I've released several times already with quite a few commits but npms.io is not picking it up.
"maintenance": {
"releasesFrequency": 1,
"commitsFrequency": 0,
"openIssues": 0,
"issuesDistribution": 0
Anyone know why it's doing that?
Just wondering why this might be the case.
Looking over an entire media session between two WebRTC peers, it seems that some reports from the 'send' audio channel have null values for googRtt and packetsLost. Is there a reason for this?
"sendAudioChannel": {
"googCodecName": "opus",
"googRtt": null,
"bytesSent": 22636,
"packetsSent": 190,
"packetsLost": null,
"audioInputLevel": 0,
"googJitterReceived": null,
"googResidualEchoLikelihood": 0,
"googEchoCancellationReturnLoss": -100,
"googVoiceCaptureToPacketDelayMs": 0,
"googEchoCancellationReturnLossEnhancement": -100
This event is from half way through the call.
Could you please help me to solve problem with thic THINC-API?
I inspected my CNC with SCOUT and got following information:
What should i do to get access to data?
Your machine does not have the proper specification.
Custom API (CAPI)
Lathe and Multi-Tasking Machines: NC-B Spec No. 4, Bit 0
Machining Center: NC Spec No. 32, Bit 2
You can confirm in your program if a machine has this spec code enabled by using SCOUT:
bool HasCustomAPI = false;
if (Okuma.Scout.Platform.BaseMachineType == Okuma.Scout.Enums.MachineType.L)
if (Okuma.Scout.SpecCode.NCB.MachineSpecCodeFileExists)
if (Okuma.Scout.SpecCode.NCB.SpecFileIsValid)
HasCustomAPI = Okuma.Scout.SpecCode.NCB.Bit(
Okuma.Scout.Enums.NCBSpecGroup.NCB1MG, 4, 0);
else if (Okuma.Scout.Platform.BaseMachineType == Okuma.Scout.Enums.MachineType.M)
if (Okuma.Scout.SpecCode.NC.MachineSpecCodeFileExists)
if (Okuma.Scout.SpecCode.NC.SpecFileIsValid)
HasCustomAPI = Okuma.Scout.SpecCode.NC.Bit(
Okuma.Scout.Enums.NCSpecGroup.NC1MG, 32, 2);
if (HasCustomAPI)
// ...
The Okuma Open API (THINC API) requires this spec code to function.
It comes standard with machines sold in the USA.
For other counties, this is an option you will need to order.
Please contact your Okuma Representative.
I am using the Python client for the Google Sheets API to build a spreadsheet. I am able to create a new sheet and update values in it, but I have been unable to merge cells for the header row that I want.
top_header_format = [
{'mergeCells': {
'mergeType': 'MERGE_COLUMNS',
'range': {
'endColumnIndex': 3,
'endRowIndex': 1,
'sheetId': '112501875',
'startColumnIndex': 0,
'startRowIndex': 0
{'mergeCells': {
'mergeType': 'MERGE_COLUMNS',
'range': {
'endColumnIndex': 5,
'endRowIndex': 1,
'sheetId': '112501875',
'startColumnIndex': 3,
'startRowIndex': 0
body={'requests': top_header_format}
This is the code I am running. There are no errors. The response's replies are empty and the spreadsheet doesn't have merged cells. The documentation is here.
Start indexes are inclusive and end indexes are exclusive, so by asking to merge row [0,1) you're saying "i want to merge row 0 into row 0", which is a no-op. You probably want [0,2), e.g:
top_header_format = [
{'mergeCells': {
'mergeType': 'MERGE_COLUMNS',
'range': {
'endColumnIndex': 4,
'endRowIndex': 2,
'sheetId': '112501875',
'startColumnIndex': 0,
'startRowIndex': 0
{'mergeCells': {
'mergeType': 'MERGE_COLUMNS',
'range': {
'endColumnIndex': 6,
'endRowIndex': 2,
'sheetId': '112501875',
'startColumnIndex': 3,
'startRowIndex': 0
If someone looking for doing merging with PHP, you can use this code below:
For merging cells first you will have to download the PHP library from composer as in their documentation ( https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/quickstart/php )
once installed follow their guide to set up your client to get authenticated.
//$client will be your Google_Client authentication, for more info check the documentation link above.
Use below code for doing merging of rows and columns
$service = new Google_Service_Sheets($client);
$spreadsheetId = '1jfUz2VMUUEt2s4BP2Ye'; //this is test spreadsheet it, use your spreadsheet id here
$rangeinst = new Google_Service_Sheets_GridRange();
$rangeinst->setSheetId(0); //your sheet id
$rangeinst->setStartRowIndex(1); // row index from where to start
$rangeinst->setEndRowIndex(11); //ending row upto which you want merging
$rangeinst->setStartColumnIndex(0); //start of column index, first column has 0 index like row
$rangeinst->setEndColumnIndex(4); //end of column upto which you want merging
$merge = new Google_Service_Sheets_MergeCellsRequest();
$merge->setMergeType('MERGE_COLUMNS'); //merge type request
$requestBody = new Google_Service_Sheets_Request();
$requestBatchBody = new Google_Service_Sheets_BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest();
$response = $service->spreadsheets->batchUpdate($spreadsheetId, $requestBatchBody);
echo "<pre>";
In the following snippet the first assertion succeeds and the second fails (bStat=False) even though the selection has actually succeeded (plane is selected)
What am I missing?
Thanks for advice/explanation
bStat = swDocExt.SelectByID2(FirstSelection, "PLANE", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, swSelectOptionDefault)
Debug.Assert bStat
bStat = swDocExt.SelectByID2(SecondSelection, "PLANE", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, swSelectOptionDefault)
Debug.Assert bStat
FirstSelection = "Front Plane#2x6 Wall-1#Assem1"
SecondSelection = "Front Plane#Assem1"
If make assumption that you performing this code as it written, then there is only one way to get "false" at second SelectByID2 is a typo.
Try to record a macro as you selecting this planes in the FM (if you select them in graphical area their ID probably will be left blank). After that, save your macro in a language you prefer and open it for editing and you will see through which ID you can access them.
And if you have code between those lines, then probably you've already selected this plane and you're trying select it second time and in this case selection returns false.
I declared the Box as: Box caja=Box.createHorizontalBox();
However the first layer the one that says FondoMenu.png is the only one showing and the Box doesnt show unless I put that JOptionPane showing it first, please some help (The BuscaImagen is a method I made that creates JLabel with my specifications)
capas.add(new BuscaImagen("FondoMenu.png", 0, 0), new Integer(0));
caja.add(new BuscaImagen("JUGAR", "FIz.png", 2, 40, 90));
caja.add(new BuscaImagen("SALIR", "FDe.png", 2, 40, 240));
caja.add(new BuscaImagen("INSTRUCCIONES", "FAb.png", 2, 40, 390));
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, caja);
caja.setLocation(60, capas.getHeight() / 2 - 10);
capas.add(caja, new Integer(1));
There is a nice write up on oracle on how to use Layered Panes. I hope this helps with your issue