Camunda : Set Assignee to all UserTasks of the process instance - bpmn

I have a requirement where I need to set assignee's to all the "user-tasks" in a process instance as soon as the instance is created, which is based on the candidate group set to the user-task.
i tries getting the user-tasks using this :
Collection<UserTask> userTasks = execution.getBpmnModelInstance().getModelElementsByType(UserTask.class);
which is correct in someway but i am not able to set the assignee's , Also, looks like this would apply to the process itself and not the process instance.
secondly , I tried getting it from the taskQuery which gives me only the next task and not all the user-tasks inside a process.
Please help !!

It does not work that way. A process flow can be simplified to "a token moves through the bpmn diagram" ... only the current position of the token is relevant. So naturally, the tasklist only gives you the current task. Not what could happen after ... which you cannot know, because if you had a gateway that continues differently based on the task outcome? So drop playing with the BPMN meta model. Focus on the runtime.
You have two choices to dynamically assign user tasks:
1.) in the modeler, instead of hard-assigning the task to "a-user", use an expression like ${taskAssignment.assignTask(task)} where "taskAssignment" is a bean that provides a String method that returns the user.
2.) add a taskListener on "create" to the task and set the assignee in the listener.
for option 2 you can use the camunda spring boot events (or the (outdated) camunda-bpm-reactor extension) to register one central component rather than adding a listener to every task.


Log correlation id using Hangfire Filter

I am trying to use the Hangfire Filter and ILogger.BeginScope to log the correlation id. The requirement is that each job execution will have its own correlation id so that it's easier to group the logs of the same job execution together if something happens.
My approach is that in IServerFilter.OnPerforming method, I first create a GUID, then using below code to begin the scope
logger.BeginScope(new FormattedDictionary<string, object>
["CorrelationId"] = correlationId
The subsequent log statements in the method IServerFilter.OnPerforming will have correlation id attached. But unfortunately, during job execution, the log statement won't have the correlation id scope. The ILogger instance of the job class is resolved using constructor. And the ILogger instance of the method IServerFilter.OnPerforming is resolved using a IServiceProvider.GetRequiredService method
I am wondering why so? And how can we fix this issue? I am open to other approaches of implementing logging correlation id as long as it works.
Finally figured it out. The reason being that when the local IDisposable in IServerFilter.OnPerforming created by a local ILogger instance are out of scope, since nothing reference it again, after a while, GC will collect it and thus the locally created scope will be lost. The solution is simple, using AsyncLocal<ILogger> instance on the filter to hold a reference to the created scope and only dispose it after the job finishes

runtimeservice.getVariables does not work because it can't find process instance id

I'm new to flowable and I'm trying to start a process instance with variables. params here is the Map of <String,Object> that I'm using to start the process. It all goes well, but if I try to get my variables back it tells me
"execution 22f42f67-5f88-11e9-9df0-d46d6dbfea92 doesn't exist"
But if I search for it in my process instances list, is there. This is what I do:
pi = runtimeService.startProcessInstanceById(processDefinitionId, params);
I'm stuck with this problem and I do not understand why it keeps doing this. What am I missing?
Flowable has the concept of RuntimeService and HistoryService. The first one contains only the runtime data (what is currently active) and the second one has all the data. The runtime data is a subset of the history data.
The reason why you can’t find the variables via the RuntimeService is due to the fact that the process is completed.
If you use the HistoryService then it would work as expected.

Maximo 7.6 Intergration Automation Script

I'm trying to create an Intergration Automation Script for a PUBLISHED Channel which updates a database field.
Basically for WOACTIVITY I just want a field value setting to 1 for the Work Order if the PUBLISHED channel is triggered.
Any ideas or example scripts that anyone has or can help with please? Just can't get it work.
What about using a SET processing rule on the publish channel? Processing rules are evaluated every time the channel is activated, and a SET action will let you set an attribute for the parent object to a specified value. You can read more about processing rules here.
Adding a new answer because experience, in case it helps anyone.
If you create an automation script for integration against a Publish Channel and then select External Exit or User Exit there's an implicit variable irData that has access to the MBO being worked on. You can then use that MBO as you would in any other script. Note that because you're changing a record that's integrated you'll probably want a skip rule in your publish channel that skips records with your value set or you may run into an infinite publish --> update --> publish loop.
woMbo = irData.getCurrentMbo()
woMboSet = woMbo.getThisMboSet()
woMbo.setValue("FIELD", 1)

Assigning a property to oozie workflow not in file but in workflow.xml itself and use it further

I have a oozie workflow wchich consists of a sub-workflow. My main workflow takes three sqoop job names at a time in fork. Then it has to pass those names to the subworkflow. In main workflow there are three shell actions which receive values of job names in three respective variables(${job1},${job2},${job3}) . But my sub-workflow is common for all three shell actions. I want to assign the value of ${job1} to ${job}. Where to create the property ${job} and how to transfer the value of ${job1} to ${job}???? Please help.
Use a java action in between along with capture-output so that you can do whatever assignment or name change logic there.
Java will accept job1 and will output job=job1 using capture-output which in turn you may pass to sub-workflows.

BizTalk Receive binary file correlated on RecievedFileName

I'm having problem with routing a message of binary file to a running instance of an Orchestration using correlation of context property: ReceivedFileName. The correlation is initialized using a send with dummy file where in the Orchestration sets the ReceivedFileName context property of the message and the property gets promoted. After that routing fails of the message being received (as XmlDocument) and I can see that the ReveivedFileName context property of that message has not been promoted should it be like that? I cant figure out any way to get it promoted so I just want to make sure it should be like this.
The file names are identical but I noticed that the ReceivedFileName property of the send message doesn't have the path whereas the received message has path + file name. I have tried to add the path to the send message(sounds strange though, read it some where) but it doesn't change the outcome.
While you can set Context Proerties in an Orchestration, they are not Promoted.
You have to use the Correlation Technique described here to have the Properties Promoted when they hit the MessageBox:
Basically, you Initialize a Correlation Set based on the Properties you need Promoted.
As Ben Runchey pointed out in a comment above one have to resort to a custom pipeline and promote the FILE.ReceivedFileName there by calling:
messag.Context.Promote("ReceivedFileName", "", receivedFileName);
I also removed the path from FILE.ReceivedFileName to only have the filename by calling the inmsg.Context.Read("ReceivedFileName", "")
and altered the value and wrote it back by calling:
inmsg.Context.Write("ReceivedFileName", "", receivedFileName);