Microsoft Access 2010 - Updating Multiple Rows with Different values in ONE query - sql

I have a question about updating multiple rows with different values in MS Access 2010.
Table 1: Food
ID | Favourite Food
1 | Apple
2 | Orange
3 | Pear
Table 2: New
ID | Favourite Food
1 | Watermelon
3 | Cherries
Right now, it looks deceptively simple to execute them separately (because this is just an example). But how would I execute a whole lot of them at the same time if I had, say, 500 rows to update out of 1000 records.
So what I want to do is to update the "Food" table based on the new values from the "New" table.
Would appreciate if anyone could give me some direction / syntax so that I can test it out on MS Access 2010. If this requires VBA, do provide some samples of how I should carry this out programmatically, not manually statement-by-statement.
Thank you!
Table: Competitors
Columns: CompetitorNo (PK), FirstName, LastName, Score, Ranking
query: FinalScore
Columns: CompetitorNo, Score, Ranking
Note - this query is a query of another query, which in turn, is a query of another query (could there be a potential problem here? There are at least 4 queries before this FinalScore query is derived. Should I post them?)
In the competitors table, all the columns except "Score" and "Ranking" are filled. We would need to take the values from the FinalScore query and insert them into the relevant competitor columns.
Addendum (Brief Explanation of Query)
Table: Competitors
Columns: CompetitorNo (PK), FirstName, LastName, Score, Ranking
Sample Data: AX1234, Simpson, Danny, <blank initially>, <blank initially>
Table: CompetitionRecord
Columns: EventNo (PK composite), CompetitorNo (PK composite), Timing, Bonus
Sample Data1: E01, AX1234, 14.4, 1
Sample Data2: E01, AB1938, 12.5, 0
Sample Data3: E01, BB1919, 13.0, 2
Event No specifies unique event ID
Timing measures the time taken to run 200 metres. The lesser, the better.
Bonus can be given in 3 values (0 - Disqualified, 1 - Normal, 2 - Exceptional). Competitors with Exceptional are given bonus points (5% off their timing).
Query: FinalScore
Columns: CompetitorNo (PK), Score, Ranking
Score is calculated by wins. For example, in the above event (E01), there are three competitors. The winner of the event is BB1919. Winners get 1 point. Losers don't get any points. Those that are disqualified do not receive any points as well.
This query lists the competitors and their cumulative scores (from a list of many events - E01, E02, E03 etc.) and calculates their ranking in the ranking column everytime the query is executed. (For example, a person who wins the most 200m events would be at the top of this list).
Now, I am required to update the Competitors table with this information. The query is rather complex - with all the grouping, summations, rankings and whatnots. Thus, I had to create multiple queries to achieve the end result.

How about:
ON Food.ID=New.ID
SET Food.[Favourite Food] = New.[Favourite Food]


match tables with intermediate mapping table (fuzzy joins with similar strings)

I'm using BigQuery.
I have two simple tables with "bad" data quality from our systems. One represents revenue and the other production rows for bus journeys.
I need to match every journey to a revenue transaction but I only have a set of fields and no key and I don't really know how to do this matching.
This is a sample of the data:
Year, Agreement, Station_origin, Station_destination, Product
2020, 123123, London, Manchester, Qwerty
Year, Agreement, Station_origin, Station_destination, Product
2020, 123123, Kings Cross, Piccadilly Gardens, Qwer
2020, 123123, Kings Cross, Victoria Station, Qwert
2020, 123123, London, Manchester, Qwerty
Every station has a maximum of 9 alternative names and these are stored in a "station" table.
Station Name, Station Name 2, Station Name 3,...
London, Kings Cross, Euston,...
Manchester, Piccadilly Gardens, Victoria Station,...
I would like to test matching or joining the tables first with the original fields. This will generate some matches but there are many journeys that are not matched. For the unmatched revenue rows, I would like to change the product name (shorten it to two letters and possibly get many matches from production table) and then station names by first change the station_origin and then station_destination. When using a shorter product name I could possibly get many matches but I want the row from the production table with the most common product.
Something like this:
1. Do a direct match. That is, I can use the fields as they are in the tables.
2. Do a match where the revenue.product is changed by shortening it to two letters. substr(product,0,2)
3. Change the rev.station_origin to the first alternative, Station Name 2, and then try a join. The product or other station are not changed.
4. Change the rev.station_origin to the first alternative, Station Name 2, and then try a join. The product is changed as above with a substr(product,0,2) but rev.station_destination is not changed.
5. Change the rev.station_destination to the first alternative, Station Name 2, and then try a join. The product or other station are not changed.
I was told that maybe I should create an intermediate table with all combinations of stations and products and let a rank column decide the order. The station names in the station's table are in order of importance so "station name" is more important than "station name 2" and so on.
I started to do a query with a subquery per rank and do a UNION ALL but there are so many combinations that there must be another way to do this.
Don't know if this makes any sense but I would appreciate any help or ideas to do this in a better way.
To implement a complex joining strategy with approximate matching, it might make more sense to define the strategy within JavaScript - and call the function from a BigQuery SQL query.
For example, the following query does the following steps:
Take the top 200 male names in the US.
Find if one of the top 200 female names matches.
If not, look for the most similar female name within the options.
Note that the logic to choose the closest option is encapsulated within the JS UDF fhoffa.x.fuzzy_extract_one(). See to learn more about this.
WITH data AS (
SELECT name, gender, SUM(number) c
FROM `bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_2013`
), top_men AS (
SELECT * FROM data WHERE gender='M'
), top_women AS (
SELECT * FROM data WHERE gender='F'
SELECT name male_name,
(SELECT name FROM top_women WHERE
, fhoffa.x.fuzzy_extract_one(name, ARRAY(SELECT name FROM top_women))
) female_version
FROM top_men a

