Path of a new page in PHP SocialEngine - socialengine

Can anyone tell me how to find path/root of a new page I have done in SocialEngine PHP?
Like: public_html/site/application, where I want to password the page.

The page data is stored in the database in the engine4_core_pages table. There is no physical presence on the file structure. You can add widgets to the page, and those will have files under the application/widgets folder.


How to find DotNetNuke pages that point to my dnn page

I have updated an existing user DNN page with some text. I can preview this page using the Page Management page. Since I didn't create this page I don't know which other pages/menus contain a link to this page. How can I find out which pages/menus link to this page?
Who or what created the page?
What is the URL that you visit to edit the page? (Edit the URL here to use a phony name.)
Getting the exact number of links to a page is almost impossible without the use of a site crawler, as the page could be referenced in many ways.
Via HTML Content on a Page - This would be in the HTMLText table of the database
Via a Page-Link Menu Item - This would be in the Tabs table of the database
Via a URL-Link Menu Item - This would be in the Tabs table as well, just tied by the URL rather than the TabId
There is no report/link in the DNN Platform to list all usages.

How to access code of a specific page in shopify?

I am building a Shopify website
For example, I want to modify code of this page only: .
How is it possible to do it?
If you go in the admin, and to that page (from Online Store/Pages) on the right you will see "Theme Template" and a name. That's the template that is applied to that page.
That name is a file in your theme under templates with a name like page.your-template-name.liquid.
If you copy that file and create another one like page.another-template-name.liquid you can then apply that template only to the pages you want. Then you modify that template file to make a page as you like.

How do I create a Robots.txt editor in Sitefinity mvc?

I want to create an editor for the Robots.txt file in Sitefinity. I want to give the user ability to edit this. How do I do this? I am using the latest version of Sitefinity and MVC. Any examples or related articles, etc. will be useful.
If the user has access to Administration > File Manager, then he can go there, download the file, edit it and upload it again. That's the easiest option and does not require custom code.
If that's not an option, then you can create an MVC widget which reads the file and displays it in a textarea for instance.
User can then make changes and submit them to the controller which will save them to the file.
Then you can place this widget on a custom backend page.

Can JQuery File upload be used without AJAX?

I want to use something along the lines of JQuery file upload (i'm open minded) in a form with lots of other fields for the UI (ex. image previews, delete, file sizes .etc), but I want to submit the files along with the form as if i used a normal HTML file field.
Is this at all possible?
If you console.log() the form after submission you will get an object in return that has a bunch of information. Among that information you can find for example file information of the file you just upload.
You can check this and open your console after you've submitted the form.
Then if you want to go deeper into this, then you can check out the Javascript FileReader which lets you do a bunch of cool stuff with the uploaded file.
To answer your question; Yes it is possible to achieve without AJAX.

Disable browser cache for displayed in an iFrame PDF by means of TCPDF

I am trying for hours to solve the following caching problem.
My application has the following structure (simplified):
index.php - main page (contains various input fields, submit button and an iframe for dispaying PDF content with the help of TCPDF)
generate.php - generates PDF file based on the supplied POST parameters and stores the file to the filesystem
viewer.php - Displays the PDF document (TCPDF libraries). The iframe loads this script to show the pdf file
The workflow is pretty simple - the user chooses some options and clicks the submit button on the main page. The selected parameters are sent per AJAX by POST to the generate.php script. The script generates the PDF file and stores it to the filesystem. At the end it returns the newly created/edited filename. The filename is fetched in the AJAX callback function, which then refreshes the iframe with the new/edited filename:
Everything is working, but when the file is being replaced, sometimes (NOT ALWAYS), the browser shows the old pdf file, although the new version is on the hard drive. I tried the following solutions:
Add Meta tags to disable cache to the generated HTML by index.php and viewer.php
Disabling cache for jQuery AJAX calls by: jQuery.ajaxSetup({cache: false});
Adding some random string to the the filename parameter:
The RANDOMSTRING is then removed from the script and the filename is extracted.
None of these solutions worked for me. Tested browsers are: Chrome 25.0.1364.152 and Firefox 19.0. Can someone help me with this?
Thanks in advance
Just had the same problem but after adding a random string it works perfect:
<iframe src="file.pdf?=<?=time();?>"></iframe>
After many hours of trying, the solution I found is to really generate a new file each time (Solution 3 from the question without removing the random string at the end of the file). As a result it was necessary to update the database and to delete the old files on every change. My initial intention was to avoid these actions, but unfortunately no other solution was found