Force timeout SQL Oracle on users response - sql

I have a PL/SQL procedure which has a couple prompts which require the user to enter some information for processing. For example, item numbers, business units & so on.
This as well prompts confirmation at the end of the script.
This allows several users to rely on the same script to massively setup data for testing (projects & so...). However, there are some certainly couldn't-care-less users that would leave the COMMIT confirmation prompt open, thus locking the record & preventing other users from working.
When we go to the users that has the record locked (we can only identify them with help of a DBA Team, which takes a lot of time), we ask them to close their tabs, & it always shows:
Is there a way to force a timeout (via the same SQL script) when a specific timelapse goes, which would call my WHENEVER SQLERROR handler for automatic rollback?

You could try to limit the IDLE_TIME of the users to a short time. I've used 1 minute for the demonstration:
ALTER USER xxx PROFILE couldntcareless;
If the user is now idle for longer than a minute, the changes are rolled back and it's session is killed.
Social hint: I assume you won't make any friends with this feature. I normally indentify the offending users by a look in the database, contact them and tell them that they do block the work of colleagues. Usually they were not aware of the fact, are quite embarrased and tend to improve their behaviour. If you don't have permission to v$locked_object, speak to a DBA to create a view that filters out your table(s) and make this view available to you.
Technical hint: The system parameter RESOURCE_LIMIT must be set to enfource those limits, aparently directly in the PDB, and you might have to restart the database:


Delete a record after a period of time automatically in SQL Firebird 2.5?

We have a table which has Datetime stamp field when that record was created. How can we create a trigger or procedure to delete a record after 30 days?
Is there any advice how we can run this deletion scheduler?
Firebird doesn't have a scheduler. You will need to create an application that executes a clean up routine on a schedule yourself. You could do this as part of the normal application, or you could write a small application specifically for this purpose, and execute it with the scheduler of your OS (e.g. Windows Scheduled Tasks, or Linux Cron).
Firebird 2.1 introduced global triggers fired on database connection/disconnection and on transaction starting/ending.
While it is not exactly what you need it can be used to achieve similar results. Whether that similarity is good enough for you or not is for you to evaluate.
to delete a record after 30 days?
The question here is what you do specifically mean here. Would it still be okay, if the row is deleted in 31 day, in 40 days?
In our case, for a client-server office application, there was no time pressure and additionally there was no safe deletion as long as the programs had "documents" open.
We had to delete some global data, and while there were some marks in the database, which documents use them and which documents are currently opened - it was not very reliable. Which also meant that existing method of immediate delete occasionally could lead to application crashes.
So we reformulated a problem similar to yours the following way:
We need rows not deleted immediately but pending for deletion for 30 days or more. Those record would be rendered in the application in a special way, as a warning to users and also providing a way for them to cancel deletion, if they changed their mind (or if other users had different ideas).
The deletion would happen, in logic terms, "when there is no connected application". In technical term it could mean either "when first application is connecting, but before it started actual (business-related) work" or "when last application is disconnecting, after it ended doing actual work". We settled on the latter, we used on disconnect global database trigger.
We had not only main business-domain application, but a number of technical helper utilities. From the Firebird point of view there is no difference in them. So we had to modify "login sequence" in our main application: right after successful login it registered it's own CURRENT_CONNECTION into a special table. This is potentially slightly fragile.
ON DISCONNECT trigger used to do three actions:
it checked, if current_connection is in the table, and if it was - it called a special stored procedure, SP_LOCAL_CLEANUP.
it removed the current_connection from the table (it could had been BEFORE DELETE trigger then to call the procedure, but we decided our helper utilities should have a way to hook in, if they would need, so the call was put in the ON DISCONNECT trigger).
it checked if that table (known connected business-domain applications list) became empty, and if it did - called another special stored procedure, SP_GLOBAL_CLEANUP.
Those stored procedures were "umbrella" procedures, solely consisted of calls to different procedures, which did the actual work of checking for inconsistencies and fixing them. Like, removing marks "this document is opened for editing" if an application (or computer, or network) has crashed without removing the lock normal way. This way we could add or remove functionality without breaking Firebird object dependency chains.
In particular, one of the global sub-procedures looked into the "deletion pending" records, and deleted those "kept in recycle bin" for a time span running over 30 days. Actually, the records just had a column of planned deletion date and that could be more or less than 30 days, but that is technicality.
This meant that the actual deletion was happening "sometimes after 30 days" and it only happened when all main apps were shut down. When later those apps would be run again - they would re-read those global dictionaries tables in the updated, pruned state. The applications never again were in inconsistent state, using records removed from the database.
Potential fragile point: if users would not shut down application in the night, but just go home, it could mean there would never be a state "last application disconnected". This, however, would be a maintenance nightmare for their network admins (Windows updates and reboots, antivirus updates and reboots), so we documented the recommendation that those admins have to make sure at least once a week all the users went all together out of the database.
Potential fragile point: if the Firebird server crashes (not applications, but the server engine), then the "known connections" table would have stale values. We considered it not a practical problems, as then CURRENT_CONNECTION would be restarted as 1 value and go upward, eventually cleaning the table. But we also added a function into helper app, to use SYSDBA and monitoring tables and clean the table off non-existing connections.
You can re-use this framework if you do not have time pressure and you are okay if the actual deletion is deferred for a few days.
You can also use ON TRANSACTION START trigger instead, to shorten the delay to mere minutes, but I expect this would slow down your application badly, so would suggest against it.

