How one refers to an external global variable in Squeak FFI - smalltalk

For interfacing HDF5, I need to get a reference to/value of an external variable exported by the library, and pass it to other external functions.
For example, there is a variable representing the native double type: H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE_g.
In VW, DLLCC, this is achievable thru a declarative annotation:
<C: hid_t H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE_g>
Is there anything similar in Squeak FFI? Is there any support for such use case?

After inquiry, there seem to be at least a basic support in the (Threaded)FFIPlugin:
ExternalAddress class>>loadSymbol: moduleSymbol module: module
<primitive: 'primitiveLoadSymbolFromModule' module: 'SqueakFFIPrims'>
^ self primitiveFailed
So we might create an ExternalData, get its address via above message (passing the global variable name and a given ExternalLibrary as module argument), and specify its type.
We can then use this ExternalData to pass the address if the external function expects a pointer.
To pass the value, one needs to dereference the address, not sure that it is automated by the plugin...
In my case, I know I will have to pass the value, so I may directly de-reference the address to get the value and store that (assuming that the global variable is assigned once at initialization and won't change afterward and assuming that initialization has already occured at library load time - lots of application specific assumptions...).


How can I use access specifiers on member variables in a function block in structured text? (Beckhoff, TwinCAT)

An important part of OOP is to use access specifiers to make member methods and variables inaccessible from outside of the object.
When declaring a function block method is is easy to control the Access Specifier, but I have not found a way to control access to member variables.
Is it possible and if yes, how?
You can actually still access internal variables of an object direcly in code (no pointers), but they are read only. The code completion will not display the internal variables though, but after you finish typing the name structure, you will see no compile errorrs - test := fb1.internalVariable will be a valid read action actually while fb1.internalVariable := 5; will end up giving you an error, saying that the variable is not an input to the function block (or any other object for that matter).
You can also use the hide oder hide_all_locals pragma to suppress local variables being found in auto-complete and crossreference-list (see )
Every variable that you declare under the VAR section of your Function Block is considered private.
There is no public or private keyword for variables in IEC 61131-3
Another thing you can do if you absolutely want to use public/private keywords is to define properties.
In general, the normal convention is to have read-only variables in the VAR_OUTPUT section of the Function Block and writable variables in the VAR_INPUT section of the Function Block. Again, the VAR section is considered a private section even though you could read this variables with the fbName.var notation or write them through their address (but this is a very bad programming style).
Twincat2 also allowed the variables in the VAR section to be written to with the fbName.var notation but this changed in Twincat3 in order to achieve better incapsulation.
To learn more about programming conventions in the IEC 61131-3 world, I recommend you to read the programming guidelines of the PLCOpen organization:

How can I invoke a virtual method handle using ByteBuddy's InvokeDynamic class?

