How do I create a Robots.txt editor in Sitefinity mvc? - sitefinity

I want to create an editor for the Robots.txt file in Sitefinity. I want to give the user ability to edit this. How do I do this? I am using the latest version of Sitefinity and MVC. Any examples or related articles, etc. will be useful.

If the user has access to Administration > File Manager, then he can go there, download the file, edit it and upload it again. That's the easiest option and does not require custom code.
If that's not an option, then you can create an MVC widget which reads the file and displays it in a textarea for instance.
User can then make changes and submit them to the controller which will save them to the file.
Then you can place this widget on a custom backend page.


Magento 2.4: How to hide the Upload button in magento 2 admin?

We have an image uploader field in Magento 2 admin. When a customer uploads any document in the frontend, the file will be shown in uploader field section. Now what I need is that I want to hide the Upload button in admin and have to restrict admins to upload the attachment from admin portal.
I have tried visible=false but its hide the entire section.
Please help
Is it core Magento or Your custom uploader? Is this menu build in xml? Is it uicomponent? Seems like You want to conditionally disable element. Maybe this would be helpful:
It all depends how You build the buttons. Every xml has xsd schema, that means each one has different possibilities but only few allows to conditionally hide element.
Maybe You can use:
<item name="formElement" xsi:type="string">hidden</item>
or disable element in xml.
Anyway if it's adminhtml I would start looking at xmls.

How to create admin panel for yii 1.x framework, also integrate a custom theme such that gii crud auto-generate and auto-integrate css in views?

As my question say, I need to create an admin panel for yii 1.x framework, also I have a custom theme I downloaded for yii 1.x. I want to integrate it such that gii CRUD when generate views theme will auto-integrate css in views.
I want the above to work only with the admin panel? Or if there's another way, it's also welcome.
There's a catch, my front end website is already completed with a different UI. It was a theme but I didn't used crud for it. I have created every thing manually to get better command on it. For admin panel I want to use CRUD.
I checked this question, creating admin panel in stackoverflow search, my problem is slightly different.

Alfresco File Upload forms in a Share dashlet

I'm sometimes working on Alfresco dashlets that need a file-upload functionality. Instead of making stuff up, I want to use the YUI Uploader provided by Alfresco. For new pages that I build, it's easy, just list the components and put them in the page template. But for dashlets, I always have to put the upload components in the dashboard-1-column*, dashboard-2*... etc, in all of the dashboards.
I think that this is a needless HTML on a page, especially for those sites or users that don't use the dashlet in question.
Is there a neat way to include Alfrescos' file-upload forms (classes/alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/upload/* components) only in a dashlet?

Alfresco Share site's dashlet for document library

I was wondering whether exists any dashlet which allows you to explore a site's document library. As far as I know doesn't exist such dashlet out of the box, there only exists the "Site Content" dashlet but it is slightly limited.
I have been searching around and "googling" and I found these useful resources that could be useful as a starting point if I had to create my own:
Do somebody know more dashlets/resources targeting this issue? Any suggestion?
As a temporary solution, I'm also thinking in the possibility of taking advantage of the "Web View" dashlet, by configuring in it such URL that retrieves the documentlist region/component in the documentlibrary page. For example:, share/page/components/documentlibrary/documentlist or share/page/site/{site}/documentlibrary?region=documentlist. Maybe it is crazy or what I'm saying doesn't make any sense, but it is just an idea.
Another idea that have just came to my mind is the option of creating a custom Surf/Share page which includes the component/webscript that implements the explorer of the document library, specifically the documentlist component. Then configure the "Web View" dashlet giving the URL that points to the custom page created. Would it make sense?
Thanks in advance.
You are going to see a couple of site visualization and navigation dashlets on Alfresco Visualization Tools available on The project is still at it's initial phase, but you will find interesting snippets of code used to retrieve the document library content trees within the dashlets.
The project was presented by me at Alfresco DevCon in Berlin just a week ago to bring interactive navigation and content analytics. If interested, you can find the slides at the lightening talk slides in the DevCon 2012 site at Alfresco.
Cheers! =)
Hi I've done exactly the same, it was not really needed for a Dashlet but for to embed the documentlibrary of a site in an iframe for another site.
So what I did was indeed create a new page template embedded-documentlibrary.
I've copied first the following files and renamed them:
If you rename file 3 or put it in another folder, you need to check the paths in file 1 & 2.
So to make only the documentlibrary appear instead of everyting I just removed everything in file 3 within the <div id="alf-hd"> tag.
If you remove the tag, the document-tree will also be removed and it gave some javascript errors. This should be fixed in the latest version, but haven't tied that.
So it's extremely easy to create your own page and instead of navigating to site/documentlibrary you just navigate to site/embedded-documentlibrary or your own name you've chosen.
And yes then you'll need to use the web-view Dashlet to show it.
The only thing you need to know is, that the links open within the iframe. So if you use the web-view Dashlet, you need to open the links in a new window.
For my situation I needed an iframe, in your case you could also just let the freemarker from your Dashlet render the components needed.
There is a document-liberary-display dashlet available in the alfresco add-on list which can be used to show all the documents from document-library on site-dashlet.

SharePoint 2010: custom masterpage for programmatically created subsites

What’s the best way to add a custom masterpage to a subsite that is being created programmatically in a feature event receiver? Each of these 50 subsites gets its own “_catalogs/masterpage”, so I have a feeling that Elements.xml for the root-site’s Module/Elements.xml is out. More feature receiver code? PowerShell post-deployment processing?
Is this going to be 50 copies of the same Master Page?
If not, I can't really picture how the Master Page will be specially made using code, but also a Feature Module element is certainly out.
But if it is 50 copies of the same file, you could deploy the Master Page to the Gallery one time using a Feature Module element. Then in your Feature Receiver, make a copy of that file with a new name in the Master Page Gallery and attach it to your website:
web.MasterUrl = "_catalogs/masterpage/custom_v4.master";
web.CustomMasterUrl = "_catalogs/masterpage/custom_v4.master";
You might want to think about creating
custom site definition.
You have following choices to set master page for the site:
1) Using Sharepoint Browser UI (from Site Settings page)
2) Using Custom site definitions
3) Programmatically
4) Using SharePoint Designer
Looking at your scenario, no 3 is an option. You may want to do it in the Feature Receiver itself.