How can convert SQL to lambda or LINQ - sql

How can I convert below SQL to lambda or LINQ?
with cte
as (select * from test1
union all
select * from test2)
select * from cte
union all
select sum(columnA),sum(columnB),sum(columnC) from cte

In Linq UNION ALL is .Concat(), so:
var cte = test1.Concat(test2);
var sums = new MyModel
columnA = cte.Sum(c => c.columnA),
columnB = cte.Sum(c => c.columnB),
columnC = cte.Sum(c => c.columnC),
return cte.Concat(IEnumerable.Repeat(sums, 1));
You must remember that test1 and test2 must be type MyModel and MyModel contains only columnA, columnB and columnC.

I put two tables together in one datagridvie but in the last row of datagridview I need the total for both tables in the country, I can do one row in total for one table and another row for the other table I also don't need it, like I can only have one line with the total of both tables.
DataContex db = new DataContex();
var query = (
from v1 in db.View1
where shf.Date >= dpDate.Value && shf.Date <= dpDate1.Value
select new
from v2 in db.View2
where f.Date >= dpDate.Value && f.Date <= dpDate1.Value
select new
(from View2 in
(from v2 in db.View2
where v2.Date >= dpDate.Value && sh.Date <= dpDate1.Value
select new
group v2 by new { v2.NRFA } into g
select new
Name = "Total:",
Date = dpDate1.Value,
Quality = (decimal?)g.Sum(p => p.Quality),
Rate = (decimal?)g.Sum(p => p.Rate),
Total = (decimal?)g.Sum(p => p.Total)


I have a SQL query and I want to convert it to linq

I have a SQL query which I want to convert to Linq.
This is my SQL query:
Covids ON Calisanlar.CalisanId = Covids.CalisanId
Calisanlar.CalisanId IN (SELECT TOP 10 CalisanId
FROM Hastaliklar
GROUP BY CalisanId
I wrote this C# code, but it doesn't work as expected because i didn't write "DATEDIFF(DAY, CovidYakalanmaTarih, GETDATE()) BETWEEN 0 AND 30" linq version:
var query = context.Hastaliklar
.GroupBy(x => x.CalisanId)
.OrderByDescending(grp => grp.Count())
.Select(grp => grp.Key)
var result = from hastalik in context.Hastaliklar
join covid in context.Covids
on hastalik.CalisanId equals covid.CalisanId
where query.Contains(hastalik.CalisanId)
&& EF.Functions.DateDiffDay(covid.CovidYakalanmaTarih, covid.CovidBitisTarih)
select new SonBirAyCovidDto
CalisanId = covid.CalisanId,
CovidYakalanmaTarih = covid.CovidYakalanmaTarih,
CovidBitisTarih = covid.CovidBitisTarih
There is not direct translation to BETWEEN in EF Core, but you can make other condition. Also it is better to remove ToList() from first query, in this case you will have only one roundtrip to database.
var query = context.Hastaliklar
.GroupBy(x => x.CalisanId)
.OrderByDescending(grp => grp.Count())
.Select(grp => grp.Key)
var result =
from hastalik in context.Hastaliklar
join covid in context.Covids
on hastalik.CalisanId equals covid.CalisanId
where query.Contains(hastalik.CalisanId)
&& covid.CovidYakalanmaTarih <= covid.CovidBitisTarih
&& EF.Functions.DateDiffDay(covid.CovidYakalanmaTarih, covid.CovidBitisTarih) <= 30
select new SonBirAyCovidDto
CalisanId = covid.CalisanId,
CovidYakalanmaTarih = covid.CovidYakalanmaTarih,
CovidBitisTarih = covid.CovidBitisTarih

select distinct out of three column connectiontable

I have a ef connection table with 3 columns in it. I want to select distinct value out of two of them.
I want to select distinct rows orderby ResourceId and MetaDataId.
So i want it to return row (1, 3 and 4) in this case.
Ive tried this:
ctx.ResourceMetas.Where(a => a.ResourceId == resourceid).Distinct()});
But obviously this gets the distinct values out of all three. Can i somehow choose to get distinct out of just the two?
You may group by your distinct values and then get the max or min of the leftovers.
In your case that you only have one more field you could do it like:
.GroupBy(x=>new{x.ResourceId, x.MetaDataId})
MetaListId = x.Min(m=>m.MetaListId ),
ResourceId = x.Key.ResourceId,
MetaDataId = x.Key.MetaDataId
.Where(a => a.ResourceId == resourceid)
But in a scenario that you would like the distinct values of 2 fields out of more than three then you would have to do it like:
.GroupBy(x=>new{x.ResourceId, x.MetaDataId})
MetaListId = x.Where(i=>i.MetaListId == x.Min(m=>m.MetaListId)).FirstOrDefault().MetaListId ,
OtherField = x.Where(i=>i.MetaListId == x.Min(m=>m.MetaListId)).FirstOrDefault().OtherField ,
ResourceId = x.Key.ResourceId,
MetaDataId = x.Key.MetaDataId
.Where(a => a.ResourceId == resourceid)

Losing Aliases when trying to group-by rows in linq sql query, how to group-by rows in this case