Compact split/shared Access DB

I have a split (frontend .accdb + backend .accdb) Access 365 database which is shared among some users.
I would like to periodically compact/repair it via VBA, but i wonder what would happen when it is being used by more than one user at the same time.
I think it is impossible to do such thing when more than one user is connected, am I wrong?
How can I check if more than one user is connected? A semaphore system could be weak.
You need to make a small change in your front-end code that, for each user, periodically checks a back-end value signifying whether the back-end is available or usable. When I say periodically checks, it'd be best for this to be checked on every create, update or delete operation (reads are unimportant).
For example, I used to keep a tbl_Kvs (key-value store) in both the front-end and back-end for storing client and server global variables, and one of the keys in the back-end tbl_Kvs was dbReadOnly = 0 (zero representing false, the 'normal' mode of operation, allowing full CRUD access to users).
An admin can go in & set dbReadOnly = 1 (or any other non-zero value), which effectively puts the back-end into a read-only state from that point in time (providing your front-end code takes proper account of the dbReadOnly variable).
Now that your back-end file is effectively isolated from new writes, you can take a copy of it and compact/repair that copy at your own leisure, whilst the existing back-end is still serving users in a read-only fashion.
When all users have logged off, you can then switch the newly compacted copy of the back-end with the live one, and reset dbReadOnly = 0 to re-allow normal write operations.
If you don't want to wait for all users to voluntarily close their connections, you could re-code the front-end to close the application when dbReadOnly = 1 and then deny any new attempted connections (but I never really needed to use forced user booting for my scenarios).
A completely different option I used to use sometimes, was to have an event logging table in my back-end, and code in the front-end which logged all user actions (including opening & closing connections - logon & logoff). I then made an admin query which read the back-end events table, and produced a report of currently logged in users. I could then physically go round those logged in users and ask them to close the front-end for a few minutes whilst I did the compact/repair admin. This was a less strict approach I guess, better for when all the users were in the same building.

Oracle drop user check

DB: Oracle11gR2
OS: Linux
I want to drop USER1 Oracle user which is already locked for few weeks now.
I can run "drop user USER1 cascade;" to drop user but before dropping want to confirm nobody else is using or used objects after user was locked.
How to verify in Oracle that nobody is accessing or have accessed USER1 objects in last month or so?
Is there a db query/view available which we can use to make sure it's safe to run DROP command?
Ideally, you would have enabled auditing of accesses on the various objects when you locked the account and left that in place for however long you would need to feel comfortable. A month may be sufficient but there may be quarterly or annual processes as well that you need to consider.
Assuming that you didn't enable auditing at the time and don't want to enable auditing now and wait another month, there are less complete approaches that you may be able to use (with the understanding that those approaches are going to provide less certainty).
You can query v$segment_statistics joined to v$statname to look at a variety of statistics about the table segments. "db block gets" and "consistent gets", for example, would show you how many times some process did a current or a consistent read on a block in a table. But it won't tell you what did the reads-- the background job that gathers statistics, for example, might read the data from the table. Those tables should accumulate data since the database was last restarted which may be significantly longer or shorter than the time period that you're interested in. You can get a list of the available statistics in the Oracle documentation to fine-tune exactly what you want to look for.
You can query dba_hist_seg_stat rather than v$segment_statistics. That will break out the statistics by time period so it will tell you when reads and writes happened. But it won't tell you who did them. That also requires that you be licensed to use the AWR (otherwise querying the table may violate your license and create an issue if you're ever audited).
You can look at dba_dependencies to see if any objects depend on objects owned by the user in question. But that will only work for stored objects (views, procedures, etc.). It won't capture information about SQL statements that are submitted from applications or ad hoc queries issued by users.
If you don't want to enable auditing and wait an appropriate period, you may be better served revoking privileges on the user1 objects from whatever roles/ users have them rather than dropping the objects outright. That way if something blows up from lack of privileges, it's relatively easy to restore the privilege without getting the object(s) back from backup. You could also create a trigger on a permission denied error that told you where the request was coming from.

