I am trying to learn a bit about ling. in the code below, I'm trying to retrieve records that have an activeuntil date which after the current date.
Dim context As DynamicsCRMEntities = New DynamicsCRMEntities()
Dim CustomerNoticeQuery = From NewsArticles In context.BusinessUnitNewsArticles Where NewsArticles.NewsArticle Like "customer" Select NewsArticles.ArticleTitle, NewsArticles.NewsArticle, NewsArticles.ActiveUntil
For Each result In CustomerNoticeQuery
If Date.Now.Date >= result.ActiveUntil Then
CustomerNotice.Text = result.NewsArticle.ToString
End If
I keep running into this error but cannot get my head around it
System.NotSupportedException: 'LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean LikeString(System.String, System.String, Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompareMethod)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.'
The Like operator you are using there is VB-specific and, as the error message says, is not supported by EF. You need to use standard .NET functionality that the LINQ to Entities provider understands. If you want to do a partial match on Strings, that means using String.Contains:
Dim CustomerNoticeQuery = From NewsArticles In context.BusinessUnitNewsArticles
Where NewsArticles.NewsArticle.Contains("customer")
Select NewsArticles.ArticleTitle, NewsArticles.NewsArticle, NewsArticles.ActiveUntil
You really ought to break your LINQ queries over multiple lines like that too, for the sake of readability.
Note that that addresses your actual issue, which has nothing to do with dates, so the date part to the question was completely irrelevant. That said, why would you do a query with a Where clause and then use a loop to filter the results of that query? Why would you not include the additional filter in the Where clause? I'd also consider using a better subject variable name in the query:
Dim today = Date.Today
Dim CustomerNoticeQuery = From article In context.BusinessUnitNewsArticles
Where article.NewsArticle.Contains("customer")
And article.ActiveUntil < today
Select article.ArticleTitle, article.NewsArticle, article.ActiveUntil
I'm using npgsql as a nuget package in visual studio 2017 with visual basic.
Various commands do work very well but an ExecuteScalar allways returns 'nothing' although it should give a result.
The command looks like this:
Dim ser As Integer
Dim find = New NpgsqlCommand("SELECT serial from dbo.foreigncode WHERE code = '#code';", conn)
Dim fcode = New NpgsqlParameter("code", NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Varchar)
fcode.Value = "XYZ"
ser = find.ExecuteScalar() ==> nothing
When the command string is copied as a value during debugging and pasted into the query tool of PGADMIN it delivers the correct result. The row is definitely there.
Different Commands executed with ExecuteNonQuery() work well, including ones performing UPDATE statements on the row in question.
When I look into the properties of the parameter fcode immediately before the ExecuteScalar it shows 'fcode.DataTypeName' caused an exception 'System.NotImplementedException'.
If I change my prepared statement to "SELECT #code" and set the value of the parameter to an arbitrary value just this value is returned. There is no access to the table taking place because the table name is not part of the SELECT in this case. If I remove the WHERE CLAUSE in the SELECT and just select one column, I would also expect that something has to be returned. But again it is nothing.
Yes there is a column named serial. It is of type bigint and can not contain NULL.
A Query shows that there is no single row that contains NULL in any column.
Latest findings:
I queried a different table where the search column and the result column happen to have the same datatype. It works, so syntax, passing of parameter, prepare etc. seems to work in principal.
The System.NotImplementedException in the DataTypeName property of the parameter occurs as well but it works anyway.
I rebuilt the index of the table in question. No change.
Still: when I copy/paste the CommandText and execute it in PGAdmin it shows the correct result.
Modifying the Command and using plain text there without parameter and without prepare still does yield nothing. The plain text CommandText was copy/pasted from PGAdmin where it was successfully executed before.
Very strange.
Reverting search column and result column also gives nothing as a result.
Please try these two alternatives and post back your results:
' Alternative 1: fetch the entire row, see what's returned
Dim dr = find.ExecuteReader()
While (dr.Read())
Console.Write("{0}\t{1} \n", dr[0], dr[1])
End While
' Alternative 2: Check if "ExecuteScalar()" returns something other than an int
Dim result = find.ExecuteScalar()
... and (I just noticed Honeyboy Wilson's response!) ...
