React Native: Perfectly align Text in circle - react-native

I have a circle button (made with borderRadius) in React Native. The text in the component should be centered both vertically and horizonatlly.
Horyzontally it's fine, but the vertical alignment seems to fail whatever I do. Even if it looks good on large cicles with small fontSize, the small circles proof it wrong!
<View style = {{
borderColor: this.props.color,
width:size, height:size,
<Text style = {{
textAlign: 'center',
Although already answered elsewhere, I'm unable to center text (in this case) in a circle properly.
As one can see on the image with the green background of the <Text>-Component, the text is just not centered perfectly. Even though the itself is perfecttly aligned...
Here is a snack for Expo with the whole code reduced to the necessary and with different example sizes:

I have tried the previous answer with only Text and calculating line-height. which looks like a little overkill and didn't work for me. So here's my answer.
I am using View as the container with justifyContent:center
<View style={{
width: 40,
height: 40,
borderRadius: 20,
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: 'black',
borderStyle: 'solid',
justifyContent: 'center'}}>
<Text style={{fontSize: 20,textAlign: 'center'}}>20</Text></View>

You're trying to set the same fontSize and lineHeight as the circle's diameter, which has borderWidth of 10 included to it.
Due to the borderWidth, the text is being cut and overlayed over the circle. The lineHeight assigned to the cut Text is more than required, hence it is displayed misaligned.
Therefore you need to reduce the fontSize and the lineHeight based on the borderRadius of the circle, to function properly for all dimensions.
<Text style = {{
textAlign: 'center',
fontSize:fontSize - 2 * borderWidth, //... One for top and one for bottom alignment
lineHeight:fontSize - (Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 2 * borderWidth : borderWidth), //... One for top and one for bottom alignment
Here's a snack link

The solution that worked the best for me was instead of using a Text Element, instead, use a plus Icon. The difference is that the viewBox of "+" as a character isn't centered.
If that is confusing look at these three letters
Notice that "A" is taller than "+" and also "a". So instead, use a PLUS icon instead and it will be perfectly centered such as 24x24 px. This drove me mad!


React Native ImageBackground with resizeMode set to 'repeat' is not covering entire element (blank space left)

I am trying to create a "tiled" background with a single ImageBackground element covering the entire screen of the device. My issue is that even though the ImageElement is covering the entire screen as can be seen by the red border on the attached image, the internal image only covers the entire width and leaves a blank space vertically. I have checked the docs but cannot find anything relevant. Here is my component
<ImageBackground source={require('../../images/linepattern.jpg')} style={[styles.container]}
imageStyle={{resizeMode : 'repeat', overflow : 'visible', backfaceVisibility: 'visible', flex : 1}}>
and its styling
container: {
flex : 1,
borderColor: 'red',
thanks for the help.
try this;
resizeMode: 'repeat',
overflow: 'visible',
backfaceVisibility: 'visible',
flex: 1,
and then
container:{height:'100%, width:'100% }

How to center oversize font inside Text's bounding box?

I'm trying to create a simple Floating Action Bar button with a plus icon in it, and have had trouble true-centering the "plus" in some edge cases. I was just using '\uFF0B' in a <Text>, but tried to switch to react-native-vector-icons, only to discover that they too were using a font and not an image to back the <Icon> instances, and that my problems seem to persist.
Things are fine on most screens and devices but in some cases users are reporting the plus icon is not perfectly centered. I have a hypothesis that it may involve users' accessibility options increasing the font size in the app beyond size of the parent View. At any rate I can reproduce something like the screenshots folks are sharing with me by setting the fontSize greater than the lineHeight. Assuming that is the issue -
How do you center a single glyph within the view area of a <Text> (or <Icon>, since that derives from <Text>), even when the fontSize may be much larger than the <Text>'s lineHeight or even overall height?
In the below example, the "+" font size is exactly double the line-height, so the plus is centered smack dab on the upper-right corner of the view area, as though it were expecting to be in a box that was 112dp x 112dp; but I want it centered dead-center of the 56dp x 56dp box instead, with the arms of the plus cropped. No combination of style attributes seems to effect it, but rather just controls where the <Icon> positions within its parent.
For oversized font:
<View style={s.fabStyle}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>{this.onPlus()}}>
<Icon name="plus" style={s.fabText} />
const s = StyleSheet.create({
fabStyle: {
position: 'absolute',
right: 16,
bottom: 16,
borderRadius: 28,
width: 56,
height: 56,
backgroundColor: styleConstants.color.primary,
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
textAlign: 'center',
fabText: {
position: 'relative',
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
fontSize: 112,
color: '#fff',
textAlign: 'center',
lineHeight: 56,
width: 56,
height: 56,
This isn't an answer to the question itself, which still stands, but an answer to the underlying issue, in case somebody arrives here by Google search with a similar issue. In my case it was indeed the case that accessibility settings were causing font to be bigger than it was designed to be, thus triggering the above scenario. While I still don't know how to center the text adequately in this case, in my case the issue could be circumvented by making sure allowFontScaling=false for relevant Views holding text.