Firebird lock table / lock record

Suppose you have one table for a Desktop application and several users.
When a user opens a record, i want to lock this record. I have tried "WITH LOCK" statement. It works fine.
But when a second users want to update the same record, i want to put a message "Sorry, you cannot work on this order because it is locked. Somebody else has opened this record before you". Firebird waits the first user to commit/rollback. I don t want to wait. I want to put an error message. Is there a simple way to ask firebird record lock status ?
Is there a way to lock a full table ? Or to put a semaphore/mutex (like get_lock on mysql)
i have tried reserving on set transaction statement but it does not work.
My wish is to display a message to the user. Not waiting.
If you don't want to wait, then configure your transaction to use NO WAIT, or a wait timeout. However controlling business rules like this through database transactions is not advisable as it requires long running transactions which inhibit garbage collection, increases the chain of interesting transactions, and increases the chance of update conflicts.
I'd advise to use different options like:
First to update wins
Change detection (eg by a timestamp or record version counter which is also used as a condition in the update statement), and allowing the user to overwrite or abandon his update (or maybe merge)
Explicit reservation by updating the record (setting the username) in a separate transaction. This might require cleanup or the ability for a user to break the reservation (eg if someone had it open for too long).
Note that Firebird uses multi version concurrency control (MVCC), so explicit locking is not really natural. See also this answer to Locking tables firebird, delphi.
Locking tables using RESERVING should be possible, but I have never used it, so I am not entirely sure how to use it although you probably also need to specify FOR PROTECTED READ (see Interbase 6.0 Embedded SQL Guide, pages 70/71).

Single user mode "missing behavior" on SQL Server

I run a script provided by one of Microsoft employee to find out about which indexes need to Rebuild/Reorganize depending on the average fragmentation. I got back a reasonable list but while trying to rebuild some of them on a specific database I kept receiving errors :
The first idea I got is to set the database in single user mode, rebuild the indexes and then bring it back to life. Well that did not help because the database is being populated by a Windows service that ironically uses the same user I am connected with and the only available to me with enough permissions to do so. I am working on a corporate environment so the moon is a bit closer than getting another user credentials. I also cannot stop the service while executing my tasks because it is used for many other things.
My question is simple: How can I force single-user mode to force single connection source? In other words how to hide the database or eventually the SQL server from the service? It will correctly handle the absence as a network issue so I don't have to worry about that part.
I found a good solution to use that might help others. I start by getting the list of transactions with locks on the current table using :
USE [Your DB Name]
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks
The REQUEST_SESSION_ID is the ID of the session which has the lock set on the table. Then I run EXEC sp_who2 to make sure that the SPID is the one for the expected service. All I needed to do at the end was KILL <SPID> and rebuild the index. You might need to do it multiple time if you are building more than one index as the lock could be set again.
There is an ONLINE = ON/OFF option available when rebuilding indexes in SQL Server 2005 and above which controls how users can access underlying table which may solve your problem.
your problem is that the interface will only wait a certain amount of time before deciding to fail. I run into this all of the time.
You can try scripting the change and then running it manually, this will allow you to just wait until all of the locks are released by the users currently using the index. You will have to be careful though, an index rebuild locks the index for the time that it is running (unless of course you have enterprise edition, where rebuilds are online, and everything is made of money)