REST API 200 & 201 Body responses [closed] - api

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am writing a API standards document for my firm and have been trying out various tools to enhance our API lifeycle, today I have tried out an API definition security validation tool from,
it highlighted an interesting error with one of my POST operations:
“You have not defined any schemas for responses that should contain a body.” Link:Response schema undefined and references RFC 7231
The API endpoint that was flagged was a POST operation that returned: A 201 status code, a Location header but no body. (Hence the error as the tool is expecting all 200s codes to have a body except for 204)
The RFC7231 Section 6.3.2 states:
The 201 (Created) status code indicates that the request has been
fulfilled and has resulted in one or more new resources being
created. The primary resource created by the request is identified
by either a Location header field in the response or, if no Location
field is received, by the effective request URI.
The 201 response payload typically describes and links to the
resource(s) created. See Section 7.2 for a discussion of the meaning
and purpose of validator header fields, such as ETag and
Last-Modified, in a 201 response.
Also when looking at what RFC7231 Section 4.3.3 defines for POST operations when the operation resulted in a resource being created, it states:
If one or more resources has been created on the origin server as a
result of successfully processing a POST request, the origin server
SHOULD send a 201 (Created) response containing a Location header
field that provides an identifier for the primary resource created
(Section 7.1.2) and a representation that describes the status of the
request while referring to the new resource(s)."
When a POST results in a successful creation of a resource:
HTTP 201 should be returned
Location header should be returned with the URL of the newly created resource
A "representation that describes the status of the request while referring to the new resource"
The top two are neither a surprise but the third one is where I find conflicting guidance from what the standards ask for and what is available as a precedent.
From my research, Google, Paypal, Github and Stripe, all reputable API creators, send a full representation of the newly created resource and not a "representation of the status of the request".
Is the RFC wrong / out of date and the best practice is that we should return the full body?
I would really value input from others who have encountered / debated this or is interested in the conversation.
It might seem a trivial question but I am trying to document the best practice to drive our consistency forward similar to Zalendo (also appear to return the resource unless a 204 is returned but in that case the client doesnt know if the resource was created or if it was updated by the POST)
Question to answer
Is there a standard to follow for response bodies of this type?
The same answer could apply to a PUT or POST getting a 200 response or a PUT getting a 201.

Is the RFC wrong / out of date and the best practice is that we should return the full body? I would really value input from others who have encountered / debated this or is interested in the conversatio
The RFC is, as far as I can tell, fine.
The idea I think you are missing is Content-Location, which is to say that we can use meta data in the response to make clear, in a standardized way, what the representation we are sending back from the server is.
A typical "representation of the status of the action" might look like
201 Created
Location: /api/new-things/12345
Your document can be fetched from /api/new-things/12345
If instead we want to send a representation of the new document (resource) we created, then we need to signal that in the meta data.
201 Created
Location: /api/new-things/12345
Content-Location: /api/new-things/12345
Hi, I'm your new document, which can be fetched from /api/new-things/12345
Roughly - yes, you can just send the representation of the new thing you created on the server, and your bespoke client can understand that. But we also have the problem that general-purpose components need to understand the conversation as well, and as far as they were concerned, we were having a conversation about the target-uri, not about /api/new-things/12345.
The HTTP standard is about describing what is going on using the semantics that are common to all resources and components, not your specific bit of java script talking to your specific URI.

Using the PUT or POST response to return the updated resource representation rather than the status is commonplace and the APIs you listed are good examples of this. I suppose the rationale for this is to offer some convenience for the client developer.
It's not what is described in the HTTP spec (confirmed by the quotes you gave), and doing this limits the richness of the API.
For example an API may accept valid documents that comply with the schema, but perform business rules assessment or trigger a series of events. The response status is there to let the client know what happened and any problems that occur from a business rules perspective. Note that 40x responses are to do with client errors not user errors.
My view is then to provide a status document listing useful information about such processing including
Business rule evaluation status and results (with links)
Events raised
Actions performed in addition to the storage of the document
Transaction ids for tracing and reference
Timestamps for the document and / or version numbers.
Key data items generated or matched such as tags, ids, keys etc that may be of note.
I am not aware of any standard JSON document formats for this (akin to application/problem+json see, however perhaps one would be useful e.g. application/processing+json to tighten up API responses in this area.


