How to get the correct object in an nested array in Vue.js? - vue.js

I use Axios to display a JSON data and I have succeeded. But I want to show an object based on date and time, it shows now all data and I need to filter it.
So I want to look at today's date and show the object based on that, so I want to show the next upcoming event. (24/05/2020)
What I currently have:
"doc": [
"data": {
"events": {
"18807612": {
"_dt": {
"_doc": "time",
"time": "18:45",
"date": "14/05/20",
"tz": "UTC",
"tzoffset": 0,
"uts": 1566067500
"week": 33,
"teams": {
"home": {
"name": "name 1",
"mediumname": "name1",
"uid": 3014
"away": {
"name": "name 2",
"mediumname": "name 2",
"uid": 3020
"18807618": {
"_dt": {
"_doc": "time",
"time": "18:45",
"date": "24/05/20",
"tz": "UTC",
"tzoffset": 0,
"uts": 1566067500
"week": 33,
"teams": {
"home": {
"name": "name 1",
"mediumname": "name1",
"uid": 3014
"away": {
"name": "name 2",
"mediumname": "name2",
"uid": 3020
async loadPosts({ commit }) {
// Define urls pages
const urlEvents = '';
// Set pages
const [
] = await Promise.all([
// Responses pages
// variables pages =[0]
// mutations pages
mutations: {
SET_EVENTS (state, events) { = events;
And to show the data I use this:
import {mapState} from 'vuex';
export default {
name: 'NextMatch',
mounted() {
computed: {
But this shows all data, and what I try to get is the first upcoming event for the object with the "uid": 3014.
So I want to show the date, time and names of the home and away team.
How can I get the correct data by filtering the data?

Something like this or similar to this should work:
In your Vue component's <template>:
In your Vue component's <script>:
props: {
eventID: {
type: Number,
default: 3014
computed: {
if (! return {} //make sure Object.entries gets object.
return Object.entries(
const selectedArr = this.eventsArr.find(([eID, e]) => e.teams.home.uid === this.eventID)
return selectedArr[1]


how can insert scema object in mongoose expresss

this my model app
import mongoose, { mongo, Schema } from "mongoose";
const app = mongoose.Schema({
type: String
type: String
type: String,
'accesses': [
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "Accesses"
{ timestamps: true },);
export default mongoose.model('Apps',app);
this my model accesses
import mongoose, { mongo } from "mongoose";
const accesses = mongoose.Schema({
type: String,
require: true
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "Apps"
{ timestamps: true },);
export default mongoose.model('Accesses',accesses);
this my controller
export const saveApp = async (req,res) => {
try {
const app = new App(req.body);
const accesses = app.accesses;
let newAccs = [];
for (const acc of accesses)
const newAcc = await Accesses.findById(acc._id)
app.accesses = newAccs;
const result = await
} catch (error) {
res.status(400).json({message: error.message});
this my
POST http://localhost:3000/app
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "Ads Management testing",
"parent": "null",
"order": 1,
"path": "ads-management/",
"accesses": "63689567eee823ff6f39e969"
this my result
"name": "Ads Management testing",
"parent": "null",
"order": 1,
"path": "ads-management/",
"accesses": [
"app": [],
"_id": "63689567eee823ff6f39e969",
"name": "rejected",
"createdAt": "2022-11-07T05:19:35.590Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-11-07T05:19:35.590Z",
"__v": 0
"_id": "636a09d82ea451f510a56534",
"createdAt": "2022-11-08T07:48:40.035Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-11-08T07:48:40.035Z",
"__v": 0
my expecting data nested like this
why in my mongose accesses just put an id not all of object

How can i remove one object from object array using vuejs

I have an object of object array in json format.I want to remove one object form this object array using vuejs.
export default {
components: { leftmenu, countDown, timer, Header },
data() {
return {
this.orders = {"data":{"175":{"details":[{"order_id":175,"item_id":1,"item_name":"pizza"},{"order_id":175,"item_id":2,"item_name":"burger"}]},"173":{"details":[{"order_id":175,"item_id":1,"item_name":"pizza"}]}}}
I have tried to remove object which have key 175 using below code.But did not work.
const filtersList = Object.keys(
(element) => element !== index
this.orders = filerslist
You can use the delete keyword (documentation here) to remove keys from objects
const orders = {
"data": {
"175": {
"details": [{
"order_id": 175,
"item_id": 1,
"item_name": "pizza"
}, {
"order_id": 175,
"item_id": 2,
"item_name": "burger"
"173": {
"details": [{
"order_id": 175,
"item_id": 1,
"item_name": "pizza"

