React-admin : Remove or add a custom toolbar in SimpleForm - react-admin

How can I remove default toolbar and add a custom toolbar as per my requirements and not get the default Save button with Floppy Disk in SimpleForm?
I am able to style the buttons and remove the icons on the toolbar but not able to proceed further as I am new to react-admin.

As mentioned in the documentation : React-Admin Toolbar, you can always override the default layout of the toolbar with toolbar={<CustomToolbarComponent />} props in the SimpleForm component.
As for disabling the toolbar altogether, you can use toolbar={false} in SimpleForm and that would remove it.
You can also let toolbar be false, and maybe add the CustomToolbarComponent inside the SimpleForm component.
Something like :
<SimpleForm toolbar={false}>
<FormComponent1 />
<FormComponent2 />
<CustomToolbarComponent />
As someone who was new to react-admin a few weeks ago too, please read the documentation thouroughly and their code and play with it, you'll come across the solution.


How can I alter FontAwesomeIcon properties outside the initial <FontAwesomeIcon /> call in React Native?

I currently have a modal where the user can pick from a large flatlist of icons. All have size: '45' and color: 'white'. When a user selects an icon, the modal is closed and their selected icon appears on the card (this feature is one that allows the user to create a custom card).
I then have a feature that allows the user to change the line colour from white to black and visa versa on the card to contrast with their selected background colour. I would also like the colour of the icon to change with the lines, but I cannot find a solution! The icon object itself is read-only and using a StyleSheet seems to only apply styles when it is referenced within the original call like:
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={archive} style = {styles.text} />
I can't seem to wrap it in a styled view and then change the style from there.
Any ideas on how to alter the colour? And the size while I'm asking?
You can make state like this :
const [style,setStyle]=useState()
You change state with user color, and apply it to your FontAwesome icon
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={archive} style = {style} />
Thanks for the answers! I ended up creating a library to reference and just passed the library prefix (fab, far, fas) and the icon name (coffee, archive, wifi). Then used:
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={[icon.props.icon[0], icon.props.icon[1]]} style ={blabla} size = {blabla} />
Meaning I can now manipulate the size and colour wherever I want! Very handy.

How to change the returnKeyType in react-native-gifted-chat?

I use GiftedChat from react-native-gifted-chat and I use the InputToolbar component to style the input. My problem is that I can't change the "enter" button on the keyboard with that. Should I use TextInput and make a separated button for Send instead of InputToolbar?
I found the answer but I will not delete this question because it took me a while to find one.
You can add textInputProps in the InputToolbar component:
textInputProps={{returnKeyType: 'send'}}

How to customize drop-down menu

I'm interested in determining if its possible for me to completely customize the drop-down that appears in response to a user typing text into a select2 text field (using the react-select component).
I want the text to generate output similar to what appears in Apple's Spotlight OS feature (see screenshot - in which I typed the text 'mini').
Is this possible using react-select and if so - how ? Are there samples ?
I found this repo ( ) which seems like it supports what I want to do - but its no longer supported.
Of course you can customize the contents of the dropdown with the components framework implemented into react-select. You have to overwrite the Menu component to add new content to the dropdown. You might also have to set some styles with the styles api.
const Menu = ({ children , ...props }) => {
return <components.Menu>
<div> My custom content </div>
{children} // This contains the `MenuList` component with the options
{ ... }
To achieve something like Apples Spotlight feature you have to do some more advanced customisation. This example shows a basic implementation of how you could do it.

Change style prop NaviagtionBar #shoutem/ui

I try to add shoutem to other app but when i work with NaviagtionBar and #shoutem/animation i got issue like picture below here:
this i got when using props style NavigationBar 'inline',
and here is my code:
link: restaurant.url,
but i dont want like that. I want props style is 'clear' for make tranparent navigationbar when start app, i still want show it when scroll down like this:
but when i change props style of NavigationBar to 'clear' i got this issue(when scroll down, NavigationBar still not show up):
Anyone can help me to resolve it?

Custom navBar using react-native-router-flux

I can't t seem to find any complete examples for creating your own navBar component and then wiring it up to react-native-router-flux. Can anyone help me out? Looking at the github issues it seems like this is a big need for the library. What I'm looking to do is:
Create a new component with a left button and an image to the right.
Have the button icon change depending on the scene, but use the same image to the right.
Wire it to react-native-router-flux so that the navBar displays properly and keeps track of the users position in the same way that the default navBar does.
This a similar problem I faced. No tutorials online that tell you how to use custom navbar. I have found a way that works for me. Try this:
<Router navBar = {MainNavBar}>
<Scene key = "home" component = {HomeScreenContainer} title = "Home" initial = {true} />
This is the code for main Root component where you define scene. You have to pass the Nav bar component in router or in any scene where you want your navbar.
And your Navbar will be something like this:
leftComponent = {<TouchableOpacity><Icon name="sidebar" /></TouchableOpacity>}
centerComponent = {<Title>{props.title}</Title>}
Hope this helps :)