How to customize drop-down menu - react-select

I'm interested in determining if its possible for me to completely customize the drop-down that appears in response to a user typing text into a select2 text field (using the react-select component).
I want the text to generate output similar to what appears in Apple's Spotlight OS feature (see screenshot - in which I typed the text 'mini').
Is this possible using react-select and if so - how ? Are there samples ?
I found this repo ( ) which seems like it supports what I want to do - but its no longer supported.

Of course you can customize the contents of the dropdown with the components framework implemented into react-select. You have to overwrite the Menu component to add new content to the dropdown. You might also have to set some styles with the styles api.
const Menu = ({ children , ...props }) => {
return <components.Menu>
<div> My custom content </div>
{children} // This contains the `MenuList` component with the options
{ ... }
To achieve something like Apples Spotlight feature you have to do some more advanced customisation. This example shows a basic implementation of how you could do it.


React native Dynamic Menu with slider

I want to create a summary page in react native with different items, which will be displayed through slider with card. Im using intro slider library.
I dont want to set the title and content with static text, but everything has to come from server as JSON data and map items to card.
content = [{"title": "Title 1", "item1":"value1", "item2":"value2"},{"title": "Title 2", "item1":"value1", "item2":"value2", "item3": "value3"},....]
{ map(contents) =>item( implement card here and return)
What is best way to do this?
Need help with deciding json format and rendering it with map. No of items in each page, and it's name wont be be same always.
It should be a generic slider card which can display any title and items of any length and content.
Considering your case, I have developed a solution for you. Please try the following:
{, index) => (
<View key={index}>{item.index}</View>
If this doesn't work then try
{, index) => (
<View key={index}>{item[index]}</View>
This solution work regardless of the property name.

React-admin : Remove or add a custom toolbar in SimpleForm

How can I remove default toolbar and add a custom toolbar as per my requirements and not get the default Save button with Floppy Disk in SimpleForm?
I am able to style the buttons and remove the icons on the toolbar but not able to proceed further as I am new to react-admin.
As mentioned in the documentation : React-Admin Toolbar, you can always override the default layout of the toolbar with toolbar={<CustomToolbarComponent />} props in the SimpleForm component.
As for disabling the toolbar altogether, you can use toolbar={false} in SimpleForm and that would remove it.
You can also let toolbar be false, and maybe add the CustomToolbarComponent inside the SimpleForm component.
Something like :
<SimpleForm toolbar={false}>
<FormComponent1 />
<FormComponent2 />
<CustomToolbarComponent />
As someone who was new to react-admin a few weeks ago too, please read the documentation thouroughly and their code and play with it, you'll come across the solution.

CKEditor 5 copy selected content from one editor to another

I have two editors on the screen, one read-only. What I want to do is allow the user to select content from the read-only editor and paste it into the current position of the other by clicking a button. (the logic may manipulate the text which is one reason I don't want to use the system's clipboard.)
So far I have the function that is able to paste the text like as follows. (I am using the Angular wrapper which explains the presence of the CKEditorComponent reference.
doPaste(pasteEvent: PasteEvent, editorComponent: CKEditorComponent) {
const editor = editorComponent.editorInstance;
editor.model.change(writer => {
writer.insertText(pasteEvent.text, editor.model.document.selection.getFirstPosition() );
What I can't find from the documentation is how to extract the selected text. What I have so far is:
clickPasteSelectedPlain(editorComponent: CKEditorComponent) {
const editor = editorComponent.editorInstance;
const selection = editor.model.document.selection;
console.log('clickPasteAll selection', selection);
console.log('clickPasteAll selectedcontent', editor.model.document.getSelectedContent);
The selection appears to change depending on what is selected in the editor's view. The getSelectedContent function is undefined. How do I get the content?
With a bit of poking around I figured out how to do this. I'll document it here on the chance that it will help someone down the road avoid the process of discovery that I went through.
On the source document I have a ckeditor element like this:
<div *ngIf="document">
<ckeditor #ckEditor
[editor]="Editor" [config]="ckconfig" [disabled]="true"
<button mat-flat-button (click)="clickPasteSelectedPlain(ckEditor)">Paste Selected Text Plain</button>
In the component the function called on the click event is like this:
#Output() paste = new EventEmitter<PasteEvent>();
clickPasteSelectedPlain(editorComponent: CKEditorComponent) {
const editor = editorComponent.editorInstance;
content: editor.model.getSelectedContent(editor.model.document.selection),
obj: this.document,
quote: false
The PasteEvent is defined as an exported interface which I will omit here to save space. The content key will refer to a DocumentFragment.
Note that I am passing the CKEditorComponent as a parameter. You could also access it via an Angular #ViewChild declaration but note that my ckeditor is inside an *ngIf structure. I think that works well in Angular 6 but in the past I have had difficulty with #ViewChild references when the target was conditionally in the DOM. This method always works but use whatever method you want.
The event fired by the emit is processed with a method that looks like this:
doPaste(pasteEvent: PasteEvent, editorComponent: CKEditorComponent) {
const editor = editorComponent.editorInstance;
Because the content is a DocumentFragment the paste operation will include all formatting and text attributes contained in the selected source. But that's all there is to it.

How to style Placeholder Text in React Native (Tcomb Form Native)

I am using Tcomb Form Native for forms and putting auto tag for placeholder in the options. However I would like to change the style for the text displayed. Is it possible to change that ?
var options = {
auto: 'placeholders',
<TextInput/> takes a prop of placeholderTextColor additionally the placeholder text should inherit whatever styles you put on the TextInput see the following example here:

ckeditor with no toolbar with bootstrap and display Preview by external button in rails

I am about to use CKEditor for post functionality. But I don't need a toolbar for the post functionality. I need to provide a preview of the post that should be HTML version, preview functionality should be done by onkeyup/any button. And preview section will be below the CKEditor.
The mail purpose is to provide a formatted post to the user. If I am using textarea then it returns a string and I can not display as user entered in textarea.
You should use editor#change and editor#contentDom events. You should not disable the toolbar like
CKEDITOR.replace('editor1', {toolbar: []})
because it will disallow any type type of the content in your editor as the toolbar corresponds with Advanced Content Filter, unless you disable it by setting config.allowedContent = true, which is not recommended.
See the JSFiddle.
<textarea id="editor">
<p>Hello world! This is some link.</p>
<p>And there is some <s>deleted</s> text.</p>
<div id="preview"></div>
var preview = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'preview' );
function syncPreview() {
preview.setHtml( editor.getData() );
var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor', {
on: {
// Synchronize the preview on user action that changes the content.
change: syncPreview,
// Synchronize the preview when the new data is set.
contentDom: syncPreview
} );
/* Hide the toolbar with CSS */
.cke_top { display: none !important }
For ckeditor:
CKEDITOR.replace('editor1', {toolbar: []});
Another solution:
This is What Stackoverflow is using