something like this:
1. Do a direct match. That is, I can use the fields as they are in the tables.
2. Do a match where the revenue.product is changed by shortening it to two letters. substr(product,0,2)
3. Change the rev.station_origin to the first alternative, Station Name 2, and then try a join. The product or other station are not changed.
4. Change the rev.station_origin to the first alternative, Station Name 2, and then try a join. The product is changed as above with a substr(product,0,2) but rev.station_destination is not changed.
5. Change the rev.station_destination to the first alternative, Station Name 2, and then try a join. The product or other station are not changed.
I was told that maybe I should create an intermediate table with all combinations of stations and products and let a rank column decide the order. The station names in the station's table are in order of importance so "station name" is more important than "station name 2" and so on.
I started to do a query with a subquery per rank and do a UNION ALL but there are so many combinations that there must be another way to do this.
Don't know if this makes any sense but I would appreciate any help or ideas to do this in a better way.

To implement a complex joining strategy with approximate matching, it might make more sense to define the strategy within JavaScript - and call the function from a BigQuery SQL query.
For example, the following query does the following steps:
Take the top 200 male names in the US.
Find if one of the top 200 female names matches.
If not, look for the most similar female name within the options.
Note that the logic to choose the closest option is encapsulated within the JS UDF fhoffa.x.fuzzy_extract_one(). See to learn more about this.
WITH data AS (
SELECT name, gender, SUM(number) c
FROM `bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_2013`
), top_men AS (
SELECT * FROM data WHERE gender='M'
), top_women AS (
SELECT * FROM data WHERE gender='F'
SELECT name male_name,
(SELECT name FROM top_women WHERE
, fhoffa.x.fuzzy_extract_one(name, ARRAY(SELECT name FROM top_women))
) female_version
FROM top_men a


How does SQL count(distinct) work in this case?

I'm trying to find the match no in which Germany played against Poland. This is from There are two tables : match_details and soccer_country. I don't understand how the count(distinct) works in this case. Can someone please clarify? Thanks!
SELECT match_no
FROM match_details
WHERE team_id = (
SELECT country_id
FROM soccer_country
WHERE country_name = 'Germany')
OR team_id = (
SELECT country_id
FROM soccer_country
WHERE country_name = 'Poland')
GROUP BY match_no
As Lamak mentioned, what an ugly consideration for a query, but many ways to approach a query.
As mentioned, counting for (Distinct team_id) makes sure that there are only 2 unique teams. If there is ever a Cartesian result, you could get repetition of multiple rows showing more than one instance of both teams. So the count of distinct on the TEAM_ID eliminates that.
Now, that said, Other "team" query data structures I have seen have a single record for the match and a column for EACH TEAM playing the match. That is easier by a long-shot, but still a relatively easy query.
Break the query down a little, and consider a large scale set of data (not that this, or any sort of even professional league would have such large record counts to give delay with a sql engine).
Your first criteria is games with Germany. So lets start with that.
match_details md1
JOIN soccer_country sc1
on md1.team_id = sc1.country_id
AND sc1.country_name = 'Germany'
So, why even look at any other record/match if Germany is not even part of the match on either side. Of which this in itself would return 6 matches from the sample data of 51 matches. So now, all you need to do is join AGAIN to the match details table a second time for only those matches, but ALSO the second team is Poland
match_details md1
JOIN soccer_country sc1
on md1.team_id = sc1.country_id
AND sc1.country_name = 'Germany'
-- joining again for the same match Germany was already qualified
JOIN match_details md2
on md1.match_no = md2.match_no
-- but we want the OTHER team record since Germany was first team
and md1.team_id != md2.team_id
-- and on to the second country table based on the SECOND team ID
JOIN soccer_country sc2
on md2.team_id = sc2.country_id
-- and the second team was Poland
AND sc2.country_name = 'Poland'
Yes, may be a longer query, but by eliminating 45 other matches (again, thinking a LARGE database), you have already saved blowing through tons of data to a very finite set. And now finishing only those Germany / Poland. No aggregates, counts, distincts, just direct joins.
Lets take a look at some BAD sample data... which as all programmers know, there is no such thing (NOT). Anyhow, lets take a look at these few matches.
Match Team ID blah
52 Poland Just put the names here for simplistic purposes
52 Poland
53 Germany
53 Germany
If you were to run the query without DISTINCT Teams, both match 52 and 53 would show up... As Poland is one team and appears 2 times for match 52, and similarly Germany 2 times for match 53. By doing DISTINCT Team, you can see that for each match, there is only 1 team being returned and thus excluded. Does that help? Again, no such thing as bad data :)
And yet another sample match where more than 2 teams created
Match Team ID
54 France
54 Poland
54 England
55 Hungary
56 Austria
In each of these matches, NONE would be returned. Match 54 has 3 distinct teams, and Match 55 and 56 only have single entry, thus no opponent to compete against.
To clarify the query. If you look at the short query for just Germany, that aliased instance of "md1" is already sitting on any given record for a Germany match. So the second join to the "md2", I only care about the same match, so I can join on the same match_no. However, in the "md2" alias, the "!=" means NOT EQUAL. ! = logical NOT. So the join is saying from the MD1, join to the MD2 alias on the same match id. However, only give me where the teams are NOT the same. So the first instance holds Germany's team ID (already qualified) and thus give me the secondary team id. So now I can use the secondary (md2) instance team ID to join to the country to confirm only for Poland.
Does this now clarify things for you?

