request-timeout when search on computed_field - odoo

I have a computed-field "age" in "res.parnter" model, and I'm trying to filter the list based on this computed-field(i.e partner.age < 45). However, when I apply this "age" filter, I get request-timeout!.
I tried many times but the result is the same -> request-timeout. Here is the response I get:
XmlHttpRequestError Gateway Time-out
<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>
<hr><center>nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu)</center>
Here are the code bocks that might be related to the issue.
age field
age = fields.Integer(string="Age", compute='compute_age', search='_search_age')
compute age function
def compute_age(self):
if self.birthday:
d1 = datetime.strptime(self.birthday, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
d2 =
self.age = (d2 - d1).days / 365
search function
def _search_age(self, operator, value):
return [('age', operator, value)]

That looks like an endless loop, because non-stored computed fields can't be searched and if there is a search method defined Odoo will always call that instead. Which leads to your search method which is using a non-stored computed field, which will Odoo lead to use the search method for age again. I hope you get me ;-)
You have to redefine your search method to use birthday instead. Just invert your calculation to get a date to search on birthday instead of age.


error with rec.env[''].search()

def _computebook(self):
sum_a = 0
for rec in self:
for l in rec.env[''].search([('status', 'in', ('sold', 'rent'))]):
if l:
sum_a += 1
rec.currentbook = rec.totalbook - sum_a
I use this compute to calculate current book in library.
But when I run this code, the problem calculate of my each book base on all books.
When you are write any compute method in odoo, in self you will get all the list of browsable objects.
And then you are trying to search data from that browsable object. That's why you get a error.
You have to use self.env instead of rec.env.
Because you can't search data from browsable object you can access only data of that browsable object.
You have to add limit 1 on when you are searching a record of multiple record are than you will get another expected Singleton error.
Either you can you use another loop after searching record.
Let me know if you face any errors again.
this error occured because
whenever you are trying to make a object of another model at that time you should have to use with self.env instead of rec.env because in your method rec is just a record-set of your instance
so please update your method as per the following snippet.
for l in self.env[''].search([('status', 'in', ('sold','rent'))]):

How to fill a field by date now from a click of a button

I want to fill a field by date now from a click of a button of the action
class sale_inheritd(models.Model):
_inherit = 'sale.order'
def action_sale_temporary(self):
for order in self:
self.env['project.project'].search([('project_id', '=', 'related_project_id')]).write({'temporary_reception_date'})
order.write({'state': 'temporary'})
What is the problem with this function?
I didn't understand the domain that you have passed to search method but if you want to fill a field with type Date:
and for Datetime field:
Note: and don't use self to access a field inside the loop exm: self.related_project_id use order.related_project_id instead or you most likely will have Singleton Error
EDITS: as #CZoellner said it's better to fields.Date.context_today(self) because that will prevent problems with user timezones
From your question it is not clear what are you trying to accomplish.
Your search method you search for project_id[looks like many2one field] equals to a string.
If it is many2one field then pass id to get correct result.
Also make sure self.env['project.project'].search([('project_id', '=', 'related_project_id')]) returns a single record only else it will lead to singleton error.
If there is only one record returned by search method then there is no issue in writing to the record like you did.

Using a filter in part of a string

I have a filter that formats a number based on what stat type it is (percent, integer, currency, etc). I want to use this filter on a value as part of a string. See below:
v-on:click="this.selectedReportId = key"
:selected="this.selectedReportId == key"
:stat="report.current | stat report.statType"
:description="'Previous value: '+(report.past | stat report.statType)">
As you can see in the :stat parameter, I can use the filter if it is the only thing in the expression. But when it tries to evaluate the :description parameter, I get Error when evaluating expression. Is it possible to use a filter in this way?
It's been very long since the question was asked, but if someone searches, I happen to know the solution.
First there is a way to call a filter from inside the vue component. Actually all filters are stored in the
collection. So if you want to call a filter from inside the component you should do
this.$options.filters.stat(report.past, report.statType)
And if you want to do the same from the markup, you should also call filter not like filter (| syntax), but like the component method
v-on:click="this.selectedReportId = key"
:selected="this.selectedReportId == key"
:stat="report.current | stat report.statType"
:description="'Previous value: '+ $options.filters.stat(report.past, report.statType)">
Or, better, with template string
:description = "`Previous value: ${$options.filters.stat(report.past, report.statType)}`"
The filter is something available outside of the expression you are evaluating – so that's not going to work syntactially
I would use a computed property instead. For more information, see

How to do math operation with columns on grouped rows

I have Event model with following attributes (I quoted only problem related attributes), this model is filled periodically by API call, calling external service (Google Calendar):
colorid: number # (0-11)
event_start: datetime
event_end: datetime
I need to count duration of grouped events, grouped by colorid. I have Event instance method to calculate single event duration:
def event_duration
((event_end.to_datetime - event_start.to_datetime) * 24 * 60 ).to_i
Now, I need to do something like this:
event =
But this doesnot work for me, as long as I get error that event_duration column doesnot exists. My idea is to add one more attribute to Event model "event_duration", and count and update this attribute during Event record creation, in this case I would have column called "event_duration", and I might be ale to use sum on this attribute. But I am not sure this is good and "system solution", as long as I would like to have model data reflecting "raw" received data from API call, and do all math and statistics on the top of model data.
event_duration is instance method (not column name). error was raised because Event.sum only calculates the sum of certain column
on your case, I think it would be easier to use enumerable methods
duration_by_color_id = {}
grouped_events = Event.all.group_by(&:colorid)
grouped_events.each do |colorid, events|
duration_by_color_id[colorid] = events.collect(&:event_duration).sum
Source :
Enumerable's group_by
Enumerable's collect

List Members based on extended profile fields in buddypress

I'm working on getting a list of members based on the fields they selected on the extended profiles fields in buddypress. Here is my code:
$membership_group = "Orange Membership";
$db_query = "SELECT user_id FROM wp_bp_xprofile_data WHERE field_id = 33 AND value = \"" .$membership_group ."\"";
$match_ids = $wpdb->get_var($db_query);
$get_these_members = 'include=' .$match_ids;
if (bp_has_members($get_these_members, 'per_page optional=9')) {
//Some Codes here
The result is returning just the first member it gets from the query instead of a list of members. Please say what I'm doing wrong.
I think you should dive into the class BP_Core_User and its method get_users. It supports meta_key and meta_value.
You can also try to make just a search by field value. So pass an argument s to bp_has_members.
And per_page optional=9 is a wrong syntax.
returns a single var !
This is what you want:
Then fix the syntax error mentioned by slaFFik