Vue Change state in forEach loop and if condition to update replies of any comment - vue.js

I have a State with editedIndex i want to change it in forEach loop but i am not able to call it in that loop.
i have done this code so far
data() {
return {
dialog: false,
comments: [],
editedReply: {
reply: null,
comment_id: null,
name: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")).name,
email: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")).email
editedIndex: -1
in above code i have added the initial state of comments which contains index of all comments
I am trying to update the replies of each comment.
handleEdit(reply) {
let commentArray = this.comments;
commentArray.forEach(function(comment) {
comment.reply.forEach(function(item) {
if ( === {
this.editedIndex = comment.reply.indexOf(item);
this.editedReply = Object.assign({}, item);
this.dialog = true;
from i have the list of comments in this.comments and reply represents the reply on which i have clicked to update.
my problem here is i am not able to call this.editedIndex and this.editedReply in if condition as i have mentioned above.
I have used comment.reply every comment contains a array of reply which you can see in below json data for comment i want to update the this json reply
json data for my comments is
"comments": [
"id": 5,
"comment": "nice blog",
"name": "test user",
"email": "",
"status": true,
"created_at": "2020-05-28T04:36:46.797Z",
"article": {
"id": 308,
"title": "test for comment article"
"reply": [
"id": 99,
"reply": "abcbc",
"name": "test2",
"email": "",
"created_at": "2020-05-29T13:23:31.358Z"
"id": 100,
"reply": "abcbc",
"name": "test2",
"email": "",
"created_at": "2020-05-29T13:23:31.521Z"
.......... and so on

Try using this snippet for handleEdit method:
handleEdit(reply) {
let commentArray = this.comments;
commentArray.forEach(comment => {
comment.reply.forEach(item => {
if ( === {
this.editedIndex = comment.reply.indexOf(item);
this.editedReply = Object.assign({}, item);
this.dialog = true;
What's different here is I used arrow functions for the callbacks of forEach operations.


how can insert scema object in mongoose expresss

this my model app
import mongoose, { mongo, Schema } from "mongoose";
const app = mongoose.Schema({
type: String
type: String
type: String,
'accesses': [
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "Accesses"
{ timestamps: true },);
export default mongoose.model('Apps',app);
this my model accesses
import mongoose, { mongo } from "mongoose";
const accesses = mongoose.Schema({
type: String,
require: true
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "Apps"
{ timestamps: true },);
export default mongoose.model('Accesses',accesses);
this my controller
export const saveApp = async (req,res) => {
try {
const app = new App(req.body);
const accesses = app.accesses;
let newAccs = [];
for (const acc of accesses)
const newAcc = await Accesses.findById(acc._id)
app.accesses = newAccs;
const result = await
} catch (error) {
res.status(400).json({message: error.message});
this my
POST http://localhost:3000/app
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "Ads Management testing",
"parent": "null",
"order": 1,
"path": "ads-management/",
"accesses": "63689567eee823ff6f39e969"
this my result
"name": "Ads Management testing",
"parent": "null",
"order": 1,
"path": "ads-management/",
"accesses": [
"app": [],
"_id": "63689567eee823ff6f39e969",
"name": "rejected",
"createdAt": "2022-11-07T05:19:35.590Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-11-07T05:19:35.590Z",
"__v": 0
"_id": "636a09d82ea451f510a56534",
"createdAt": "2022-11-08T07:48:40.035Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-11-08T07:48:40.035Z",
"__v": 0
my expecting data nested like this
why in my mongose accesses just put an id not all of object

TypeError: $ is undefined

I have problem when I try to render data in my Vue3 application.
data() {
return {
quotation: [],
mounted() {
methods: {
async getQuotation() {
this.$store.commit('setIsLoading', true)
const quotationID = this.$
await axios
.then((response) => {
this.quotation =
.catch(error => {
The weird part is when I try to access {{}} in template I can see the element of "company" without any error. The error TypeError: $ is undefined occurs when I get in depth {{}} for example.
Axios is getting data like:
"id": 20,
"company": {
"id": 4,
"name": "xxxx",
"slug": "xxx",
"categories": [
"id": 7,
"name": "xxxx",
"slug": "xxxx"
"street2": "",
"postcode": 11111,
"home_type": "xxxx",
"Urgency": "",
"description": "xxxx",
I really don't understand :/
First the quotation property should be declared as an object like quotation: {}, then at the first rendering the field company is not available yet, so you need to add some conditional rendering as follows :
<div v-if="" >

How to get the correct object in an nested array in Vue.js?

