Tensorflow 2.x: How to assign convolution weights manually using numpy - tensorflow

In tensorflow 1.x this can be done using a graph and a session, which is quite tedious.
Is there an easier way to manually assign pretrained weights to a specific convolution in tensorflow 2.x?

If you are working with Keras inside Tensorflow 2.x, every layer has a method called set_weights that you can use to substitute weights or assign new ones from Numpy arrays.
Say, for example, that you are doing distillation knowledge. Then you could assign weights of the teacher to the student by:
where conv is a particular layer of the student and convx the homologue of the teacher.
You can check the documentation for more details:
Documentation - set_weights()


How to use legacy_seq2seq for TensorFlow 2?

I am new to TensorFlow and I am wanting to use tensorflow.config.legacy_seq2se, specifically embedding_rnn_seq2seq() and I can't figure out how to use it (or if there is an equivalent method) for TensorFlow 2.
I know that in TensorFlow 2, TensorFlow removed contrib and according to this document
tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq has been deleted and replaced with tf.seq2seq in TensorFlow 2, but I can't find embedding_rnn_seq2seq() in the tf.seq2seq documentation I have seen.
The reason I want to use it is I am trying to implement something similar to what is done with embedding_rnn_seq2seq() in this article. So is there an equivalent in tensorflow 2, or is there a different way to achieve the same goal?
According to https://docs.w3cub.com/tensorflow~python/tf/contrib/legacy_seq2seq/embedding_rnn_seq2seq , contrib.legacy_rnn_seq2seq createsan embedding of an argument that you pass, encoder_inputs (the shape is num_encoder_symbols x input_size). It then runs an RNN to encode the embedded encoder_inputs to convert it into a state vector. Then it embeds another argument you pass decoder_inputs (the shape is num_decoder_symbols x input_size). Next it runs an RNN decoder initialized with with the last encoder state, on the embedded decoder_inputs.
Contrib was a community maintained part of Tensorflow, and seq2seq was part of it. In Tensorflow 2 it was removed.
You could just use a Tensorflow_addons which contains community made add ons including seq2seq I believe.
You can import Tensorflow add ons via
import tensorflow_addons
Or you could just use a Tensorflow version that still has Seq2Seq (I believe 1.1 is the latest).
There are also things like bi-directional recurrent neural networks and dynamic RNNs (they are basically a new version of seq2seq) that may work.

What are symbolic tensors in TensorFlow and Keras?

What are symbolic tensors in TensorFlow and Keras? How are they different than other tensors? Why do they even exist? Where do they come up in TensorFlow and Keras? How should we deal with them or what problems can we face when dealing with them?
In the past, I had faced certain issues related to symbolic tensors, such as the _SymbolicException, but the documentation does not describe this concept. There's also another post where this question is also asked, but, in this post, I am focusing on this specific question, so that answers can be later used as a reference.
According to blog.tensorflow.org, a symbolic tensor differs from other tensors in that they do not specifically hold values.
Let's consider a simple example.
>>> a = tf.Variable(5, name="a")
>>> b = tf.Variable(7, name="b")
>>> c = (b**2 - a**3)**5
>>> print(c)
The output is as follows:
tf.Tensor(1759441920, shape=(), dtype=int32)
For the above, the values are specifically defined in tf.Variable format, and the output is in Tensor format. However, the tensor must contain a value in order to be considered as such.
Symbolic tensors are different in that no explicit values are required to define the tensor, and this has implications in terms of building neural networks with TensorFlow 2.0, which now uses Keras as the default API.
Here is an example of a Sequential neural network that is used to build a classification model for predicting hotel cancellation incidences (full Jupyter Notebook here if interested):
from tensorflow.keras import models
from tensorflow.keras import layers
model = models.Sequential()
model.add(layers.Dense(8, activation='relu', input_shape=(4,)))
model.add(layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
This is a symbolically defined model, as no values are explicitly being defined in the network. Rather, a framework is created for the input variables to be read by the network, and then generate predictions.
In this regard, Keras has become quite popular given that it allows for building of graphs using symbolic tensors, while at the same time maintaining an imperative layout.

How to initialize mean and variance of Pytorch BatchNorm2d?

I’m transforming a TensorFlow model to Pytorch. And I’d like to initialize the mean and variance of BatchNorm2d using TensorFlow model.
I’m doing it in this way:
bn.running_mean = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(TF_param))
And I get this error:
RuntimeError: the derivative for 'running_mean' is not implemented
But is works for bn.weight and bn.bias. Is there any way to initialize the mean and variance using my pre-trained Tensorflow model? Is there anything like moving_mean_initializer and moving_variance_initializer in Pytorch?
The running mean and variance of a batch norm layer are not nn.Parameters, but rather a buffer of the layer.
I think you can simply assign a torch.tensor, no need to wrap a nn.Parameter around it.

