Serverless, deploying ElasticSearch to AWS, "Creating elasticsearch domain did not stabilize" - serverless-framework

I'm deploying through Github Actions my Serverless app onto AWS with Lerna, the full output is this one:
Serverless: Checking Stack update progress...
Serverless Error ---------------------------------------
An error occurred: ElasticSearch - Creating Elasticsearch Domain did not stabilize..
Get Support --------------------------------------------
Your Environment Information ---------------------------
Operating System: linux
Node Version: 14.4.0
Framework Version: 1.65.0
Plugin Version: 3.4.1
SDK Version: 2.3.0
Components Version: 2.22.3
I've tried following this:
Creating Elasticsearch service with AWS Cloudformation: "Creating Elasticsearch Domain did not stabilize"
Which points to:
So, I added to my serverless.yml file:
Type: 'AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain'
ElasticsearchVersion: 7.4
EBSEnabled: true
VolumeType: gp2
VolumeSize: 10
InstanceType: ${self:custom.afex.${self:provider.stage}.InstanceType}
InstanceCount: 1
DedicatedMasterEnabled: false
Enabled: true
IdentityPoolId: us-east-2:7f7a3f74-xxxxx
RoleArn: arn:aws:iam::590275261404:role/AfexAmazonESCognitoAccess
UserPoolId: us-east-2_nbiyN8stf
AdvancedOptions: <--------- THIS ARE THE NEEDED LINES
indices.fielddata.cache.size: 40 <--------- THIS ARE THE NEEDED LINES
rest.action.multi.allow_explicit_index: true <--------- THIS ARE THE NEEDED LINES
But there's no change, still I have that error output. Any clue?


blogdown::new_site(): Error in dir.exists(x) : invalid filename argument

I am for the first time trying to make a website with blogdown. On running
new_site(theme="yihui/hugo-xmin", dir=".")
I get the error
> new_site(theme="yihui/hugo-xmin", dir=".")
― Creating your new site
| Installing the theme yihui/hugo-xmin from
trying URL ''
downloaded 68 KB
Error in dir.exists(x) : invalid filename argument
What is wrong? I have latest versions of hugo v0.103.0 and RStudio 2022.07.1 Build 554. All R packages are up-to-date. Here is Session info
> sessionInfo()
R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Big Sur 11.7
Matrix products: default
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] blogdown_1.12.1
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_4.2.1 tools_4.2.1 yaml_2.3.5 knitr_1.40 xfun_0.33
This is a bug in blogdown, and I have just fixed it in the dev version. Please try the dev version:

