Problems with GAMS model - gams-math

I've been experiencing with GAMS but I still haven't got a clue what I'm doing.
Can someone take a look at this short model and try to point me in the right direction?
I have problems in the compilation at the equations, getting a few of these:
Dimension different - The symbol is referenced with more/less
indices as declared
Uncontrolled set entered as constant
i months / 1, 2, 3 /
j months / 1, 2, 3 /;
cp(i) production cost in month i
/ 1 1.08
2 1.11
3 1.10
rh(i) number of necessary workers in month i
/ 1 3
2 4
3 6
cap(i) production capacity in month i
/ 1 25
2 20
3 25
q(j) number of motors to deliver in month j
/ 1 10
2 15
3 25
Scalar ca cost to store motors for a month /0.15/ ;
mc(i,j) cost of production of motors in month i to be delivered in month j
x(i,j) number of motors produced in month i to be delivered in month j;
free variables
wf workforce
z cost of production
hr human resources;
cost cost
human_resources human resources
r1 restriction1
r2 restriction2 ;
cost .. z =e= sum((i,j), (cp(i)+(j-i)*ca)*x(i,j)) ;
human_resources .. hr =e= sum(i, sum(j, rh(i)*x(i, j))) ;
*lower than
r1.. sum(j, x(i,j)) =l= cap(i) ;
*greater than
r2.. sum(i, x(i,j)) =g= q(j) ;
motors 'temp' /all/;
Solve motors using mip minimizing mc;
Display mc, x;

This works but check the solution. I added the positive variable x because otherwise you would have negative productions.
The main problem was the fact that you were optimizing a variable that is declared but that you never use in the equations. Also, the variable you are optimizing cannot have to dimensions (I think).
Then, for constraints r1 and r2 you need to add an index because they must be verified for each month, so r1(i) and r2(j). They are actually a "family of constraints".
You cannot subtract the indexes of the months (can't explain why), but you can subtract their order in the set.
And finally, calculate the mc(i,j) as a parameter after you have obtained the solution.
i months / 1, 2, 3 /
j months / 1, 2, 3 /;
cp(i) production cost in month i
/ 1 1.08
2 1.11
3 1.10
rh(i) number of necessary workers in month i
/ 1 3
2 4
3 6
cap(i) production capacity in month i
/ 1 25
2 20
3 25
q(j) number of motors to deliver in month j
/ 1 10
2 15
3 25
Scalar ca cost to store motors for a month /0.15/ ;
* mc(i,j) cost of production of motors in month i to be delivered in month j
x(i,j) number of motors produced in month i to be delivered in month j;
positive variable x;
free variables
wf workforce
z cost of production
hr human resources;
cost cost
human_resources human resources
r1(i) restriction1
r2(j) restriction2 ;
cost .. z =e= sum((i,j), (cp(i)+(ord(j)-ord(i))*ca)*x(i,j)) ;
human_resources .. hr =e= sum(i, sum(j, rh(i)*x(i, j))) ;
*lower than
r1(i).. sum(j, x(i,j)) =l= cap(i) ;
*greater than
r2(j).. sum(i, x(i,j)) =g= q(j) ;
motors 'temp' /all/;
Solve motors using mip minimizing z;
Parameter mc(i,j);
mc(i,j)= (cp(i)+(ord(j)-ord(i))*ca)*x.l(i,j);
Display mc, x.l;


How to find branching given time and depth for iterative deepening?

My professor posed the following question and I really don't know how to start solving this problem. Any help is really welcomed.
Let the space of the tree be a tree with a uniform branching b (each node has exactly b children). We are exploring the space with iterative deepening, starting with the root of the tree. The program finds the first solution at a depth of 3, in 0.2 seconds, and the next solution at a depth of 5 in 10 seconds. We know that the third solution is at depth 9. Estimate approximately how much time we can expect the program to need in order to find the third solution.
Remember school math and sum of geometric progression.
Tree looks like (example for b=3 children)
Number of nodes at K top levels is (1 + b + b^2 + b^3... + b^(k-1))
S(k) = (b^k - 1) / (b - 1)
We can see for k=3 and k=5
S(5) / S(3) = 10 / 0.2
(b^5 - 1) / (b^3 - 1) = 10 / 0.2 = 50
Approximation (neglecting -1 term for not so small powers)
b^5 / b^3 = b^2 ~ 50
To find result for k=9
b^9 / b^5 = b^4 ~ 2500
So time is 10*2500 = 25000 seconds ~ 7 hours

