like i having table1 in that amount column is there but how much amount is there in that column i dont know to display top 10 high amounts [closed] - sql

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Closed 2 years ago.
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like i having table 1 in that amount column is there but how much amount is there in that column i dont know to display top 10 high amounts using sql

As the question misses some details,
SELECT TOP 10 Amounts FROM India_Base


Find distinct from multiple columns [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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I have 2 columns called price and PID in database called seatinginfo.
Both columns will have multiple of the same values like
pid 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3
price 10,10,30,40,60,80,70,90,90,90,90 etc
I'm looking to make a query that will give me a list of all unique prices and pick just 1 or the max connected pid.
So example I only want one price,pid like 10,1 30,1 40,1 60,2 etc
This is probably as simple as basic aggregation. Something like this should work based on the pretty vague details.
select price
, max(pid)
from YourTable
group by price

How to insert more than one value into one column using SQL Server [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need to insert more than one value in columns SellPrice1, SellPrice2.
Because maybe one of my items has 2 or 3 sell prices.
You could either add an [ItemSalePrice3] column, but that could go on for ever, and you usually don't want your DB to grow horizontally instead of vertically.
I would personally add a table like:
item_id price
1 1,50
1 2,00
2 4,00
And add an entry to that table for each price an item has.

Write a query that select all events ordered by a particular customer in SQL [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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In SQL how we will write a query that selects all events ordered by a particular customer. Kindly help me there.
The table's name is events?...
Select * from events order by custumers asc
if not
select events from Table order by custumers asc

How to get total count of orders placed on spesific date using Raw query [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have ORDER Table in which I am saving Orders date wise.
Now I want total number of orders placed on specific date
How to do that
Pls Help...
Try this:-

Problems with SQL query finding three names with the most records [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a table and I want to display the 3 names (Ted, Ringo, Paul) that have the most records using an SQL query.
It's a primitive question, but please help me.
my table:
FROM YourTable