Obiective-C, find global variable at Runtime? - objective-c

I am curious to know if there is any way to find a global variable at runtime, much like NSClassFromString. The variable, a BOOL, is defined in a static library and I found the name by using "nm" which gave this output: "0001924d b _gStartSessionCalled". When debugging in XCode I can add an expression "gStartSessionCalled" and see the value change as the app is running.
What I want to do is find the value of gStartSessionCalled and also change the value. I know it's kind of weird to do this but please disregard the reason why.

The lowercase letter "b" in the nm output
0001924d b _gStartSessionCalled
indicates that gStartSessionCalled is a local (non-external) symbol. It could for example be defined as
static BOOL gStartSessionCalled;
in your library. As far as I know, you cannot access local symbols from outside the object file in which it they are defined.
The debugger can use the symbol table to find the address and display the variable, but the linker refuses to link against a local symbol from a different object file.

A global variable is not an Objective-C specific construct. It is plain C and you can access every global variable when knowing its name by declaring it like
extern <type> <name>;
e.g. in your case
extern BOOL gStartSessionCalled;
gStartSessionCalled = YES;
If you do not know the name of the variable at compile time, you still may find the symbols address at runtime using something like dlsym. I don't know if it is the same on MacOS as on Linux, but there will be something similar.


NSErrorDomain + NS_ERROR_ENUM makes type lookup ambiguous. Why?

I have an error that used to look like this in Objective-C
NSString * const JKConfigurationErrorDomain;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, JKConfigurationCode) {
Now, this is ugly to use in Swift. But since Swift 4, we can use NSErrorDomain and NS_ERROR_ENUM to make the imported error much nicer in Swift:
NSErrorDomain const JKConfigurationErrorDomain;
typedef NS_ERROR_ENUM(JKConfigurationErrorDomain, JKConfigurationCode) {
This means I can now do stuff in Swift like this:
if let myError = error as? JKConfigurationError, myError.code = .somethingBad {
// handle it
instead of having to cast error to NSError, then check its .domain then look at the .code which is an integer, etc.
So far, so good. But my library is called JKConfiguration and there is already a JKConfiguration object (the center piece of the library) in there and as soon as I start using JKConfiguration anywhere in the library code I get an error:
'JKConfiguration' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context
I don't get it, why? What does NSErrorDomain or NS_ERROR_ENUM do such that the type lookup becomes ambiguous and how can I fix it?
What I tried already:
use NS_SWIFT_NAME on the NS_ERROR_ENUM typedef and rename it to something else. Looking at the generated Swift header, the rename works, but doesn't solve the issue
Change the name of the error domain (and thus of the generated error type in Swift). Seems to work according to the generated Swift header, but the issue still persists. Why is that?
The issue is not, as I initially thought, in the name of the error domain. Nor is it a problem with the library name. It’s a problem of the error enum‘s name, in the example above: JKConfigurationCode.
What the Compiler does for the enum cases of an NS_ERROR_ENUM is two-fold:
use the name of the enum and remove that prefix from all enum cases before importing them to swift
create an enum with the given name to hold those cases. If the given name ends with Code remove that suffix.
So that last part is the issue. It means that NS_ERROR_ENUM(AnyDomainName, JKConfigurationCode) generates an enum in Swift to hold the error codes with the name JKConfiguration (without the Code) prefix. But that type already exists in my example, which leads to the ambiguity.
So the solution is to change
NS_ERROR_ENUM(JKConfigurationErrorDomain, JKConfigurationCode)
NS_ERROR_ENUM(JKConfigurationErrorDomain, JKConfigurationSomethingCode)
Or similar.
Don’t forget to update all the prefixes of your enum cases though, as it seems the compiler won’t find them if the prefixes don’t match the enum name.
Why doesn’t NS_SWIFT_NAME work to rename the enum?
Best I can tell, NS_SWIFT_NAME causes the type to be renamed but not the cases. This leads to an empty type (Swift chooses a struct in that case) being generated for the error code as Swift doesn’t seem to find the cases. And the original container for the enum cases still has the offending name.

How to get the name of the variable the pointer is pointing to in LLVM

I have a pointer to an array or to a variable. I want to get the name of that array or variable. How to get this in LLVM?
I am trying to instrument a function to which an array or variable is passed through pointer. I want to get the name of that array or variable argument. I am instrumenting my functions using LLVM.
You need to use debug information for that, because otherwise names from the original C code do not get represented in LLVM IR, in the general case. See the debug info document. In particular, look in the sections about "#llvm.dbg.declare" and "Global Value Descriptors"

How to access a constant using a String holding its name

I have a .h file that defines a few hundred constants. Let's assume this to be one of them:
#define KDSomeItem 1
I know that the Objective-C runtime API can be used to retrieve a list of instance variable names: like detailed in this question: How do I list all fields of an object in Objective-C?
I also know that the getter [object valueForKey:theName] can be used to access the ivars as found in an earlier question of mine: How to access a property/variable using a String holding its name
My question is can something simmilar be done with constants? That is can I:
a) get a list of all constants programmatically
b) access a constant if I have a string holding its name
e.g. if I had a String like this NSString * theName = #"KDSomeItem"; could I evaluate my constant using this string?
You would not be able to do this: unlike instance variables, #define-d constants do not leave a trace after the preprocessor is done with them. They leave no metadata behind - all instances of KDSomeItem in the body of your program will be replaced with 1 even before the Objective C compiler proper gets to analyze your code.
If you need the constant names to be available at run time, you would need to build all the necessary metadata yourself. In order to do that, you may want to look into "stringizing" operator of the preprocessor:
#define STR(X) #X
This macro can be applied to a preprocessor constant, and produce a C string literal with its name:
const char *nameOfKDSomeItem = STR(KDSomeItem); // same as "KDSomeItem"
Nope. Your constant is a preprocessor macro. It is textually substituted into your source code where you use it.

