Is there a way to ensure the Expo project page is not publicly accessible? I've tried changing the privacy setting in the app.json but it still remains possible to reach it.
After you expo publish your app you can go to and logg into your account.
Then you need to press your user icon (top right on There you select "snacks" and then go to "projects". In projects you can see the projects that you have created.
If you click on the options-button you can set the privacy to private and vice versa.
I've ejected Expo app to get bare workflow (to archive IAPs).
But now I need to change app icon and splash screen.
I see tons of different size images in android/app/src/main/res/. Any change to app.json does not make sense (probably this is fine as far I use eas-cli to build it).
Is there some easy way do change an icon?
After some research I've found that there are no tools for automated icon change.
But if you go into branch until you detached (ejected) Expo, you can set icon there in assets dir, then make expo eject (it will also generate icons and splash screens in different resolutions) and copy required files:
android/app/src/res - for Android
ios/%app-name%/Images.xcassets - for iOS
Keeping the point before detaching Expo as separate branch/tag is good practice regarding Expo docs, this is one of the cases where it can be useful.
I'm working on a react-native app using expo.
I have no problem to display the application on my Android Phone using the QR CODE provided by Metro Builder.
But I would like my customers to be able to see my project even when i'm not working on it.
I published my application using expo publish and Metro Builder gave me a link that is similar to this : My project is in unlisted visibility, so that anyone with the link can see it.
Yet, i'm not able to open it in my Android Expo application. When I visit the link, it doesn't ask me to open it with Expo, and there's no button to do it. If I try to copy the link to my clipboard, and then click Open from clipboard in Expo Go, it will open the navigator again.
I also tried to generate a QR CODE from the link, but it does the same.
How do you open your project in Expo Go when you're not into development ?
You can just use the QR code which already generated by expo is provided in that project link eg. or with release channel
Take a screenshot of that QR code and send it. Regardless of the project visibility they will be able to install the app by scanning it with their phone.
I recently ejected my Expo React Native to the bare workflow. I'm using both Google expo-google-sign-in and Facebook expo-facebook sign in.
When you press the sign in button, an alert opens asking user if they want to use the service to sign in. In the alert it asks if "ios" can sign in. Can I use my app name instead? Where is that setting?
Note: This used to correctly be my app name before I ejected to the bare workflow.
Found it.
In xcode, it's Targets > Build Settings > Packaging > Product Name
You need to configure the "Display Name" Field Under "General" tab and FacebookDisplayName under info.plist in Xcode
I have created a project in Fabric and the app was uploaded to the App Store with Bitcode enabled. I am facing an issue with registering crashes on Fabric. How do I delete my project from Fabric so that I can create it again within Fabric?
Follow below steps to delete app from fabric :
Login to
Tap on Setting icon which is beside Profile
Tap on APPS
Choose your app to delete
You will see delete app option.
You are Done
I am trying to add an app icon to a react-native application and am not able to do so also could hardly find anything about this in the documentation or any other sources which I am able to implement successfully.
Got this one working by using react-native-icon Package but is there Something like a single command to get icons configured into the respective folders when they are created using react-native eject command.
The app icons are controlled from the native side of the project.
You can set them up from Xcode or Android Studio fairly easily.
Perhaps take a look at Xcode 9 - Add an App Store icon and Set icon for Android application
use android asset studio
drag and drop your icon and change filters if you like and then download it.
Unzip it and then replace your res icon folder with this one
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