Fix your syntax:
' Try this first: remove the single quotes around "#code"!
Dim find = New NpgsqlCommand("SELECT serial from dbo.foreigncode WHERE code = #code;", conn)
Update 1
Please try this:
Dim find = New NpgsqlCommand("SELECT * from dbo.foreigncode;", conn)
Q: Does this return anything?
Dim dr = find.ExecuteReader()
While (dr.Read())
Console.Write("{0}\t{1} \n", dr[0], dr[1])
End While
Q: Does this?
Dim result = find.ExecuteScalar()
Q: Do you happen to have a column named "serial"? What is it's data type? Is it non-null for the row(s) with 'XYZ'?
Please update your original post with this information.
Update 2
You seem to be doing ":everything right":
You've confirmed that you can connect,
You've confirmed that non-query updates to the same table work (with npgsql),
You've confirmed that the SQL queries themselves are valid (by copying/pasting the same SQL into PGAdmin and getting valid results).
As Shay Rojansky said, "System.NotImplementedException in the DataTypeName property" is a known issue stepping through the debugger. It has nothing to do with your problem: https://github.com/npgsql/npgsql/issues/2520
SUGGESTIONS (I'm grasping at straws)::
Double-check "permissions" on your database and your table.
Consider installing a different version of npgsql.
Be sure your code is detecting any/all error returns and exceptions (it sounds like you're probably already doing this, but it never hurts to ask)
... and ...
Enable verbose logging, both client- and server-side:
... Finally ...
Q: Can you make ANY query, from ANY table, using ANY query method (ExecuteReader(), ExecuteScalar(), ... ANYTHING) from your npgsql/.Net client AT ALL?
I finally found it. It's often the small things that can have a big impact.
When the value was assigned to the parameter a substring index was incorect.
Now it works perfectly.
Thanks to everybody who spent his time on this.
I am working with Unidata, and ADO.NET using the U2 .NET Provider. This may be a shot in the dark as there are not many resources for Unidata and .NET these days.
Currently I can only return a single MV record 153926þIþ and parse it using MV_To_DataTable. I'd like to return multiple records like 153926þIþÿ153926þIþÿ. Is there any built in mechanism for doing this? I fear I will have to write the extension to best accomodate me.
I retrieve a single record in a unidata subroutine this way:
DONE = 0
results := REC
Simple subroutine that returns one record without any record marks. This works when I use the U2Parameter method called MV_To_DataTable to parse it into an existing datatable.
However when I change the subroutine line:
results:= REC to results:= REC : #RM to append the record marks and remove the limit of 1, the MV_To_DataTable no longer is able to parse it correctly. In fact it will throw System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Cannot find column 3.
VB.NET Code:
' ... Open database connection called U2Connection ...
Dim cmd = U2Connection.CreateCommand
cmd.CommandText = "CALL GETITEMS(?)"
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Parameters.Add(New U2Parameter("#arg1", "") With {.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput})
Dim tb As New DataTable
cmd.Parameters.Item(0).MV_To_DataTable(tb) ' Error happens here
' System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Cannot find column 3.
It appears the method does not separate records. I could be interpretting this incorrectly.
*****UPDATE 2/9/2019
I went ahead and wrote my own extension method to support my return format with the record markers. It populates a datatable with records allowing me to continue as I normally would.
You are kind of straddling the Multivalue/System.Data divide here. If you have not already done so, I would suggest looking into the U2 Toolkit for .NET, which I believe is generally readily available if you are current on maintenance. It comes with some samples of how to do things like this in C# and VB as well some Entity Framework stuff.
But as to what is going on here, You are trying to put a U2Type.DynArray into a System.DataTable is kind of tricky as the DynArray is a Record state, which could contain multiple rows from multiple tables within a DataSet. As #RM is the terminator for a record so it turns DynArray into DynArray[] and you can't have that as a parameter as such.
To fix this with the minimum refactoring, you can still use MV_To_DataTable, but note that it is expecting your data to be tabular and in in a single record. These example assume a newline is an Attribute mark (#FM/#AM)
Here is the contents of what you are returning
And here is what MV_To_DataTable expects
If you adjust your U2 sub to output that, it should work.
