RabbitMQ SSL Clustering on Windows Breaks rabbitmqctl - rabbitmq

I'm trying to follow the steps in the RabbitMQ docs here to get clustering with SSL working on Windows. I'm noticing though that the "rabbitmqctl status" command starts failing after the environment variables defined in those steps are set. I'm getting the following error when executing "rabbitmqctl status":
Error: unable to connect to node 'rabbit#server1': nodedown
I've already configured RabbitMQ to use TLS 1.2 and have verified that it's working. I've ensured that my Erlang 18 cookie is the same in the user directory C:\users\me and C:\Windows on the machine, but the error persists, and is stopping other servers from clustering with it. The docs say that the Windows SSL Cluster setup is "Coming soon"... Here are the steps I've taken so far on server1. I think that Erlang wants forward slashes in the paths - this matches the rabbit.config SSL settings.
Combined the contents of my server\cert.pem and server\key.pem into rabbit.pem via the command "type server\cert.pem server\key.pem > server\rabbit.pem"
Created environment variable ERL_SSL_PATH and set to: "C:/Program
Created environment variable RABBITMQ_CTL_ERL_ARGS and set to: -pa "%ERL_SSL_PATH%" -proto_dist inet_tls -ssl_dist_opt server_certfile C:/OpenSSL-Win64/server/rabbit.pem -ssl_dist_opt server_secure_renegotiate true client_secure_renegotiate true
Created environment variable RABBITMQ_SERVER_ADDITIONAL_ERL_ARGS and set to same value as RABBITMQ_CTL_ERL_ARGS
Copied the erlang cookie at C:\Windows.erlang.cookie to my local user profile directory.
Restarted rabbit using rabbitmq-service start
At this point, on server1, "rabbitmqctl status" no longer works. Attempts to try to join server2 to server1 result in a "node down" error.
Edit 1: I can't get the initial step in the docs working to ask Erlang to report its SSL directory on Windows in order to set ERL_SSL_PATH correctly. Erlang is installed at C:\Program Files\erl7.0 on my server.
Edit 2: Using werl.exe (at C:\Program Files\erl7.0\bin\werl.exe), I was able to issue a command "Foo=io:format(code:lib_dir(ssl, ebin))." and it reported the path as: c:/Program Files/erl7.0/lib/ssl-7.0/ebin. However, this doesn't seem to be the cause of the this issue since that's already what I was using.

For environment changes to take effect on Windows, the service must be
re-installed. It is not sufficient to restart the service. This can be
done using the installer or on the command line with administrator
This will do:
rabbitmq-service.bat stop
rabbitmq-service.bat remove
rabbitmq-service.bat install
rabbitmq-service.bat start
Also, if while the node you're working on is down, the other cluster nodes were running, their state might be assumed to have gone out of sync. In that case, the node might fail to start up and you might need to:
rabbitmqctl force_boot
Check the logs to confirm. (at %RABBIT_BASE%\log\rabbit#server.log)
Late answer but, hopefully this could help a searcher...


Service openfire startup with script openfire.sh

look, always should run this command:
# cd /opt/openfire/bin/
# ./openfire.sh start
Openfire 3.6.4 [19-may-2009 17:43:25]
Console d'administration en écoute sur:
Index opened.
Index thread started
If I close the putty command line… the service openfire down… and after is neccessary again run… somebody know some way for always this service are permanently up ?
All of the Openfire distributions should come with some kind of daemon or service script. It's hard to tell exactly what operating system you're on, but try typing something like this:
service openfire start
Also, I'm noticing that you're using a very old version of Openfire (it's from 2009!). I urge you to upgrade. Not only were many improvements and new features added, but security has been improved greatly over the years too.

ActiveMQ 5.15 HTTP ERROR: 503

Run environment :linux (CentOS 7), JDK 1.8, & ActiveMQ 5.15
I started Activemq then visit the management page with Chrome,when I try to log in with the default username & password I get the following error;
Problem accessing /admin/. Reason:
Service Unavailable Powered by Jetty://
How can I resolve this problem?
I was getting this same error. It turns out that I had run it as root user originally, then later I stopped it and ran it as a non-root user. Certain data files that had been created and owned by the original root instance were not accessible to the non-root user.
Check the ownership of the files, and change them if necessary to match the user that the broker is running as.
Had the same issue.
Maybe something went wrong the extraction of the package.
I downloaded this:
wget https://archive.apache.org/dist/activemq/5.15.0/apache-activemq-5.15.0-bin.tar.gz
and extracted it with:
sudo tar -zxvf apache-activemq-5.15.0-bin.tar.gz -C /opt
then it worked for me.
My two cents:
I start with the activemq in Ubuntu Repo, but then later change to binary package from official website.
In my case, the repo version left an /etc/default/activemq config file, which runs activemq with user "activemq". It turns out in previous experiments, I did not kill the old processes running under "activemq" when I start activemq under my own user name. There are two activemq processes running under different user names, and when connecting to admin console, I have a 503.
I delete the /etc/default/activemq file, and kill all activemq processes running under "activemq", then restart activemq with my user name, the 503 is gone.

