authentication in Cassandra 3.0 is broken - authentication

On a new installation of cassandra 3.0.20 on redhat 7 I can not list roles. I have tried the option of fixing /etc/alternatives/cassandra/cassandra.yaml with...
authenticator: PasswordAuthenticator
and then restart the service.
still when I run a simple command like LIST ROLES I get the following error.
cassandra#cqlsh> list roles;
Unauthorized: Error from server: code=2100 [Unauthorized] message="You have to be logged in and not anonymous to perform this request"

It turns out that systemctl was not completely stopping cassandra due to weirdness with Redhat 7 and the init file. Therefore the changes to my cassandra.yaml were not taking effect.
Once I killed cassandra, made a proper cassandra.service and restarted the desired settings took effect, and I am able to run operations like "LIST ROLES;" normally.


In Python Zope, how do I dump the error_log to the browser?

We are a big org and we use Python Zope. We have naturally two versions: prod and dev. In production I understand due to security reasons we should not show error log to end users, but how do I do that for dev? It is very cumbersome to check the error log manually every time I get an internal server error.
Can I dump the error log directly onto the browser?
Zope v. 4.6.2
Python v. 3.8.0b2 (default, Jul 9 2019, 16:47:40) [GCC 4.8.5]
As far as I remember, Zope is using Products.SiteErrorLog for logging errors.
Afair on startup, Zope created a SiteErrorLog on startup, which you could customize. Back then I customized it in such a way that admin accounts could view the traceback in the browser, both for staging and production environments.
On my local developer box, I started Zope in foreground mode, which directly printed all errors to my terminal, without the need to look in logs.
If you cannot manage to configure the error log, I would suggest to create an issue at or ask your question again at (tag: Zope) which is the most active Plone/Zope community online.

ActiveMQ 5.15 HTTP ERROR: 503

Run environment :linux (CentOS 7), JDK 1.8, & ActiveMQ 5.15
I started Activemq then visit the management page with Chrome,when I try to log in with the default username & password I get the following error;
Problem accessing /admin/. Reason:
Service Unavailable Powered by Jetty://
How can I resolve this problem?
I was getting this same error. It turns out that I had run it as root user originally, then later I stopped it and ran it as a non-root user. Certain data files that had been created and owned by the original root instance were not accessible to the non-root user.
Check the ownership of the files, and change them if necessary to match the user that the broker is running as.
Had the same issue.
Maybe something went wrong the extraction of the package.
I downloaded this:
and extracted it with:
sudo tar -zxvf apache-activemq-5.15.0-bin.tar.gz -C /opt
then it worked for me.
My two cents:
I start with the activemq in Ubuntu Repo, but then later change to binary package from official website.
In my case, the repo version left an /etc/default/activemq config file, which runs activemq with user "activemq". It turns out in previous experiments, I did not kill the old processes running under "activemq" when I start activemq under my own user name. There are two activemq processes running under different user names, and when connecting to admin console, I have a 503.
I delete the /etc/default/activemq file, and kill all activemq processes running under "activemq", then restart activemq with my user name, the 503 is gone.

RabbitMQ SSL Clustering on Windows Breaks rabbitmqctl

I'm trying to follow the steps in the RabbitMQ docs here to get clustering with SSL working on Windows. I'm noticing though that the "rabbitmqctl status" command starts failing after the environment variables defined in those steps are set. I'm getting the following error when executing "rabbitmqctl status":
Error: unable to connect to node 'rabbit#server1': nodedown
I've already configured RabbitMQ to use TLS 1.2 and have verified that it's working. I've ensured that my Erlang 18 cookie is the same in the user directory C:\users\me and C:\Windows on the machine, but the error persists, and is stopping other servers from clustering with it. The docs say that the Windows SSL Cluster setup is "Coming soon"... Here are the steps I've taken so far on server1. I think that Erlang wants forward slashes in the paths - this matches the rabbit.config SSL settings.
Combined the contents of my server\cert.pem and server\key.pem into rabbit.pem via the command "type server\cert.pem server\key.pem > server\rabbit.pem"
Created environment variable ERL_SSL_PATH and set to: "C:/Program
Created environment variable RABBITMQ_CTL_ERL_ARGS and set to: -pa "%ERL_SSL_PATH%" -proto_dist inet_tls -ssl_dist_opt server_certfile C:/OpenSSL-Win64/server/rabbit.pem -ssl_dist_opt server_secure_renegotiate true client_secure_renegotiate true
Created environment variable RABBITMQ_SERVER_ADDITIONAL_ERL_ARGS and set to same value as RABBITMQ_CTL_ERL_ARGS
Copied the erlang cookie at C:\Windows.erlang.cookie to my local user profile directory.
Restarted rabbit using rabbitmq-service start
At this point, on server1, "rabbitmqctl status" no longer works. Attempts to try to join server2 to server1 result in a "node down" error.
Edit 1: I can't get the initial step in the docs working to ask Erlang to report its SSL directory on Windows in order to set ERL_SSL_PATH correctly. Erlang is installed at C:\Program Files\erl7.0 on my server.
Edit 2: Using werl.exe (at C:\Program Files\erl7.0\bin\werl.exe), I was able to issue a command "Foo=io:format(code:lib_dir(ssl, ebin))." and it reported the path as: c:/Program Files/erl7.0/lib/ssl-7.0/ebin. However, this doesn't seem to be the cause of the this issue since that's already what I was using.
For environment changes to take effect on Windows, the service must be
re-installed. It is not sufficient to restart the service. This can be
done using the installer or on the command line with administrator
This will do:
rabbitmq-service.bat stop
rabbitmq-service.bat remove
rabbitmq-service.bat install
rabbitmq-service.bat start
Also, if while the node you're working on is down, the other cluster nodes were running, their state might be assumed to have gone out of sync. In that case, the node might fail to start up and you might need to:
rabbitmqctl force_boot
Check the logs to confirm. (at %RABBIT_BASE%\log\rabbit#server.log)
Late answer but, hopefully this could help a searcher...