GAMS - Economic Dispatch - QCP and NLP

I have this code:
If I use NLP i get the results, but using QCP as it was asked to me, I can not get results
anyone can help me finding the reason?
sets g generators / P1*P5 /
properties generator properties / a,b,c,max,min /
cc(properties) cost categories / a,b,c /
table data(g,properties) generator cost characteristics and limits
a b c max min
P1 0.19 58.3 1800 155 35
P2 0.13 39.3 3250 195 60
P3 0.08 11.5 4600 165 95
P4 0.07 42.6 5100 305 170
P5 0.14 8.9 3850 280 130
parameter exp(cc) exponent for cost function / a 2, b 1, c 0 /;
scalar demand total power demand in MW / 730 / ;
p(g) power generation level in MW
cost total generation cost - the objective function ;
positive variables p;
p.up(g) = data(g,"max") ;
p.lo(g) = data(g,"min") ;
Q_Eq1 total cost calculation
Q_Eq2 constraint - total generation must equal demand ;
Q_Eq1 .. cost =e= sum((g,cc), data(g,cc)*power(p(g),exp(cc)));
Q_Eq2 .. sum(g,p(g)) =g= demand ;
model problem /all/ ;
solve problem using QCP minimizing cost ;
Seems as if the function "power" is treated as nonlinear in general without analyzing the value of "exp", so that it is not allowed for a QCP. You could reformulate Q_Eq1 like this to make it work:
Q_Eq1 .. cost =e= sum((g,cc), data(g,cc)*(1 $(exp(cc)=0) +
p(g) $(exp(cc)=1) +

Does the pricing on high compute queries differ from high byte queries?

For example if "m going to run a query that will process 100mb of data but will require billing tier 12 will that be more expensive than a query that requires billing tier 1 but processes 500mb?
Cost of query execution is billing bytes x billing tier x $5 per 1 TB
so in your example
12 x 100 MB will have cost of of 2.4 times higher than 1 x 500 MB
just because of simple math - (12 x 100) / (1 x 500) = 2.4

Time complexity for the loop

The outer loop executes n times while the inner loop executes ? So the total time is n*something.
Do i need to learn summation,if yes then any book to refer?
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
for(int j=1;j<=n;j+=i)
This question can be approached by inspection:
n = 16
i | j values | # terms
1 | 1, 2, ..., 16 | n
2 | 1, 3, 5, ..., 16 | n / 2
.. | .. | n / 3
16 | 16 | n / n
In the above table, i is the outer loop value, and j values show the iterations of the inner loop. By inspection, we can see that the loops will take n * (1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n) steps. This is a bounded harmonic series. As this Math Stack Exchange article shows, there is no closed form for the above expression in terms of n. However, as this SO article shows, there is an upper bound of O(n*ln(n)).
So, the running time for your two loops is O(n*ln(n)).
I believe the time complexity of that is O(n*log(n)). Here is why:
Let us pick some arbitrary natural number i and see how many steps the inner loop takes for this given i. Well for this i, you are going from j=1 to j<=n with a jump of i in between. So basically you are doing this summation many steps:
summation = 1 + (1+i) + (1+2i) + ... (1+ki)
where k is the largest integer such that 1+ki <= n. That is, k is the number of steps and this is what we want to solve for. Well we can solve for k in the equality resulting in k <= (n-1)/i and thus k = ⌊(n-1)/i⌋. That is, k is the floor function/integer division of (n-1)/i. Since we are dealing with time complexities, this floor function doesn't matter so we will just say k = n/i for simplicity. This is the number of steps that the inner loop will take for a given i. So we basically need to add all these for i = 1 to i <= n.
So numsteps will be this addition:
numsteps = n/1 + n/2 + n/3 + ... n/n
= n(1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... 1+n)
So we need to find the sum of 1 + 1/2 + ... 1/n to finish this. There is actually no good closed form for this sum but it is on the order of ln(n). You can read more about this here. You can also guess this since the integral from 1 to n of 1/x is ln(n). Again, since we are dealing with time complexity, we can just use ln(n) to represent its complexity. Thus we have:
numsteps = n(ln(n))
And so the time complexity is O(n*log(n)).
Edit: My bad, i was calculating the sum :P

LP modeling with two binary variables with XPRESS

I am trying to solve a LP, which is a facility location problem.
The task asks me to deduct 10.000$ iff the optimal model results in having less than 3 Distribution Centers open (y1,y2,y3,y4).
The objective function looks like this: min z = Σ(fiyi) + ΣΣ(cijxij) + ΣΣ(xij*bi) - Σqi*10.000
fi: fixed costs
yi: binary variable; yi = 1 - DC is open; yi = 0 - DC is closed
cij: transportation costs from DC i to customer j
xij: quantity shipped from DC i to customer j
bi: variable warehouse costs at DC i
qi: binary variable; bi = 1 - IT Cost reduction yes; bi = 0 - no IT cost reduction
Now I need to introduce a logical constraint for having the "if..then..." thingy in it. I want to express the following dependence as a constraint in xpress:
if Σyi ≤ 2 ; then Σqi = 1 → IT cost reduction
if Σyi > 2 ; then Σqi = 0 → no IT cost reduction
Any help highly appreciated!
Solved it myself by introducing the following constraints:
3 ≤ Σyi + 2q ≤ 4