How to Impersonate Impala queries on Superset - impala

I'm setting up Superset (0.36.0) in production Mode (with Gunicorn), and I would like to set up impersonate while running Impala queries on my Kerberized Cluster, to each user of Superset have privilegies on tables/databases like he has on Hive/Hue/HDFS. I've tried to set "Impersonate the logged on user" to true in my database config, but it's not changing the user that is running the query, it's always using the celery-worker user.
My database config is:
"metadata_params": {},
"engine_params": {
"connect_args": {
"port": 21050,
"use_ssl": "True",
"ca_cert": "/path/to/my/cert.pem",
"auth_mechanism": "GSSAPI"
"metadata_cache_timeout": {},
"schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload": []
My query resume in Cloudera Manager (5.13):
How can I enable Impersonate correctly in my Superset? Maybe there is something related to the config impala.doas.user in HiveServer2 connection, but I don't know how to config this properly.

I faced the same issue and I was to get it working for hive. The issue seems to be in the file located under the path ${YOUR_INSTALLATION_PATH}/superset/db_engine_specs
If you just comment out line 435, it should work. Unfortunately, I don't understand python well enough to tell you the exact reason.
I found this by brute force by running the source code and putting log statements
if (
backend_name == "hive"
# comment this line
# and "auth" in url.query.keys()
and impersonate_user is True
and username is not None
configuration["hive.server2.proxy.user"] = username
return configuration
Alternatively, if you do not want to modify the source code, you can modify the URL while creating the data source in superset as :
hive://<url>/default?auth=NONE ( when there is no security )


How to create script using Liquibase without providing the db details like url, user-name, password and driver?

I created the ddl scripts using liquibase by providing the input data base change log.
The code looks like this
private void toSQL(DatabaseChangeLog d)
throws DatabaseException, LiquibaseException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
FileSystemResourceAccessor fsOpener = new FileSystemResourceAccessor();
CommandLineResourceAccessor clOpener = new CommandLineResourceAccessor(this.getClass().getClassLoader());
CompositeResourceAccessor fileOpener = new CompositeResourceAccessor(new ResourceAccessor[] { fsOpener, clOpener });
Database database = CommandLineUtils.createDatabaseObject(fileOpener, this.url, this.username, this.password, this.driver,
this.defaultCatalogName, this.defaultSchemaName, Boolean.parseBoolean(this.outputDefaultCatalog),
Boolean.parseBoolean(this.outputDefaultSchema), this.databaseClass,
this.driverPropertiesFile, this.propertyProviderClass, this.liquibaseCatalogName,
this.liquibaseSchemaName, this.databaseChangeLogTableName, this.databaseChangeLogLockTableName);
Liquibase liquibase=new Liquibase(d, null, database);
liquibase.update(new Contexts(this.contexts), new LabelExpression(this.labels), getOutputWriter());
and my goes like this
As you can see, Liquibase is expecting a lot of db parameters such as url,username,password,driver, which I will not be able to provide.
How can I achieve this without providing any of the parameters. Is it possible?
No, it is not possible. If you want liquibase to interact with a database, you have to tell it how to connect to that database.
I investigated a little about the liquibase operation in offline mode. It goes like this.
Running in offline mode only supports updateSql, rollbackSQL, tag, and tagExists. It does not support direct update, diff, or preconditions as there is nothing to actually update or state to check.
An offline database is “connected” to using a url syntax of offline:DATABASE_TYPE?param1=value1&aparam2=value2.
The following code will suffice
Hence not providing the db details. Offline url can be made up from the store type.

How get raw SQL from sequelize migraions

I have a bunch of Sequilize migration files. All looks like:
module.exports = {
up: //up migration
down: //down migration,
Is there a programmatically way to get SQL queries from that files? It will be ok to use Node ecosystem. The only requirement do that automatically.
Why do I want do this?
I wan't to create SQL migrations from javascript files to put them into entrypoint of my Postgres base image for local development. And I don't want to put Node.js with Sequelize into my image which depends only on Postgres official base image from Docker Hub.
If you already have a database with the right schema, all you need is the schema. You can use pg_dump command to get the schema
pg_dump.exe -U username -d databasename -s schemaname> myschema.sql
You can now import this schema
psql -d database_name -h localhost -U postgres < myschema.sql
I know you're asking how to get this programatically but just exposing the raw SQL is valuable. I was able to get the raw sql (sorting this out led me to this question) by adding the key logging to the options object.
This is my migration:
await queryInterface.addIndex(
{ using: 'brin', concurrently: true, logging: console.log }
and the output from the migration:
== 20220311183756-create-brin-index-on-created-at: migrating =======
Executing (default): CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY "events_created_at" ON "events" USING brin ("created_at")
== 20220311183756-create-brin-index-on-created-at: migrated (0.019s)
Here is an example from their docs:
await sequelize.query('SELECT 1', {
// A function (or false) for logging your queries
// Will get called for every SQL query that gets sent
// to the server.
logging: console.log,
// If plain is true, then sequelize will only return the first
// record of the result set. In case of false it will return all records.
plain: false,
// Set this to true if you don't have a model definition for your query.
raw: false,
// The type of query you are executing. The query type affects how results are formatted before they are passed back.
type: QueryTypes.SELECT