REST API: What HTTP return code for no data found? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the proper REST response code for a valid request but an empty data?
(28 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
If someone could please help settle this argument we might actually get this system finished LOL :^)
So, if you have a REST API.. for.. say.. returning patient details...
And you send in a request with a patient id...
But no patient with that patient id actually exists in the database..
What response should your API return?
1. a 404 ?
2. a 204 ?
3. a 200 with something in the body to indicate no patient found..
Use a 404:
404 Not Found
The server can not find the requested resource. In the browser, this means the URL is not recognized. In an API, this can also mean
that the endpoint is valid but the resource itself does not exist.
Servers may also send this response instead of 403 to hide the
existence of a resource from an unauthorized client. This response
code is probably the most famous one due to its frequent occurrence on
the web.
From MDN Web docs
What response should your API return?
It Depends.
Status codes are metadata in the transfer of documents over a network domain. The status code communicates the semantics of the HTTP response to general purpose components. For instance, it's the status code that announces to a cache whether the message body of the response is a "representation of the resource" or instead a representation of an error situation.
Rows in your database are an implementation detail; as far as REST is concerned, there doesn't have to be a database.
What REST cares about is resources, and in this case whether or not the resource has a current representation. REST doesn't tell you what the resource model should be, or how it is implemented. What REST does tell you (via it's standardized messages constraint, which in this case means the HTTP standard) is how to describe what's happening in the resource model.
For example, if my resource is "things to do", and everything is done, then I would normally expect a GET request for "things to do" to return a 2xx status code with a representation announcing there is nothing to do (which could be a completely empty document, or it could be a web page with an empty list of items, or a JSON document.... you get the idea).
If instead the empty result set from the database indicates that there was a spelling error in the URI, then a 404 is appropriate.
It might help to consider a boring web server, and how retrieving an empty file differs from retrieving a file that doesn't exist.
But, as before, in some resource models it might make sense to return a "default" representation in the case where there is no file.
if you have a REST API.. for.. say.. returning patient details...
Is it reasonable in the resource model to have a document that says "we have no records for this patient"?
I'm not a specialist in the domain of medical documents, but it sounds pretty reasonable to me that we might get back a document with no information. "Here's a list of everything we've been told about this patient" and a blank list.
What response should your API return?
If you are returning a representation of an error - ie, a document that explains that the document someone asked for is missing, then you should use a 404 Not Found status code (along with other metadata indicating how long that response can be cached, etc).
If you are returning a document, you should use a 200 OK with a Content-Length header.
204 is specialized, and should not be used here. The key distinction between 204 and 200 with Content-Length 0 is the implications for navigation.