Using Count and Group By in Power BI

I have a table that contains data about different benefit plans and users enrolled in one or more of those plans. So basically the table contains two columns representing the benefit plan counts and total users enrolled in those plans.
I need to create visualization in Power BI to represent the number of total users enrolled in 1 plan, 2 plans, 3 plans, ...etc.
I wrote the query in sql to get the desired result but not sure how do I do the same in power BI.
Below is my sql query:
SELECT S.PlanCount, COUNT(S.UserName) AS Participants
SELECT A.Username, COUNT(*) AS PlanCount
FROM [dbo].[vw_BenefitsCount_Plan_Participants] AS A
GROUP BY A.username
GROUP BY S.PlanCount
ORDER BY S.PlanCount
The query result is below image:
So here, PlanCount column represents the total different benefit plans that users are enrolled in. For e.g. the first row means that total of 6008 members are enrolled in only 1 plan, whereas row 2 displays that there are total of 3030 members who are enrolled in total of 2 plans and similarly row 5 means there are only 10 users who are enrolled in total of 6 plans.
I am new to Power BI and trying to understand DAX functions but couldn't find a reasonable example that could help me create my visualization.
I found a something similar here and here but they seem to be more towards single count and group by usage.
Here is a simple example. I have a table of home owners who have homes in multiple cities.
Now in this table, Alex, Dave and Julie have home in 1 city (basically we can say that these 3 people own just 1 home each). Similarly Jim owns a total of 2 homes and Bob and Pam each have 3 homes in total.
Now the output that I need is a table with total number of home owners that own 1 home, 2 homes and so on. So the resulting table in SQL is this.
Where NameCount is basically count of total home owners and Homes is the count of total homes these home owners have.
Please let me know if this helps.
If I understood fine, you have a table like this:
BenefitPlan | User
1 | Max
1 | Joe
2 | Max
3 | Anna
If it's ok, you can simply use a plot bar (for example) where the Axis is BenefitPlan and Value is User. When you drag some column in Value field, it will be grouped automaticaly (like group by in SQL), and by default the groupping method is count.
Hope it helps.
You can use DAX to create a summary table from your data table:
Once you have counted plans by customer you will then have a field that will enable you to visualize the # of customers with each count.
Mock-up of the code:
PlanSummary = SUMMARIZE('vw_BenefitsCount_Plan_Participants',[Username],COUNT([PLAN_ID])

SQL Where clause compare multiple columns against another tables singular column

I have 2 tables:
1st table has columns:
Id, object, object_piece1, object_piece2, object_piece3
table wood leg bolt
lamp stand bolt lightbulb
door wood bolt
2nd table has columns:
id, piece_name
I am trying to use the 2nd table as a list of pieces I have and the 1st table as what i can make.
But my SQL clause is not functioning like I would expect:
I have
[DBOne].object, [DBOne].object_piece1, [DBOne].object_piece2,
DBOne, DBTwo
[DBOne].object_piece1 = [DBTwo].piece_name
AND [DBOne].object_piece2 = [DBTwo].piece_name
AND [DBOne].object_piece3 = [DBTwo].piece_name;
When I run it, I get no records back. Can you help point out where I am going wrong?

Multi-Row Per Record SQL Statement

I'm not sure this is possible but my manager wants me to do it...
Using the below picture as a reference, is it possible to retrieve a group of records, where each record has 2 rows of columns?
So columns: Number, Incident Number, Vendor Number, Customer Name, Customer Location, Status, Opened and Updated would be part of the first row and column: Work Notes would be a new row that spans the width of the report. Each record would have two rows. Is this possible with a GROUP BY statement?
Record 1
Row 1 = Number, Incident Number, Vendor Number, Customer Name, Customer Location, Status, Opened and Updated
Row 2 = Work Notes
Record 2
Row 1 = Number, Incident Number, Vendor Number, Customer Name, Customer Location, Status, Opened and Updated
Row 2 = Work Notes
Record n
I don't think that possible with the built in report engine. You'll need to export the data and format it using something else.
You could have something similar to what you want on short description (list report, group by short description), but you can't group by work notes so that's out.
One thing to note is that the work_notes field is not actually a field on the table, the work_notes field is of type journal_input, which means it's really just a gateway to the actual underlying data model. "Modifying" work_notes actually just inserts into sys_journal_field.
sys_journal_field is the table which stores the work notes you're looking for. Given a sys_id of an incident record, this URL will give you all journal field entries for that particular record:
You will notice this includes ALL journal fields (comments + work_notes + anything else), so if you just wanted work notes, you could simply add a query against element thusly:
What this means for you!
While you can't separate a physical row into multiple logical rows in the UI, in the case of journal fields you can join your target table against the sys_journal_field table using a Database View. This deviates from your goal in that you wouldn't get a single row for all work notes, but rather an additional row for each matched work note.
Given an incident INC123 with 3 work notes, your report against the Database View would look kind of like this:
Row 1: INT123 | markmilly | This is a test incident |
Row 2: INT123 | | | Work note #1
Row 3: INT123 | | | Work note #2
Row 4: INT123 | | | Work note #3

