Create Sequence Number by year and number that will increase +1 - lotus-domino

I would like to edit/modify my field based on year and then the sequence number.
Field: Year - 00#
For example, a file is created this year, 2020.
So, I would like a filed that is computed by number and will increase +1.
The filed will be : 2020-001 , then 2020 - 002 and so on.
Before, I got some code from somebody to generate a sequence number.
Sub Querysave(Source As Notesuidocument, Continue As Variant)
'get total no of documents from the view
'if no documents then seq start with 1
Dim docCount
Dim viewCollection As NotesViewEntryCollection
Dim viewEntry As NotesViewEntry
Dim vNum As Long
If source.IsNewDoc Then
Set viewCollection = view.AllEntries
docCount = viewCollection.count
If doccount = 0 Then
Call source.FieldSetText("ReqNo","REQ" & Cstr(Format(docCount,"00000#")))
Set viewEntry = viewCollection.GetLastEntry
Call source.FieldSetText("ReqNo","REQ" &Cstr(Format(doccount+1,"00000#")))
End If
End If
End Sub
Based on that code, how can I edit the "REQ" as per above to be the created year?
Thank you very much for your help.

You get the current year as string with
Replace "REQ" with it.


How to delete all values in MS Project TimeScaleData

I'm using the BaselineWork1 timescaledata to contain a time phased calculation of resource work on individual tasks that I perform on a weekly basis. I want to zero out the previous week's calculation before I populate it with this week's calculation. Short of creating a loop to write zeros to the timescale data for each resource on each task is there a way to do this more efficiently? Could I make the beginning date and end date equal to the project's start and end date and time scale = seconds and the value to write equal to zero? For instance:
For lngCnt1 = 1 To tskCounter.Resources.Count
tskCounter.Assignments.Item(lngCnt1).TimeScaleData(StartDate:=ActiveProject.ProjectStart, EndDate:=ActiveProject.ProjectFinish, _
Type:=pjAssignmentTimescaledBaseline1Work, _
timescalunit:=pjTimescaleMinutes, Count:=1).Item(1).Value = 0
Next lngCnt1
This doesn't seem to work as it only zeros out the baseline1 work field for the date corresponding to the project start date.
To clear time-scaled work from anything but the forecast work field, you do need to loop through every assignment on every task. However, when it comes to the individual time-scale values, you can lump these together by year to reduce the iterations required.
Sub ClearBaseline1Work()
Dim projStart As Date
Dim projEnd As Date
projStart = ActiveProject.ProjectStart
projEnd = ActiveProject.ProjectFinish
Dim tsk As Task
For Each tsk In ActiveProject.Tasks
Dim asn As Assignment
For Each asn In tsk.Assignments
Dim TSValues As TimeScaleValues
Set TSValues = asn.TimeScaleData(projStart, projEnd, pjAssignmentTimescaledBaseline1Work, pjTimescaleYears)
Dim tsv As TimeScaleValue
For Each tsv In TSValues
Next tsv
asn.Baseline1Work = 0
Next asn
tsk.Baseline1Work = 0
Next tsk
End Sub
Remember that Baseline1 work values are not automatically updated at the assignment or task level; those values need to be explicitly cleared.

Using a variable in coded date

I am trying to pull all data entries that are within a userform selected month and year. I can get the code to run fine when I hard code the year but I want the year to come off of a text box. I converted the Textbox value to an integer using Cint() and dim'd it to "Year" in my if statement. I can get it to work if I write Cdate("3/1/2016"), but I want see if there is a way to run it like: Cdate("3/1/Year"). I tried it this way and get a typematch error on the Cdate Im pretty new to VBA so excuse my stupidity.
Ignore the "Month" variable I was just using that to put a stop on the code and step it through to see if it would enter my if statement.
Thanks in advance.
My Code
Private Sub OKBtn_Click()
Dim Sales As Range
Dim Year As Integer
Dim Month As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Year = CInt(YearText.Value)
Set Sales = Worksheets("Sales").Range("A4")
i = 0
If Sales.Offset(i, 1).Value >= CDate("3/1/2016") And Sales.Offset(i, 1).Value <= CDate(" 3/31/2016 ") Then
Month = 1
End If
In order for the CDate to work, you need to seperate the stings inside the brackets to 2 parts
1.The constant, in your case "3/1/".
2.And the variable, CInt(YearText.Value).
Option Explicit
Private Sub OKBtn_Click()
Dim DDate As Date
DDate = CDate("3/1/" & CInt(YearText.Value))
' for debug only
MsgBox "Date entered is :" & DDate
End Sub

Excel VBA - Add or Reduce Amount in cell from cell reference

I'm trying to look for some VBA Code that can reduce the Quantity in stock whenever there is Item issued in Invoice. For Example if "Keyboard" and "Mouse" item issued by 2 and 3 then the number should automatically reduce in in Stock "Quantity" Column for respected item
I already search for the solution and couldn't get one. Hope you guys can help me.
Thank you in advance.
If you could add some more information about where the values are, and how your invoice event is called it would help.
Are you running this through a Form? or on a worksheet? If there are textBoxes with information, just use those when you declare your input variables below.
Anyway. This could easily be condensed, but I'm laying it out in a more informative way so you can learn the concepts behind it instead of the most concise code.
EDITED WITH REVISED CODE: After Comments with details. SEE PIC
Sub InventoryUpdate()
Dim qtyIn As Integer
Dim qtySold As Integer
Dim sheeteName As String
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim lastStockRow As Integer
Dim lastInvoiceRow As Integer
Dim tProduct As String
Dim sRow As Integer
'Declare the sheetName here once, so you don't have to replace it every time it changes
sheetName = "Sheet1"
'Determine the last rows, unless you know it already, then ignore this.
lastInvoiceRow = Sheets(sheetName).Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row
lastStockRow = Sheets(sheetName).Range("E65536").End(xlUp).Row
'Loop through the rows of your table. Since you know the range, it's rows 4-10
For iRow = 4 To lastInvoiceRow
'Set the temp Product name as row, Column B, and the Qty Sold from Column C
tProduct = Sheets(sheetName).Cells(iRow, 2)
qtySold = Sheets(sheetName).Cells(iRow, 3)
For sRow = 4 To lastStockRow
If Sheets(sheetName).Cells(sRow, 5) = tProduct Then
qtyIn = Sheets(sheetName).Cells(sRow, 6)
Sheets(sheetName).Cells(sRow, 6) = qtyIn - qtySold
Exit For
End If
Next sRow
Next iRow
End Sub