How can i solve the proble exit signal 6 when install sap hana in SLES 12 SP4

When i try to install sap hana(version in my SLES 12 SP4, i got the error like this:
15:52:48.642 - INFO: Creating SecureStore
15:52:48.642 - INFO: -------------------------------------------------------
15:52:48.642 - INFO: Getting global.ini
15:52:48.642 - INFO: Reading global.ini
15:52:48.642 - INFO: Layer 'Default' found
15:52:48.651 - INFO: Layer 'System' found
15:52:48.651 - INFO: Layer 'Host' not found
15:52:48.652 - INFO: Found value 'cryptography/ssfs_key_file_path' = '$(DIR_GLOBAL)/hdb/security/ssfs' in layer 'Default'
15:52:48.654 - INFO: Switching to user id 1000 and group id 79.
15:52:48.654 - INFO: Starting external program /usr/sap/HDB/HDB00/exe/hdbnsutil
15:52:48.654 - INFO: Command line is: /usr/sap/HDB/HDB00/exe/hdbnsutil -createSecureStore
15:52:49.864 - ERR : Program /usr/sap/HDB/HDB00/exe/hdbnsutil terminated with error: signal 6
15:52:49.864 - INFO: Switching back to root user.
15:52:49.864 - ERR : /usr/sap/HDB/HDB00/exe/hdbnsutil call failed
15:52:49.864 - ERR : Program /usr/sap/HDB/HDB00/exe/hdbnsutil terminated with error: signal 6
15:52:49.865 - INFO: -------------------------------------------------------
15:52:49.865 - INFO: END: Create SecureStore (start: 15:52:48.642 duration: 00:00:01)
15:52:49.865 - INFO: -------------------------------------------------------
15:52:48.652 - INFO: Found value 'multidb/mode' = 'multidb' in layer 'System'
15:52:48.652 - INFO: Found value 'multidb/database_isolation' = 'low' in layer 'System'
15:52:49.865 - ERR : Cannot create SecureStore
15:52:49.865 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
15:52:49.865 - INFO: END: Create System (start: 15:51:36.125 duration: 00:01:13)
15:52:49.865 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
the config as:
Summary before execution:
SAP HANA Database System Installation
Installation Parameters
Instance Number: 00
Local Host Worker Group: default
System Usage: production
Location of Data Volumes: /hana/data/HDB
Location of Log Volumes: /hana/log/HDB
Certificate Host Names: hana -> hana
System Administrator Home Directory: /usr/sap/HDB/home
System Administrator Login Shell: /bin/sh
System Administrator User ID: 1000
ID of User Group (sapsys): 79
Remote Execution: ssh
Database Isolation: low
Install Execution Mode: standard
Installation Path: /hana/shared
Local Host Name: hana
Software Components
SAP HANA Database
Install version
Location: /home/sap/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/server
Log File Locations
Log directory: /var/tmp/hdb_HDB_hdblcm_install_2020-02-26_15.50.50
Trace location: /var/tmp/hdblcm_2020-02-26_15.50.50_128458.trc
The physical memory is 32 GB;
This problem make me confused for 5 days. I will appreciate it so much, if anyone help me to solve this problem.
Could be many things, e.g. note 2813759 - SAP HANA Installation failed documents the case that when the hdbadm user already exists.
Always a good idea to run the hardware check tool to make sure your system is configured correctly,
I recorded a number of tutorial videos which you may find useful in preparing the installation:
Alternatively, for systems with only 32GB the SAP HANA, express edition might be a better choice - comes as a VM with everything up and running. See blog for more info.