I am a newbie intern way over my head, I promise I have researched this thoroughly and tried many different things. The following linq query works, but I want to group rows by last and first name and then only show the rows that appear more than once. When I un-comment out the group by statement, all my aliases below become unrecognized and changing them to the actual db.table names doesn't help.
var query = from emps in db.Employees
join c in db.Cards on emps.SbiID equals c.SbiID
where c.StateID == 0 && c.CardNumberNumeric > 100000
//group emps by new {emps.Surname, emps.Name};
//orderby grp.Count() // something like 'where grp.Count > 1
select new
Surname = emps.Surname,
Name = emps.Name,
CorpID = emps.Identifier,
CardNum = c.CardNumber,
CostCenter = emps.EmployeeUserField.UF13,
Supervisor = (from e in db.Employees
select e.Surname).FirstOrDefault()
+ ", "
+ (from e in db.Employees
where e.Identifier.Equals(emps.EmployeeUserField.UF5)
select e.Name).FirstOrDefault(),
SupervisorID = emps.EmployeeUserField.UF5,
EmpCommence = emps.CommencementDateTime,
CardCommence = c.CommencementDateTime,
WorkPhone = emps.Telephone,
State = (from cf in db.ComboFields
from sp in db.StringProperties
where cf.ComboIndex.Equals(c.StateID)
&& cf.StringID.Equals(sp.StringID)
&& cf.TableName.Equals("Card")
&& cf.FieldName.Equals("StateID")
select sp.DefaultValue).FirstOrDefault()
this.tagsGridView.DataSource = query;
I think the problem you're running into is that you're not flattening out your groups appropriately. For example:
var duplicateEmployees = db.Employees
.GroupBy(emp => emp, new EmployeeComparer())
.Where(grp => grp.Count() > 1)
.SelectMany(grp => grp.AsEnumerable());
var duplicateEmployeeInfo =
from emps in duplicateEmployees
join c in db.Cards on emps.SbiID equals c.SbiID
where c.StateID == 0 && c.CardNumberNumeric > 100000
select new
... what to select
public class EmployeeComparer : IEqualityComparer<Employee>
public bool Equals(Employee x, Employee y)
return x.Surname == y.Surname && x.Name == y.Name;
public int GetHashCode(Employee obj)
unchecked { return (17 * obj.Surname.GetHashCode()) ^ (23 * obj.Name.GetHashCode()); }
This groups the employees by name, finds the groups that have a count > 1, then returns the elements of those groups. No guarantees on performance, but this should solve your issue.

Help with LINQ join

var q = (from Labels in dc.tblArtworkDataLabels select Labels).ToList();
But I need this to do the quivalent of:
SELECT d.ID, d.labelID, d.dataID,, l.templateID
FROM tblArtworkDataLabels AS d INNER JOIN
tblArtworkData AS l ON d.dataID = l.ID
WHERE (l.templateID = 238)
How do I do this in LINQ?
Sorry! Missed the WHERE clause on original statmenet!
var result = dc.tblArtworkDataLabels
.Join(dc.tblArtworkData, l => l.ID, d => d.dataID, (l, d) => new {l, d})
.Select(o => new {
Id = o.d.ID,
LabelId = o.d.labelID,
DataId = o.d.dataID,
Data =,
TemplateId = o.l.templateID,
.Where(o => o.l.templateID == 238);
If you have a correct foreign key on tblArtworkData to the primary key on the tblArtworkDataLabels and have imported them correctly into the DBML designer you can have LINQ2SQL implicitly creating the join:
from l in tblArtworkData
where l.templateID = 238
select new {
Id = l.tblArtworkDataLabel.ID,
LabelId = l.tblArtworkDataLabel.labelID,
DataId = l.tblArtworkDataLabel.dataID,
Data =,
TemplateId = l.templateID,
See my answer on the question "LINQ to SQL: Multiple joins ON multiple Columns. Is this possible?" for how the implicit join translates to SQL.
In the case I misunderstood your relations and you have many tblArtworkDataLabels to one tblArtworkData you have to turn the query the other way around
from d in tblArtworkDataLabels
where d.tblArtworkData.templateID = 238
select new {
Id = d.ID,
LabelId = d.labelID,
DataId = d.dataID,
Data =,
TemplateId = d.tblArtworkData.templateID,
var q = (from Labels in dc.tblArtworkDataLabels
join data in dc.tblArtworkData on Labels.ID equals data.DataID select Labels).ToList();

Need Linq translation for the following SQL Query

select colId,
from tblTaskType
join (
select tblCheckList.colTaskTypeID,
max(colItemNumber) MaxID
from tblCheckList
group by colTaskTypeID
) x on coltaskTypeID = tblTaskType.colID
Assuming you are using linq-to-sql and have the two tables in a datacontext.
The more or less exact translation would be:
var maxChecks = from checks in DataContext.tblChecklist
group checks by checks.colTaskTypeID into g
select new { colTaskTypeID, max = g.Group.Max(x => x.colItemNumber) };
var result = from t in DataContext.tblTaskType
join c in maxChecks on t.colTaskTypeID equals c.colTaskTypeID
select new { t.colId, t.colTaskTypeID, c.max };
But you could try:
var result = from t in DataContext.tblTaskType
select new {
Max = (from c in DataContext.tblChecklist
where c.colTaskTypeID == t.colTaskTypeID
select c.colItemNumber).Max() };