I use Axios to display a JSON data and I have succeeded. But I want to show an object based on date and time, it shows now all data and I need to filter it.
So I want to look at today's date and show the object based on that, so I want to show the next upcoming event. (24/05/2020)
What I currently have:
"doc": [
"data": {
"events": {
"18807612": {
"_dt": {
"_doc": "time",
"time": "18:45",
"date": "14/05/20",
"tz": "UTC",
"tzoffset": 0,
"uts": 1566067500
"week": 33,
"teams": {
"home": {
"name": "name 1",
"mediumname": "name1",
"uid": 3014
"away": {
"name": "name 2",
"mediumname": "name 2",
"uid": 3020
"18807618": {
"_dt": {
"_doc": "time",
"time": "18:45",
"date": "24/05/20",
"tz": "UTC",
"tzoffset": 0,
"uts": 1566067500
"week": 33,
"teams": {
"home": {
"name": "name 1",
"mediumname": "name1",
"uid": 3014
"away": {
"name": "name 2",
"mediumname": "name2",
"uid": 3020
async loadPosts({ commit }) {
// Define urls pages
const urlEvents = '';
// Set pages
const [
] = await Promise.all([
// Responses pages
// variables pages =[0]
// mutations pages
mutations: {
SET_EVENTS (state, events) { = events;
And to show the data I use this:
import {mapState} from 'vuex';
export default {
name: 'NextMatch',
mounted() {
computed: {
But this shows all data, and what I try to get is the first upcoming event for the object with the "uid": 3014.
So I want to show the date, time and names of the home and away team.
How can I get the correct data by filtering the data?
Something like this or similar to this should work:
In your Vue component's <template>:
In your Vue component's <script>:
props: {
eventID: {
type: Number,
default: 3014
computed: {
if (! return {} //make sure Object.entries gets object.
return Object.entries(
const selectedArr = this.eventsArr.find(([eID, e]) => e.teams.home.uid === this.eventID)
return selectedArr[1]

Axios get response is not carried over into state [Native React]

first question here.
when i try to run this, it does fetch data in the, but that data is not set into state to be passed through as prop to another page and it always stays [Object object] or [undefined] & i have no clue what's going wrong
state = {
APiData: {},
userInput: "cheese",
onCall: false
findFood = () => {
let self = this;
let userInput = this.state.userInput.toLowerCase();
let url = "" + userInput + "&number=1&apiKey="+apiKey;
.then(function (response) {
console.log(; //get's data
.catch(function (error) {
renderbody = () => {
console.log(this.state.APIdata) //this thing, is undefined
// return (<SearchBody data={this.state.APIdata} key={apiKey}/>)
this is the data in
"baseUri": "",
"expires": 1585843318293,
"isStale": false,
"number": 1,
"offset": 0,
"processingTimeMs": 437,
"results": Array [
Object {
"id": 215435,
"image": "three-cheese-pizza-for-cheese-lovers-215435.jpg",
"imageUrls": Array [
"readyInMinutes": 45,
"servings": 8,
"title": "Three-Cheese Pizza (For Cheese Lovers)",
"totalResults": 855,
Object {
"baseUri": "",
"expires": 1585843318293,
"isStale": false,
"number": 1,
"offset": 0,
"processingTimeMs": 437,
"results": Array [
Object {
"id": 215435,
"image": "three-cheese-pizza-for-cheese-lovers-215435.jpg",
"imageUrls": Array [
"readyInMinutes": 45,
"servings": 8,
"title": "Three-Cheese Pizza (For Cheese Lovers)",
"totalResults": 855,
You are not using state. Your state needs to be inside your constructor
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
APiData: {},
userInput: "cheese",
onCall: false
Then, you just need to call this.setState({ APIdata: });
I would recommend you to use react-redux to get data using this.props.

How to populate a v-select component with json data coming from axios.get

I am having a hard time trying to populate a v-select component with data from backend. The backend data is in json format.
The array 'items_category' is not storing the data. So I see "No data available" in my v-select. Can anyone help me. Thanks. This is my code:
<v-select v-model="category" :items="items_category" chips dense></v-select>
data () {
return {
category: '',
items_category: [],
categories: [],
i: 0
created () {
methods: {
initialize () {
axios.get('http://localhost:4000/categories', {
.then(response => {
this.categories =
for (this.i=0; this.i<this.categories.length; this.i++) {
this.items_category[this.i] = this.categories[this.i].category_name
.catch(function (error) {
This is my json (http://localhost:4000/categories):
"id": 1,
"category_name": "Name 1",
"category_description": "Description 1"
"id": 2,
"category_name": "Premium",
"category_description": "Description 2"
"id": 3,
"category_name": "Free",
"category_description": "Description 3"
Ok I got it correct by using the push method