width: '100%' vs Dimension.get('window').width in react native

I'm new to react native and css styling as a whole so sorry if the question is very basic. I want a view to take 100% of the available screen width and when i use the code below my view seems to go outside the screen boundry, though when I use Dimension.get('window').width it work just fine. can someone explain how they differ from each other. any help would be really appreciated. thanks
<TouchableOpacity style = {styles.food_wrapper}
onPress = {()=> this.userAction()}
<Text style = {styles.foodname}>
<Text style = {styles.foodprice}>
Rs: {this.price}
flex: 1,
flexDirection :'row',
width: '100%',//Dimensions.get('window').width,
minHeight: 50,
marginVertical: '1%',
padding: '2%',
backgroundColor: 'rgb(155,200,200)'
You need to understand what is the basic difference from 100% and the width you get using dimension.get('window')
100% means you want to get the container 100% width which mean if your parent container is 50px then 100% will return 50px.
the width from dimension give you a static width of your device width
so be careful to choose what to use to your component
if you want to follow the parent container then it is easier to use 100% then width from dimension but for responsive reasons without any parent container or it is the parent itself then width from dimension will work better
You need to add a wrapper view with flexDirection: 'row', then style the child view (or Touchable or whatever) with flex: 1
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>
<View style={{ flex: 1, height: 100, backgroundColor: 'grey' }} />
Or you could use alignSelf: 'stretch' inside a few with flexDirection: 'column' (which is the default for all views)
Hang in there. Learning flexbox takes some practice. Your first thought when you get stuck should be "do I need to add a wrapper view?"

React Native chat bubble flexbox similar to whatsapp

I'm trying to create a chat view in React Native similar to the Whatsapp UI.
What I can't wrap my head around is - how to do the time. Here is how it looks in Whatsapp:
Notice that the time is not on a completely new line by itself, but half a line.
At the same time in the last comment you can see that if the text is long enough, the time is being pushed to a new line.
I've tried several things:
Make the bubble relative and then use absolute positioning on the time element. Unfortunately if the text is long enough my time overlaps the text.
Make the bubble flexDirection: "row", and then have the text in 1 view and the time in another view. But I can't figure out how to force a wrap when the text is "long enough".
Any ideas how to achieve this?
I managed to kind of get what I want. It's not 100% the same as whatsapp, but good enough.
I had the following code:
<View style={{
margin: 10, marginTop: 10, marginBottom: 0,
padding: 10, borderRadius: 5, paddingBottom: 10,
backgroundColor: cropType ? '#93D14C' : '#F1F0F5'
color: constants.FJMUTEDLIGHT,
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
alignSelf: 'flex-end',
fontSize: 12,
marginBottom: -5,
marginTop: 2
The renderContentHere() function can render Text, but it also can render a complex View containing text. Initially I wanted to figure out how many lines a text has and to figure the width of the lines. This doesn't seem to be possible with React Native since the onLayout property on a Text node can only tell you the width and height of the element, but not if the Text is 2 lines or 3 lines.
So I decided to just measure the View that contains the comment and figure out if it has one or more lines. If it has one line I'm assuming that I can place the time a little higher than normally.
This is what I ended up doing:
<View style={{
margin: 10, marginTop: 10, marginBottom: 0,
padding: 10, borderRadius: 5, paddingBottom: 10,
backgroundColor: cropType ? '#93D14C' : '#F1F0F5'
<View style={this.state.oneLine ? {
// Since we don't know how long the one line is, just in case add 25px padding on the right
// this way even if we are dealing with a long line of text it won't end up over the time
paddingRight: 25
} : {}}
onLayout={(e) => {
let {height} = e.nativeEvent.layout
// if height is less than 30px, then we are dealing with a single line of content
if (height < 30) {
this.setState({'oneLine': true})
color: constants.FJMUTEDLIGHT,
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
alignSelf: 'flex-end',
fontSize: 12,
marginBottom: -5,
// If one line, move the time up - there is enough space
marginTop: this.state.oneLine ? -10 : 2
If we have a single line it still possible that the text will end up behind the time, so that's why I'm applying a right padding on the Text of 25 px. This breaks long lines and we end up with a view like this:

Does it exist an equivalent of box-sizing: border-box in flexbox for React Native?

I would like the size of my boxes not to be changed by margin and padding.
React Native styles all views as if box-sizing: border-box is set. See this code:
As mentioned in another answer, In React Native, everything is treated as if as if box-sizing: border-box is set.
A workaround to simulate css content-box is to wrap your component in a container View, and add your border and padding to that View.
react native don't have an option for
boxSixing: "border-box"
what you can do in your styling is this
<View style={ {
flex: 1,
alignContent: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
<View style={ {
flex: 1,
width: "95%" // or width of the box - intended margin
***chi;dren goes here***
Any component that goes into that view will be at the center With a margin of 5% or whats is specified, which solves the issue for now till react-native provides a better solution
Let O (for outer) = (top, left, bottom, right) be the rectangle that represents the size
* and position of a view V. Since the box-sizing of all React Native views is border-box, any
* border of V will render inside O.
you can use resizeMode: 'cover' or 'stretch' or 'contain'