I've found the InvokeDynamic class and have made it work with a static method handle acquired via MethodHandles.Lookup.findStatic().
Now I am trying to do the same thing, but with a virtual method handle acquired via MethodHandles.Lookup.findVirtual().
I can cause my bootstrap method to run, and I make sure in my bootstrap method that I'm returning a ConstantCallSite(mh), where mh is the result of calling MethodHandles.Lookup.findVirtual(). (This part all works fine, i.e. I understand how "indy" works.)
However, when I use the resulting Implementation as the argument to an intercept() call, I cannot pass the actual object on which the method represented by the method handle is to be invoked. This is due to the withArgument() method being used for two contradictory purposes.
Here is my recipe:
Implementation impl =
InvokeDynamic.bootstrap(myBootstrapDescription, someOtherConstantArgumentsHere)
.invoke(theMethodName, theMethodReturnType)
// 0 is the object on which I want to invoke my virtual-method-represented-by-a-method-handle;
// 1 is the sole argument that the method actually takes.
.withArgument(0, 1);
There are some problems here.
Specifically, it seems that withArgument() is used by ByteBuddy for two things, not just one:
Specifying the parameter types that will be used to build a MethodType that will be supplied to the bootstrap method. Let's say my virtual method takes one argument.
Specifying how the instrumented method's arguments are passed to the actual method handle execution.
If I have supplied only one argument, the receiver type is left unbound and execution of the resulting MethodHandle cannot happen, because I haven't passed an argument that will be used for the receiver type "slot". If I accordingly supply two arguments to (1) above (as I do in my recipe), then the method handle is not found by my bootstrap method, because the supplied MethodType indicates that the method I am searching for requires two arguments, and my actual method that I'm finding only takes one.
Finally, I can work around this (and validate my hypothesis) by doing some fairly ugly stuff in my bootstrap method:
First, I deliberately continue to pass two arguments, not one, even though my method only takes two arguments: withArgument(0, 1)
In my bootstrap method, I now know that the MethodType it will receive will be "incorrect" (it will have two parameter types, not one, where the first parameter type will represent the receiver type). I drop the first parameter using MethodType#dropParameterTypes(int, int).
I call findVirtual() with the new MethodType. It returns a MethodType with two parameter types: the receiver type that it adds automatically, and the existing non-dropped parameter type.
(More simply I can just pass a MethodType as a constant to my bootstrap method via, for example, JavaConstant.MethodType.of(myMethodDescription) or built however I like, and ignore the one that ByteBuddy synthesizes. It would still be nice if there were instead a way to control the MethodType that ByteBuddy supplies (is obligated to supply) to the bootstrap method.)
When I do things like this in my bootstrap method, my recipe works. I'd prefer not to tailor my bootstrap method to ByteBudddy, but will here if I have to.
Is it a bug that ByteBuddy does not seem to allow InvokeDynamic to specify the ingredients for a MethodType directly, without also specifying the receiver?
What you described, is entirely independent of Byte-Buddy. It’s just the way how invokedynamic works.
JVMS, § Dynamically-Computed Constant and Call Site Resolution
To resolve an unresolved symbolic reference R to a dynamically-computed constant or call site, there are three tasks. First, R is examined to determine which code will serve as its bootstrap method, and which arguments will be passed to that code. Second, the arguments are packaged into an array and the bootstrap method is invoked. Third, the result of the bootstrap method is validated, and used as the result of resolution.
The second task, to invoke the bootstrap method handle, involves the following steps:
An array is allocated with component type Object and length n+3, where n is the number of static arguments given by R (n ≥ 0).
The zeroth component of the array is set to a reference to an instance of java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup for the class in which R occurs, produced as if by invocation of the lookup method of java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.
The first component of the array is set to a reference to an instance of String that denotes N, the unqualified name given by R.
The second component of the array is set to the reference to an instance of Class or java.lang.invoke.MethodType that was obtained earlier for the field descriptor or method descriptor given by R.
Subsequent components of the array are set to the references that were obtained earlier from resolving R's static arguments, if any. The references appear in the array in the same order as the corresponding static arguments are given by R.
A Java Virtual Machine implementation may be able to skip allocation of the array and, without any change in observable behavior, pass the arguments directly to the bootstrap method.
So the first three arguments to the bootstrap method are provided by the JVM according to the rules cited above. Only the other arguments are under the full control of the programmer.
The method type provided as 3rd argument always matches the type of the invokedynamic instruction describing the element types to pop from the stack and the type to push afterwards, if not void. Since this happens automatically, there’s not even a possibility to create contradicting, invalid bytecode in that regard; there is just a single method type stored in the class file.
If you want to bind the invokedynamic instruction to an invokevirtual operation using a receiver from the operand stack, you have exactly the choices already mentioned in your question. You may derive the method from other bootstrap arguments or drop the first parameter type of the instruction’s type. You can also use that first parameter type to determine the target of the method lookup. There’s nothing ugly in this approach; it’s the purpose of bootstrap methods to perform adaptations.

What are anonymous variables?

A program variable is an abstraction of a computer memory cell or collection
of cells. Programmers often think of variable names as names for memory locations, but there is much more to a variable than just a name.
In this case, what is an anonymous variable?
What does the below statement mean?
Variables without names are called anonymous variables.
Can you provide language specific examples for the same?
In C++, reference variable to const can be initialized by constant.
In this point, temporary variable is created in memory to grab the constant.
const int &ref = 3;
like this. so we can call this temporary variable to "anonymous variable".
Variables are where you store you values. 'Variable Name' is the usually the easiest (and more human-like) way to locate your value.For example, if I am a variable, you can get my value by calling my name, and the combination of my value and my name is called 'variable'.
However, not all variables need a name.Sometimes you just use them once and don't need them anymore; and in that case, a name is unnecessary.
The example given by #BAE HA RAM is a telling one,in which case you don't need a name for the value but ref to it by a pointer(But still got a name for that pointer)..
There are also many other anonymous things, anonymous type, anonymous function and so on. Most of them are created to avoid too many meaningless names for the things that you only need to run once.
I'd like to know which language you are using, so more specific example can be given...

