API documentation in Enterprise Architect - api

This is my first time using EA. I used it to generate a class diagram from my C++ header files. Is there a way to add documentation to each method and/or variable and to generate a document that describes all the class' API?

Everything in an EA model includes a Notes property. You can edit this by using the Notes window, among other ways (for instance, when working with a class's properties, the Attributes and Operations windows have an area for entering notes).
These notes will appear when you use the various tools on the Project->Documentation submenu.


How to extend ui from API

My question is about concept (I need some recommendation how to implement it right).
I've use MVC pattern when I build the UI,currently this UI serve two plug-in since the UI they should use are identical. so both plugin call to this UI and this is working fine.Now there is third(and four :)) plugins which should use some of the UI control and logic so instead of build new UI for this plugin's I want to provide some mechanism to enable to the user to decide which control he want to draw in the screen. so currently I need to break the view to sections but my question is what it the best way to do that ?
(from design and concept aspects)
The view is build from 6 controls that all the plugin must by default use two from them and the rest are optional . for example new plugin can use the mandatory two and provide in addition two more control.
Hard to answer without knowing the language and platform.
Each of your 6 controls you will have a view and controller. Each view/controller needs a reference to a model that exposes the data and methods appropriate for the view to display and the controller to call. So the question is how to connect up each plugin to the subset of the 6 possible controls.
In your case I would create 6 interfaces that expose the data and methods relevant to each of the 6 controls. Each plugin implements just the interfaces that are possible for that plugin. In addition it would expose a standard interface that all plugins implement. This standard interface would provide a list of the mandatory interfaces it requires shown, as well as the list of optional interfaces it allows to be shown.
Your master view then takes a plugin and asks for the list of mandatory interfaces. It creates those child controls and passed the relevant plugin interface to each of the child controls. It then looks at the optional ones are creates just two of them for display and hooks them up.
Hard to be more precise without more details.
You can try to use MVVM(Model,View,ViewModel) pattern, it's more convenient for shearing code, you can search in google 'MVVM', there are tons of articles about that.

Sitefinity 4+ -- Standardizing intra-site modules in Sitefinity 4-5.x

We write a lot of intrasite modules and are noticing that they really deviate now in SF 4+ from the content-based ones. So, on that note, I have some questions:
How do you get the EXACT look and feel of the standard modules for the edit/create form? For example, how do you eliminate the menu above, center the form, etc, as in, say, the Events module?
How do you add an actions menu dropdown to a radgrid, same as you'd see in the grids for standard modules?
How do you incorporate Sitefinity fields into the usercontrols? For example sf:ImageField throws script errors when added to a control? Also, is there documentation on each of these fields and how to configure?
If we really want that standardization, do we have to go with another module type?
4.Is there a module type that will allow us to access non-sitefinity data (ie separaate db
but also provide us with exactly the same functionality and UI experience as the content-
based modules?
intra site modules are simply custom user controls (ascx) placed into backend pages to add your custom functionality to the backend. To copy the look and feel of the rest of the site, I literally copy and paste the HTML into the control.
I did a webinar on this a while back, including code to recreate the backend editor. It appears to still be valid, and is available here: http://www.sitefinity.com/blogs/joshmorales/posts/josh-morales-blog/2011/06/30/sitefinity_intra-site_module_webinar_notes
the centered view is a bit different, and I don't have that html, but you could potentially do the same (copy it from another native page). I don't always get it 100% accurate (my controls are usually laid out different from what Sitefinity does) but I get close enough so that it doesn't break the user experience.
The actions menu could be recreated with javascript, but if you are looking for NATIVE integration that does all this for you, indeed you would be looking at inheriting or much better yet: simply using the module builder, which lets you build custom types that automatically install themselves into Sitefinity as if they were regular modules.
Fields are definitely designed to run inside the context of native sitefinity module definitions (the classes that make up the UI using the Sitefinity context). This doesn't mean you can't include Sitefinity content in your modules; it simply means if you do you'll have to implement the integration yourself using the API.
On your last question, the only way to use external data but still keep the "Sitefinity Content" UI is to inherit from Content, then create a custom provider that reads from your database and translates it into the Sitefinity content type. It is certainly possible, but is quite a big project.
Unless you are in full need of this tight integration, I recommend simply going intra-site, linking to Sitefinity content types,taxonomy, etc through the API and manage it separately.
I hope this was helpful!

cocoa-touch dependency injection and loading code dynamically

I'm looking into porting an existing enterprise app to iPad. One of the key requirements is that there is a basic functioning app that needs to be highly customizable/extensible. Also, the people working on the customizations and extensions are not part of the product team and do not have access to the base product's code (only interfaces, docs and the binaries). To achieve this, the current application uses a component based architecture where well defined components are used to compose the UI. For a given customer any of these components can be either extended and used instead of the out of the box ones or simply swapped with a new component that adheres to the interface.
Are there libraries in cocoa-touch that support a component model architecture ? (composing the app through a registry/configuration that can easily edited by others than the team developers)
Perhaps you can create a root view controller and inject polymorphic children with: https://github.com/jasperblues/Typhoon

Submitting an app to the App Store that uses BWToolkit

I'm currently using BWToolkit, does anyone know if there are any steps that need to be taken before submitting to the app store (as far as licensing)? Do I need to put any disclaimers anywhere etc? I know it's BSD licensed but I don't want to have my app rejected because I missed a simple legal step.. Any help?
I don't think that NSGod is right.
You may want to read this and/or that.
You are not going to like this answer.
You will not be able to use the BWToolkit.framework as-is. Some of its classes rely on private APIs which Apple has strictly forbidden for apps that are submitted to the app store.
For example, the developer ran a tool called class-dump on the AppKit.framework Mach-O object and generated the .h files for 4 secret classes: NSTokenAttachment (an NSTextAttachment subclass), NSTokenAttachmentCell (an NSTextAttachmentCell subclass), NSWindow (NSTimeMachineSupport), some additional methods on NSWindow, and NSCustomView.
I'm not that familiar with the inner workings of the framework, but depending on what classes you've made use of, it may be possible to create a custom build of the framework from the source that doesn't include the private APIs. Or, you could just include the source files for the classes you use in your project (provided of course that they don't rely on private APIs).
What particular classes did you make use of? If you used BWSplitView, you might look into using RBSplitView. (I talked to Rainer and have confirmed that there's no private APIs used in it, so you'd be okay).

Extract Objective-C class information from library at runtime

I was wondering if there were a way to extract information from an objective-c app, static or dynamic library and/or framework?
Information such as an array of class names without instantiating or running the target.
I've checked google and the apple developer documentation and haven't found anything.
F-script appears to be able to do what you want, but I'm no expert. Check out www.fscript.org.
If you want to extract classes from an application/dynamic library, there is a handy tool called ClassDump.
It can even generate the header files in order to get an overview of the classes, protocols, etc.
If you want to do it at runtime, then take a look at the source code to learn how to load and parse the different mach-o segments.
This is an excellent starting point for reverse-engineering Cocoa apps:
It mentions F-Script, class-dump, and a few others.