TypeError: $ is undefined

I have problem when I try to render data in my Vue3 application.
data() {
return {
quotation: [],
mounted() {
methods: {
async getQuotation() {
this.$store.commit('setIsLoading', true)
const quotationID = this.$
await axios
.then((response) => {
this.quotation =
.catch(error => {
The weird part is when I try to access {{}} in template I can see the element of "company" without any error. The error TypeError: $ is undefined occurs when I get in depth {{}} for example.
Axios is getting data like:
"id": 20,
"company": {
"id": 4,
"name": "xxxx",
"slug": "xxx",
"categories": [
"id": 7,
"name": "xxxx",
"slug": "xxxx"
"street2": "",
"postcode": 11111,
"home_type": "xxxx",
"Urgency": "",
"description": "xxxx",
I really don't understand :/
First the quotation property should be declared as an object like quotation: {}, then at the first rendering the field company is not available yet, so you need to add some conditional rendering as follows :
<div v-if="" >

Vue Change state in forEach loop and if condition to update replies of any comment

I have a State with editedIndex i want to change it in forEach loop but i am not able to call it in that loop.
i have done this code so far
data() {
return {
dialog: false,
comments: [],
editedReply: {
reply: null,
comment_id: null,
name: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")).name,
email: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")).email
editedIndex: -1
in above code i have added the initial state of comments which contains index of all comments
I am trying to update the replies of each comment.
handleEdit(reply) {
let commentArray = this.comments;
commentArray.forEach(function(comment) {
comment.reply.forEach(function(item) {
if ( === {
this.editedIndex = comment.reply.indexOf(item);
this.editedReply = Object.assign({}, item);
this.dialog = true;
from i have the list of comments in this.comments and reply represents the reply on which i have clicked to update.
my problem here is i am not able to call this.editedIndex and this.editedReply in if condition as i have mentioned above.
I have used comment.reply every comment contains a array of reply which you can see in below json data for comment i want to update the this json reply
json data for my comments is
"comments": [
"id": 5,
"comment": "nice blog",
"name": "test user",
"email": "",
"status": true,
"created_at": "2020-05-28T04:36:46.797Z",
"article": {
"id": 308,
"title": "test for comment article"
"reply": [
"id": 99,
"reply": "abcbc",
"name": "test2",
"email": "",
"created_at": "2020-05-29T13:23:31.358Z"
"id": 100,
"reply": "abcbc",
"name": "test2",
"email": "",
"created_at": "2020-05-29T13:23:31.521Z"
.......... and so on
Try using this snippet for handleEdit method:
handleEdit(reply) {
let commentArray = this.comments;
commentArray.forEach(comment => {
comment.reply.forEach(item => {
if ( === {
this.editedIndex = comment.reply.indexOf(item);
this.editedReply = Object.assign({}, item);
this.dialog = true;
What's different here is I used arrow functions for the callbacks of forEach operations.

How to populate a v-select component with json data coming from axios.get

I am having a hard time trying to populate a v-select component with data from backend. The backend data is in json format.
The array 'items_category' is not storing the data. So I see "No data available" in my v-select. Can anyone help me. Thanks. This is my code:
<v-select v-model="category" :items="items_category" chips dense></v-select>
data () {
return {
category: '',
items_category: [],
categories: [],
i: 0
created () {
methods: {
initialize () {
axios.get('http://localhost:4000/categories', {
.then(response => {
this.categories =
for (this.i=0; this.i<this.categories.length; this.i++) {
this.items_category[this.i] = this.categories[this.i].category_name
.catch(function (error) {
This is my json (http://localhost:4000/categories):
"id": 1,
"category_name": "Name 1",
"category_description": "Description 1"
"id": 2,
"category_name": "Premium",
"category_description": "Description 2"
"id": 3,
"category_name": "Free",
"category_description": "Description 3"
Ok I got it correct by using the push method