Variable Encapsulation in Case Statement

While modifying an existing program's CASE statement, I had to add a second block where some logic is repeated to set NetWeaver portal settings. This is done by setting values in a local variable, then assigning that variable to a Changing parameter. I copied over the code and did a Pretty Print, expecting to compiler to complain about the unknown variable. To my surprise however, this code actually compiles just fine:
CASE i_actionid.
DATA: ls_portal_actions TYPE powl_follow_up_sty.
CLEAR ls_portal_actions.
ls_portal_actions-bo_system = 'SAP_ECC_Common'.
" [...]
c_portal_actions = ls_portal_actions.
ls_portal_actions-bo_system = 'SAP_ECC_Common'.
" [...]
C_PORTAL_ACTIONS = ls_portal_actions.
As I have seen in every other programming language, the DATA: declaration in the first WHEN statement should be encapsulated and available only inside that switch block. Does SAP ignore this encapsulation to make that value available in the entire CASE statement? Is this documented anywhere?
Note that this code compiles just fine and double-clicking the local variable in the second switch takes me to the data declaration in the first. I have however not been able to test that this code executes properly as our testing environment is down.
In short you cannot do this. You will have the following scopes in an abap program within which to declare variables (from local to global):
Form routine: all variables between FORM and ENDFORM
Method: all variables between METHOD and ENDMETHOD
Class - all variables between CLASS and ENDCLASS but only in the CLASS DEFINITION section
Function module: all variables between FUNCTION and ENDFUNCTION
Program/global - anything not in one of the above is global in the current program including variables in PBO and PAI modules
Having the ability to define variables locally in a for loop or if is really useful but unfortunately not possible in ABAP. The closest you will come to publicly available documentation on this is on Local Data in the Subroutine
As for the compile process do not assume that ABAP will optimize out any variables you do not use it won't, use the code inspector to find and remove them yourself. Since ABAP works the way it does I personally define all my variables at the start of a modularization unit and not inline with other code and have gone so far as to modify the pretty printer to move any inline definitions to the top of the current scope.
Your assumption that a CASE statement defines its own scope of variables in ABAP is simply wrong (and would be wrong for a number of other programming languages as well). It's a bad idea to litter your code with variable declarations because that makes it awfully hard to read and to maintain, but it is possible. The DATA statements - as well as many other declarative statements - are only evaluated at compile time and are completely ignored at runtime. You can find more information about the scopes in the online documentation.
The inline variable declarations are now possible with the newest version of SAP Netweaver. Here is the link to the documentation DATA - inline declaration. Here are also some guidelines of a good and bad usage of this new feature
Here is a quote from this site:
A declaration expression with the declaration operator DATA declares a variable var used as an operand in the current writer position. The declared variable is visible statically in the program from DATA(var) and is valid in the current context. The declaration is made when the program is compiled, regardless of whether the statement is actually executed.
Personally have not had time to check it out yet, because of lack of access to such system.

Obiective-C, find global variable at Runtime?

I am curious to know if there is any way to find a global variable at runtime, much like NSClassFromString. The variable, a BOOL, is defined in a static library and I found the name by using "nm" which gave this output: "0001924d b _gStartSessionCalled". When debugging in XCode I can add an expression "gStartSessionCalled" and see the value change as the app is running.
What I want to do is find the value of gStartSessionCalled and also change the value. I know it's kind of weird to do this but please disregard the reason why.
The lowercase letter "b" in the nm output
0001924d b _gStartSessionCalled
indicates that gStartSessionCalled is a local (non-external) symbol. It could for example be defined as
static BOOL gStartSessionCalled;
in your library. As far as I know, you cannot access local symbols from outside the object file in which it they are defined.
The debugger can use the symbol table to find the address and display the variable, but the linker refuses to link against a local symbol from a different object file.
A global variable is not an Objective-C specific construct. It is plain C and you can access every global variable when knowing its name by declaring it like
extern <type> <name>;
e.g. in your case
extern BOOL gStartSessionCalled;
gStartSessionCalled = YES;
If you do not know the name of the variable at compile time, you still may find the symbols address at runtime using something like dlsym. I don't know if it is the same on MacOS as on Linux, but there will be something similar.