using MS Access 2010, editing a form, 3 tables, one table is "one to many" and want to have query across one row

(using a comma, to show columns & "A_", "B_", "C_" to show tables)
I currently have...
A_John, A_Doe, B_MemStartDate, C_Date,
A_John, A_Doe, B_MemStartDate, C_Date,
A_John, A_Doe, B_MemStartDate, C_Date,
I would like Table "C" columns to be pulled by Course but shown as the "Date" column... in other words, example, where Course = 1, use Date... etc...
The table would have each member's course history.
MemberID, CourseID, Date
JohnDoe, Course1, 10-10-13
JohnDoe, Course2, 10-11-13
JohnDoe, Course3, 10-12-13
The table C is the one to many of course, with the goal to show the date that the course was taken as I would title the columns with the 3 different courses I want to show... (I want to pull only 3 different courses)
I would like to have them in a row...
A_John, A_Doe, B_Start Date, C_Course1Date, C_Course2Date, C_Course3Date
Sorry for the lack of experience in my question, but I usually get by with "copy/paste"...LOL
Keeping in mind I am using Access... can I do this?
Clarifying... sorry don't know how to do tables in basic html so have commas
Have this. Pulling from 3 different tables where the member# is unique and joined.
JohnSmith, 08-01-2013, Active, Workshop1, 10-20-2013
JohnSmith, 08-01-2013, Active, Workshop2, 10-13-2013
JohnSmith, 08-01-2013, Active, Workshop3, 10-28-2013
LaraBentt, 12-01-2012, Inactive, Workshop1, 02-20-2012
LaraBentt, 12-01-2012, Inactive, Workshop2, 02-13-2012
LaraBentt, 12-01-2012, Inactive, Workshop3, 02-28-2012
Want this...
JohnSmith, 08-01-2013, Active, 10-20-2013, 10-13-2013, 10-28-2013
LaraBentt, 12-01-2012, Inactive, 02-20-2012, 02-13-2012, 02-28-2012
Tables columns are basically like this...
Table 1 - tblMember (one - one)
Table 2 - tblRegStatus (one - one)
Table 3 - tblCourses (one to many)
Hope this explains it better!
Your amendment to your question made it much more clear.
One of the problems you are going to encounter is if you have someone that has registered for the same course, twice. There has to be the understanding that you are only showing the most recent registration per person. Now that we understand that caveat - lets look at how you can build this.
The simplest way of building this is to change the query type from Select to Crosstab. This is done through the Access interface.
For each of the fields in the query, set the Total and Crosstab values to:
MemberName: Total = *Group By* Crosstab = *Row Heading*
StartDate: Total = *Group By* Crosstab = *Row Heading*
Status: Total = *Group By* Crosstab = *Row Heading*
CourseName: Total = *Group By* Crosstab = *Column Heading*
CourseDate: Total = *Max* Crosstab = *Value*
This will result in query results such as:
MemberName StartDate Status Biology English Math
---------- --------- ------ ------- ------- ----
John 10/1/2013 Active 11/14/2013 12/1/2013
Matthew 9/1/2013 Inactive 1/1/2013
Peter 8/7/2013 Active 1/1/2013 4/1/2013
Sam 1/14/2013 Inactive 11/14/2013
William 5/19/2013 Active 1/1/2013 4/1/2013
The advantage to the crosstab is that it will automatically add columns as there is data.
You have to construct your query (the joins) to give you the data that you want however. For example - do you want to show members that have no courses on the list? Do you want to show courses that have no enrollment?
Microsoft has a page on using crosstab queries:
If you want to hard code your three columns, you can also manually pivot the data. Again - keep in mind that we are using the Max aggregate, so only the latest courses will show. With a manual pivot you also need to remember that it will be limited to the data you are requesting.
Take your select query, right click and click "Totals" to show the Totals row. You can also click on the Totals icon in the ribbon under Query Tools / Design.
Set up your three columns:
MemberName: Total = *Group By*
StartDate: Total = *Group By*
Status: Total = *Group By*
Now add in a separate field for each course you wish to include. In the "Field" definition enter the following.
Science: IIf([CourseName]="Science",[CourseDate],Null)
Biology: IIf([CourseName]="Biology",[CourseDate],Null)
Math: IIf([CourseName]="Math",[CourseDate],Null)
English: IIf([CourseName]="English",[CourseDate],Null)
Set the "Total" definition value to "Max".
That should get you the results you are looking for.