Strange Objective-C/C `enum` behavior

I have this strange issue:
When I create an enum like this:
typedef enum {
} ParcelStatus;
I get an error: expected identifier before numeric constant
When I add even the smallest change to the members name, I get no error:
typedef enum {
} ParcelStatus;
How is this possible? What numeric constant is the error talking about? It makes no sense to me...
One of the constants has been #defined in another file. Because of this, the preprocessor replaces the identifier in the enum with its value. The compiler then sees this constant value and complains, since it expected an identifier.
Chances are that one of the named constants you're trying to define is already defined in another header, possibly in one of Apple's frameworks. You'll simply need to pick a different name for your constants.
It sounds like you are defining the enum more than once, either literally or by including the file incorrectly.
In addition I can say, compiling Your file with -E option and locating Your error code in a result file will help You to see what happened.
F.e.: cc -E myfile.c | grep -B 6 ParcelStatus

Objective C - Why do constants start with k

Why do constants in all examples I've seen always start with k? And should I #define constants in header or .m file?
I'm new to Objective C, and I don't know C. Is there some tutorial somewhere that explains these sorts of things without assuming knowledge of C?
Starting constants with a "k" is a legacy of the pre-Mac OS X days. In fact, I think the practice might even come from way back in the day, when the Mac OS was written mostly in Pascal, and the predominant development language was Pascal. In C, #define'd constants are typically written in ALL CAPS, rather than prefixing with a "k".
As for where to #define constants: #define them where you're going to use them. If you expect people who #import your code to use the constants, put them in the header file; if the constants are only going to be used internally, put them in the .m file.
Current recommendations from Apple for naming constants don't include the 'k' prefix, but many organizations adopted that convention and still use it, so you still see it quite a lot.
The question of what the "k" means is answered in this question.
And if you intend for files other than that particular .m to use these constants, you have to put the constants in the header, since they can't import the .m file.
You might be interested in Cocoa Dev Central's C tutorial for Cocoa programmers. It explains a lot of the core concepts.
The k prefix comes from a time where many developers loved to use Hungarian notation in their code. In Hungarian notation, every variable has a prefix that tells you what type it is. pSize would be a pointer named "size" whereas iSize would be an integer named "size". Just looking at the name, you know the type of a variable. This can be pretty helpful in absence of modern IDEs that can show you the type of any variable at any time, otherwise you'd always have to search the declaration to know it. Following the trend of the time, Apple wanted to have a common prefix for all constants.
Okay, why not c then, like c for "constant"? Because c was already taken, in Hungarian notation, c is for "counter" (cApple means "count of apples"). There's a similar problem with the class, being a keyword in many languages, so how do you name a variable that points to a class? You will find tons of code naming this variable klass and thus k was chosen, k as in "konstant". In many languages this word actually does start with a k, see here.
Regarding your second question: You should not use #define for constant at all, if you can avoid it, as #define is typeless.
const int x = 10; // Type is int
const short y = 20; // Type is short
const uint64_t z = 30; // Type is for sure UInt64
const double d = 5000; // Type is for sure double
const char * str = "Hello"; // Type is for sure char *
#define FOO 90
What type is FOO? It's some kind of number. But what kind of number? So far any type or no type at all. Type will depend on how and where you use FOO in your code.
Also if you have a fixed set of numbers, use an enum as then the compiler can verify you are using a valid value and enum values are always constant.
If you have to use a define, it won't matter where you define it. Header files are files you share among multiple code files, so if you need the same define in more than one place, you write it into a header file and include that header file wherever that define is needed. What you write into a code file is only visible within that code file, except for non-static functions and Obj-C classes that are both globally visible by default. But unless a function is declared in a header file and that header file is included into a code file where you want to use that function, the compiler will not know how this function looks like (what parameters it expects, what result value it returns), so it cannot check any of this and must rely that you call it correctly (usually this will cause it to create a warning). Obj-C classes cannot be used at all, unless you tell the current code file at least that this name is the name of a class, yet if you want to actually do something with that class (other than just passing it around), the compiler needs to know the interface of the class, that's why interfaces go into header files (if the class is only used within the current code file, writing interface and implementation into the file is legal and will work, too).
k for "konvention". Seriously; it is just convention.
You can put a #define wherever you like; in a header, in the .m at the top, in the .m right next to where you use it. Just put it before any code that uses it.
The "intro to objective-c" documentation provided with the Xcode tool suite is actually quite good. Read it a few times (I like to re-read it once every 2 to 5 years).
However, neither it nor any of the C books that I'm aware of will answer these particular questions. The answers sort of become obvious through experience.
I believe it is because of the former prevalence of Hungarian Notation, so k was chosen because c stood for character. ( )