ReactNative - How to exclude format when using paste on TextInput - react-native

React Native : 0.61.4
If paste formatted text into my TextInput, the styles of TextInput are ignored.
fontSize: 20,
alignSelf: 'center',
marginHorizontal: '15%',
flex: 1,
textAlignVertical: 'top',
color: 'black',
I specified the color and fontSize in the style of TextInput, but when I use paste, the color and fontSize are different.
How can I remove Text format when pasting?
It only happens on Android.

After doing some research and try to recreate your case in some famous React native app, I think its can't be possible :)
And btw, in case you haven't notice yet, in Android, there are always two options for pasting including Paste and Paste as plain text.


How to make a text input scroll to exact position on focus using a keyboard aware scroll view in React Native?

I have read the docs but still don't understand how to make the text input scroll to an exact position. I want the text input to automatically scroll to the very top of the screen just below my Header component. Using the following code below, could anyone provide an example of how this is done? Thanks.
fontSize: 18,
width: "100%",
textAlignVertical: "center",
onChangeText={(text: string) => {

react-native using custom fonts

I am using react native custom fonts and there is an issue with that. with default the text is on center and when I use a Font then text has not on center.
here is code.
fontFamily:FONTS.medium // if I comment this line then placeholder and text input is on center.
placeholder="Search Here"
Image with default fonts
note: I have checked it with multiple fonts and have same issue.
Try if the prop includeFontPadding or lineHeight remove the spacing.
backgroundColor: 'red',
//lineHeight: 92,
fontSize: 24,
color: '#000000',
fontFamily: 'Roboto-Regular',
includeFontPadding: false}}>
Search Here
If this don’t work check the font itself has a spacing. Open the font file *.ttf and check if the the text has a big spacing.
use includeFontPadding attribute, it will remove the default space
<Text style={{
includeFontPadding: false
Search Here

React Native style textDecorationLine: 'underline' is not working in iOS 13

I am trying to render multiline text Eg. This is my text Read more, where for 'Read more' I am applying a style textDecorationLine: 'underline'. It works fine on Android. But in iOS 13, it works only if the underline text is not in the first line.
I tried to wrap this text in View, but I have to render this text at the end of a text that is obtained from the Server. Any solution?
fontSize: 12,
flexWrap: "wrap",
marginHorizontal: 10,
textDecorationLine: "underline",
textDecorationStyle: "solid",
onPress={() => {
Read more
I have the same issue and just found out that this has nothing to do with React Native. It is a font glitch which is also there when you show the font with underline in a native application. It is also unrelated to iOS 13 since it also happens with iOS 11. Though there is a difference between React Native and iOS.
This is the Balto font in React Native:
This is the Balto font in native:
Used font specs:
Family: Balto
Size: 19
Weight: Bold
Style: underline
You didn't specify the color for your text component.
textDecorationLine: 'underline',
textDecorationStyle: 'solid',
textDecorationColor: "red",
whatever your text

React Native: Perfectly align Text in circle

I have a circle button (made with borderRadius) in React Native. The text in the component should be centered both vertically and horizonatlly.
Horyzontally it's fine, but the vertical alignment seems to fail whatever I do. Even if it looks good on large cicles with small fontSize, the small circles proof it wrong!
<View style = {{
borderColor: this.props.color,
width:size, height:size,
<Text style = {{
textAlign: 'center',
Although already answered elsewhere, I'm unable to center text (in this case) in a circle properly.
As one can see on the image with the green background of the <Text>-Component, the text is just not centered perfectly. Even though the itself is perfecttly aligned...
Here is a snack for Expo with the whole code reduced to the necessary and with different example sizes:
I have tried the previous answer with only Text and calculating line-height. which looks like a little overkill and didn't work for me. So here's my answer.
I am using View as the container with justifyContent:center
<View style={{
width: 40,
height: 40,
borderRadius: 20,
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: 'black',
borderStyle: 'solid',
justifyContent: 'center'}}>
<Text style={{fontSize: 20,textAlign: 'center'}}>20</Text></View>
You're trying to set the same fontSize and lineHeight as the circle's diameter, which has borderWidth of 10 included to it.
Due to the borderWidth, the text is being cut and overlayed over the circle. The lineHeight assigned to the cut Text is more than required, hence it is displayed misaligned.
Therefore you need to reduce the fontSize and the lineHeight based on the borderRadius of the circle, to function properly for all dimensions.
<Text style = {{
textAlign: 'center',
fontSize:fontSize - 2 * borderWidth, //... One for top and one for bottom alignment
lineHeight:fontSize - (Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 2 * borderWidth : borderWidth), //... One for top and one for bottom alignment
Here's a snack link
The solution that worked the best for me was instead of using a Text Element, instead, use a plus Icon. The difference is that the viewBox of "+" as a character isn't centered.
If that is confusing look at these three letters
Notice that "A" is taller than "+" and also "a". So instead, use a PLUS icon instead and it will be perfectly centered such as 24x24 px. This drove me mad!

React native + Android + text alignment issue

I have a React Native app that uses.
react : 16.0.0-alpha.6
react-native : 0.44.2
And in it I'm using TextInput
The problem is on Android, if the text is more than the TextInput can handle, it's getting right aligned instead of left
I'm expecting it to show something along the lines of :
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur...
This works fine on ios. This issue is only happening on android.
inputStyle: {
fontSize: 20,
flex: 0.6,
textAlign: 'left,
borderWidth: 1,
I made few attempts and the best solution I have so far is to enable multiline on TextInput. But I don't want to have a multiline text input. I want a single line TextInput with left text alignment.
This is how it looks like with multiline
Had this issue myself. One alternative is to use the TextInput's selection property, e.g.
selection={{start: 0, end: 0}}
Just make sure you remove the property on input focus (in case the user wants to edit the text again).
You can use:
inputStyle: {
fontSize: 20,
flex: 0.6,
flexWrap: 'wrap',
textAlign: 'left,
borderWidth: 1,
flexWrap takes the property of autoHeight adjustment and increases the height of the component based on the content inside it.
Src: Layout Props