Good practices for designing REST api relations

We currently trying to design some REST api for our webservices. We have two resources, 'record' and 'expedition'. As far as we know, a record can be associated with multiple expeditions, and an expedition can be associated with one record (but not necessarily).
When we create an expedition, and we want to "attach" it to a record, we have come to two solutions :
POST /expeditions?recordId=xxx
POST /records/xxx/expeditions
and a POST /expeditions WS to create expeditions independently.
My colleague suggested the first approach, but I found the second the most usual way to do so. I have not found articles on the web presenting the first approach as a good or bad design.
So, which solution is the good one for you ? Which kind of consideration can help us to choose ?
Thank you.
Which kind of consideration can help us to choose ?
Think about cache-invalidation.
HTTP is about document transfer. We obtain information from the server by asking for a copy of a document; that request might be handled by the server itself, or it might be handled by a cache that has a valid copy of the document.
We send information to a server by proposing edits to documents - POST being the most common method used to do that (via HTML forms).
When an edit is successful, it follows that the previously cached copies of the document are out of date, and we would really prefer that they be replaced by the updated copy.
General purpose cache invalidation is kind of limited; in particular, it doesn't support arbitrary invalidation of documents. Only the target-uri, Location, and Content-Location are invalidated.
Therefore, when we are designing our resource interactions, we want to consider this limitation.
That usually means that the request that we use to change a document should have the same target-uri as the request to read that same document.
(Yes, that means that if we are going to have different kinds of edits to the document, all of the different edits share the same target-uri, and we disambiguate the edit by looking at other parts of the request -- for instance by parsing the body.)
POST /records/xxx/expeditions and a POST /expeditions WS to create expeditions independently.
That's not required - the server is permitted to apply changes to more than one document; HTTP constrains the meaning of the request, but does not constrain the effects.
That said, general purpose caches won't magically know that both documents have been edited. To some degree, part of what you are choosing in your design is which document needs to be refreshed now, and which ones can be out of date for a time (typically until the cached representation reaches its max age).
For the special case where your response to the successful edit is going to be a copy of the updated representation of the resource, you have a little bit more freedom, because use can use the Content-Location header to identify which document we are returning in the response, and that header is automatically invalidated.
POST /foo/bar
200 OK
Content-Location: /foo
In this sequence, general purpose headers will invalidated their cached copies of both /foo and /foo/bar.
(of course, there are still issues, in so far as we don't have a mechanism to return both the updated copy of /foo and the updated copy of /bar in a single response. So instead we need to look into other ideas, like server push).
Design the URL paths in a way that the resources can easily be retrieved.
Query string/parameter present in the URL mentioned in the first approach is typically used to locate a resource and perhaps a little counter intuitive to me.
The second approach, perhaps this would work as you are creating an expedition under an associated record xxx i.e. /records/xxx/expeditions. But it could get challenging in a scenario where an expedition is not related to any record.
Another alternative thought here is to link the expedition and record through the payload i.e. have the record id XXX within the POST payload during the "expedition" resource creation. POST /expedition => This operation would return you an expedition id in response as the resource newly gets created. To retrieve the data, you could then use GET /expedition/XXX/record where XXX is the expedition id and you retrieve the record corresponding to XXX. You don't need to mention a record id in this case. You either get a associated record or you don't(in case there is no record tied to the expedition). To retrieve the expedition itself, the URL could be GET /expedition/XXX.

RESTful Response when the POST request results in the creation of different kind of resources?

I have been working on designing an API that lets client create a product (think of product as something like website domain, something that comes into existence when client makes order for it to the service). Correspondingly with every purchase results in creation of the order object. Which means creation of two resources via a single POST request.
So afaik, the RFC standards recommends sending 201 on resource creation with URI for the resource in the Location header. But in the above scenario, we are creating two resources, domains and orders and I would want response to contain information related to both the resources.
Response would look something similar to this
POST /domains/
body: {"domain_name": ""},
Body: {"order_id": "1234"}
But does not look very RESTful. I was wondering if there was a RESTful way to do this?
RFC 7231, section 6.3.2
The 201 (Created) status code indicates that the request has been fulfilled and has resulted in one or more new resources being created. The primary resource created by the request is identified by either a Location header field in the response or, if no Location field is received, by the effective request URI.
The 201 response payload typically describes and links to the resource(s) created.
In other words, on the web we would solve your riddle by returning an HTML document that includes hyperlinks to all of the created resources, along with text to describe each, so that the client would know which new identifiers are available.
To make such a response machine readable, we would do the work of documenting the schema of the message, so that specialized clients would know how to identify the semantics of each of the provided links.
The same idea works if you replace HTML with a different media type (for example application/json). You define the schema, and then specialized clients can parse the response to find the identifiers that they need.
Of course, REST is largely about standardizing things so that we can use general purpose components; application/json is somewhat inadequate here, as it doesn't include a URI type (just strings, which are too general). So to be more "RESTful", you would choose one of the specialized JSON types that has a general purpose representation of a link.
Sookocheff's article On Choosing a Hypermedia Type.... is a decent starting point for the kinds of questions you will want to be considering.

REST HATEOAS: How to know what to POST?

