Vue UI: "This relative module was not found" - vue.js

I have used Vue before with Laravel, and now I am getting started with Vue CLI. I have installed Vue CLI and used Vue UI to create my first project. It pre-installs the Hello World example, but when I go to Task > Build, I get the following error:
This relative module was not found:
* ./src/main.js in multi ./src/main.js
Why is this? I can see the file there, and as far as I can see I have not made any config choices or changes that would cause this problem.
I tried removing the node_modules directory and running npm install, but that did not seem to help.
When I was installing Vue CLI I ran into an error because I am on macOS Catalina, but I googled it and installed some Xcode tools and that seemed to sort it out.

I created a second project and the Hello World example works fine there. I noticed that, as part of the process - in the terminal screen - it installed some additional plugins. So perhaps that is what was missing from the first project.
The first project still does not compile, but I am happy to delete it and work with the second.


'NativeReanimated' could not be found. Verify that a module by this name is registered in the native binary

This is my Code which is showing this error . Here I am trying to make a Drawer-navigation
This is the error showing , I am doing this in react-native.
It seems you might have missed some installation / setup steps for react-navigation.
Please check this section in the docs:
If you have already installed the packages listed there (notably react-native-reanimated), perhaps you have not installed the native dependencies. This is important on iOS - run npx pod-install in your project root, and then build the app again (hot reload will not be enough).

Error of spawn vue-cli-service ENOENT after updating vue cli?

My vue project started throwing errors last night. At first I thought it was some sort of node issue because my project wasn't fully loading, which wasn't an issue before and I kept getting an audit issue about my cli plugin. I update node to the latest version and it uploaded fully once, then later it stopped loading and showing anything on the screen. This morning, I tried loading it through the vue cli instead of the terminal and noticed they had updated the vue cli plugin. I updated my vue cli plugin and tried to build my project but now I'm getting this error
"spawn vue-cli-service ENOENT"
can anyone help me with this error and what to do to get my vue project back up and running? Everything was up and running fine before this. Not really sure what is going on. I also have the following plugins running on my project, not sure if that may be impacting anything: vuetify, axios, vuex, vue router, and I have firebase and firestore, as well.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Please use the following link. It worked for me right away.
I ran all this in Windows shell
in CMD into the project directory (this is very important!!)
execute NPM install
re-import in the visualization panel. (I just ran "vue ui")
Prior to doing this I had installed node using windows installer and then the following from the powershell
npm update -g #vue/cli
npm install -g #vue/cli-service-global
restart if you need to, go to the project directory in powershell and "vue ui" without quotes and it worked after that. I was able to compile and run the project without any issues. Once the task is built, you may open a new tab and goto localhost:8080
best of luck! (it was a witch-hunt for me)

React Native Example App does not run in Expo Snack

I'm learning React Native and trying to add a component to an Expo Snack for testing. I can't even get the example app to work though.
Is it something different about how Snacks work vs. a desktop development environment? I've encountered that type of difference using JSFiddle, for example.
I straight copy-pasted the code from the Github repo into and it gave me an error:
Device: (946:881) Unable to resolve module 'module://expo-font.js'
Evaluating module://expo-font.js
Evaluating module://react-native-numeric-input.js
Evaluating module://App.js
Loading module://App.js
I've gotten this error before, but I've never been able to figure out why. Is it an issue with the package, which was updated just 7 days ago, or something else? Please advise.
It may be due to missing of node modules in your project compared to the Github project. As the Stack.expo browser won't give us full freedom to install custom modules, I suggest you to download VS Code and open the Github project in it, then do "npm install" from cmd and "react-native run-android/ios".

Weex - why can not I start the project

I have a problem with weex. I wanted to start to learn to write a Vue app using weex, but I have a problem because I can not download the package. I have an empty folder and enter the command from the npm documentation install weex-toolkit -g, but it will give me such an error.
Image error:
The error is from an npm dependency, fsevents, not weex per-se.
Have you tried on a different platform, or see if the toolkit got installed anyway?

React-native init issue for new app

I have been going through the react-native tutorial and ran
react-native init AwesomeApp as detailed in the FB page.
After many trials and errors in setting the correct permissions and path I was able to get the app running on IOS.
Awesome app is in a directory Projects
Now I want to create my own app in the same Projects folder and when I try
react-native init newApp I get
Looks like React Native project already exists in the current
folder. Run this command from a different folder or remove node_modules/react-native
I tried from a different folder and still get the same message.
What's the best way to resolve this, deleting the node_modules/react-native or is there another solution and why the same error in a different folder?
Had the same issue, the solution wasn't obvious and I find it nowhere on the Internet so I'm leaving it here.
You may have installed react-native globally. While you should install react-native-cli globally.
Having the first one installed makes typical react-native commads work (starting an app, linking native modules). The only difference is that init fails with above message. And IIRC calling react-native without arguments reveals the source of the problem with descriptive message that you've globally installed wrong package.
On Windows also make sure to use CMD, not PowerShell. PowerShell was calling react-native binary (instead of react-native-cli) from SOMEWHERE (I don't know the source, I don't have it available globally, I removed every single globally installed package and it was still calling it (probably from some locally insalled copy)).
React Native development caused another issues too (can't remember the details, sorry) when used with Powershell, so just stick to CMD on Windows.
You were probably still in the AwesomeApp directory while running react-native init newApp.
Try cd .. back to the Projects directory and run react-native init newApp again.
You will then see newApp directory is created inside the Projects directory.
This error occurs when it is in a folder that you deleted. Try to cd to another folder, and it will work.
In the directory C:\\Users\YourUserName you have a file "nodemodules" and a file named "MyProjectName" .
you should delete nodemodules file.
it works for me!
I ran into this too, Make sure your folder does not have any node modules, if problem persists then install react-native-cli again globally using
yarn add global react-native-cli and then initialize your project.
using react-native init {name}.
I had the same error because in some parent directory was backuped "node_modules" directory.
Error resolved by rename it.
Hello for everyone this problem gonna be solved by became sudo user in your Mac if you're using macbook now. Then start to create your project one more time.