Redis doesn't start as windows service on Windows7

I used this build to install redis on my windows7:
https://github.com/rgl/redis (git)
http://ruilopes.com/redis-setup/binaries/redis-2.4.6-setup-64-bit.exe (binary)
Service has been installed sucessfully, but it doesn't start:
The message says: 'Redis Server service on local computer was started and then stopped'. logs folder is empty. redis-server.exe starts properly without service. How can I fix this? Propose any other working dist. plz if you know it.
Ran into a similar issue on Windows 10 when trying to start Redis v3.0.503 as a service.
I had to install the service with a service-name param and it magically started working.
C:\redis>redis-server --service-install redis.windows.conf --loglevel verbose --service-name redisService
[7484] 04 Feb 00:03:53.610 # Granting read/write access to 'NT AUTHORITY\Network Service' on: "C:\redis" "C:\redis" [7484] 04 Feb 00:03:53.612 # Redis successfully installed as a service.
Found the solution here:
Redis-windows GitHub Wiki - Issues might happen
Commonly the Redis server on windows fails to start if you don't specify a maxheap parameter, before installing the service try to edit the redis.windows.conf file and uncomment maxheap parameter to something suitable.

Weblogic 12c setting PermSize when using NodeManager

We have a Windows Server 2012 64bit + Weblogic 12c setup. The AdminServer requires a higher PermSize when being used with a 64bit OS, thus we need to modify the "setDomainEnv.cmd" (as described in other questions here on stackoverflow).
When starting the AdminServer through the usual "startWeblogic.cmd" script, it uses the settings in "setDomainEnv.cmd" that sets the PermSize etc. successfully, but when using NodeManager "startServer()" command, it does not.
I read something in the documentation about the fact that one can control the parameters that are loaded on startup of a managed server (with NodeManager), but I did not find the right way to do it.
I would hope that we can achieve a consistent behaviour when starting a managed server (and the AdminServer) through NodeManager or manually.
Any ideas?
I checked what's going on when starting managed server and(!) in comparison what's going on when starting the AdminServer. Result: the AdminServer process (it starts a 'javaw.exe' instance in contrast to a 'java.exe' instance for a managed server) never get's passed ANY parameters set in the setDomainEnv.cmd script.. it's basically full of Oracle internal parameters.
To me all this looks completely messed up and inconsistent. In addition to this I found an issue reported by Oracle that mystically talks about setting environment variables when running on a 64bit OS (see headline "Developer ZIP Distribution Fails on Windows 64-bit and Linux 64-bit"):
I have idea if this applies to my version or not, since the version I downloaded does not say "developer" version, it basically was the primary weblogic download for the latest release.
The question that comes to my mind is this: what is the expected way of starting the AdminServer if not using "startServer"? Is there a bug that nobody cares about, since it is usually done differently? I am really disappointed to how confusing this rather simple topic evolves when starting to read Oracle documentation: it simply does not say anything about it at all.
Command line that is triggered when starting the AdminServer through "startServer()" command:
C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JDK17~1.0_6\jre\bin\javaw.exe -classpath "C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JDK17~1.0_6\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JDK17~1.0_6\jre\lib\i18n.jar;C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JDK17~1.0_6\lib\tools.jar;D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver\server\lib\weblogic_sp.jar;D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver\server\lib\weblogic.jar;D:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\modules\net.sf.antcontrib_1.1.0.0_1-0b3\lib\ant-contrib.jar;D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver\modules\features\oracle.wls.common.nodemanager_2.0.0.0.jar;D:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\modules\com.oracle.cie.config-wls-online_8.1.0.0.jar;D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver\common\derby\lib\derbyclient.jar;D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver\common\derby\lib\derby.jar;D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver\server\lib\xqrl.jar" "-Djava.runtime.name=Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment" -Dpython.cachedir=C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\wlstTempAdministrator -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=weblogic.utils|weblogic.utils|weblogic.utils -Djava.vm.version=24.65-b04 "-Djava.vm.vendor=Oracle Corporation" -Djava.vendor.url=http://java.oracle.com/ -Dpath.separator=; "-Djava.vm.name=Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM" -Dweblogic.RootDirectory=D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\test1234\. "-Djava.vm.specification.name=Java Virtual Machine Specification" -Djava.runtime.version=1.7.0_67-b01 -Djavax.rmi.CORBA.UtilClass=weblogic.iiop.UtilDelegateImpl -Djava.awt.graphicsenv=sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JDK17~1.0_6\jre\lib\endorsed -Dos.arch=amd64 -Djava.io.tmpdir=C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\ -Dline.separator=
"-Djava.vm.specification.vendor=Oracle Corporation" -Djava.naming.factory.url.pkgs=weblogic.jndi.factories:weblogic.corba.j2ee.naming.url "-Dos.name=Windows Server 2012 R2" -Dprod.props.file=D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver\.product.properties -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass=weblogic.corba.orb.ORB -Djava.library.path=C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JDK17~1.0_6\jre\bin;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;;D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver\server\native\win\x64;D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver\server\bin;D:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\modules\org.apache.ant_1.9.2\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JDK17~1.0_6\jre\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JDK17~1.0_6\bin;D:\Oracle\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\BIN;C:\Windows\System32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WINDOW~1\v1.0\;C:\PROGRA~2\VISUAL~1\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\doxygen\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\TORTOI~1\bin;C:\PROGRA~2\WINDOW~4\8.0\WINDOW~1\;C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\110\Tools\Binn\;D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver\server\native\win\x64\oci920_8;. "-Djava.specification.name=Java Platform API Specification" -Djava.class.version=51.0 -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBClass=weblogic.corba.orb.ORB -Dos.version=6.3 -Djavax.rmi.CORBA.PortableRemoteObjectClass=weblogic.iiop.PortableRemoteObjectDelegateImpl -Djava.awt.printerjob=sun.awt.windows.WPrinterJob -Djava.specification.version=1.7 -Djava.class.path=C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JDK17~1.0_6\lib\tools.jar;D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver\server\lib\weblogic_sp.jar;D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver\server\lib\weblogic.jar;D:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\modules\net.sf.antcontrib_1.1.0.0_1-0b3\lib\ant-contrib.jar;D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver\modules\features\oracle.wls.common.nodemanager_2.0.0.0.jar;D:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\modules\com.oracle.cie.config-wls-online_8.1.0.0.jar;D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver\common\derby\lib\derbyclient.jar;D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver\common\derby\lib\derby.jar;D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver\server\lib\xqrl.jar -Djava.vm.specification.version=1.7 -Dweblogic.management.GenerateDefaultConfig=false -Djava.home=C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JDK17~1.0_6\jre "-Djava.specification.vendor=Oracle Corporation" -Dawt.toolkit=sun.awt.windows.WToolkit "-Djava.vm.info=mixed mode" -Djava.version=1.7.0_67 -Djava.ext.dirs=C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JDK17~1.0_6\jre\lib\ext;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext "-Djava.vendor=Oracle Corporation" -Djava.vendor.url.bug=http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/ -Dweblogic.store.DisableDiskScheduler=true -Dpython.verbose=warning weblogic.Server
Start the AdminServer through node manager (nmStart('AdminServer')) creates a usual "java.exe" process and starts up the AdminServer with correct memory settings. But this is even more confusing: why is "startServer()" creating a separate process (javaw.exe) with entirely different settings? Why are my settings now totally different for AdminServer? What is the "correct" way of starting the AdminServer (development/production?). Two thumbs down on this environment.
After repeating further tests the solution of getting "startServer()" to work is basically as follows: do not worry about the node manager settings at all, edit the "startWeblogic" script directly by adding additional java options inside of it (as usual by adding -D start parameters). The reason for all this is basically that the global settings (as used by node manager) are ignored completely, see my pasted command line output.
Check the nodemanager.properties file in your Oracle install ( e.g. /opt/ora/mw/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager/nodemanager.properties ) and verify that these options are set:
so the nodemanager is starting your servers with the appropriate scripts. You also have to option of setting server specific start attributes via the admin console - go to:
Servers -> Server Name -> Server Start tab -> Arguments
You can fill in server specific JVM args, like -XX:MaxPermSize=4096m in this field that will be used by the nodemanager. This may be a better/easier idea than hard coding it in the setDomainEnv script.
Attempt issuing an nmStart() command rather than a startServer() command for the AdminServer.
startServer allows you to start a server WITHOUT the nodemanager. It uses javaw.exe to effectively background the process
nmStart allows you to start the server WITH the nodemanager - which is why you get the correct memory settings. Because the process is started via a service, it is more or less automatically backgrounded, which is why you see the normal java.exe