Use an InputBox to enter prices of 4 items

I'm new to VB. Today I'm working on entering 4 prices for items to purchase using an input box. I need to create a counter in a loop. The only 2 buttons on the form "Enter Prices" and "Exit". So far this is the code I have (see below). I know something is off. When I run it, I'm allowed to enter 4 numbers. But at the end, when the message box comes up to show my total, it just gives me my last number I entered. I know I've got to change a few things, as I need my numbers to be in currency. Any suggestions as to where I need to go from here to get this up and running?
Private Sub btnPrices_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPrices.Click
'Declare a variable as counter and accumulator
Dim intcount As Integer = 1I
Dim intAccumulator As Integer = 0I
'Declare and intialize variable
Dim strInput As String = ""
'Number of Items
Const intNUM_PRICES As Integer = 4
'Pre-test loop will keep iterating as long as the expression is ture.
Do While intcount <= intNUM_PRICES
'Get price of each item purchased
strInput = InputBox("Enter Price " & intcount, "Price Needed")
'Add 1 to the counter
intcount += 1
'Look at the value placed in the
MessageBox.Show("Your combined Price for all 4 items is: " & strInput)
End Sub
You've only got one variable for the input and each time you call InputBox you replace the previous value each time. If you want a total then you have to add the values, so you need to add the current input to the previous total each time, not replace it. Make sure that you convert the input to a number and use a numeric variable, because adding strings will actually join them, not add them mathematically. - How to get the day number from a weekday name

Long story short:
I need the inverted function of WeekdayName(), in the following terms:
You provide a week day name (e.g. Sunday)
You get the correspondent week day number (that depends which is the first week day as returned in WeekdayName, e.g., you get 1 for Sunday if Sunday is the first day of the week)
I'm using date functions in So far so good. I'm using the function WeekdayName() in order to set the titles for tab pages in a TabControl. My custom control (kind of calendar control) holds the mentioned TabControl and it has the option of choosing which day of the week you want to diplay.
If you want to display ALL days, the TabControl will have TabPages filled by iterating upon the WeekdayName() function mentioned above (localized and managed by the system calendar and capitalized by me).
If you set only Tuesday and Friday, you will have two tab pages with those titles and sorted as [Tuesday | Friday]. If you decide to add Wednesday, now you should have 3 tab pages: [Tuesday | Wednesday | Friday], and so on...
In order to keep tabs sorted, when I need to insert a tab to be shown I want to provide the tab's title to check against the new-to-insert weekday name and in that way have the order resolved.
I believe one workaround is to create a fake date object with the tab's title string in it in order to have a, for instance, "Sunday" date and then use: Weekday() but I was hoping an API solution.
NOTE: This is not: how to get the day number from a date.
As we disscused with #jmshapland, a custom code approach using the default localization and system settings could be:
Function WeekdayNumber(day as String)
' The following initialization does not necessary go in this function.
' The idea is to have a mapping between key day name and index in the
' same order as the WeekdayName() method with the default system settings
Dim weekdayNamesCollection as Collection = New Collection()
For i = 1 to WEEKDAYS
Dim wDay as String = WeekdayName(i)
' add the day with a key with the same name
weekdayNamesCollection.add(wDay, wDay)
Next i
If weekdayNamesCollection.ContainsKey(day) Then
Return weekdayNamesCollection.IndexOfKey(day) + 1
End If
' Raise an error as the string 'day' is not in the collection
End Sub
I didn't test this out as I am in a computer without any framework and/or IDE. But basically, the idea is to return the index where the weekday name is stored in the collection (previously, it was stored in the system settings order as WeekdayName().
I don't think there's a built-in function for it. But if you are using WeekdayName then you should use it for your purpose.
Public Function WeekDayNumber(ByVal weekName As String) As Integer
Dim weekNames As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)
For i As Integer = 1 To 7
weekNames.Add(WeekdayName(i), i)
Return weekNames(weekName)
End Function
Sorry if this is formatted poorly, I never work with VB usually just C#. However, this should do what you are looking for... If you want the first day of the week to return as 0 instead of 1 just remove the + 1 from the return statement.
Private Function FindDayOfWeek(day As String) As Integer
Dim daysOfWeek = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.DayNames
Dim counter As Integer = Array.IndexOf(daysOfWeek, WeekdayName(1))
Dim numericDay As Integer
For i As Integer = 0 To 6
If counter > 6 Then
counter = 0
End If
If daysOfWeek(counter) = day Then
numericDay = i
Exit For
End If
counter += 1
Return numericDay + 1
End Function
By using val() function, will give Day of Week number from 0 to 6 :
intDayofWeek = val(System.DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek)