SQL - Sum Up Results Of A Multiplication By Group - sql

I have the following tables:
Orders (OID, Count, ProductID, TableNr)
Table (TableNr, Name, Number)
Products (ProductID, Prize)
Now I want to calculate how much was earned per table. I think to do this I have to Group By Orders.TableNr. But how can I multiply the Products.Prize with the Orders.Count and after that sum up this results within the group?

You are describing a join and aggregation:
select o.tableNr, sum(o.count * p.prize) totalEarned
from orders o
inner join products p on p.productId = o.productId
group by o.tableNr
If you want to display table information as well (say, the table name), then you can add another join:
select t.tableNr, t.name, sum(o.count * p.prize) totalEarned
from table t
inner join orders o on o.tableNr = t.tableNr
inner join products p on p.productId = o.productId
group by t.tableNr, t.name
Note that table is a SQL keyword, hence not a good choice for a table name.


How to create a function that totals an order with several items?

I need to create a function which will return the total of an order. I've been given three tables with the following variables
Table 1 - Order
Table 2 - Order Product
Table 3 - Product
I'm struggling to put together a coherent function. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've already attempted to set up the function with joins between both tables, but am unable to figure out where I should be putting my equation.
SELECT order.order_id, SUM(product.price * order_item.quantity)
FROM `order`
JOIN `order_item` ON order.order_id = order_product.order_id
JOIN `product` ON order_product.product_id = product.product_id;
END $$
You might be surprised, but the orders table is not needed for this query. You can just aggregate off the other two tables:
SELECT oi.order_id, SUM(p.price * oi.quantity)
FROM order_item oi JOIN
product p
ON po.product_id = p.product_id
GROUP BY oi.order_id;
You'll need to take your select statement, and group it by your order.order_id. That way you'll have one row per order, with the sum total of that order.
SELECT order.order_id, SUM(product.price * order_item.quantity) as total_price
FROM `order`
JOIN `order_item` ON order.order_id = order_product.order_id
JOIN `product` ON order_product.product_id = product.product_id
GROUP BY order.order_id
this will work:
SELECT order.order_id, SUM(product.price * order_item.quantity)
FROM order o,
JOIN order_item oi,
JOIN product p where
o.order_id = oi.order_id and
oi.product_id = p.product_id
group by order_product.product_id = product.product_id;

SQL: How to group by with two tables?

I have the tables products and history and I need to group by name:
products = (id_product, name)
history = (id_history, id_product, amount)
I tried this SQL query but it isn't grouped by name:
FROM history
INNER JOIN products ON history.id_product = products.id_product
This is the result:
You should only be grouping by the attributes you need to be aggregated. In this case, you need only products.name.
sum(history.amount) AS [Amount]
FROM history
INNER JOIN products ON history.id_product = products.id_product
If you need to include products without history (assuming sum should be 0 instead of null in this case), then you can use an OUTER JOIN instead of INNER JOIN to include all products:
COALESCE(sum(history.amount), 0) AS [Amount]
FROM history
RIGHT OUTER JOIN products ON history.id_product = products.id_product
This is no answer, but too long for a comment.
For readability's sake the product table should be first. After all it is products that we select from, plus a history sum that we can access via [left] join history ... followed by an aggregation, or [left] join (<history aggregation query>), or a subselect in the select clause.
Another step to enhance readability is the use of alias names.
Join the table, then aggregate
select p.name, coalesce(sum(h.amount), 0) as total
from products p
left join history h on h.id_product = p.id_product
group by p.name
order by p.name;
Aggregate, then join
select p.name, coalesce(h.sum_amount, 0) as total
from products p
left join
select sum(h.amount) as sum_amount
from history
group by id_product
) h on h.id_product = p.id_product
order by p.name;
Get the sum in the select clause
(select sum(amount) from history h where h.id_product = p.id_product) as total
from products p
order by p.name;
And as you were confused on how to use GROUP BY, here is an explanation: GROUP BY ___ means you want one result row per ___. In your original query you had GROUP BY products.name, history.amount, history.id_history saying you wanted one result row per name, amount, and id, while you actually wanted one row per name only, i.e. GROUP BY products.name.

sql select count of multiple relationships with left join

I have a table for "branches", "orders" and "products. Each order and product are connected to a branch with branch_id. I need an sql statement to get a list of all branches with a field for how many orders and a field for how many products.
This works:
SELECT b.*, COUNT(o.id) AS orderCount FROM branches b
LEFT JOIN orders o ON (o.branch_id = b.id) GROUP BY b.id
but it only gets the amount of orders, not products.
If I change it to add amount of products, the amounts are wrong because it's getting amount of orders * amount of products.
How can I get the amount of both the orders and the products in the same SQL statement?
Something like this should work (on sql server at least - you didn't specify your engine).
,COUNT(distinct o.id) AS orderCount
,COUNT(distinct p.id) AS productCount
FROM branches b
LEFT JOIN orders o
ON (o.branch_id = b.id)
left join products p
on p.product_id=b.id)
Please try:
(select COUNT(*) from Orders o where o.branch_id=b.id) OrderCount,
(select COUNT(*) from Products p where o.branch_id=p.id) ProductCount
branches b

SQL: Using a subquery to compare Averages

I've been trying to set up this query.
SELECT P.ProductNo,P.Description, AVG(OrderLine.ActualPrice)
FROM Product P
ON OrderLine.ProductNo = P.ProductNo
WHERE AVG(ActualPrice) >
(SELECT AVG(ActualPrice)
FROM OrderLine)
My goal here is to compare the average actual price for a product to the average price of all products together. But I don't seem to be getting it to work. Where am I going wrong here?
when using aggregated condition, use HAVING instead of WHERE
SELECT P.ProductNo, P.Description, AVG(OrderLine.ActualPrice)
FROM Product P
ON OrderLine.ProductNo = P.ProductNo
GROUP BY P.ProductNo, P.Description
HAVING AVG(ActualPrice) > (SELECT AVG(ActualPrice) FROM OrderLine)

SQL Server query to find the total price of all the products by order

I have a table Orders with (id,orderCode,productId,quantity,color,size)
where I can have entries like:
1,O20100812,145,4,RED,Large etc
1,O20100815,134,5,RED,Large etc
1,O20100815,143,2,BLACK,Large etc
1,O20100815,112,8,BLACK,Large etc
And another table Products with (id,name,price)
What I want is to find the total price of all the products in the order with orderCode 020100812. Should I DISTINCT select the order code and then SUM the quantity while JOINing the products table?
Why you need distinct?
Select SUM(o.Quantity * Price) TotalPrice
FROM Orders o JOIN Products p ON (o.ProductId = p.Id)
WHERE OrderCode = '020100812'
For all orders you can use the following query:
Select OrderCode, SUM(o.Quantity * Price) TotalPrice
FROM Orders o JOIN Products p ON (o.ProductId = p.Id)
Group by OrderCode
No, GROUP BY and then you can use SUM to aggregate across the group, e.g.
select O.id, O.ordercode, sum(P.price * O.quantity) as total
from orders O
join products P on P.id = O.productid
group by O.id, O.ordercode
which will show you the total price for each order code within each order - if you wanted all order codes across all orders you'd need
select O.ordercode, sum(P.price * O.quantity) as total
from orders O
join products P on P.id = O.productid
group by O.ordercode
i.e. don't group in the order ID.
(I'm guessing that O20100812 was just an example and you actually want this for all order codes?)