SonarQube: errors in analysing C# and VB projects

I am trying to follow the instructions here to try SonarQube for MSBuild:, but I got the following errors for C# and VB samples. I can't find any message in the sonar.log so don't know how to proceed.
C:\Tools\SonarQube\sonar-examples-master\projects\languages\csharp>where msbuild
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe
C:\Tools\SonarQube\sonar-examples-master\projects\languages\csharp>MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe end
SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild 1.1
Default properties file was found at C:\Tools\SonarQube\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner-1.1\SonarQube.Analysis.xml
Loading analysis properties from C:\Tools\SonarQube\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner-1.1\SonarQube.Analysis.xml
Post-processing started.
SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild End Step 1.1
WARNING: Duplicate project GUID: "12add147-fbaf-46aa-b8a4-f708d4d0f295". Check that the project is only being built for a single platform/co
nfiguration and that that the project guid is unique. The project will not be analyzed by SonarQube. Project file: C:\Tools\SonarQube\sonar-
C:\Tools\SonarQube\sonar-examples-master\projects\languages\vbnet>MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe end
SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild 1.1
Default properties file was found at C:\Tools\SonarQube\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner-1.1\SonarQube.Analysis.xml
Loading analysis properties from C:\Tools\SonarQube\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner-1.1\SonarQube.Analysis.xml
Post-processing started.
SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild End Step 1.1
WARNING: File is not under the project directory and cannot currently be analysed by SonarQube. File: C:\Users\huj\AppData\Local\Temp\.NETFr
amework,Version=v4.5.AssemblyAttributes.vb, project: C:\Tools\SonarQube\sonar-examples-master\projects\languages\vbnet\ConsoleApplication1\C
SONAR_RUNNER_OPTS is not configured. Setting it to the default value of -Xmx1024m
Calling the SonarQube Scanner...
SonarQube Runner 2.4
Java 1.8.0_60 Oracle Corporation (64-bit)
Windows 7 6.1 amd64
INFO: Error stacktraces are turned on.
INFO: Runner configuration file: C:\Tools\SonarQube\sonar-examples-master\projects\languages\vbnet\.sonarqube\bin\sonar-runner\bin\..\conf\s
INFO: Project configuration file: C:\Tools\SonarQube\sonar-examples-master\projects\languages\vbnet\.sonarqube\out\
INFO: Default locale: "en_US", source code encoding: "UTF-8"
INFO: Work directory: C:\Tools\SonarQube\sonar-examples-master\projects\languages\vbnet\.sonarqube\out\.sonar
INFO: SonarQube Server 5.2
15:43:49.634 INFO - Load global repositories
15:43:49.815 INFO - Load global repositories (done) | time=180ms
15:43:49.830 INFO - User cache: C:\Users\huj\.sonar\cache
15:43:50.224 INFO - Load plugins index
15:43:50.227 INFO - Load plugins index (done) | time=3ms
15:43:50.458 INFO - Process project properties
15:43:50.728 INFO - Load project repositories
15:43:50.741 INFO - Load project repositories (done) | time=13ms
15:43:50.747 INFO - Apply project exclusions
15:43:50.871 INFO - Load quality profiles
15:43:50.919 INFO - Load quality profiles (done) | time=48ms
15:43:50.924 INFO - Load active rules
15:43:51.344 INFO - Load active rules (done) | time=420ms
15:43:51.362 WARN - SCM provider autodetection failed. No SCM provider claims to support this project. Please use sonar.scm.provider to def
ine SCM of your project.
15:43:51.362 INFO - Publish mode
15:43:51.363 INFO - ------------- Scan ConsoleApplication1
15:43:51.459 INFO - Load server rules
15:43:51.629 INFO - Load server rules (done) | time=170ms
15:43:51.684 INFO - Base dir: C:\Tools\SonarQube\sonar-examples-master\projects\languages\vbnet\ConsoleApplication1
15:43:51.684 INFO - Working dir: C:\Tools\SonarQube\sonar-examples-master\projects\languages\vbnet\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\vbnet_vbnet_65E63A
15:43:51.685 INFO - Source paths: Module1.vb, My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb, My Project/Resources.resx, My Project/Application.myapp, My Proje
ct/Settings.settings, App.config
15:43:51.685 INFO - Source encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US
15:43:51.686 INFO - Index files
15:43:51.709 INFO - 2 files indexed
15:43:51.711 INFO - Quality profile for vbnet: Sonar way
15:43:51.885 INFO - All FxCop rules are disabled, skipping its execution.
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total time: 3.142s
Final Memory: 11M/308M
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ERROR: Error during Sonar runner execution
org.sonar.runner.impl.RunnerException: Unable to execute Sonar
at org.sonar.runner.impl.BatchLauncher$1.delegateExecution(
at org.sonar.runner.impl.BatchLauncher$
Your C# project isn't being analysed because of the WARNING: Duplicate project GUID.... Check that your project guids are unique. You will also get this error if you run the begin step then call MSBuild multiple times for the same project before calling end. Try running begin, MSBuild .... end to see if that fixes the C# project issue. For the VB issue, please include more of the call stack from the Java error.

mobile first cli project deploy failing

when i try to deploy my project using MFP CLI it gives the following error
xxxx-Macmini:Nauth user-x$ mfp build
App Nauth was successfully built.
xxxx-Macmini:Nauth user-x$ mfp deploy
Initializing MobileFirst Console
Error: The MobileFirst server that you have configured does not appear to be running. Start the server with 'mobilefirst start'.
mfp info
xxxx-Macmini:Nauth user-x$ mfp info OS: darwin x64 Release: 11.4.2
System Memory: 128 MB free out of 4096 MB Node: v0.10.30 MobileFirst
CLI: Current directory:
Current project: /Volumes/Development/wlsamples/NAuth2
Adapter: SqlAuth
Description: SqlAuth Type: sql Procedures: readuser,
submitAuthentication, getBalance
Application: Nauth
Description: Nauth Type: hybrid application Features: Environments:
iphone Skins:
Server location:
/Users/user-x/.ibm/mobilefirst/ Server
MobileFirst instance:
objc[26232]: Class JavaLaunchHelper is implemented in both
One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. WebSphere
Application Server (1.0.7.cl50420141121-1414) on Java
HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_45-b14 (en_US)
Environment variables: TERM_PROGRAM: Apple_Terminal rvm_bin_path:
/Users/user-x/.rvm/bin TERM: xterm-256color SHELL: /bin/bash TMPDIR:
Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render: /tmp/launch-pbGaeh/Render
8CB82941-523E-4034-BCA0-470F186ED261 USER: user-x COMMAND_MODE:
_system_type: Darwin rvm_path: /Users/user-x/.rvm SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/launch-n9tSIx/Listeners
__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING: 0x1F5:0:0 Apple_Ubiquity_Message: /tmp/launch-bCTtmF/Apple_Ubiquity_Message WEBWORKS_HOME:
/Applications/BB10 WebWorks SDK rvm_prefix: /Users/user-x
PATH: /Applications/BB10 WebWorks SDK
WebWorks SDK
PWD: /Volumes/Development/wlsamples/NAuth2/apps/Nauth JAVA_HOME:
_system_arch: i386
_system_version: 10.7 rvm_version: 1.26.11 (latest) SHLVL: 2 HOME: /Users/user-x LOGNAME: user-x LC_CTYPE: UTF-8 DISPLAY:
_system_name: OSX
_: /Applications/IBM/MobileFirst-CLI/IBMnode/bin/node WLP_USER_DIR: /Users/user-x/.ibm/mobilefirst/
Java home is set properly xxxx-Macmini:Nauth
user-x$ echo $JAVA_HOME
MobileFirst Platform Foundation does not support Java 8 - you may only use Java 6 or 7.
After doing (1), also uninstall the CLI (/Applications/IBM/MobileFirst-CLI/Uninstaller) and download the latest available iFix from IBM Fix Central which contains several bug fixes for the CLI, including a potential fix for the server mentioned in the question.

