I'm using FontForge v 20200314 on MacOS Catalina 10.15.4
I'm having an issue where curve points do not display handles. I have tried adding additional points to no avail. Some of my curve points do create handles and curve, but I can't discern a logic to it.
Granted, I've been using Adobe programs for 20 years, so I'm thinking I'm probably just having the wrong expectations of the tools. I attached a screen shot for reference. In it you can see that only some curve points have handles.
I have tried Point> Make Curve, but that causes the program to crash consistently. I have Show> Control Points Always selected.
Any advice is much appreciated.
Can't embed images, but it's a screenshot of the curves expecting different than expected
If the point is a corner or tangent, the one or both of the handles may disappear, but occasionally curves don't have any either. You should be able to drag one of the adjacent lines to add a control point on that side if nothing is selected (once something is selected this behavior changes). You can also select the point, right-click, and select a different type (possible multiple times), but this will usually change the handles and shape quite a bit.
I'm trying to set up a strange box in unity 3D. The problem is is that it blows apart when the game is run. I read somewhere it had something to do with rigid bodies overlapping, but I was not able to find a good resolution to the issue.
Below is a schematic of the box. The parts, labelled at the top, all have different component setups.
The handles (ha and hb) are parents to their boxhalves (ba and bb). The handles take care of gravity for the both of them by being a rigid body, and use a box collider. The boxes, because of their shape, uses a mesh collider.
The center piece (c) is parent to both of the stoppers (sa and sb). The center is the rigid body, while the stoppers use box colliders.
The idea was that the center piece would remain in the boxes, so if a player pulled one end of the box, that half would "extend" out to the stopper. When pushed back in, it would stop at the stopper. If two players help each end, they could both control the "stretch" of the box.
However, when running the game, the boxes immediately explode apart.
Any helpful advice would be wonderful!
Seems possible that you might be running into an issue with concave colliders. Maybe splitting up your mesh colliders into convex hulls would help. There's also this tool on the asset store that looks like it might have been designed for your situation.
I am trying to draw arrows. I know how to draw lines which takes me half way there but I want the tip to have a small triangle just like an arrow. However even when I use a triangle as a point, obviously it does not always point towards the direction of the line and might sometimes produce weird looking arrows.
I would like to draw the passes a player makes on a soccer field. I do that using LINESTRING and 4 coordinates I have in a table in my database. I use the xFrom, yFrom, xTo and yTo coordinates and I manage to draw lines. However I would like to have the tip of the line to show as an arrow but I found nothing in Google or in SQL documentation.
I would like to use SSRS and not any other graphics vector program because its simpler and its incorporated easily in my overall report.
Anyone can suggest a way of turning a line into an arrow?
Okay, first off I'd like to preface this answer with the statement that using SQL Server and Reporting Services as a graphics tool is asking for trouble. This is by far, not what it was meant for.
With that being said, I believe this would work. You will need to spend some time studying, though. When manipulating images, you have several operations that you can perform. (Like Rotating, skewing, resizing, etc.) The mathematics behind these operations can be performed using matrix algebra. What you will need to do is look at the line you have created. It has a slope. If you picture that line superimposed upon X and Y axes, you can see that there is an angle between the line and the Y axis. (Assumes that the triagle's base rests upon the X axis.) That angle is the angle that you will want to rotate your triangle that you're using as the tip of the arrow. That should fix your problem. You could create a formula to do the calculations. (If the formula engine is robust enough to handle matrix algebra.)
Here are a couple of pages that give you the basics of how to rotate an image.
Good luck!
This may be fairly obvious as I cant find it on Google but I have a windows form of a given height and width in the VS Designer and it looks perfect.
The object inspector and the ViewDesigner.VB all match up.
But when it gets compiled the window is noticeably bigger and brings with it a whole heap of wasted space around the edges. This is more than just ClientSize etc. This is a good inch or two.
Any idea whats causing it? It's not a resolution issue as this happens on the same machine.
For future reference this was nothing I was doing, it was coded into the larger application to retain window states.
So it simply re-sized to either what it was or what it thought it should be.
Thanks for the help and suggestions either way.
I'm looking over some sample code in a cocos2d project. I had previous built a project using Core Graphics (Quartz) where coordinate (0,0) is the upper left corner of the screen. In this project, if I use CGPointMake(0,0) it is in the lower left corner. I understand that the coordinate systems are different, but where exactly would a program specify which coordinate system to use? What is the setting or method that actually makes this switch?
There is no switch. If you want to work with Cocos2D, get used to its coordinate system origin being at the lower left corner of the screen.
I've seen users make all kinds of attempts to "fix" this, either by hacking around in the Cocos2D source code, or by overriding the setPosition property of all nodes only to find out that this isn't enough. I bet all of them have been running into lots of issues, including the fact that whenever you need to re-use someone else's code, you're faced with making the necessary coordinate system fixes to that code as well. It's a never-ending struggle that is really not worth spending any amount of time in.
Instead, rather than changing the code, change your perception. Get used to a different coordinate system and thinking in it. Way easier and much less trouble for the future. After all, all you really need to change in your head is that the sign of the Y coordinate has changed.
I vaguely remember seeing something in OpenGL (not ES, which was still at v1.0 on the iPhone when I came across this, which is why I never used it) that let me specify which edges of my polygons were considered outlines vs those that made up the interior of faces. As such, this isn't the same as the outline of the entire model (which I know how to do), but rather the outline of a planar face with all its tris basically blended into one poly. For instance, in a cube made up of tri's, each face is actually two tris. I want to render the outline of the square, but not the diagonal across the face. Same thing with a hexagon. That takes four tris, but just one outline for the face.
Now yes, I know I can simply test all the edges to see if they share coplanar faces, but I could have sworn I remember seeing somewhere when you're defining the tri mesh data where you could say 'this line outlines a face whereas this one is inside a face.' That way when rendering, you could set a flag that basically says 'Give me a wireframe, but only the wires around the edges of complete faces, not around the tris that make them up.'
BTW, my target is all platforms that support OpenGL ES 2.0 but my dev platform is iOS. Again, this Im pretty sure was originally in OpenGL and may have been depreciated once shaders came on the scene, but I can't even find a reference to this feature to check if that's the case.
The only way I know now is to have one set of vertices, but two separate sets of indices... one for rendering tris, and another for rendering the wireframes of the faces. It's a real pain since I end up hand-coding a lot of this, which again, I'm 99% sure you can define when rendering the lines.
GL_QUADS, glEdgeFlag and glPolygonMode are not supported in OpenGL ES.
You could use LINES to draw the wireframe: To get hidden lines, first draw black filled triangles (with DEPTH on) and then draw the edges you are interested in with GL_LINES.