Fail to start Apache Directory Server - Error 04450

While I was trying to start ApacheDS 1.5.7 on windows platform, An Error 04450 occurs and the apacheds-rolling.log contains:
[21:07:27] ERROR [org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.entry.DefaultServerAttribute] - ERR_04450 The value {0} is incorrect, it hasnt been added
[21:07:27] ERROR [org.apache.directory.server.Service] - Cannot start the server : reuseAddress can't be set while the acceptor is bound.
How can i fix this problem? Anybody could help me? many thanks!
The warning log message is a bit misleading, actually this is not a serious issue, the server should be running despite of this warning, this has been fixed a while back in the latest trunk code (which will be released as 2.0 instead of 1.5.8).
According to this post, the dc=example,dc=org context entry is not created by default anymore but no one has updated the documentation to reflect this. I installed 1.5.7 and it looks to me like the partition was created fine, but I'm getting the same error as described above. I suggest installing an older version.
The 2nd error message suggests that the port is already in use. Is there a chance that you already had another ApacheDS process running, or that another program is using the ports?
This isn't a domain controller perchance, is it? If so, the default LDAP ports 389 & 636 are already in use for Active Directory, so you'll need to choose another. However, I believe the defaults for ApacheDS are 10389 (LDAP) and 10636 (LDAPS), in which case they would typically be open on a Windows box.
You can check for processes on the ports with the netstat -abn command, and look through the list for the process listening on port 10389 or whichever custom port you chose.