Endeca UrlENEQuery java API search - endeca

I'm currently trying to create an Endeca query using the Java API for a URLENEQuery. The current query is:
collection()/record[CONTACT_ID = "xxxxx" and SALES_OFFICE = "yyyy"]
I need it to be:
collection()/record[(CONTACT_ID = "xxxxx" or CONTACT_ID = "zzzzz") and
SALES_OFFICE = "yyyy"]
Currently this is being done with an ERecSearchList with CONTACT_ID and the string I'm trying to match in an ERecSearch object, but I'm having difficulty figuring out how to get the UrlENEQuery to generate the or in the correct fashion as I have above. Does anyone know how I can do this?

One of us is confused on multiple levels:
Let me try to explain why I am confused:
If Contact_ID and Sales_Office are different dimensions, where Contact_ID is a multi-or dimension, then you don't need to use EQL (the xpath like language) to do anything. Just select the appropriate dimension values and your navigation state will reflect the query you are trying to build with XPATH. IE CONTACT_IDs "ORed together" with SALES_OFFICE "ANDed".
If you do have to use EQL, then the only way to modify it (provided that you have to modify it from the returned results) is via string manipulation.
ERecSearchList gives you ability to use "Search Within" functionality which functions completely different from the EQL filtering, though you can achieve similar results by using tricks like searching only specified field (which would be separate from the generic search interface") I am still not sure what's the connection between ERecSearchList and the EQL expression above?
Having expressed my confusion, I think what you need to do is to use String manipulation to dynamically build the EQL expression and add it to the Query.
A code example of what you are doing would be extremely helpful as well.


Is there a way to execute text gremlin query with PartitionStrategy

I'm looking for an implementation to run text query ex: "g.V().limit(1).toList()" while using the PatitionStrategy in Apache TinkerPop.
I'm attempting to build a REST interface to run queries on selected graph paritions only. I know how to run a raw query using Client, but I'm looking for an implementation where I can create a multi-tenant graph (https://tinkerpop.apache.org/docs/current/reference/#partitionstrategy) and query only selected tenants using raw text query instead of a GLV. Im able to query only selected partitions using pythongremlin, but there is no reference implementation I could find to run a text query on a tenant.
Here is tenant query implementation
connection = DriverRemoteConnection('ws://megamind-ws:8182/gremlin', 'g')
g = traversal().withRemote(connection)
partition = PartitionStrategy(partition_key="partition_key",
partitioned_g = g.withStrategies(partition)
x = partitioned_g.V.limit(1).next() <---- query on partition only
Here is how I execute raw query on entire graph, but Im looking for implementation to run text based queries on only selected partitions.
from gremlin_python.driver import client
client = client.Client('ws://megamind-ws:8182/gremlin', 'g')
results = client.submitAsync("g.V().limit(1).toList()").result().one() <-- runs on entire graph.
Any suggestions appreciated? TIA
It depends on how the backend store handles text mode queries, but for the query itself, essentially you just need to use the Groovy/Java style formulation. This will work with GremlinServer and Amazon Neptune. For other backends you will need to make sure that this syntax is supported. So from Python you would use something like:
g.withStrategies(new PartitionStrategy(partitionKey: "_partition",
writePartition: "b",
readPartitions: ["b"])).V().count()')

Dimensions of query webmasters tools api

specially Alex :)
I want to know if any body have a PHP code to get the details of a query from webmasters tools api.
I have already the query dimensions but I dont't know how exactely to make it with PHP code.
$webmastersService = new Google_Service_Webmasters($client);
$searchanalytics = $webmastersService->searchanalytics;
$request = new Google_Service_Webmasters_SearchAnalyticsQueryRequest;
Supposing, that you have all credentials and tokens. If you don't have them, you'll get (401) Login Required error.
Making request you can set startDate, endDate, searchType, rowLimit via setter methods like this:
But some methods require array like setDimensions:
To more complicate the things setDimensionFilterGroups method requires array of Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilterGroup . And every Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilterGroup instance requires filters to be set via setFilters method with an array of Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilter.
And for Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilter you can set dimension, operator and expression via setDimension, setOperator, setExpression methods.
For additional info on these types, classes and methods please refer to https://github.com/google/google-api-php-client/blob/master/src/Google/Service/Webmasters.php
Consider, you want pages (dimensions=page) the given day (startdate, enddate) and filter results for a given search query. To create a filter you need to set dimension to query, operator to equals and expression to your keyword.
This request in API Explorer looks like:
So the code to get all pages of example.com site that were displayed 2015-11-10 in reply to "weird things" search query is below:
$query = new Google_Service_Webmasters_SearchAnalyticsQueryRequest();
$filter = new Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilter();
$filter->setExpression('weird things');
$filtergroup = new Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilterGroup();
$response = $service->searchanalytics->query('http://example.com/', $query);
That is simplified demo code. May be it has some mistakes.
And I want to note, that Python API is much easier and clearer.

