How to join two different jarvis log event - kql

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I'am writing KQL on Filtering conditions,I want join two event datas.My KQL like this:
let table1=source
|where LogName == "FraudServiceRequest"
| project d_name=LogName,PreciseTimeStamp,ConnectionID,End=substring(TimeStamp,13,20);
let table2=source
| where LogName == "ProxyReceivedRequest"
| project ConnectionID,Start=substring(TimeStamp,13,20);
| join (table2)
on $left.ConnectionID == $right.ConnectionID
|project ConnectionID,m_Ans=(toreal(End)-toreal(Start))/1000.0
But there no one record response.
Can you help me,Thanks very very much.


Defender KQL to show blocked Bluetooth Devices with all relevant fields

I'm trying to write a query to report on BlueToothPolicyTriggered events, that will return all the details to show when a device was blocked by policy AND the details of that device.
Our BT policy basically should allow everything but block file transfer over BT. That seems to be working as expected, but before rolling out wider, want a quick way to 'see' if any other devices are being blocked incorrectly or be able to refer to it if a user reports an issue so we can get all the details of the device blocked to add an exception etc.
However (and I'm new to kql) it seems once I filter a table using an 'ActionType' the columns available to report on are restricted, and in this case we lose details of the BT device that has been blocked
This shows all events that have triggered the policy and whether it was 'accepted' or 'blocked' but not the details of the device
search in (DeviceEvents) ActionType == "BluetoothPolicyTriggered"
| extend parsed=parse_json(AdditionalFields)
| extend Result = tostring(parsed.Accepted)
| extend BluetoothMACAddress = tostring(parsed.BluetoothMacAddress)
| extend PolicyName = tostring(parsed.PolicyName)
| extend PolicyPath = tostring(parsed.PolicyPath)
| summarize arg_max(Timestamp, *) by DeviceName, BluetoothMACAddress
| sort by Timestamp desc
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, DeviceId, Result, ActionType, BluetoothMACAddress, PolicyPath, PolicyName, ReportId
Then I have this which will show every BT connection, the device details im looking for, but not whether it was blocked or accepted
| extend parsed=parse_json(AdditionalFields)
| extend MediaClass = tostring(parsed.ClassName)
| extend MediaDeviceId = tostring(parsed.DeviceId)
| extend MediaDescription = tostring(parsed.DeviceDescription)
| extend MediaSerialNumber = tostring(parsed.SerialNumber)
| where MediaClass == "Bluetooth"
| project Timestamp, DeviceId, DeviceName, MediaClass, MediaDeviceId, MediaDescription, parsed
| order by Timestamp desc
Ive been trying to somehow join these together (despite being the same DeviceEvents table) with not much success. I don't trust the output as im seeing entries saying a device was blocked when I know it wasnt.
| where ActionType == "BluetoothPolicyTriggered"
| extend parsed=parse_json(AdditionalFields)
| extend Result = tostring(parsed.Accepted)
| extend BluetoothMACAddress = tostring(parsed.BluetoothMacAddress)
| extend PolicyName = tostring(parsed.PolicyName)
| extend PolicyPath = tostring(parsed.PolicyPath)
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, DeviceId, Result, ActionType, BluetoothMACAddress, PolicyPath, PolicyName, ReportId
| join kind =inner (DeviceEvents
| extend parsed=parse_json(AdditionalFields)
| extend MediaClass = tostring(parsed.ClassName)
| extend MediaDeviceId = tostring(parsed.DeviceId)
| extend MediaDescription = tostring(parsed.DeviceDescription)
| extend MediaSerialNumber = tostring(parsed.SerialNumber)
) on DeviceName
| where MediaClass == "Bluetooth"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, Result, ActionType, MediaClass, MediaDeviceId, MediaDescription,BluetoothMACAddress
| sort by Timestamp desc
Am i going about this completely wrong ?

Self-join Kusto Query in Analytics Rule

I am working within Microsoft Sentinel Analytics Rules with the Kusto Query Language. (KQL)
I need to work in a Table called CrowdstrikeReplicatorLogs_CL which contains rows that contain a) data rows for which I need to alert on and b) metadata. that contains information about the subject in the alert.
This means I need to self-join the KQL table with itself to get the final result.
The column in question to join the table itself is the aid_g column.
| where foo == bar
| join kind=innerunique (
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(dt_lookBack)
| where event_simpleName_s has_any ("NetworkConnectIP4", "NetworkConnectIP6")
| extend json=parse_json(custom_fields_message_s)
| extend ip4 = json["RemoteAddressIP4"], ip6=json["RemoteAddressIP6"]
| extend CS_ipEntity = tostring(iff(isnotempty(ip4), ip4, ip6))
| extend CommonSecurityLog_TimeGenerated = TimeGenerated
) on $left.TI_ipEntity == $right.CS_ipEntity
| join kind=innerunique (
| where custom_fields_message_s has "ComputerName"
| extend customFields=parse_json(custom_fields_message_s)
| project Hostname=customFields['ComputerName'], Platform=event_platform_s, aid_g
) on $left.aid_g == $right.aid_g
However, this raises a Query contains incompatible 'set' commands. error in Sentinel.
Is there a proper way to self-join tables?

