Unreal Engine 4 In-game Screenshot [closed] - screenshot

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is there a way to take a screenshot in UE4 while in-game and save it somewhere so that I can use it again as an image or something?
There is a HighResShot solution, but that saves it somewhere outside the range of the editor (you cannot reach it programmatically), is there another way of doing it, that allows me to access it in-game?

I would recommend using HighResShot for taking the screenshots. As you mention, it saves this outside the range of the engine, in the "saved" folder. (In packaged builds, the saved content is in the user's appdata.) You can actually get this with ProjectSavedDir(), which returns this saved directory. https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/API/Runtime/Core/Misc/FPaths/index.html
It's C++, but you can expose this to Blueprints fairly easily. You can get the ProjectSavedDir()/Screenshots directory and load the images in-game. For doing this, I recommend the Ramas plugin (https://forums.unrealengine.com/development-discussion/blueprint-visual-scripting/4014-39-rama-s-extra-blueprint-nodes-for-you-as-a-plugin-no-c-required?3851-(39)-Rama-s-Extra-Blueprint-Nodes-for-You-as-a-Plugin-No-C-Required=)


How can I make a file that can only be read by my application? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to know if there's a way to create a file that only my application can read but other programs (eg: notepad) can't
For example:
i create a config file from my application, and if i open it with notepad it will be garbled nonsense, like:
½ÁoLG0%­Ö9)9Ìm•~0ý<öKfƒ”ü9´~<ƒ\,Aëxzºv‡#u}ž¹ñ7µK³¨]fÛn {盞Ժî*Ò\úǃ«E%ñ
You're looking for encryption, if you want something readable only to your application but not the end user.
I don't know VB.NET but a quick google search shows me this question which has a pretty well written answer, that seems to explain how to encrypt a file in VB.NET

Does Zerobrane provide an "include" mechanism? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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To Zerobrane users, since this is not a question on lua :
I use Zerobrane for editing lua programs that are to be used with LuaLatex. Very nice !
I make all tests there before using the developments in LuaLatex. So, at the beginning, the programs are run there. I need to tidy up this part, on ZeroBrane, by making files hierarchical, with a master file and slave files around.
Once again, it is a question about ZeroBrane, not about how I use the file within LuaLatex (I know enough about doFile, luaexec and co)
Does this exist ?
I saw PaulK passing by, if he could drop a line, it would be appreciated ...
An "include mechanism" as you call it is usually a language feature, not some feature of an IDE.
Lua provides various functions for running code from other files.
dofile, load, loadfile, require, ...
The most convenient and common is require which will find a file by its name in a given set of directories and execute its contents.
Read this:

Blender Fluids - Domain Problems [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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In blender, I'm testing out the fluid simulation stuff - but whenever I tell an object to be a domain it just turns into the fluid I main previously.
Edit: I'm using the latest version of Blender. (2.70)
The domain settings will be using the same cache directory that was used for your earlier fluid simulation. There is no harm leaving the old cache in place as it will be overwritten when you perform another bake. You can either bake using the new settings or delete the cache folder.
The cache folder used is shown at the bottom of the domain settings panel. The default would be /tmp/

vb.net global image filepath [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Im trying to add pictures to an excel file, in this excel file command it asks for a image Path not the image...
i have added images to my resources but can't programatically find there path ( say it was installed on another machine )
anyone know how that would look ?
filepath of my.Resources.zoo_picture_1 . tostring??
any help is appreciated
ok i disagree with the downvote ... i just need to konw how to find out the imagepath of the my.resouces.zoo_picture_1 picture..... there not going to always be located on my c: drive...
Since embedded resources are not part of the file system hierarchy, there's no way to get a path to them. You'll need to distribute your images as files alongside your application.

how to post the code to some host [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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how to post my web application and also the source code to a host..i want every one can see my project..i'm just know how to post an image..how to do that?
You can share your project using code.google.com click here where you can put all your code so that other peoples can also see your project.There is another option also that is GitHub you can also use that but it is having limited space.One thing which very important that is before committing your source code prepare proper documentation for your project because if documentations are not proper then it is of no use for other even if you written best quality code.