How to index a column with two values pandas - pandas

I have two dataframes:
Dataframe #1
Reads the values--Will only be interested in NodeID AND GSE
sta = pd.read_csv(filename)
Dataframe #2
Reads the file, use pivot and get the following result
sim = pd.read_csv(headout,index_col=0)
sim['Layer'] = sim.groupby('date').cumcount() + 1
sim['Layer'] = 'L' + sim['Layer'].astype(str)
sim = sim.pivot(index = None , columns = 'Layer').T
This gives me the index column to be with two values. (The header is blank for the first one, and Layers for the second) i.e 1,L1.
What I need help on is:
I can not find a way to rename that first blank in the index to 'NodeID'.
I want to name it that so that I can do the lookup function and use NodeID in both dataframes so that I can bring in the 'GSE' values from the first dataframe to the second.
I have been googling way to rename that first column in the second dataframe and I can not seem to find an solution. Any ideas help at this point. I think my pivot function might be wrong...
This is a picture of dataframe #2 before pivot. The number 1-4 are the Node ID.
when I export it to csv to see what the dataframe looks like I get this..

df.rename(columns={"Index": "your preferred name"})
if it is your index then do -
df = df.reset_index()
df.rename(columns={"index": "your preferred name"})


pandas: split pandas columns of unequal length list into multiple columns

I have a dataframe with one column of unequal list which I want to spilt into multiple columns (the item value will be the column names). An example is given below
I have done through iterrows, iterating thruough the rows and examine the list from each rows. It seem workable as my dataframe has few rows. However, I wonder if there is any clean methods
I have done through additional_df = pd.DataFrame(venue_df.location.values.tolist())
However the list break down into as below
thanks fro your help
Can you try this code: built assuming venue_df.location contains the list you have shown in the cells.
venue_df['school'] = venue_df.location.apply(lambda x: ('school' in x)+0)
venue_df['office'] = venue_df.location.apply(lambda x: ('office' in x)+0)
venue_df['home'] = venue_df.location.apply(lambda x: ('home' in x)+0)
venue_df['public_area'] = venue_df.location.apply(lambda x: ('public_area' in x)+0)
Hope this helps!
First lets explode your location column, so we can get your wanted end result.
Then lets use crosstab in that series so we can get your end result
import pandas as pd
I didnt test it out cause i dont know you base_df

How do you split All columns in a large pandas data frame?

I have a very large data frame that I want to split ALL of the columns except first two based on a comma delimiter. So I need to logically reference column names in a loop or some other way to split all the columns in one swoop.
In my testing of the split method:
I have been able to explicitly refer to ( i.e. HARD CODE) a single column name (rs145629793) as one of the required parameters and the result was 2 new columns as I wanted.
See python code below
df[['rs1','rs2']] = df.rs145629793.str.split(",", expand = True)
The problem:
It is not feasible to refer to the actual column names and repeat code.
I then replaced the actual column name rs145629793 with columns[2] in the split method parameter list.
It results in an ERROR
'str has ni str attribute'
You can index columns by position rather than name using iloc. For example, to get the third column:
df.iloc[:, 2]
Thus you can easily loop over the columns you need.
I know what you are asking, but it's still helpful to provide some input data and expected output data. I have included random input data in my code below, so you can just copy and paste this to run, and try to apply it to your dataframe:
import pandas as pd
your_dataframe=pd.DataFrame({'a':['1,2,3', '9,8,7'],
'b':['4,5,6', '6,5,4'],
'c':['7,8,9', '3,2,1']})
import copy
def split_cols(df):
dict_of_df = {}
for col in cols:
key_name = 'df'+str(col)
dict_of_df[key_name] = copy.deepcopy(df)
var=df[col].str.split(',', expand=True).add_prefix(col)
df=pd.merge(df, var, how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True).drop(col, axis=1)
return df
Essentially, in this solution you create a list of the columns that you want to loop through. Then you loop through that list and create new dataframes for each column where you run the split() function. Then you merge everything back together on the index. I also:
included a prefix of the column name, so the column names did not have duplicate names and could be more easily identifiable
dropped the old column that we did the split on.
Just import copy and use the split_cols() function that I have created and pass the name of your dataframe.

how to name colums?

