Odoo 09: openerp.sql_db: bad query: - sql

I was asking to debug someone code but I'm stuck with these https://pastebin.com/VnKUPCJX, it happens when this code is executed :
self._cr.execute("""UPDATE hr_payslip_run SET mail_is_sent = %s where id = %s""", (False, self.id))
It gives "bad query", don't know where is the problem with this one, I have tried to replace False with 'false', '0' but got the same erros.
Everything goes fine when I commented it.
Here is a part of the code :
elif (any(st.state == 'instance' for st in self.class_ids) and not (
any(st.state == 'draft' or st.state == 'pending' for st in self.class_ids))):
self.state = 'instance'
self.mail_is_sent = False
UPDATE hr_payslip_run SET mail_is_sent = %s where id = %s""", (False, self.id))
# update the state of payslip linked to the payslip_run
for payslip_id in self.slip_ids:
if payslip_id.state not in ['instance', 'validate', 'waiting', 'done', 'cancel']:
payslip_id.state = 'instance'
UPDATE hr_payslip SET state = %s where payslip_run_id = %s and id = %s""",
('instance', self.id, payslip_id.id))
Can you help me?


ValueError: Expected singleton: daily.attendance.line(123,124,125

def create(self, vals):
curr = datetime.now()
new_date = datetime.strftime(curr, '%Y-%m-%d')
cal_obj = self.env['daily.attendance'].search([])
def _date_test_unique(self):
for rec in self:
if self.search_count([('date', '=', rec.date)]) > 1:
raise ValidationError(_('Current Date Attendance Already Existed!'))
def onchange_department(self):
if self.user_id == True:
emps = self.env['hr.employee'].search([])
emp_attd = []
from datetime import datetime
now = datetime.now() # current date and time
check_in = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
check_in_from = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 05:30')
check_out = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
check_out_from = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 14:30')
for emp in emps:
vals = {
'check_in': check_in_from,
'check_out': check_out_from,
'is_present': True
emp_attd.append([0, 0, vals])
'employee_ids': emp_attd,
self.employee_ids = False
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.client',
'tag': 'reload',
The error happens when Odoo tries to get employee_ids value from a record set but it expects a record.
for emp in self.employee_ids:
You need to loop over self then access employee_ids field value for each record:
def attendance_validate(self):
for rec in self:
for emp in rec.employee_ids:
You should move the following code outside the for loop
self.write({'state': 'validate', })
hr_attendance = self.env['hr.attendance']
for rec in self:
for emp in rec.employee_ids:
if emp.is_present == True:
attd_crete_id = hr_attendance .create({'employee_id': emp.employe_id.id,
'check_in': emp.check_in,
'check_out': emp.check_out,
'state': 'validate',
Probably you need to call write state to validate when the attendance_validate method succeed (at the end)
The following expression
if emp.is_present == True:
can be simplified to:
if emp.is_present:
You are using two fields is_present and is_absent, you can simply use is_present and when its value is False (not set) the employee is absent.
You need to remove the second if statement, which is useless
elif emp.is_absent == True:
if emp.is_absent == True:
Avoid raising a validation error in the create method because it will break the workflow, instead you can define a constraint on date field:
def _date_test_unique(self):
for rec in self:
if self.search_count([('date', '=', rec.date)]) > 1:
raise ValidationError(_('Current Date Attendance Already Existed!'))
The create method should return the newly created record:
def create(self, vals):
res = super(CLASS_NAME, self).create(vals)
# Your code
return res
write a for loop before the if statement
def onchange_attendance(self):
for rec in self:
if rec.is_present:
rec.is_absent = False

Group button in res.partner not working in odoo 10

I want to add a group selection button and is_group boolean field to inherited res.partner model but when added the group button the function compute_company_type not working
My code is
class Partner(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
company_type = fields.Selection(selection_add=[('group', 'Group')])
refered = fields.Many2one('res.partner',string="Refered By")
import1 = fields.Float(string="Import")
temp_import = fields.Float(string="Temporary Import")
export = fields.Float(string="Export")
temp_export = fields.Float(string="Temporary Export")
transit = fields.Float(string="Transit")
group_id = fields.Many2one('res.group', string='Related Group', index=True)
is_group = fields.Boolean(string='Is a group', default=False)
is_company = fields.Boolean(string='Is a company', default=False)
#api.depends('is_company', 'is_group')
def _compute_company_type(self):
for partner in self:
if partner.is_group:
partner.company_type = 'group'
elif partner.is_company:
partner.company_type = 'company'
partner.company_type = 'person'
def _write_company_type(self):
for partner1 in self:
if partner1.company_type == 'group':
partner1.is_group = partner1.company_type
elif partner1.company_type == 'company':
partner1.is_company = partner1.company_type
partner1.company_type = 'person'
def onchange_company_type(self):
for partner in self:
if partner.company_type == 'group':
partner.is_group = (partner.company_type == 'group')
elif partner.company_type == 'company':
partner.is_company = (partner.company_type == 'company')
partner.company_type = 'person'
I need one more company type button ie group if group button is TRUE need to change fields accordingly in res.partner form
If you want to rewrite _compute_company_type function from res.partner you must inherit your custom model from res.partner, something like this:
from odoo.addons.base.res import res_partner as res_partner
class CRMLeadPropertyMulti(res_partner.Partner):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
## Your Code ##
#api.depends('is_company', 'is_group')
def _compute_company_type(self):
for partner in self:
partner.company_type = 'company' if partner.is_company else 'group' if partner.is_group else 'person'
def onchange_company_type(self):
self.is_company = (self.company_type == 'company')
self.is_group = (self.company_type == 'group')
I think it could be a good idea to make false or true each case evaluating as bool if is a group or a company, that way if one is true the other is false, this can guard the consistency.
Your field is_group is a boolean. I don't know what you meant by this if partner.is_group:.
Boolean field is have only two values and they are true or false. Without checking true or false you won't get any result.
Try with the true or false and let me know.
Thanks and regards in advance.

