How to create script using Liquibase without providing the db details like url, user-name, password and driver? - liquibase

I created the ddl scripts using liquibase by providing the input data base change log.
The code looks like this
private void toSQL(DatabaseChangeLog d)
throws DatabaseException, LiquibaseException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
FileSystemResourceAccessor fsOpener = new FileSystemResourceAccessor();
CommandLineResourceAccessor clOpener = new CommandLineResourceAccessor(this.getClass().getClassLoader());
CompositeResourceAccessor fileOpener = new CompositeResourceAccessor(new ResourceAccessor[] { fsOpener, clOpener });
Database database = CommandLineUtils.createDatabaseObject(fileOpener, this.url, this.username, this.password, this.driver,
this.defaultCatalogName, this.defaultSchemaName, Boolean.parseBoolean(this.outputDefaultCatalog),
Boolean.parseBoolean(this.outputDefaultSchema), this.databaseClass,
this.driverPropertiesFile, this.propertyProviderClass, this.liquibaseCatalogName,
this.liquibaseSchemaName, this.databaseChangeLogTableName, this.databaseChangeLogLockTableName);
Liquibase liquibase=new Liquibase(d, null, database);
liquibase.update(new Contexts(this.contexts), new LabelExpression(this.labels), getOutputWriter());
and my goes like this
As you can see, Liquibase is expecting a lot of db parameters such as url,username,password,driver, which I will not be able to provide.
How can I achieve this without providing any of the parameters. Is it possible?

No, it is not possible. If you want liquibase to interact with a database, you have to tell it how to connect to that database.

I investigated a little about the liquibase operation in offline mode. It goes like this.
Running in offline mode only supports updateSql, rollbackSQL, tag, and tagExists. It does not support direct update, diff, or preconditions as there is nothing to actually update or state to check.
An offline database is “connected” to using a url syntax of offline:DATABASE_TYPE?param1=value1&aparam2=value2.
The following code will suffice
Hence not providing the db details. Offline url can be made up from the store type.


Flask-migrate change db before upgrade

I have a multi-tenancy structure set up where each client has a schema set up for them. The structure mirrors the "parent" schema, so any migration that happens needs to happen for each schema identically.
I am using Flask-Script with Flask-Migrate to handle migrations.
What I tried so far is iterating over my schema names, building a URI for them, scoping a new db.session with the engine generated from the URI, and finally running the upgrade function from flask_migrate.
def upgrade_all_clients():
clients = clients_model.query.all()
for c in clients:
application.extensions["migrate"].migrate.db.session = db.create_scoped_session(
"bind": create_engine(generateURIForSchema(c.subdomain)),
"binds": {},
I am not entirely sure why this doesn't work, but the result is that it only runs the migration for the db that was set up when the application starts.
My theory is that I am not changing the session that was originally set up when the manager script runs.
Is there a better way to migrate each of these schemas without setting multiple binds and using the --multidb parameter? I don't think I can use SQLALCHEMY_BINDS in the config since these schemas need to be able to be dynamically created/destroyed.
For those who are encountering the same issue, the answer to my specific situation was incredibly simple.
def upgrade_all_clients():
clients = clients_model.query.all()
for c in clients:
print("Upgrading client '{}'...".format(c.subdomain))
db.engine.url.database = c.subdomain
The database attribute of the db.engine.url is what targets the schema. I don't know if this is the best way to solve this, but it does work and I can migrate each schema individually.

Creating a Sequelize Dialect for new Database

I'm pretty new to sequelize, though I've worked on node previously I did not use any ORM framework. At present I'm using new SQL DB(which is not supported by sequelize ) and want to connect it using node.js and sequelize( popular ORM for node.js ) by prototyping the existing dialects
The configuration is correct as I've tried it wihtout ORM.
The problem is after configuring the connection with properties the
sequelize.authenticate() doesn't throw any error but doesn't return a promise back
* Test the connection by trying to authenticate
* #error 'Invalid credentials' if the authentication failed (even if the database did not respond at all...)
* #return {Promise}
authenticate(options) {
return this.query('SELECT 1+1 AS result', _.assign({ raw: true, plain: true }, options)).return();
The return statement doesn't return anything. I've read this post how to create a new dialect. Though it says it is not encouraged to create a new dialect and throws an error if we try to, I think there must be a way to create because if it can be created for other SQL databases then may be there should be a way to do it. This is an open source project on github. Did anyone previously work on this any help is appreciated. Thanks in Advance
Only the 5 dialects are supported and an error will be thrown if you try and use NewSQL.
There is a lot of code in Sequelize to construct queries based on the dialect, so even if you could get past the error (such as forking the repo and changing it) the likelihood of everything working as you expect (or as is documented) is low.
I suggest posting an issue on GitHub to bring that dialect to the project.