I still don't understand how the client knows what data to POST when creating a resource. Most tutorials/articles omit this and in their examples, a client always seems to know a priori what to post (i.e. using out-of-band information). Like in this example, the consumer knows that he has to place the order by setting what <drink\> he wants.
I can only image a few approaches and I don't know if they are valid:
1. Returning an empty resource
The client discovers a link to /resource with a link to /resource/create and relation "create". A GET to /resource/create returns an empty resource (all attributes are empty) and a link to /resource/create with relation "post". The client then sets values to all attributes and POSTs this to /resource/create which returns a 201 (Created). This means that the CRUD operations are not located at the resource endpoint but to URI like /resource/create and that the client might set attributes the server ignores (like a creation date which is set on the server side)
2. Returning a form
Basically the same approach as above, despite the fact that not a resource is returned but some meta-information about what fields to post and what datatypes each attributes needs to have. Like in this example. Still, the creation endpoint is not located at /resource but on /resource/create
3. Creating by updating
A POST to /resource immediatly creates an empty resource and returns a link to this resource. The client then can follow this link to update the resource with the necessary data doing PUTs.
So what is the best approach that still follows the HATEOAs paradigm and why are all of these tutorials (and even books like REST in Practice) omitting this problem?
I recently found out the Sun Cloud API seems to be pretty close to an "ideal" REST HATEOAS API. It not only defines some resources and does hyperlinking between them, it also defines media types and versioning. With all this theoretical discussion, it's pretty good to have a concrete exmaple. Maybe this helps some readers of this question.
Most tutorials and books about REST are very misleading, because there are many misconceptions about REST and no authoritative source other than Fielding's dissertation itself, which is incomplete.
REST is not CRUD. A POST is not a synonym to CREATE. POST is the method to be used for any action that isn't already standardized by HTTP. If it's not standardized by HTTP, its semantics are determined by the target resource itself, and the exact behavior has to be documented by the resource media-type.
With HATEOAS, a client should not rely on out-of-band information for driving the interaction. The documentation should focus on the media-types, not on the URIs and methods. People rarely get this right because they don't use media-types properly, and instead document URI endpoints.
For instance, in your example, everything has the application/xml media-type. That's the problem. Without proper media-types, there's no way to document resource-specific semantics when everything has the same media-type without relying on URI semantics, which would break HATEOAS. Instead, a drink should have a media-type like application/vnd.mycompany.drink.v1+xml, and your API documentation for that media-type can describe what to expect when using POST with a rel link.

Proper route for checking resource existence in a RESTful API [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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What's the best/restful way to design an API endpoint for checking existence of resources?
For example there is a user database. While new user tries to sign up I want to check if email has been used on-the-fly.
My idea is: POST /user/exists and payload would be something like {"email": ""}. The response would be either 200 OK or 409 Conflict.
Is this a proper way?
HEAD is the most effecient for existence checks:
HEAD /users/{username}
Request a user's path, and return a 200 if they exist, or a 404 if they don't.
Mind you, you probably don't want to be exposing endpoints that check email addresses. It opens a security and privacy hole. Usernames that are already publicly displayed around a site, like on reddit, could be ok.
I believe the proper way to just check for existence is to use a HEAD verb for whatever resource you would normally get with a GET request.
I recently came across a situation where I wanted to check the existence of a potentially large video file on the server. I didn't want the server to try and start streaming the bytes to any client so I implemented a HEAD response that just returned the headers that the client would receive when doing a GET request for that video.
You can check out the W3 specification here or read this blog post about practical uses of the HEAD verb.
I think this is awesome because you don't have to think about how to form your route any differently from a normal RESTful route in order to check for the existence of any resource, Whether that's a file or a typical resource, like a user or something.
GET /users?
This is a basic search query: find me the users which have the email address specified. Respond with an empty collection if no users exist, or respond with the users which match the condition.
I prefer:
HEAD /users/email/
Explanation: You are trying to find through all the users someone that are using the e-mail I'm assuming here that the e-mail is not the key of your resource and you would like to have some flexibility on your endpoint, because if you need another endpoint to check availability of another information from the user (like username, number, etc) , this approach can fit very well:
HEAD /users/email/
HEAD /users/username/foobar
HEAD /users/number/56534324
As response, you only need to return 200 (exists, so it's not available) or 404 (not exists, so it's available) as http code response.
You can also use:
HEAD /emails/
if the HEAD /users/email/ conflict with an existing rest resource, like a GET /users/email/ with a different business rule. As described on Mozilla's documentation:
The HEAD method asks for a response identical to that of a GET request, but without the response body.*.
So, have a GET and HEAD with different rules is not good.
A HEAD /users/ is a good option too if the e-mail is the "key" of the users, because you (probably) have a GET /users/