variable from text box won't assign

I am creating some code for a school project, and for a module I use later on, I need to know what the intensity to end on(end_intensity) is. When the code is run, the end_intensity still comes out as unassigned, this means that the
if client_intensity == "High":
line is never being run.Can someone please explain why it won't assign .
correct = False
end_intensity = "Unassigned"
while correct != True:
id_search = input("please enter the Client ID of the client you wish to record results for:")
# open file, with will automatically close it for you
with open("text_documents/clientIntensity.txt") as f:
user_found = False
# loop over every line
for line in f:
client,intensity = line.split(",")
if id_search == client:
correct = True
user_found = True
intensity = str (intensity)
client_intensity = intensity
#assigns which one is the end intensity
if intensity == 'High':
end_intensity = 'Moderate'
elif intensity == 'Moderate':
end_intensity = 'High'
if user_found == False:
print("I'm sorry no results we're found for that ID, please try again\n")
The text document is in this format:
(I apologize for the numbers for the text document formatting,stack overflow would only let me show it like that)
Any help would be appreciated,Thanks

Python twisted, reactor.callLater() not defering

The following code snippet is from a python poker server. The program works except when trying to delay the start of a tourney when a reactor.callLater is used.
The variable "wait" gets its integer from an xml file which has a setting of "60". However the delay is never implemented and the tourney always starts immediately. I am not very familiar with python or twisted just trying to hack this into working for me. One thing however from my perspective is it seems that it shouldn't work given that I can't see how or where the variable "old_state" gets its value in order for the code to properly determine the states of the server. But perhaps I am mistaken.
I hope that someone familiar with python and twisted can see what the problem might be and be willing to enlighten me on this issue.
self.databaseEvent(event = PacketPokerMonitorEvent.TOURNEY_START, param1 = tourney.serial)
reactor.callLater(0.01, self.tourneyBroadcastStart, tourney.serial)
# Only obey extra_wait_tourney_start if we had been registering and are now running,
# since we only want this behavior before the first deal.
wait = int(self.delays.get('extra_wait_tourney_start', 0))
if wait > 0:
reactor.callLater(wait, self.tourneyDeal, tourney)
For reference I have placed the larger portion of the code that is relative to the problem.
def spawnTourneyInCore(self, tourney_map, tourney_serial, schedule_serial, currency_serial, prize_currency):
tourney_map['start_time'] = int(tourney_map['start_time'])
if tourney_map['sit_n_go'] == 'y':
tourney_map['register_time'] = int(seconds()) - 1
tourney_map['register_time'] = int(tourney_map.get('register_time', 0))
tourney = PokerTournament(dirs = self.dirs, **tourney_map)
tourney.serial = tourney_serial
tourney.verbose = self.verbose
tourney.schedule_serial = schedule_serial
tourney.currency_serial = currency_serial
tourney.prize_currency = prize_currency
tourney.bailor_serial = tourney_map['bailor_serial']
tourney.player_timeout = int(tourney_map['player_timeout'])
tourney.via_satellite = int(tourney_map['via_satellite'])
tourney.satellite_of = int(tourney_map['satellite_of'])
tourney.satellite_of, reason = self.tourneySatelliteLookup(tourney)
tourney.satellite_player_count = int(tourney_map['satellite_player_count'])
tourney.satellite_registrations = []
tourney.callback_new_state = self.tourneyNewState
tourney.callback_create_game = self.tourneyCreateTable
tourney.callback_game_filled = self.tourneyGameFilled
tourney.callback_destroy_game = self.tourneyDestroyGame
tourney.callback_move_player = self.tourneyMovePlayer
tourney.callback_remove_player = self.tourneyRemovePlayer
tourney.callback_cancel = self.tourneyCancel
if not self.schedule2tourneys.has_key(schedule_serial):
self.schedule2tourneys[schedule_serial] = []
self.tourneys[tourney.serial] = tourney
return tourney
def deleteTourney(self, tourney):
if self.verbose > 2:
self.message("deleteTourney: %d" % tourney.serial)
if len(self.schedule2tourneys[tourney.schedule_serial]) <= 0:
del self.schedule2tourneys[tourney.schedule_serial]
del self.tourneys[tourney.serial]
def tourneyResumeAndDeal(self, tourney):
def tourneyNewState(self, tourney, old_state, new_state):
cursor = self.db.cursor()
updates = [ "state = '" + new_state + "'" ]
updates.append("start_time = %d" % tourney.start_time)
sql = "update tourneys set " + ", ".join(updates) + " where serial = " + str(tourney.serial)
if self.verbose > 2:
self.message("tourneyNewState: " + sql)
if cursor.rowcount != 1:
self.error("modified %d rows (expected 1): %s " % ( cursor.rowcount, sql ))
# When we are entering BREAK state for the first time, which
# should only occur here in the state change operation, we
# send the PacketPokerTableTourneyBreakBegin. Note that this
# code is here and not in tourneyBreakCheck() because that
# function is called over and over again, until the break
# finishes. Note that tourneyBreakCheck() also sends a
# PacketPokerGameMessage() with the time remaining, too.
secsLeft = tourney.remainingBreakSeconds()
if secsLeft == None:
# eek, should I really be digging down into tourney's
# member variables in this next assignment?
secsLeft = tourney.breaks_duration
resumeTime = seconds() + secsLeft
for gameId in map(lambda game: game.id, tourney.games):
table = self.getTable(gameId)
table.broadcast(PacketPokerTableTourneyBreakBegin(game_id = gameId, resume_time = resumeTime))
wait = int(self.delays.get('extra_wait_tourney_break', 0))
if wait > 0:
reactor.callLater(wait, self.tourneyResumeAndDeal, tourney)
self.databaseEvent(event = PacketPokerMonitorEvent.TOURNEY_START, param1 = tourney.serial)
reactor.callLater(0.01, self.tourneyBroadcastStart, tourney.serial)
# Only obey extra_wait_tourney_start if we had been registering and are now running,
# since we only want this behavior before the first deal.
wait = int(self.delays.get('extra_wait_tourney_start', 0))
if wait > 0:
reactor.callLater(wait, self.tourneyDeal, tourney)
I have discovered that this code has several imported files that were in another directory that I did not examine. I also made a false assumption of the purpose of this code block. I expected the function to be arbitrary and delay each tourney by n seconds but in practice it implements the delay only when a player forgets about the game and does not show up for it. These facts were made clear once I examined the proper files. Lesson learned. Look at all the imports!

