Override horizontal scroll on hover at left and right side of table in material table - material-table

enter image description here
How can we control horizontal scroll by hover on left and right side of the table to scroll columns.


React Native how to change scrollview zIndex on android

I'm making a table, left fixed, right scrolling, click on row to expand/fold the action button, the button crosses the scrollView from the left, I set the zIndex of scrollView to -1, but the button cannot be clicked in the area above the ScrollView, it will become row click. I have tried to change the left zIndex/elevation to no avail
code like this
I have been troubled for a long time. Please help me,thanks

How to choose alternative tab to open in Navigation Form in Access using VBA

I have Navigation Form with horizontal and vertical tabs. How do I code to get back to the vertical tab when I click on the horizontal. I do not want to go back to the first vertical tab but to someone who is further down, to the one I left earlier.

What scrolling / list control is used on Windows 10 store?

I'm playing around with Windows Universal App development. When looking at the Windows 10 Store App, I noticed a scrolling list control as shown in the below screenshot. Clicking the right arrow will shift right by a certain number of elements. Likewise on the other side, clicking the left arrow will shift back.
Is the scrolling control in the Store App a standard control or something custom made?
I'm aware of things like the ScrollViewer, but that just adds a scroll bar.
I created this by the following:
Grid with 3 columns with widths 3*, 94*, 3*
First column contains Button stretched vertically and horizontally to fill the grid and a ListView
Second column contains nothing
Third column contains Button stretched vertically and horizontally to fill the grid and a ListView
Button clicks fire events to calculate how many places to scroll left or right and then uses ListView.ScrollIntoView to scroll the items into view

Horizontally and vertically scrolling table view

I am trying to create a table view that scrolls horizontally and vertically like TeacherKit app.
If I scroll vertically, first row is fixed and if I scroll horizontally, first column is fixed.
Do you guys have any suggestions for that?
This is the screenshot from TeacherKit app.
The most common solution is to create a UIScrollView with the same size of your UITableview, and place your table INSIDE the scroll view.
In this situation, the table won't scroll because is fully contained in the scrollView (it has the same size) and you will scroll the scrollView
Let us know how it goes!

Appcelerator Titanium - Horizontal scroll in Table Row

I have a table that I want to have horizontally scrolling rows. When I tried adding a scrollable view to a row, it crashed the app. Is there a particular way to do this? Basically, I'm adding items to each row dynamically and if it overflows I want the older items to scroll off the left, but still be retrievable.
dont add a scroll view just use a regular view and update the width as items are added and scroll the view yourself.
you will have to figure out how scroll the view to the left and right by tracking touch start and touch end.
you might want to find an alternate UI approach though
Why don't use layout property... i mean vertical or horizontal.
var HZview = Ti.UI.createView({
Now add your rows to this horizontal view and finally your TableView to Vertical View.
var HZview = Ti.UI.createView({