How to re-initialize layer weights of an existing model in Keras?

The actual problem is generating random layer weights for an existing (already built) model in Keras. There are some solutions using Numpy [2] but it is not good to choice that solutions. Because, in Keras, there are special initializers using different distributions for each layer type. When Numpy is used instead of the initializers, the generated weights have different distribution then its original. Let's give an example:
Second layer of my model is a convolutional (1D) layer and its initializer is GlorotUniform [1]. If you generate random weights using Numpy, the distribution of generated weights will not be the GlorotUniform.
I have a solution for this problem but it has some problems. Here is what I have:
def set_random_weights(self, tokenizer, config):
temp_model = build_model(tokenizer, config)
I am building the existing model. After the building process, weights of the model are re-initialized. Then I get the re-initalized weights and set them to another model. Building model to generate new weights has redundant processes. So, I need a new solution without building a model and Numpy.
See previous answers to this question here.
Specifically, if you want to use the original weights initializer of a Keras layer, you can do the following:
import tensorflow as tf
import keras.backend as K
def init_layer(layer):
session = K.get_session()
weights_initializer = tf.variables_initializer(layer.weights)
layer = model.get_layer('conv2d_1')

TensorFlow Graph to Keras Model?

Is it possible to define a graph in native TensorFlow and then convert this graph to a Keras model?
My intention is simply combining (for me) the best of the two worlds.
I really like the Keras model API for prototyping and new experiments, i.e. using the awesome multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=4) for training with multiple GPUs, saving/loading weights or whole models with oneliners, all the convenience functions like .fit(), .predict(), and others.
However, I prefer to define my model in native TensorFlow. Context managers in TF are awesome and, in my opinion, it is much easier to implement stuff like GANs with them:
with tf.variable_scope("Generator"):
# define some layers
with tf.variable_scope("Discriminator"):
# define some layers
# model losses
G_train_op = ...AdamOptimizer(...)
D_train_op = ...AdamOptimizer(...)
Another bonus is structuring the graph this way. In TensorBoard debugging complicated native Keras models are hell since they are not structured at all. With heavy use of variable scopes in native TF you can "disentangle" the graph and look at a very structured version of a complicated model for debugging.
By utilizing this I can directly setup custom loss function and do not have to freeze anything in every training iteration since TF will only update the weights in the correct scope, which is (at least in my opinion) far easier than the Keras solution to loop over all the existing layers and set .trainable = False.
Long story short: I like the direct access to everything in TF, but most of the time a simple Keras model is sufficient for training, inference, ... later on. The model API is much easier and more convenient in Keras.
Hence, I would prefer to set up a graph in native TF and convert it to Keras for training, evaluation, and so on. Is there any way to do this?
I don't think it is possible to create a generic automated converter for any TF graph, that will come up with a meaningful set of layers, with proper namings etc. Just because graphs are more flexible than a sequence of Keras layers.
However, you can wrap your model with the Lambda layer. Build your model inside a function, wrap it with Lambda and you have it in Keras:
def model_fn(x):
layer_1 = tf.layers.dense(x, 100)
layer_2 = tf.layers.dense(layer_1, 100)
out_layer = tf.layers.dense(layer_2, num_classes)
return out_layer
That is what sometimes happens when you use multi_gpu_model: You come up with three layers: Input, model, and Output.
Keras Apologetics
However, integration between TensorFlow and Keras can be much more tighter and meaningful. See this tutorial for use cases.
For instance, variable scopes can be used pretty much like in TensorFlow:
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 20, 64))
with tf.name_scope('block1'):
y = LSTM(32, name='mylstm')(x)
The same for manual device placement:
with tf.device('/gpu:0'):
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 20, 64))
y = LSTM(32)(x) # all ops / variables in the LSTM layer will live on GPU:0
Custom losses are discussed here: Keras: clean implementation for multiple outputs and custom loss functions?
This is how my model defined in Keras looks in Tensorboard:
So, Keras is indeed only a simplified frontend to TensorFlow so you can mix them quite flexibly. I would recommend you to inspect source code of Keras model zoo for clever solutions and patterns that allows you to build complex models using clean API of Keras.
You can insert TensorFlow code directly into your Keras model or training pipeline! Since mid-2017, Keras has fully adopted and integrated into TensorFlow. This article goes into more detail.
This means that your TensorFlow model is already a Keras model and vice versa. You can develop in Keras and switch to TensorFlow whenever you need to. TensorFlow code will work with Keras APIs, including Keras APIs for training, inference and saving your model.