How to set an SQL parameters in Apps Scripts and BigQuery

I am trying to avoid a sql injection. This topic has been dealt with in Java (How to prevent query injection on Google Big Query) and Php.
How is this accomplished in App Scripts? I did not find how to add a parameter to a SQL statement. Here is what I had hoped to do:
var sql = 'SELECT [row],etext,ftext FROM [hcd.hdctext] WHERE (REGEXP_MATCH(etext, esearch = ?) AND REGEXP_MATCH(ftext, fsearch = ?));';
var queryResults;
var resource = {
query: sql,
timeoutMs: 1000,
queryResults = BigQuery.Jobs.query(resource,projectNumber);
And then have esearch and fsearch filled in with the values (which could be set elsewhere).
That does not work, according to the doc.
Any suggestions on how to get a parameter in an SQL query? (I could not find a setString function...)
Unfortunately, BigQuery doesn't support this type of parameter substitution. It is on our list of features to consider, and I'll bump the priority since it seems like this is a common request.
The only suggestion that I can make in the mean time is that if you are building query strings by hand, you will need to make sure you escape them carefully (which is a non-trivial operation).

Entity Framework Dynamic Lambda to Perform Search

I have the following entities in Entity Framwork 5 (C#):
OrderLine - Id, OrderId, ProductName, Price, Deleted
Order - Id, CustomerId, OrderNo, Date
Customer - Id, CustomerName
On the order search screen the user can enter the following search values:
ProductName, OrderNo, CustomerName
For Example they might enter:
Product Search Field: 'Car van bike'
Order Search Field: '100 101 102'
Customer Search Field: 'Joe Jack James'
This should do a OR search (ideally using linq to entities) for each entered word, this example would output the following where sql.
(ProductName like 'Car' Or ProductName like 'van' Or ProductName like 'bike') AND
(OrderNo like '100' Or OrderNo like '101' Or OrderNo like '102') AND
(CustomerName like 'Joe' Or CustomerName like 'Jack' Or CustomerName like 'James')
I want to do this using linq to entities, i am guessing this would need to be some sort of dynamic lambda builder as we don't know how many words the user might enter into each field.
How would i go about doing this, i have had a quick browse but cant see anything simple.
You can build a lambda expression using Expression Trees . What you need to do is split the value and build the expression . Then you can convert in in to a lambda expression like this,
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(expression);
Here is an example
There are 2 basic approaches to Dynamic Expressions and Queries in LINQ.
3 if you count using Json as the approach to get a lambda expression. => Akash Kava post
a) String Dynamic Lambda
System.Linq.Dynamic can be found at following links
b) Build Expression trees
More powerful but harder to master...
Build expressions trees with code found here:
an alternate approach is predicate builder but it isnt really that dynamic.
but can deal with the OR type scenario you give as example.
I would recomend to go slightly different way from answers above and use EntitySQL as it is trivial to build SQL-like string with dynamic conditions.
Disclaimer: I am author of Entity REST SDK.
You can look at Entity REST SDK at http://entityrestsdk.codeplex.com
You can query using JSON syntax as shown below,
You can use certain extensions provided to convert JSON to lambda.
And here is details of how JSON is translated to Linq. http://entityrestsdk.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=JSON%20Query%20Language&referringTitle=Home
Current Limitations of OData v3
Additionally, this JSON based query is not same as OData, OData does not yet support correct way to search using navigation properties. OData lets you search navigation property inside a selected entity for example Customer(1)/Addresses?filter=..
But here we support both Any and Parent Property Comparison as shown below.
Example, if you want to search for List of Customers who have purchased specific item, following will be query
{ 'Orders:Any': { 'Product.ProductID:==': 2 } }
This gets translated to
Customers.Where( x=> x.Orders.Any( y=> y.Product.ProductID == 2))
There is no way to do this OData as of now.
Advantages of JSON
When you are using any JavaScript frameworks, creating query based on English syntax is little difficult, and composing query is difficult. But following method helps you in composing query easily as shown.
function query(name,phone,email){
var q = {};
q["Name:StartsWith"] = name;
q["Phone:=="] = phone;
q["Email:=="] = email;
return JSON.stringify(q);
Above method will compose query and "AND" everything if specified. Creating composable query is great advantage with JSON based query syntax.

The right way to prepare SQL statements with parametrized text search

Suddenly I've realized that while this works in groovy just like it is expeceted:
Sql.newInstance(connectionParams).rows("SELECT FROM ITEMS WHERE id = ?", [200])
this won't work
Sql.newInstance(connectionParams).rows("SELECT FROM ITEMS WHERE name LIKE '%?%'", ["some"])
All you can get is
Failed to execute: SELECT FROM ITEMS WHERE name LIKE '%?%' because:
The column index is out of range: 1, number of columns: 0.
My questions are:
Is it intentionally implemented this way? I've never needed to have a parametrized text search, so I'm not sure where this behaviour is typical or not.
How can I nevertheless safely parametrize statement with text search in it?
I believe you want to include the %'s in the parameter, like:
Sql.newInstance(connectionParams).rows("SELECT FROM ITEMS WHERE name LIKE ?", ["%some%"])