I can't download previous versions of prebid.js - prebid.js

I can't download previous versions of prebid.js.
I want prebid.js of 2.XX.X, but it is not on the download site.
If you do the following curl command
curl -o prebid2.44.7.js -X POST -d "modules%5B%5D=33acrossBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=adgenerationBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=ajaBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=aolBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=appnexusBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=audienceNetworkBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=criteoBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=logicadBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=microadBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=aolBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=aolBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=open8BidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=openxBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=openxoutstreamBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=pubmaticBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=rtbhouseBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=rubiconBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=yieldoneBidAdapter&modules%5B%5D=currency&modules%5B%5D=dfpAdServerVideo&modules%5B%5D=yieldoneAnalyticsAdapter&version=2.44.7" https://js-download.prebid.org/download
"Prebid file not built properly" is displayed.
I don't know the cause.

It was possible to build by the method below.
curl -LO https://github.com/prebid/Prebid.js/archive/2.44.7.tar.gz
tar zxvf 2.44.7.tar.gz
cd Prebid.js-2.44.7
npm install
gulp build --modules=XXXXXXXX,YYYYYYYY

Not sure how that was actually working before, but what I would do is:
Install the prebid library from source: https://github.com/prebid/Prebid.js
Use git checkout tags/2.44.7
Build the library using the docs in the prebid readme


"Spawn unknown" error while using npm's OpenFin

I installed OpenFin-cli using npm on windows 10. After OpenFin was installed, I tried to test it using the command
openfin -l -u https://apple.com
on cmd. I get the following error:
I have:
Node version 6.11.2
Link to OpenFin documentation that I referred: https://openfin.co/documentation/getting-started/
Can you try deleting the %LOCALAPPDATA%/OpenFin directory & re-running or downloading the OpenFinRVM.exe as suggested in this github issue
You can also try just manually launching the RVM by invoking the .exe with --config=http://yourappjsonurl.json
I believe the asset wasn't fully retrieved

Setting up a big commerce stencil environment

I am using a mac and have been following the instruction on how to set up a Big commerce stencil development environment posted here:
When trying to launch stencil:
stencil start
in the template directory called "airflow" - see screenshot for the directory structure - I receive:
-bash: stencil: command not found
directory structure
I have been trough the trouble shooting pages
and verified I have the correct versions of npm, node and nvm
npm -v
node -v
I have also confirmed there is only one version of node installed:
ls ~/.nvm/versions/node
Is there any advice anyone can give on how to troubleshoot this?
Many Thanks
Are you sure you installed stencil-cli globally? Run npm ls -g --depth=0 and confirm that #bigcommerce/stencil-cli is listed. If not, install it with the -g flag...ie: npm install -g #bigcommerce/stencil-cli
Second, make sure you're running the stencil commands in the directory that contains the .stencil file...in your screenshot that'd be the "stencil" directory inside of "airflow".
Hope this helps!

How to save php files as .phar or edit source code saved as .phar?

I have downloaded Codeception source code (in .phar format), but I need to add same changes there. So, I want to edit this .phar file, but cannot find a solution, how to do this.
You can build your own phar by using Robo tool.
It is documented in http://codeception.com/install
Clone from GitHub:
git clone git#github.com:Codeception/Codeception.git
Install dependencies with Composer
cd Codeception
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install
Make your changes
Install Robo
wget http://robo.li/robo.phar
Build package
php robo.phar build:phar
Use one of the tools listed in http://cweiske.de/tagebuch/php-phar-files.htm#tools to extract and then re-add the file you want to edit.
The phar executable shipped with PHP is able to extract files and you can add the modified file afterwards.

apidocjs not returning anything in response

I have installed 'apidoc' after installing 'npm' and 'node' for my API documentation by the help of following command:
npm install apidoc -g
After installing apidoc globally, I simply ran below command on my project directory (assuming apidoc will consider its default template file):
In result no errors and no documentation generated.
Similarly, I have tried:
apidoc -i ~/PROJECTS/jruby/project/webservice/ -o ~/PROJECTS/apidocs/apidoc/ -t ~/PROJECTS/apidocs/mytemplate/
But nothing happens, in that case I had nothing on 'mytemplate' directory.
Can you guys please tell me what I've missed to install/consider? and why nothing is appearing on command execution?
Note: I'm using this for my ruby application, but unable to install its gem as we're running our application on ruby 1.9 and it requires ruby 2.0. I need an independent solution that should works for other projects as well.
Thank you.
I got the solution; copied 'package.json' file from https://github.com/apidoc/apidoc and ran below command for npm
npm install
after getting success install nodejs properly by following steps:
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs
then went to the project directory and ran the following command:
after success of above command got html document in doc/ directory inside project. Cheers !

All AUR packages..after builded by makepkg .. necessarily create an *.pkg.tar.xz file?

Well .. this question came from another one closed question that i posted here. I installed android using yaourt.. and that was ok.. it worked fine.
But, before that i was trying doing manually.. using makepkg. But it seems that it did not create any package named *.pkg.tar.xz .
After a search.. and some question for my friends.. they told me that maybe the make process had problems and, it had some silent problem that not created the *.pkg.tar.xz.
So.. what do you think.. all AUR packages necessarily create *.pkg.tar.xz file and it was a problem when i was trying to build. Or has certain packages , as android , that do not create such *.pkg.tar.xz files?
An AUR package is a PKGBUILD file with instructions to makepkg to build a package (which is a .pkg.tar.xz file), so yes, unless there is any error on the build process, all AUR packages create a .pkg.tar.xz file.
You could try downloading the PKGBUILD file and running the makepkg -si manually to check any build error. Here's an example to build and install the android-sdk package, adjust accordingly to your desired package. This should create a android-sdk-*-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz file.
cd $(mktemp -d)
wget https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/an/android-sdk/android-sdk.tar.gz
tar xzvf android-sdk.tar.gz
cd android-sdk/
makepkg -si
Used arguments to makepkg:
-s, --syncdeps Install missing dependencies with pacman
-i, --install Install package after successful build