BigQuery: grouping by similar strings for a large dataset

I have a table of invoice data with over 100k unique invoices and several thousand unique company names associated with them.
I'm trying to group these company names into more general groups to understand how many invoices they're responsible for, how often they receive them, etc.
Currently, I'm using the following code to identify unique company names:
SELECT DISTINCT(company_name)
FROM invoice_data
ORDER BY company_name
The problem is that this only gives me exact matches, when its obvious that there are many string values in company_name that are similar. For example: McDonalds Paddington, McDonlads Oxford Square, McDonalds Peckham, etc.
How can I make by GROUP BY statement more general?
Sometimes the issue isn't as simple as the example listed above, occasionally there is simply an extra space or PTY/LTD which throws off a GROUP BY match.
To give an example of what I'm looking for, I'd be looking to turn the following:
Jim's Pizza Paddington|
Jim's Pizza Oxford |
McDonald's Peckham |
McDonald's Victoria |
And be able to group by their company name rather than exclusively with an exact string match.
Have you tried using the Soundex function?
SOUNDEX(name) AS code,
MAX( name) AS sample_name,
count(name) as records
"Jim's Pizza Paddington" AS name)
"Jim's Pizza Oxford" AS name)
"McDonald's Peckham" AS name)
"McDonald's Victoria" AS name))
You can then use the soundex to create groupings, with a split or other type of function to pull the part of the string which matches the name group or use a windows function to pull back one occurrence to get the name string. Not perfect but means you do not need to pull into other tools with advanced language recognition.

What are the cases whereby EXCEPT and DISTINCT are different?

Looking into my notes for introduction to databases, I have stumbled upon a case that i do not understand (Between except and distinct).
It says so in my notes that:
The two queries below have the same results, but this will not be the case in general.
First query:
Select c.first_name,c.last_name,
FROM customers as c
WHERE = 'Japan'
Select c.first_name,c.last_name,
FROM customers as c
WHERE c.last_name LIKE 'D%';
Second query:
Select DISTINCT c.first_name,c.last_name,
FROM customers as c
WHERE = 'Japan' AND NOT (c.last_name LIKE 'D%');
Could anyone provide me some insights as to what are cases whereby the results would differ?
Number 1 selects first, last & email from customers who are from Japan and whose last names do not start with D.
Number 2 selects first, last & email, where no two records have all 3 fields the same, where the customers are from Singapore and their last names do not begin with D.
I suppose I can imagine a table where these would yield the same results, but I don't think it would ever appear except in very contrived circumstances.
Joe Smith Japan
Joe Smith Singapore
Would be one of them. Both queries would yield Joe Smith Another case would be if no-one was from either country or everyone's last name started with D, then they would both yield nothing.
None of this is tested, and the EXCEPT statement is something I've read about but never had occasion to use.
The first is looking at Japan, the second at Singapore, so I don't see why these would generally -- or specifically -- return the same data.
Even if the countries were the same you have another issue with NULL values. So, if your data looks like this:
first_name last_name email country
xxx NULL a Japan
Your first query would return the row. The second would not.