Create a Join in Azure Resource Graph

I'm new to KQL and wondering if anyone would know how to do a join with using the query tables below?
| where type == "microsoft.authorization/policysetdefinitions" |join advisorresources
Just looking at the graph resources
| where type == "microsoft.authorization/policysetdefinitions" | extend resourceId = tostring(properties.resourceId)
| join (advisorresources | extend resourceId = tostring(properties.resourceMetadata.resourceId)) on resourceId
may work. Not a 100% sure if the resourceId is the common key. Worth a try though

Take output from query and use in subsequent KQL query

I'm using Azure Log Analytics to review certain events of interest.
I would like to obtain timestamps from data that meets a certain criteria, and then reuse these timestamps in further queries, i.e. to see what else occurred around these times.
The following query returns the desired results, but I'm stuck at how to use the interestingTimes var to then perform further searches and show data within X minutes of each previously returned timestamp.
let interestingTimes =
| where TimeGenerated between (datetime(2021-04-01T11:57:22) .. datetime('2021-04-01T15:00:00'))
| where EventID == 1
| parse EventData with * '<Data Name="Image">' ImageName "<" *
| where ImageName contains "MicrosoftEdge.exe"
| project TimeGenerated
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
interestingTimes will only be available for use in the query where you declare it. You can't use it in another query, unless you define it there as well.
By the way, you can make your query much more efficient by adding a filter that will utilize the built-in index for the EventData column, so that the parse operator will run on a much smaller amount of records:
let interestingTimes =
| where TimeGenerated between (datetime(2021-04-01T11:57:22) .. datetime('2021-04-01T15:00:00'))
| where EventID == 1
| where EventData has "MicrosoftEdge.exe" // <-- OPTIMIZATION that will filter out most records
| parse EventData with * '<Data Name="Image">' ImageName "<" *
| where ImageName contains "MicrosoftEdge.exe"
| project TimeGenerated

SQL Query - Join the same column twice

I'm having trouble to achieve the result I want trying join a column from a table twice.
My first table is "dbo.Sessions", which contains basic session info like the user ID, the project ID, login/logout date and times, etc.
I need to join to that the user names and project names. However, these are found in another table, but in the same column (dbo.tblObjects.Name).
| k_Id | Name |
| 1 | AgentName1 |
| 2 | ProjectNameX |
| 3 | ProjectNameY |
| 4 | AgentName2 |
| 5 | ProjectNameZ |
| 6 | AgentName3 |
To try and achieve my goal, I used two "LEFT JOIN". However, I get duplicate results in both. I'll either get both columns to display either the project names or the user names (depending on which "LEFT JOIN" is first).
This is what I have at this point:
SELECT SysDB.dbo.Sessions.*, SysDB.dbo.tblObjects.Name AS AgentName, SysDB.dbo.tblObjects.Name AS ProjectName
FROM SysDB.dbo.Sessions
LEFT JOIN SysDB.dbo.tblObjects ON SysDB.dbo.Sessions.userId = SysDB.dbo.Objects.k_Id
LEFT JOIN SysDB.dbo.tblObjects ON SysDB.dbo.Sessions.projectId = SysDB.dbo.Objects.k_Id
WHERE (SysDB.dbo.Sessions.loginDate BETWEEN 'm/d/yyyy' AND 'm/d/yyyy')
Note: SysDB is the name of the database that I identify every time because this query is to be run externally. I also don't use "USE SysDB" before my selection because it doesn't work from the VBA macro this will run from.
Note 2: I have found a thread on this site that addresses this exact issue, but I can't understand what is being done, and it dates back in 2012. Something about aliases. The solution offers to add "ls." and "lt." before the table names, but that doesn't work for me. Says the table doesn't exist.
SQL Query Join Same Column Twice
Note 3: I have tried many different things, such as:
LEFT JOIN SysDB.dbo.tblObjects AS AgentName ON SysDB.dbo.Sessions.userId = SysDB.dbo.tblObjects.k_Id
LEFT JOIN SysDB.dbo.tblObjects AS ProjectName ON SysDB.dbo.Sessions.projectId = SysDB.dbo.tblObjects.k_Id
Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You may find it much easier to see what you are doing by giving each table an alias (session, agent, project below)
SELECT session.*, agent.Name AS AgentName, project.Name AS ProjectName
FROM SysDB.dbo.Sessions session
LEFT JOIN SysDB.dbo.tblObjects agent
ON session.userId = agent.k_Id
LEFT JOIN SysDB.dbo.tblObjects project
ON project.projectId = session.k_Id
WHERE (session.loginDate BETWEEN 'm/d/yyyy' AND 'm/d/yyyy')