How to delete a project from Fabric? - crashlytics

I have created a project in Fabric and the app was uploaded to the App Store with Bitcode enabled. I am facing an issue with registering crashes on Fabric. How do I delete my project from Fabric so that I can create it again within Fabric?

Follow below steps to delete app from fabric :
Login to
Tap on Setting icon which is beside Profile
Tap on APPS
Choose your app to delete
You will see delete app option.
You are Done


React native automatic update from store

Hi guys I need my react native app to update it self automatically (with user consent) when new version is published to the store (both android and ios)
I need the app to download the apk or ipa and complete the update process, not using CODE PUSH or OTA,
is it possible?
The app itself can't do that.
The closest thing you can do is:
Verify app version against the version on the server (if you have a back end).
Present a button to the user which will open the app store off your platform directly at your app's page, using deep linking.
You will have to keep server and deployed app versions in sync.

React Native Expo Publishing

Is there a way to ensure the Expo project page is not publicly accessible? I've tried changing the privacy setting in the app.json but it still remains possible to reach it.
After you expo publish your app you can go to and logg into your account.
Then you need to press your user icon (top right on There you select "snacks" and then go to "projects". In projects you can see the projects that you have created.
If you click on the options-button you can set the privacy to private and vice versa.

React native code update

I published my first app to AppStore last night.
I just want to know if there is code change in my app,
Should I have to re-build and upload .ipa file to itunes connect again?
(Currently, I do not use CodePush and I build app with exp)
Expo comes with a built in CodePush equivalent.
Whenever you publish to expo (using exp publish, the XDE etc), expo builds new JS bundles and uploads them to their servers.
Users who downloaded the app from the stores will get those updates - while iOS users will get them as soon as they open the app, Android users will get them in the second time (iOS is does this syncly while Android asyncly).
Note that this does not apply to changes in the app config (app.json), including sdk upgrades or any other configuration changes.
Yes, you will need to rebuild the release version of your app and upload to the App Store as a new version.

Deploy app onto a real device and get rid of local-dev-server dependence

Appreciate your lecture.
Currently, I can successfully deploy the app onto my iPhone device.
However, the app is rely on local-dev-server.
How could I get rid of the local-dev-server?
I used this command to deploy the app react-native run-ios --device 'iPhone' onto my cellphone
Here's my repo
Here is a section from RN docs:
Building an app for distribution in the App Store requires using the Release scheme in Xcode. Apps built for Release will automatically disable the in-app Developer menu, which will prevent your users from inadvertently accessing the menu in production. It will also bundle the JavaScript locally, so you can put the app on a device and test whilst not connected to the computer.
To configure your app to be built using the Release scheme, go to Product → Scheme → Edit Scheme. Select the Run tab in the sidebar, then set the Build Configuration dropdown to Release.
you just need to select the Release scheme on the run configuration in xCode and hit the run button. new app does not show up in the dashboard

For some reason we needed to change the package-id of our existing android application. We already use Fabric for Crashlytics.
I'm trying to bring that new app up in the Fabric dashboard, but it's not showing there, despite the device log showing no issues (as fas as I can see): device log
Any ideas why the new package-id isn't visible in our dashboard?
I experienced a very similar issue to this when building an app with multiple flavours. The solution is to manually specify the package name, and not let Fabric try to automatically grab it, as it tries very hard to "stick" your old package name.
There is a full post available (disclaimer: my site), but essentially you need to use:
Make sure to include all dependencies on their dedicated and meta in manifest file. Next is to throw a force runtime error on your device with internet connection also do not forget to initialize it first with Fabric.with(this,new Crashlytics()). If this doesn't work try to download and install Fabric for Android plugin in Android Studio, restart the IDE and you will see a fabric icon above. Start it and select your package name.
I had the exact same problem, in the log I clearly see that the Crashlytics is in use.
I/CrashlyticsCore: Crashlytics report upload complete: <ID>
But I cannot see my project on the dashboard, and always redirect to the tutorial.
After a Build-Clean and an Android studio restart, build and run the app again to my phone, and voilá, it finds itself. Now working, without any change.
I have the same problem. After hours of researches I resolve this for my application.
First: After adding new flavour, I make changes in Firebase console (added new app in existing project, with production SHA1, changed google-services.json).
After that app does not show in fabric dashboard and fabric plugin in Android Studio. Problem was resolved after linking new app in crashlitycs in firebase console. And after that check your roles, must have Owner role (on Firebase Console Project).