LDAP commands are still working without ldap_mod enabled

I've been having a problem with my (development) site hanging when I try to login using LDAP credentials. Using xdebug, I was able to pinpoint the hang to a specific line of code, which is a call to ldap_bind(...). After days of trying to understand why it is hanging, one of my debugging techniques was to disable mod_ldap, and then just try to get any error to show up in apache log (after this has started, apache error logs haven't been recording any errors while performing this http request; It 'hangs' too).
What I did
I disabled the module (sudo a2dismod mod_ldap), restarted the server (sudo service apache2 restart), and confirmed that the module isn't enabled (apache2ctl -M does not show mod_ldap)
The Problem
It still hangs when it reaches ldap_bind(), however, it shouldn't even be reaching that point because without mod_ldap, my code shouldn't even be successfully calling ldap_connect() (right?) which is returning (resource) resource id='5' type='ldap link' (meaning the call was successful). I'm expecting a NoMethod or Function error.
Why can php make a call to a module that isn't enabled, and how do I stop that behavior?
Ubuntu 14.04
Apache 2.4.7
PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.5
Well it turns out, I had a novice understanding of what was happening. Never occurred to me that ldap_connect() as a php call had nothing to do with mod_ldap or any apache module. Thus, disabling/enabling apache mods wasn't doing anything because... it had nothing to do with apache mods.
So... I was able to disable ldap php extension with
sudo php5dismod ldap
and able to check that it was disabled with
php -m
And sure enough, after restarting the server, running my script caused a No function error for ldap_connect() (just as I was expecting/hoping). Now I just need to figure out why ldap_bind() hangs...

ECONNREFUSED on redis what to do?

I have been working on this for days now, and I can't figure out what is wrong.
Everything else is working, but I get the "ECONNREFUSED" on redis.
I have follow intances running:
app01 ROLE: app
web01 ROLE: web
db01 ROLE:db:primary
redis01 ROLE:redis_master
redis02 ROLE:redis_slave
sidekiq01 ROLE:redis
Here is the error from the productionlog:
Redis::CannotConnectError (Error connecting to Redis on localhost:6379 (ECONNREFUSED)):
app/models/user.rb:63:in `send_password_reset'
app/controllers/password_resets_controller.rb:10:in `create'
Everything is set-up by using the rubber-gem.
I have tried to remove all instaces and start from the start two times. Also I have tried to make a custom security-rule, but i'm not shure if I did it right.
Please help me!
Bringing this post back from the dead because I found it when I was struggling with the same problem today. I resolved my problem by doing the following:
I added redis_slave or redis_master roles to the servers using cap rubber:add_role. I found this will add both the specified role, and the generic "redis" role. Assuming that you want redis01 to be the only redis_master after adding roles, I'd expect your environment to have:
app01 ROLE: app
web01 ROLE: web
db01 ROLE:db:primary
redis01 ROLE:redis_master
redis01 ROLE:redis
redis02 ROLE:redis_slave
redis01 ROLE:redis
sidekiq01 ROLE:redis_slave
sidekiq01 ROLE:redis
After setting up roles, I updated the servers with cap rubber:bootstrap
In my environment, I'm deploying code from git, so I had to commit these changes and run cap -s branch="branch_name_or_sha" deploy to get rubber/deploy-redis.rb on the servers with the new roles and execute it.
After doing all this, redis runs on all my nodes without throwing Redis::CannotConnectError (Error connecting to Redis on localhost:6379 (ECONNREFUSED)) error on any of them.
Good Luck!