Additionally, you could try using your SQL command directly for .net, but that becomes perilous for other reasons depending on your data.
Good Luck!
I have a Linq Query made into a list called "ticket query"
I want to search ticket query for all the records that have specific data
I tried using FindAll() but it gives me an error
Argument matching parameter 'match' cannot convert from
'VB$AnonymousDelegate_1(Of JobPartForm,Nullable(Of Boolean))' to
'Predicate(Of JobPartForm)'.
I can't do the findall directly in the query because its being called at a separate time
is there another way to accomplish this, or am I using find all wrong?
ticketquery = (From ticket In dbContext.JobPartForm
Select ticket).ToList()
Dim formticket = ticketquery.FindAll(Function(f As JobPartForm) f.JobNum = ticketnum And f.FormNumber = formnum)
You can do the same using IQueryable<TSource>.Where method:
Dim formticket=dbContext.JobPartForm.Where((Function(f As JobPartForm) f.JobNum = ticketnum And f.FormNumber = formnum)).ToList();
The first thing is try to never call ToList extension method from a DbSet, that will load your entire table to memory, is really inefficient and more when you can filter your data on the server side.
Having a bit of trouble having not long started with Entity Framework.
I have two tables which have a 0 to 1 relationship. When I select a row from the main table (staff) it's fine unless I select a row that has no joining record in the second table (status). If I do this, then it throws up 'Object reference not set to instance of an object' when it's trying to access the proprty of the second table:
If Not cls.STATUS_DESC.STAFF_INFO Is DBNull.Value Then
lblStatusDescription.Text = cls.STATUS_DESC.STAFF_INFO
End If
The LINQ I use to get the record is:
Dim account As STAFF =
(From a In sa.STAFFs
Where a.STAFF_NO = staffno
Select a).FirstOrDefault
There is no direct reference to the sub table in the statement, however the join is defined in the database diagram which allows me to reference the properties.
I'm certain it's a very basic issue, but like I said I've only just started using it!
I'm not sure if I can interpret your code correctly but I think it has to do with the Lazy Loading feature of Entity Framework. You must explicitly include the reference to load it into memory. You can to this by using the Include() method as below. I assume that STATUS_DESC is the name of the navigation property. Replace it with the actual one if I'm wrong:
Dim account As STAFF =
(From a In sa.STAFFs Where a.STAFF_NO = staffno Select a) _
.Include("STATUS_DESC") _
Got around it by adding:
If Not cls.STATUS_DESC Is Nothing Then
end if
to the property call, which seems fairly obvious now I think about it. Is this the most efficient way though, I would have thought that EF would have been able to handle a simple left join.
I'm currently trying to create an Endeca query using the Java API for a URLENEQuery. The current query is:
collection()/record[CONTACT_ID = "xxxxx" and SALES_OFFICE = "yyyy"]
I need it to be:
collection()/record[(CONTACT_ID = "xxxxx" or CONTACT_ID = "zzzzz") and
SALES_OFFICE = "yyyy"]
Currently this is being done with an ERecSearchList with CONTACT_ID and the string I'm trying to match in an ERecSearch object, but I'm having difficulty figuring out how to get the UrlENEQuery to generate the or in the correct fashion as I have above. Does anyone know how I can do this?
One of us is confused on multiple levels:
Let me try to explain why I am confused:
If Contact_ID and Sales_Office are different dimensions, where Contact_ID is a multi-or dimension, then you don't need to use EQL (the xpath like language) to do anything. Just select the appropriate dimension values and your navigation state will reflect the query you are trying to build with XPATH. IE CONTACT_IDs "ORed together" with SALES_OFFICE "ANDed".
If you do have to use EQL, then the only way to modify it (provided that you have to modify it from the returned results) is via string manipulation.
ERecSearchList gives you ability to use "Search Within" functionality which functions completely different from the EQL filtering, though you can achieve similar results by using tricks like searching only specified field (which would be separate from the generic search interface") I am still not sure what's the connection between ERecSearchList and the EQL expression above?
Having expressed my confusion, I think what you need to do is to use String manipulation to dynamically build the EQL expression and add it to the Query.
A code example of what you are doing would be extremely helpful as well.