IntelliJ suddenly returning 403s and 404s for Dart web app

I'm developing a Dart client-side application using IntelliJ IDEA 13. Yesterday, I upgraded my Polymer.dart to 0.10.0-pre.2. Since then, things have been kind of screwy. I've downgraded by to 0.9.5, as I don't need to new features any more, but I keep hitting this same problem. When I launch my app in Dartium from IntelliJ, I get the following errors:
GET http://localhost:63342/webatara/web/packages/observe/src/bindable.dart 404 (Not Found)
An error occurred loading file: package:observe/src/bindable.dart
GET http://localhost:63342/webatara/web/packages/observe/src/observer_transform.dart 404 (Not Found)
An error occurred loading file: package:observe/src/observer_transform.dart
GET http://localhost:63342/webatara/web/packages/template_binding/src/mustache_tokens.dart 404 (Not Found)
An error occurred loading file: package:template_binding/src/mustache_tokens.dart
GET http://localhost:63342/webatara/web/packages/smoke/smoke.dart 404 (Not Found)
An error occurred loading file: package:smoke/smoke.dart
I don't know what's referencing these things.
$ grep -r bindable.dart packages web ~/.pub-cache
I've tried deleting ./packages, ./pubspec.lock and ~/.pub-cache, but I just get the same problem. I've tried upgrading to 13.1 EAP and updating the Dart pluging, but that didn't help. Here's my pubspec.yaml:
name: webatara
description: A sample Polymer application
barback: any
browser: any
polymer: any
- polymer:
entry_points: web/index.html
threadsafe: yes
And the resulting pubspec.lock:
# Generated by pub
# See
description: analyzer
source: hosted
version: "0.10.5"
description: args
source: hosted
version: "0.9.0"
description: barback
source: hosted
version: "0.11.1"
description: browser
source: hosted
version: "0.9.1"
description: collection
source: hosted
version: "0.9.1"
description: custom_element
source: hosted
version: "0.9.2"
description: html5lib
source: hosted
version: "0.9.2"
description: html_import
source: hosted
version: "0.9.0"
description: logging
source: hosted
version: "0.9.1+1"
description: mutation_observer
source: hosted
version: "0.9.0"
description: observe
source: hosted
version: "0.9.3"
description: path
source: hosted
version: "1.0.0"
description: polymer
source: hosted
version: "0.9.5"
description: polymer_expressions
source: hosted
version: "0.9.1"
description: shadow_dom
source: hosted
version: "0.9.2"
description: source_maps
source: hosted
version: "0.9.0"
description: stack_trace
source: hosted
version: "0.9.2"
description: template_binding
source: hosted
version: "0.9.1"
description: unmodifiable_collection
source: hosted
version: "0.9.2+1"
description: utf
source: hosted
version: "0.9.0"
description: yaml
source: hosted
version: "0.9.0"