Running data downloading on background thread - api

Im building a new app and since i want it to be smooth as everyone, I want to use a background thread that would be responsible for all the data downloading using restsharp. Im also following the MVVM pattern.
I've been reading a lot about and how to use it properly and the whole async-await topic. But since Im new to all this, Im not sure how I should procceed to do things right. I have a lot of code so I will breifly try to explain what Im doing and then put a snippet.
So I started with creating a service class that contains all the functions that are using restsharp to get the data. And inside my ViewModel Im calling those functions in the very begining. Im trying to use tasks and run those functions on the background thread but the app get blocked on the splash screen. And abviously thats because Im doing things wrong ... so I decided to ask you guys.
I have this function for exemple :
public string GetResPor()
var restClient = new RestClient { BaseUrl = new Uri("") };
var request = new RestRequest
Resource = "getCliPor",
Method = Method.GET
request.AddParameter(new Parameter { Name = "idt", Value = GetImAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(), Type = ParameterType.GetOrPost });
var result = restClient.Execute(request);
Port = result.Content;
return Port;
When I convert this on a Task :
public async Task<string> GetResPor()
var restClient = new RestClient { BaseUrl = new Uri("") };
var request = new RestRequest
Resource = "getCliPor",
Method = Method.GET
request.AddParameter(new Parameter { Name = "idt", Value = GetImAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(), Type = ParameterType.GetOrPost });
var result = await restClient.ExecuteTaskAsync(request);
Port = result.Content;
return Port;
on the ViewModel I start by creating a new instance of my service class and then:
Port = RD.GetRestauPort().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
And this is where the app get blocked, no exceptions no nothing.

To keep things simple, let's start with the basics. The easiest thing to do, in order to run something in a background thread, is to call it inside a Task.Run(). What this does is:
Queues the specified work to run on the ThreadPool and returns a task or Task<TResult> handle for that work.
Basically, you are delegating your work to the TreadPool and it handles everything for you - looks for a worker, waits for the worker to finish its job (on a new thread) and then notifies you of the result.
So, basically, whatever you want to be in a background thread, the simples solution will be to wrap it inside a Task.Run() and await its result, in case you need it.
Also, avoid using GetAwaiter().GetResult(). The simple rule in asynchronous programming is - if you can await, await all the way up.
You can read more about the topics in
this SO post
Advanced Tips for Using Task.Run With Async/Await
Using Task.Run in Conjunction with Async/Await


Set value configuration.GetSection("").Value from header request

I need to set in my core configuration a value from the header in every request.
I'm doing like so:
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
var companyId = context.Request.Headers["companyid"].ToString().ToUpper();
configuration.GetSection("CompanyId").Value = companyId;
await next(context);
It works fine. But is this the proper way? In case of multiple request at same time is there a risk of messing the values? I've searched around but couldn't find an answer.
I'm using .Net 3.1.
As far as I know, the appsetting.json value is a global setting value, you shouldn't be modifying global state per request, this action is not thread safe. At some point, you will face a rice condition.
If you still want to use this codes, I suggest you could try to add a lock. Notice: This will make your Invoke method very slowly.
Details, you could refer to below codes:
private static Object _factLock = new Object();
lock (_factLock)
Configuration.GetSection("CompanyId").Value = "";

Can't get SignalR client events published with Aurelia Event Aggregator

I have a single page app based on Aurelia and I'm trying to get it to work with an existing SignalR backend. I've downloaded the SignalR javascript client and integrated it with the Aurelia app manually (i.e. I'm not using a proxy file). I'm able to connect to the SignalR hub and see the arrvive messages in the console.... so far so good. Now, I'm trying to use the Aurelia Event Aggregator so that when a new hub message arrives an event is fired and any components of the app subscribed to that particular event will do some work. The issue is that the SignalR event callback doesn't seem to be able to access the Event Aggregator object. Here's the code to illustrate the issue:
//Import statements omitted for brevity
#inject (EventAggregator)
export class MyService{
constructor(eventAggregator) {
this.ea = eventAggregator;
this.connection = $.hubConnection("http://localhost:8080/signalr", { useDefaultPath: false });
this.hub = this.connection.createHubProxy("myHub");
//Register a callback function to fire when a new hub message arrives
this.hub.on("sendMessage", this.processHubMessage);
//No issues so far - all this constructor code works fine
processHubMessage(message) {
// This doesn't work - this.ea is undefined in the scope of this function
this.ea.publish('deviceStatusUpdate', message);
The event aggregator object referenced within the callback function is not defined - I assume because it's not being called within the scope of the class. Is there a way to resolve this? How do I give the callback function access to the class properties (this.ea in my example).
Try using
this.hub.on("sendMessage", (message) => this.processHubMessage(message));
It's failing on you due to how this isn't what you're expecting it to be. By using a fat arrow function, this is what you expect it to be. This is a really frustrating part of JavaScript, but fat arrows provide a simple workaround for it.
I think you are missing the 'start' for your Proxy, also you may need to alias your view model to pass to the HubProxy.
This works for me:
this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
var signalrAddress = 'https://pathToYouServer';
var hubName = 'yourHubsName';
var connection = $.hubConnection(signalrAddress);
var eventHubProxy = connection.createHubProxy(hubName);
var vm = this;
eventHubProxy.on('yourBroadcastMessage', function(data) {