Oracle REGEXP_SUBSTR for string matching b/w two columns

The problem
Users are frequently inputting "country name" strings into the "city name" field. Heuristically, this appears to be an extremely common practice. For example, a user might put "TAIPEI TAIWAN" in the city name when only "TAIPEI" should be input and then the country would be "TAIWAN". I am working to aggregate these instances for this specific field (your help will allow me to expand this to other columns and tables) and then identify where possible rankings associated with strictly the "country" names in the "city" field.
I have two tables that I am attempting to leverage to track down data validation issues. Tbl1 is named "Customer_Address" comprised of geographic columns like (Customer_Num, Address, City_Name, State, Country_Code, Zipcode). Tbl2 named "HR_Countries" is clean table of 2-digit ISO country codes with their corresponding name values (Lebanon, Taiwan, China, Syria, Russia, Ukraine, etc) and some other fields not presently used.
The initial step is to query "Customer_Address" to find City_Names LIKE a series of OR statements (LIKE '%CHINA', OR LIKE 'TAIWAN', OR etc etc) and count the number of occurrences where the City_Name is like the designated country_name string I passed it and the results are pretty good. I've coded in some exclusions to deal with things like "Lebanon, OH" so my overall results are satisfactory for the first phase.
Part of the query does a LEFT join from Tbl1 to Tbl2 to add the risk rating from tbl2 as a result of the query against tbl1:
LEFT JOIN tbl2 risk
ON INSTR(addr.CITY_NM, risk.COUNTRY_NAME,1) <> 0
Example of Tbl1 Data Output (head(tbl1), n=7)
CountryNameInCity CountOfOccurences RR
China 15 High
Taiwan 2000 Medium
Japan 250 Low
Taipei, Taiwan 25 NULL
Kabul, Afghanistan 10 NULL
Shenzen China 100 NULL
Afghanistan 52 Very High
Example of Tb2 Data (head(tbl2), n=6)
CountryName CountryCode RR
China CN High
Taiwan TW High
Iraq IQ Very High
Cuba CU Medium
Lebanon LB Very High
Greece GR High
So my question(s) are as follows:
1) Instead of manually passing in a series of OR-statements for country codes is there a better way to using Tbl2 as the matching "LIKE" driving the query?
2) Can you recommend a better way of comparing the output of the query (see Tbl1 example) and ensuring that multiple strings (Taipei, Taiwan, etc) are appropriately aggregated and bring back the correct 'RR' rating.
Thanks for taking the time to review this and respond.

Microsoft Access 2010 - Updating Multiple Rows with Different values in ONE query

I have a question about updating multiple rows with different values in MS Access 2010.
Table 1: Food
ID | Favourite Food
1 | Apple
2 | Orange
3 | Pear
Table 2: New
ID | Favourite Food
1 | Watermelon
3 | Cherries
Right now, it looks deceptively simple to execute them separately (because this is just an example). But how would I execute a whole lot of them at the same time if I had, say, 500 rows to update out of 1000 records.
So what I want to do is to update the "Food" table based on the new values from the "New" table.
Would appreciate if anyone could give me some direction / syntax so that I can test it out on MS Access 2010. If this requires VBA, do provide some samples of how I should carry this out programmatically, not manually statement-by-statement.
Thank you!
Table: Competitors
Columns: CompetitorNo (PK), FirstName, LastName, Score, Ranking
query: FinalScore
Columns: CompetitorNo, Score, Ranking
Note - this query is a query of another query, which in turn, is a query of another query (could there be a potential problem here? There are at least 4 queries before this FinalScore query is derived. Should I post them?)
In the competitors table, all the columns except "Score" and "Ranking" are filled. We would need to take the values from the FinalScore query and insert them into the relevant competitor columns.
Addendum (Brief Explanation of Query)
Table: Competitors
Columns: CompetitorNo (PK), FirstName, LastName, Score, Ranking
Sample Data: AX1234, Simpson, Danny, <blank initially>, <blank initially>
Table: CompetitionRecord
Columns: EventNo (PK composite), CompetitorNo (PK composite), Timing, Bonus
Sample Data1: E01, AX1234, 14.4, 1
Sample Data2: E01, AB1938, 12.5, 0
Sample Data3: E01, BB1919, 13.0, 2
Event No specifies unique event ID
Timing measures the time taken to run 200 metres. The lesser, the better.
Bonus can be given in 3 values (0 - Disqualified, 1 - Normal, 2 - Exceptional). Competitors with Exceptional are given bonus points (5% off their timing).
Query: FinalScore
Columns: CompetitorNo (PK), Score, Ranking
Score is calculated by wins. For example, in the above event (E01), there are three competitors. The winner of the event is BB1919. Winners get 1 point. Losers don't get any points. Those that are disqualified do not receive any points as well.
This query lists the competitors and their cumulative scores (from a list of many events - E01, E02, E03 etc.) and calculates their ranking in the ranking column everytime the query is executed. (For example, a person who wins the most 200m events would be at the top of this list).
Now, I am required to update the Competitors table with this information. The query is rather complex - with all the grouping, summations, rankings and whatnots. Thus, I had to create multiple queries to achieve the end result.
How about:
ON Food.ID=New.ID
SET Food.[Favourite Food] = New.[Favourite Food]