PyQt exclusive OR in sql query

How can I make that if my first search shows results it doesn't do the second part of the query, but stops and displays results? I tried something like this, but it just gives me blank window and it's pretty chaotic:
def test_update(self):
projectModel = QSqlQueryModel()
projectModel.setQuery("""SELECT * FROM pacijent WHERE prezime = '%s' OR (prezime, 3) = metaphone('%s', 3) OR LEVENSHTEIN(LOWER(prezime), '%s') < 3 AND NOT (prezime = '%s' AND (prezime, 3) = metaphone('%s', 3) AND LEVENSHTEIN(LOWER(prezime), '%s') < 3)""" % (str(self.lineEdit.text()), str(self.lineEdit.text()), str(self.lineEdit.text()), str(self.lineEdit.text()), str(self.lineEdit.text()), str(self.lineEdit.text())))
global projectView
projectView = QtGui.QTableView()
So, if it finds the exact value of attribute "prezime" it should display it, but if it doesn't it should call for more advance saerch tactics, such as metaphone and levenshtein.
I got it working like this:
ef search_data(self):
myQSqlQueryModel = QSqlQueryModel()
query = QSqlQueryModel()
global myQTableView
myQTableView = QtGui.QTableView()
querySuccess = False
for queryCommand in [""" SELECT * FROM "%s" WHERE "%s" = '%s' """ % (str(self.search_from_table_lineEdit.text()), str(self.search_where_lineEdit.text()), str(self.search_has_value_lineEdit.text()))]:
if myQSqlQueryModel.rowCount() > 0:
querySuccess = True
if not querySuccess:
query.setQuery(""" SELECT * FROM "%s" WHERE METAPHONE("%s", 3) = METAPHONE('%s', 3) OR LEVENSHTEIN("%s", '%s') < 4 """ % (str(self.search_from_table_lineEdit.text()), str(self.search_where_lineEdit.text()), str(self.search_has_value_lineEdit.text()), str(self.search_where_lineEdit.text()), str(self.search_has_value_lineEdit.text())))
global var
var = QtGui.QTableView()
After your query success, your can check your data in model if have any row count in this method. And your for loop to get many query;
def testUpdate (self):
myQSqlQueryModel = QtSql.QSqlQueryModel()
myQTableView = QtGui.QTableView()
querySuccess = False
for queryCommand in ["YOUR QUERY 1", "YOUR QUERY 2"]:
if myQSqlQueryModel.rowCount() > 0:
querySuccess = True
if not querySuccess:
QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, 'Query error', 'Not found')