.Net 4.5 Await Breakpoints

I couldn't find a full example for PostAsync so I had to piece one together. Therefore, I am not sure if what I am viewing is a limitation with the debugger or I simply did it wrong.
This is what I am trying to do:
I have to go through a list and make a web service call for each item on the list. My thought is that I could use the new 4.5 async stuff to keep it flowing without blocking during each call to the web service.
I've done a tone of research and watched Jon Skeet's video on TekPub, but I'm still not sure if I am doing this correctly. That is, when I set break points my async method never returns control to the caller. It basically seems to go along exactly as my synchronous version.
Is it normal for the debugger to appear synchronous or does that indicate my code is not implemented correctly?
Here is my Post method:
Public Async Function PostSecureXMLAsync(ByVal username As String, ByVal password As String, ByVal XMLtoSend As String) As Task(Of String)
Dim content = New StringContent(XMLtoSend, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml")
Dim credentials = New NetworkCredential(username, password)
Dim handler = New HttpClientHandler() With {.Credentials = credentials}
Using client = New HttpClient(handler)
Using response = client.PostAsync(APIurl, content).Result
Return Await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()
End Using
End Using
End Function
This is how it is being used:
For Each ListItem In ListObj
Result = XMLExchangeObj.PostSecureXMLAsync(Username, Password, Payload).Result
I was expecting control to return to the For Each loop while it was waiting for replies from the Web Service, but based on my break points it seems to be running synchronously.
When you're working with Async, you don't want to call Wait or Result. Instead, you should use Await. I see one Result in PostSecureXMLAsync:
Using client = New HttpClient(handler)
Using response = Await client.PostAsync(APIurl, content) ' Changed to Await
Return Await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()
End Using
End Using
And there's another one when you call your Async method:
Result = Await XMLExchangeObj.PostSecureXMLAsync(Username, Password, Payload)
This does mean that your calling method must also be Async, which means any methods that call that method should use Await, and must also be Async, etc. This "growth" through your code is perfectly normal. Just allow Async to grow until you reach a natural stopping point (usually an event handler, which you can make Async Sub).

RavenDB IsOperationAllowedOnDocument not supported in Embedded Mode

RavenDB throws InvalidOperationException when IsOperationAllowedOnDocument is called using embedded mode.
I can see in the IsOperationAllowedOnDocument implementation a clause checking for calls in embedded mode.
namespace Raven.Client.Authorization
public static class AuthorizationClientExtensions
public static OperationAllowedResult[] IsOperationAllowedOnDocument(this ISyncAdvancedSessionOperation session, string userId, string operation, params string[] documentIds)
var serverClient = session.DatabaseCommands as ServerClient;
if (serverClient == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot get whatever operation is allowed on document in embedded mode.");
Is there a workaround for this other than not using embedded mode?
Thanks for your time.
I encountered the same situation while writing some unit tests. The solution James provided worked; however, it resulted in having one code path for the unit test and another path for the production code, which defeated the purpose of the unit test. We were able to create a second document store and connect it to the first document store which allowed us to then access the authorization extension methods successfully. While this solution would probably not be good for production code (because creating Document Stores is expensive) it works nicely for unit tests. Here is a code sample:
using (var documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore
{ RunInMemory = true,
UseEmbeddedHttpServer = true,
Configuration = {Port = EmbeddedModePort} })
var url = documentStore.Configuration.ServerUrl;
using (var docStoreHttp = new DocumentStore {Url = url})
using (var session = docStoreHttp.OpenSession())
// now you can run code like:
// session.GetAuthorizationFor(),
// session.SetAuthorizationFor(),
// session.Advanced.IsOperationAllowedOnDocument(),
// etc...
There are couple of other items that should be mentioned:
The first document store needs to be run with the UseEmbeddedHttpServer set to true so that the second one can access it.
I created a constant for the Port so it would be used consistently and ensure use of a non reserved port.
I encountered this as well. Looking at the source, there's no way to do that operation as written. Not sure if there's some intrinsic reason why since I could easily replicate the functionality in my app by making a http request directly for the same info:
HttpClient http = new HttpClient();
http.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8080");
var url = new StringBuilder("/authorization/IsAllowed/")
http.GetStringAsync(url.ToString()).ContinueWith((response) =>
var results = _session.Advanced.DocumentStore.Conventions.CreateSerializer()
new RavenJTokenReader(RavenJToken.Parse(response.Result)));

I need help testing NServiceBus.Send(command).Register(delegate) in a MVC 4 Web API service call

I'm implementing a call to NServiceBus.Send() inside a MVC 4 Web API Service call. I'm doing this in .Net 4, so I don't have access to C# 5 features (async, etc.).
I'm very new to Moq, so I'd appreciate some advice creating the correct way to Setup Moq for this. I did look at [Mocking a delegate wrapper using Moq][1] and [Testing Bus Send in an application using NServiceBus][2] but my understanding of Moq is still to primitive to adapt for my testing needs, especially with the Tasks involved to deal with the asynchronous calls:
public Task<HttpResponseMessage> Post(Command command)
var commandCompletion = new TaskCompletionSource<HttpResponseMessage>();
var commandCompletionTask = commandCompletion.Task;
Bus.Send(command).Register<CommandResult>(status =>
var response = new HttpResponseMessage { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode(status) };
return commandCompletionTask;
I run into trouble because I don't know how to reference the commandCompletionTask within the mockedBus... My failed attempt looks like this:
_commandController = new CommandController(MockBus.Object);
MockBus.Setup(b => b.Send(It.IsAny<ICommand>()).Register<CommandResult>((Action<CommandResult> s) =>
var response = new HttpResponseMessage { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode(s) };
Writing this allowed my brain to come up with a couple of ideas...
To Moq TaskCompletionSource, but that doesn't have an interface, so can't be Moq'd apparently.
To use a real TaskCompletionTask, (which allows me to test for the Task returned from CommandController.Post()). Sadly this didn't work any better, as I get an error from LINQ as it tries to process the delegate.