Django 1.11 - how to print SQL statements with substituted variables

This question is different than log all sql queries
I tried logging configurations from the answers above they are not working as I would like them to work, so please read on.
What I want to do, is to make Django (1.11.x) debug server log SQL queries in such a way, that I can redirect them to *.sql file and immediately execute.
For this I need a SQL statements where all the variables are already substituted, so I DON'T want this:
WHERE some_column in (:arg1, :arg2, ...)
but I want this instead:
WHERE some_column in ('actual_value_1', 'actual_value2', ...)
Can you please help me figure out how to do this?
Please note, that I don't want the SQL query to be printed in the browser (in some debug app like django_debug_toolbar) but printed to the console.
Please note, that I don't want to type Django QuerySet queries in console - I want to type URL in browser, so make an actual HTTP request to Django debug server and see it printing a SQL query in such a way I can execute it later using SQL Plus or any other console tools.
I think the tool I just made would be perfect for you.
Install like this:
pip install --upgrade django-print-sql
Use like this in your view function:
from django_print_sql import print_sql
Class MyView(View):
def get(self, request):
with print_sql():
# and more....
This is a bit of a hack, because we have to strip the default django.db.backends log messages of the time taken and the args. After making these changes you should have a file of pure SQL that you are free to run as you wish...
First you want to set up your logging settings to reference our new log handler
'version': 1,
'handlers': {
'sql': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'class': 'my_project.loggers.DjangoSQLFileHandler',
'filename': '/path/to/sql.log'
'loggers': {
'django.db.backends': {
'handlers': ['sql'],
'level': 'DEBUG'
Then you need to define your new handler and strip out the unwanted text from the message.
from logging import FileHandler
class DjangoSQLFileHandler(FileHandler):
def getMessage(self):
msg = super(DjangoSQLFileHandler, self).getMessage()
return record.msg.split(') ', 1)[1].split(';', 1)[0] + ';'

hubot-auth not authenticating

I have just installed hubot and I'm trying some basic tests.
I have this basic script in /scripts:
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /myscript status/i, (msg) ->
if robot.auth.hasRole(msg.envelope.user, 'test')
msg.reply "Success"
msg.reply "Sorry. Need 'test' role."
I issue the appropriate Slack commands:
schroeder has test role
"OK, schroeder has the 'test' role."
myscript status
"Sorry. Need 'test' role."
I have:
tried to reverse the logic (if vs unless)
verified that the scripts are being updated (by changing responses)
verified that the redis backend is storing the role (connected via redis-cli and inspected the key).
After re-reading all the documentation and looking up bug reports I still cannot see what I'm missing. It has got to be something simple, but I'm out of ideas. It is almost as though the script is not able to view the stored role (hubot-auth can, but my script cannot).
Even though on start, hubot says that it is connecting to a local Redis server:
INFO hubot-redis-brain: Using default redis on localhost:6379
It isn't... At least not in a way that you would expect.
If redis is, in fact running, you should get an extra message:
INFO hubot-redis-brain: Data for hubot brain retrieved from Redis
That message does not appear and there is no warning or error that Redis is not running.
If you have not set up hubot-redis-brain properly, you will get strange errors and inconsistencies, like hubot-auth role check functions failing.
In addition, I found that even after I set Redis up properly, my test script did not work. Even though all the tutorials I found test the msg.envelope.user, this did not work for me. I needed to use the and resolve with the brain class:
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /fbctf status/i, (msg) ->
user = robot.brain.userForName(
if robot.auth.hasRole(user, 'test')
msg.reply "Success"
msg.reply "Sorry. Need 'test' role."

Not able to insert into MSSQL through grails application

I cannot get my simple grails application to do an insert into my table through a user that I created, even though I was able to run the query in SQl management studio just fine.
I get this error:
The INSERT permission was denied on the object 'mini_user', database 'Mini_test', schema 'dbo'
InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException: could not insert: [com.grailsinaction.MiniUser]; SQL [insert into mini_user (version, date_created, password, profile_id, user_id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)];
I am able to run the above query in management studio without any errors.
Here is my Grails configuration, although the problem seems to be on the SQL server side.
dataSource {
pooled = true
driverClassName = "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver"
dialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect"
test {
dataSource {
url = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://;instance=SQLEXPRESS;user=tester2;password=tester2"
I also placed the jtds-1.3.1.jar in "lib" (If I can figure this out, Ill probably switch to a maven dependency) and placed a runtime string in buildconfig.groovy.
dependencies {
runtime 'net.sourceforge.jtds:jtds:1.3.1'
Here is my attempt to give "tester2" any and all access:
I dont know what else to try. It seems like I have given that user unlimited access, so I'm not sure where these permission issues are coming from.
I noticed you are not specifying the database name in your conf file.
This is what mine looks like:
dataSource {
url = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://server1:1433;databaseName=MyDbName"
username = "user"
password = "*******Pass"
// logSql=true
Also, make sure that the User Mapping has been set up in the Security at the Server level and not just under the security at the DB level.
I didnt look carefully enough at the permissions. I had "db_denydatareader" and "db_denydatawriter" checked. Very simple...