io2d error for command msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj error - cmake

I'm trying to install io2d in order to build the RoutePlanning Project provided in this link:
However when entering the command:
msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj
I get this error at the end:


ccache: error: configuration setting "cache_dir" must not be the empty string

I'm using Buildroot to add a package, it shows the following error in buiding step
cmake3 --build . --target install --config Release
ccache: error: configuration setting "cache_dir" must not be the empty string
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
ERROR Backend subprocess exited when trying to invoke build_wheel
I tried rebuiding host-ccache, and in menuconfig, I checked Enable compiler cache, but it doesn't work. Can I get some help, pls?

Building C++ Pybind11 extension with setuptools and CMake generates .so directory

I am trying to use setuptools to install a C++ library with a Pybind11 interface using CMake. For using CMake with setuptools, I am using the code in the following answer: Extending setuptools extension to use CMake in
I am able to build the library by hand with cmake.
Unfortunately however, when executing pip install . in the root directory of my project, the build fails.
While the first call to cmake (self.spawn(['cmake', str(cwd)] + cmake_args)) finishes without any error, executing the second call (self.spawn(['cmake', '--build', '.'] + build_args)) gives me the following error:
/users/thoerman/miniconda3/envs/postproc_np_products/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu/7.3.0/../../../../x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot open output file /users/thoerman/postproc_np_products/build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-37/ Is a directory
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
gmake[3]: *** [/users/thoerman/postproc_np_products/build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-37/] Error 1
gmake[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/postproc_ops_cpp.dir/all] Error 2
gmake[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/postproc_ops_cpp.dir/rule] Error 2
gmake: *** [postproc_ops_cpp] Error 2
But when running the exact same commands on the command line inside the build_temp directory, everything works just fine.
Does anyone have a hint for me, what might be going wrong?
After further digging into the problem, I found the solution myself.
The problem was with the lines
extdir = pathlib.Path(self.get_ext_fullpath(
extdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
This created a directory for the target to be built. Building the target then failed, since there was already a directory with the same name.
I was able to solve it by replacing the second line as follows:
extdir.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

How to debug the openjdk9 by netbeans8.2 in win10?

When I tried to debug the openjdk9 by netbeans8.2 in win10, I got the following error:
not in executable format: File format not recognized"
How can I fix it?
I build the source code by command "./configure -with-freetype=/cygdrive/c/freetype -enable-debug -with-target-bits=64", then run make all, I also tried slowdebug, however, that also failed.
If I "run" the project instead of "debug", it runs successfully like below, so there is no issue for the file windows-x86_64-normal-server-fastdebug/jdk/bin/java.exe, it seems the gdb doesn't recognize the java.exe file.
Also I opened the openjdk source code from the location D:/jdk9/jdk/common/nb_native by netbeans, see below:
And tried to build it by netbeans, however, it produces the following error:
cd 'D:\jdk9\jdk\common'
sh ../configure --with-freetype=/cygdrive/c/freetype --with-debug-level=slowdebug --with-target-bits=64
/cygdrive/d/jdk9/jdk/configure: /cygdrive/d/jdk9/jdk/common/autoconf/configure: No such file or directory
PRE-BUILD FAILED (exit value 1, total time: 743ms)
I know that both paths /cygdrive/d/jdk9/jdk/configure and /cygdrive/d/jdk9/jdk/common/autoconf/configure exist.
This is how I configured the pre-built commands:
If you build the openjdk -with-target-bits = 64, then make sure that you installed a 64-bit gdb, or build the openjdk in 32-bit mode.
Your steps to import the nbproject looks correct.
Change Build => Pre-Build properties:
Set "Working Directory" to ../..
Set "Command Line" to sh ./configure ...

Error when try to compile Chromium

I try to use the command ninja -C out/Debug chrome to compile Chromium.
However the error msg says that:
ninja error loading '': the system cannot find the file specified
ninja Entering dictory 'out/Debug'
Could I know what's the problem?
The out directory and its contents (including are created by running
python build\gyp_chromium
gclient runhooks
Executing either command from within /src should allow your compile to proceed.
On Windows machine!
When I was running gn gen out/Default it also gave me an error:
ERROR at //build/config/win/visual_studio_version.gni:27:7: Script returned non-zero exit code.
exec_script("../../", [ "get_toolchain_dir" ], "scope")
Current dir: D:/Chromium/src/out/Goma/
Command: C:/Python27/python.exe -- D:/Chromium/src/build/ get_toolchain_dir
Returned 1 and printed out:
Please follow the instructions at
I did the following steps and it worked for me.
Set this variable. Reference (not sure about its purpose yet)
Run the command gn gen out/Default
Run the build command again
autoninja -C out/Default chrome
It is also recommended to run gclient sync from out/Default directory.
After the switch to "gn" you could try:
gn gen out/Debug

sencha build giving error stbuild exited with non-zero code : 7

I wanted to create .apk file of my sencha application so I executed below command
sencha package build packager.json
but when I executed above command,it generates error as given below.
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.
""D:/Android/AndroidSDKr15\tools\android" create project --target android-16 --name chartDemoApp --activity STActivity --path "../build/" --package triumphsys. mobility.chartDemoApp"
Could not run ant with error: 1
Failed to package application
[ERR] stbuild exited with non-zero code : 7
even I have attached my command prompt here and packager.json here.
please help me to resolve it.
I was able to solve the problem by uninstalling "C:\Program files\Sencha Cmd" and again re-installing it at "C:\Sencha" without any spaces in folder name. and it worked for me.