How do I set the $edgeAgents schema number on a Create Deployment - azure-iot-hub

When I create an "IoT device configuration" for deployment to multiple edge devices I can see the deployment "Configuration Details" which look ok.
However when i actually go to make a deployment it appears to set the schema of the $edgeAgent to 1,0 not 1.0 (note the comma)
"modulesContent": {
"$edgeAgent": {
"properties.desired": {
"modules": {},
"runtime": {
"settings": {
"minDockerVersion": "v1.25"
"type": "docker"
"schemaVersion": "1,0",
on the documentation it says that the schemaVersion: Has to be "1.0"
When I deploy the device configuration it seems to continually come back with an IoTEdge status of
412 -- The deployment configuration schema version is invalid
I cant seem to find where I can change the property to be the correct value
Any ideas?

Sorry for the inconvenience caused, this is now fixed. Please continue/try creating New IoT Edge deployment from Azure portal-->IoT Hub and leave a comment here if you need further help on this matter. Thanks for your patience.


Process migration isen't working in the current version? (

I try to migrate a process from one azure devops org to another with the Azure DevOps Migration Tool.
In the answer for this question it is said if you run this command migration.exe init --options Full you get the complete configuration options that are available. But in the created configuraition file I can't find a processor for the process migration.
In your GitHub documentation there are hints that it should be possible, so I am a little confused.
Are they diffrent versions on GitHub and Chocolatey?
If I compare the version number and the release date (on the sites) then it seems they have the same version.
In the code from GitHub I found the ProcessDefinitionProcessor and tryed to find the correct configuration.
At the end i got this error:
Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Type specified in JSON 'MigrationTools.Processors.ProcessDefinitionProcessor, MigrationTools.Clients.AzureDevops.Rest, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not compatible with 'MigrationTools._EngineV1.Configuration.IProcessorConfig, MigrationTools, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Path 'Processors[1].$type', line 150, position 43.
With this configuration:
"Processors": [
"$type": "ProcessDefinitionProcessor",
"Enabled": true,
"Processes": {
"Version": "11.11",
The Azure DevOps Migration tools does not migrate the Process, just the Work Items.
You can use the Microsoft project process-migrator to migrate the process.

Sanity preview not working when I add or change content in Sanity Studio

I've been trying to get live preview in Sanity to work for several days now, without luck.
It works like a charm when I follow this tutorial:
But when I create a starter blog like this one: sanity-template-gatsby-blog, it does not work at all.
I've followed three tutorials, but it always fails, even if I do exactly the same.
This is my gatsby-config:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: "gatsby-source-sanity",
options: {
token: "ABC123", //this is a dummy for this post
watchMode: true,
overlayDrafts: true
When I create a new post and click "web preview", I get a 404
It does not help to click publish, and I can't see any changes on the local host.
Changes to existing posts are also not visible.
I have to restart the server every time I want to see the changes. That's not the case with the first template I mentioned, but that one crashes when I try to install Sanitys code-input plugin, which I need.
Thanks in advance!
I finally solved it by following this post:
A nice step by step guide that creates a Gatsby and Sanity starter that works with watch mode and drafts mode.
The preview environment must be rebuilt when you create a new page.
That's a new static html file to be built. This is different from live preview updates, which amend the page data client-side.
UPDATE: Sanity + Gatsby Cloud Live Preview is a known bug at the moment. I guess we join the Slack channel to hear when they fix it?

error: no browser selected to run against, but i mentioned it in .testcafe.json

I have created .testcaferc.json, I mentioned the browser and src in it. so I should be able to run tests without putting this in the command line.
But it does not seem to be reading my config file from the project folder.
"src": "c:/Testcafe/Login.js",
"browsers": "firefox",
"reporter": {
"name": "html",
"output": "reports/report.html"
"takeScreenshotsOnFails": true,
"screenshotPath": "/screenshots/"
Using locally installed version of TestCafe.
ERROR No browser selected to test against.
Type "testcafe -h" for help.
I should not ask for browser and test file parameter as both are provided in config file.
The configuration file is a feature added in v1.0.0. If you upgrade from 0.20.5 to 1.0.0 or later, you will be able to use the configuration file for your tests.
Release Notes:

plugin not found error in node.js command prompt

I have configured cumulocity.json as below:
"name": "Cumulocityexercises",
"availability": "PRIVATE",
"contextPath": "cumulocityexercises",
"key": "cumulocityexercises-appkey",
"resourcesUrl": "/",
"type": "HOSTED",
"tabsHorizontal": true,
"imports": [
but when I am trying to build the plugin:my plugin, I am getting an error like plugin not found. Can anyone help me with this please?
This is most likely linked to your project structure. It should look similar to the screenshot below and then you would need to run the command from the root level (cumulocity-enhanced-ui in the screenshot).
You need to run the following command to build a single plugin
c8y build:plugin <<pluginFolderName>>
c8y build:plugin dashboardUtils
Same goes for the manifest declarations. They need to match the plugin folder names (case sensitive)
What's exactly the command you are using to build the plugin?
If it is something like this:
$ c8y build:plugin docsplugin
docsplugin plugin not found
then you may check that your plugin directory has the same name as specified in the JSON file, i.e. cumulocity.json manifest file in the main app directory. A second manifest file goes in the plugin directory.
Note that you must execute the build command from the main app directory which in your case is cumulocityexercises, otherwise you will get the same error message.

How can I check latest available version of Symfony with any API?

I want to get latest available version of Symfony Framework. Can I get it with any available API (maybe with Composer or any web services)?
The official Symfony roadmap API can give you the most recent LTS, Stable, and Beta versions available.
Making a call to
Will return something similar to
"symfony_versions": {
"lts": "2.8.5",
"stable": "3.0.5",
"beta": "3.1.0-DEV"
"latest_stable_version": "3.0",
"version": "all",
"error_message": "Wrong version format (should be X.Y or X.Y.Z where X, Y, and Z are integers)."
Note that this is an undocumented use of the API, as you trick it by not supplying a valid version number. This prompts the API to return a JSON object listing the current versions. Although undocumented, I think you can safely use this because the Symfony project has a strong history of maintaining backwards compatibility. actually has an undocumented API. All you have to do is go to any package page and add .json to the URL.
For example, this is the page for symfony/symfony and its respective JSON formatted version.
The path "package"->"versions" is an object whose keys are version numbers and whose values are package description objects. These have a version_normalized key that you could use to sort the packages to find the latest version.
"package": {
"name": "symfony/symfony",
"description": "The Symfony PHP framework",
"time": "2011-09-29T17:29:54+00:00",
"maintainers": [
"name": "fabpot"
"versions": {
"v2.5.8": {
"name": "symfony/symfony",
"description": "The Symfony PHP framework",
"keywords": [
"homepage": "",
"version": "v2.5.8",
"version_normalized": "",
Packagist is your friend (that's where the composer stuff comes from)
2nd solution is via github API
more infos at