I have a pandas Data Frame where some of the id's are repeated a few times. I've written this code:
df = df["id"].value_counts()
and got this output
What should I do to get something like in the following image?
As Quang Hoang answered, value_counts set the column you count as the index. Therefore in order to get the id and the count as columns, you need to do 2 things:
Make the counts as column - to_frame(name='B')
Reset the index to make the ids another column which we'll rename to the desired name: .reset_index().rename(columns={'index': 'A'})
So in one line it'll be:
df = df["id"].value_counts().to_frame(name='B').reset_index().rename(columns={'index': 'A'})
Another possible way is:
col = list(["A", "B")]
df.columns = col

Alternatives to iloc for searching dataframes

I have a simple piece of code that iterates through a list of id's, and if an id is in a particular data frame column(in this case, the column is called uniqueid), it uses iloc to get the value from another column on the matching row and then adds it to as a value in a dictionary with the id as the key:
union_cols = ['uniqueid', 'FLD_ZONE', 'FLD_ZONE_1', 'ST_FIPS', 'CO_FIPS', 'CID']
union_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(records(union_gdb, union_cols))
pop_df = pd.read_csv(pop_csv, low_memory=False) # Example dataframe
uniqueid_inin = ['', 'FL1234', 'F54323', ....] # Just an example
isin_dict = dict()
for id in uniqueid_inin:
if (id is not '') & (id in pop_df.uniqueid.values):
v = pop_df.loc[pop_df['uniqueid'] == id, 'Pop_By_Area'].iloc[0]
inin_dict.setdefault(id, v)
This works, but it is very slow. Is there a quicker way to do this?
To resolve this issue (and make the process more efficient) I had to think about the process in a different way that took advantage of Pandas and didn't rely on a generic Python solution. I first had to get a list of only the uniqueids from my union_df that were absolutely in pop_df. If they were not, applying the .isin() method would throw an indexing error.
#Get list of uniqueids in pop_df
pop_uniqueids = pop_df['uniqueid'].unique()
#Get only the union_df rows where the uniqueid matches pop_uniqueid
union_df = union_df.loc[(union_df['uniqueid'].isin(pop_uniqueids))]
union_df = union_df.reset_index()
union_df = union_df.drop(columns='index')
When the uniqueid_inin list is created from union_df (by just getting the uniqueid's from rows where my zone_status column is equal to 'in-in'), it will only contain a subset of items that are definitely in pop_df and empty values are no longer an issue. Then, I simply create a subset dataframe using the list and zip the desired column values together in a dictionary:
inin_subset =pop_df[ pop_df['uniqueid'].isin(uniqueid_inin)]
inin_pop_dict = dict(zip(inin_subset.uniqueid, inin_subset.Pop_By_Area))
I hope this technique helps.

How do I change the index of a pandas dataframe object so as not to get null values in the dataframe entries?

I do not seem to know what the issue is when I combined three dataframes into one and tried changing the index of the combined dataframe. The following is what I have done:
1) I first combined (or Concatenated) three dataframes into a 'combo' dataframe. Below is an excerpt ('TSP_JuMP_Obtained_Solu') of one of the three. The index goes from 0-9 for all the three datafames as well as the combined.
2) I then used the following line of code to combine them:
f_solu_tsp = pd.concat([list_TSP,list_Scenario1,list_Scenario2], axis=1,
3) I subsequently used the followine line of code to change the index of the combined dataframe (df_solu_tsp):
df_solu_tsp = df_solu_tsp.reindex(proTy_uniq_list)
NB: 'proTy_uniq_list' is a list with membership as shown below:
[u'lau15', u'gr17', u'fri26', u'bays29', u'dantzig42', u'KATRINA_38',
u'HARVEY_50', u'HARVEY_100', u'HARVEY_200', u'HARVEY_415']
Below is the result of the combined dataframe (df_solu_tsp ):
Thank you in advance for the help.
Without having example DataFrame I will try to answer as good as possible:
Solution 1
As Peter Leimbigler mentioned in the comments:
df_solu_tsp = df_solu_tsp.set_index(proTy_uniq_list)
Which replaces your original index with the new index which is in this case an equal length list.
Solution 2
As mentioned in the pandas docs
df_solu_tsp.set_index([pd.Index(proTy_uniq_list), 'proTy'])
Solution 3
I see that you're creating a dataframe from three lists, so we can go a step back and create your data in one go:
f_solu_tsp = pd.DataFrame({'TSP_JuMP_Obtained_Solu': list_TSP,
'Scenario1': list_Scenario1,
'Scenario2': list_Scenario2}, index=proTy_uniq_list)
Example solution 3
data1 = ['hi', 'goodbye']
data2 = ['hello', 'bye']
idx = ['arriving', 'leaving']
df = pd.DataFrame({'column1': data1,
'column2': data2}, index=idx)
column1 column2
arriving hi hello
leaving goodbye bye