Updating Data Source Login Credentials for SSRS Report Server Tables

I have added a lot of reports with an invalid data source login to an SSRS report sever and I wanted to update the User Name and Password with a script to update it so I don't have to update each report individually.
However, from what I can tell the fields are store as Images and are encrypted. I can't find anything out about how they are encrypted or how to update them. It appears that the User Name and password are stored in the dbo.DataSource tables. Any ideas? I want the script to run in SQL.
Example Login Info:
I would be very, very, VERY leery of hacking the Reporting Services tables. It may be that someone out there can offer a reliable way to do what you suggest, but it strikes me as a good way to clobber your entire installation.
My suggestion would be that you make use of the Reporting Services APIs and write a tiny app to do this for you. The APIs are very full-featured -- pretty much anything you can do from the Report Manager website, you can do with the APIs -- and fairly simple to use.
The following code does NOT do exactly what you want -- it points the reports to a shared data source -- but it should show you the basics of what you'd need to do.
public void ReassignDataSources()
using (ReportingService2005 client = new ReportingService2005)
var reports = client.ListChildren(FolderName, true).Where(ci => ci.Type == ItemTypeEnum.Report);
foreach (var report in reports)
SetServerDataSource(client, report.Path);
private void SetServerDataSource(ReportingService2005 client, string reportPath)
var itemSources = client.GetItemDataSources(reportPath);
if (itemSources.Any())
new DataSource[] {
new DataSource() {
Item = CreateServerDataSourceReference(),
Name = itemSources.First().Name
private DataSourceDefinitionOrReference CreateServerDataSourceReference()
return new DataSourceReference() { Reference = _DataSourcePath };
I doubt this answers your question directly, but I hope it can offer some assistance.
MSDN Specifying Credentials
MSDN also suggests using shared data sources for this very reason: See MSDN on shared data sources

Need information about JPA based transaction for dynamic SQL table

Firstly, I would like to state our environment details.
We are trying to use EJB-hibernate with sql Azure to create apps on Azure cloud using Eclipse.
We needed to create and transact on databases dynamically. We are able to create databases dynamically. However, on trying to transact on these we are getting an error:
"java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for connection url"
When we tried statically transacting using jpa was not a problem. However, dynamic transactions cannot be done. The entitymanager object is created but not able to connect database.
Could someone help us and explain how we can handle transactions using JPA for dynamically created databases.
[edit] We are using the following persistence.xml:
java:jboss/EDS</jta-data-source> -->
value="org.hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory" />
value="org.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup" />
Our code to connect to the db is as follows:
Map configOverrides = new HashMap();
configOverrides.put("hibernate.connection.password", "");
configOverrides.put("hibernate.connection.username", "");
configOverrides.put("hibernate.connection.url", "jdbc:sqlsever://;" + "databaseName=;user=;password=");
EntityManagerFactory factory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(ENTERPRISE_UNIT_NAME, configOverrides);
Please note that we are trying to create and connect to db dynamically and hence to do not the db created statically.
For this we are getting the error:
"java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for connection url"
Create a persistence.xml with a persistence unit and put everything there which is static (eg database dialect, logging parameters, etc.)
Then use the following method to create the entity manager:
javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(String persistenceUnitName, Map properties);
Supply the variable parameters in the map, like this:
properties.put("hibernate.connection.url", "jdbc:postgresql://");
properties.put("hibernate.connection.username", "joe");
properties.put("hibernate.connection.password", "pass");

Fluent NHibernate - Empty Schema SQL Files

I am still quite confused about NHibernate schema export and creation. What I want to achieve is to export schema drop-create sql file AND/OR recreate database schema depending on the application configuration.
Obviously I started with
private void BuildSchema(NHConf.Configuration cfg){
var schema = new SchemaExport(cfg);
schema.Create(true, true);
schema.Drop(true, true);
But recently I have figured out, that what actually causes my schema to recreate is NHConf.Environment.Hbm2ddlAuto set to 'create' and SchemaExport has nothing to it.
Also the files with exported SQL schema exists but they are all empty (0KB), which is my main issue, as I manage schema recreation by Hbm2ddlAuto property.
Any ideas?
The BuildSchema method is called just before cfg.BuildSessionFactory()
I use FluentNHibernate with NH 3.1 and Oracle 11g
in your method you execute drop-create and then drop and also enabled writing to database.
this is enough to create the files, make sure you set filename correctly
new SchemaExport(config)
.Create(false, false);
to create it in database, this works for me
new SchemaExport(config).Create(false, true);
If you are using Fluent configuration, check your mapping file for:
In my case I commented this line and schema export to file now works!
This post moved me in the right direction:
The next interesting feature is SchemaAction.None(). When developing our applications I have an integration test that is used to build all our default schema. I DONT want these table to be generated in our schema, they are external. SchemaAction.None() tells NHibernate not to create this entity in the database.